Browse audiobooks narrated by Gavin Burns, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
How to Be Charismatic: 7 Easy Steps to Master Charisma Improvement, Confidence Charm, Body Language
Are you looking to up your game? Do you desire to be one of those people that the room stops when you walk in? Do you want the secrets of people who have charisma? “How to Be Charismatic” is a great guide to help you make a move from simply putting being part of the group to being the guiding force within the group. Often it seems as though those who are charismatic were just born with it. That they won some kind of genetic lottery and have all things working for them. What you do not know is that they often have lots of things happening in the background to help them be perceived in this way. Building your skills is about more than just simply putting a change in the way you look, but about changing internally also. It is about changing the way you communicate, both personally and professionally. This requires you as an individual to be open-minded and ready to change things in your life. YOU WILL LEARN: - What charisma is. - The importance of your body language. - How to exude charisma. - How to be self-aware. - The importance of embracing your weaknesses. - How to be strong without being arrogant. - Why passion is important to unleashing charisma. - How to unleash your curiosity. - Ways that positivity can propel you forward. - The power in authenticity. - How to look and sound the part. - And much more! To help you in becoming a more charismatic person, this guide goes through many actionable examples and strategies. As you press yourself to grow, you will find that there are so many experiences you have already had that will help formulate your ability to be successful. It’s time to take the plunge and grow!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Communicate Effectively: 7 Easy Steps to Master Communication Skills, Business Conversation &
Are you looking to up your game as a communicator? Are you struggling to get your message out, or not sure how to combat the nerves or having trouble getting your message across to others? “How to Communicate Effectively” is a great guide to help you make a move from simply talking to being someone who people admire and respect as an effective communicator. Mastering the skill of communication can be a complex and daunting task, but those complexities are broken down into 7 easy and actionable steps. When you communicate, there are many things to consider and so many levels to assess. As a person who is communicating a message or task, you have to gain the buy-in of the other party. As a person who is resolving conflict, you have to be able to assess the situation and not form a judgment in one way or another. YOU WILL LEARN - Why listening is an important step in communicating. - How to become an engaged listener. - Techniques for reading non-verbal signals. - Why it is important to understand non-verbal cues. - How to when you are feeling stressed. - How to manage your stress or nerves. - How to be direct. - Why confidence is important. - How to build your confidence. - Why building relationships is essential to effective communication. - The PIP approach for handling presenting or dealing with conflict. - And much more. Regardless of where you are on your journey as a communicator, this can provide you with a guide for success. The ball is in your court. Let’s see what you can do to make opportunities happen!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Manage Conflicts: 7 Easy Steps to Master Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, Mediation
Are you struggling to get those involved in conflicts to sit down and listen? Do you feel like every time you try to resolve a conflict; it just makes it worse? “How to Manage Conflicts” is a great guide to help you make a move from putting band-aids on problems to finding real resolutions. Resolving conflicts can be challenging. However, you can arm yourself with these 7 easy steps that will help you craft communication skills and learn the process to do more than just manage conflicts, but also to help to prevent them. As a person who is distressed by communicating a message or tasks, you have to gain the buy-in of the other party and get both parties to listen to each other. As a person who is resolving conflict, you have to be able to assess the situation and not form a judgment in one way or another. YOU WILL LEARN: - Why it is important to manage conflicts. - Why respect is important in conflict management. - How to recognize potential conflicts. - Why it is important to change the atmosphere. - Understanding different points of view. - Tips for recognizing different perspectives. - Skills for developing solutions. - How to implement actions plans. - Why following up is necessary. - And much more. To help you in becoming an effective manager of conflicts, this guide goes through many actionable examples and strategies. As you press yourself to grow, you will find that there are so many experiences you have already had that will help formulate your ability to be successful as a communicator. It’s time to take the plunge and grow!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Build Teams: 7 Easy Steps to Master Team Building, Employee Engagement, Teamwork Leadership &
Are you looking to build a high performing team? Are you struggling to get the right people in the right places? Do you feel like every time you try to build a team; you end up with a bunch of people who just do not want to work together? “How to Build Teams” is a great guide to help you make a move from simply putting people together to creating a collaborative group. As you go through these 7 easy steps, you will find that those you help see you as someone they can admire and respect. Building a team is about more than just simply putting a group of people together and telling them to work together. It is about showing them how their collaboration can improve their work environment, about how their communication and development can help their individual grow and achieve their personal and professional goals. This requires you as the leader to get their buy-in. To prove that they can trust you, and to prove to themselves very often that they are capable of more than they currently are doing. As you press yourself to grow, you will find that there are so many experiences you have already had that will help formulate your ability to be successful. YOU WILL LEARN: - The foundations for a great team. - Why communication is important. - How to establish your leadership. - Strategies for success as a team leader. - Why collaboration is important to your team. - How to get your team to connect. - How to maintain that connection. - Why feedback is important to you as a leader. - Why your team needs feedback too. - Why following up is necessary. - Team building exercises. - And much more. Regardless of where you are at knowing how to build a team, this can provide you with a guide for success. The ball is in your court. Let’s see what you can do to make opportunities happen!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Facilitate Groups: 7 Easy Steps to Master Facilitation Skills, Facilitating Meetings, Group D
Are you looking to up your game as a facilitator? Or are you considering starting a facilitation gig? “How to Facilitate Groups” is a great guide to help you make a move from simply putting people together for training to creating a collaborative group. Facilitation may seem easy, but there are many things that happen in the background that some do not consider. Arm yourself with tools that will help you craft communication skills and become an amazing facilitator. Facilitators today have to be prepared to learn and grow at a rapid rate. They have to be ready to take on the curve balls that are more likely to happen than not. Building your skills as a facilitator is about more than just simply putting a group of people together and telling them to solve the problem. It is about showing them how their collaboration can improve their work environment, about how their communication and development can help them grow individually and achieve their personal and professional goals. This requires you as the facilitator to gain their engagement and attention. To prove that they can trust you, and to prove to themselves very often that they are capable of more than they currently are doing. YOU WILL LEARN: - The foundations for facilitation. - Why flexibility is important. - How to know your audience. - Differences in learning styles. - Strategies for successful engagement of your audience. - How to maintain the energy of the group. - Ways to motivate learning and collaboration. - The importance of being neutral. - Skills to encourage interactions. - How to warp up your facilitation. - And much more. Regardless of where you are in your skills as a group facilitator, this can provide you with a guide for success. The ball is in your court. Let’s see what you can do to make opportunities happen!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Speak in Public: 7 Easy Steps to Master Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Business Storyt
Are you a new in public speaking or looking to up your game as a public speaker? Are you struggling to get your message out, or not sure how to combat the nerves of speaking publicly? “How to Speak in Public” is a great guide to help you make a move from a new speaker to being someone who people admire and respect as an effective communicator. Mastering the skills of communication can be a complex and daunting task, but with this, those complexities are broken down into 7 easy and actionable steps. When you are preparing for a speaking engagement, you have so many things to consider and so many levels to assess. You not only need to accomplish the tasks you are personally assigned but also navigate those that your audience expects, all along the way encouraging and motivating them to buy into your message. You have to walk a fine line between being a communicator and influencer. YOU WILL LEARN: - How to formulate a plan for public speaking. - Techniques for preparing a speech. - Developing the craft of public speaking. - How to recognize potential. - How to engage your audience. - How to read the body language of your audience. - How your body language affects your delivery. - How to build your confidence. - How to combat your nerves as a public speaker. - And much more! Regardless of where you are on your journey as a public speaker or if you’re just thinking about it for the future, this can provide you with a guide for success. It’s time to take the plunge and grow!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
Leadership Skills: 8-in-1 Bundle to Master Team Leadership, People Management, Public Speaking, Comm
LEADERSHIP SKILLS - 8 MANUSCRIPTS IN 1 BOOK, INCLUDING: 1) HOW TO LEAD A TEAM: 7 Easy Steps to Master Leadership Skills, Leading Teams, Supervisory Management & Business Leadership. 2) HOW TO MANAGE PEOPLE: 7 Easy Steps to Master Management Skills, Managing Difficult Employees, Delegation & Team Management. 3) HOW TO SPEAK IN PUBLIC: 7 Easy Steps to Master Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Business Storytelling & Speech Anxiety. 4) HOW TO COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY: 7 Easy Steps to Master Communication Skills, Business Conversation & Nonverbal Communication. 5) HOW TO MANAGE CONFLICTS: 7 Easy Steps to Master Conflict Management, Conflict Resolution, Mediation & Difficult Conversations. 6) HOW TO BUILD TEAMS: 7 Easy Steps to Master Team Building, Employee Engagement, Teamwork Leadership & Team Bonding Activities. 7) HOW TO BE CHARISMATIC: 7 Easy Steps to Master Charisma Improvement, Confidence Charm, Body Language & Charming People Skills. 8) HOW TO FACILITATE GROUPS: 7 Easy Steps to Master Facilitation Skills, Facilitating Meetings, Group Discussions & Workshops. BECOME A GREAT LEADER TODAY!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Lead a Team: 7 Easy Steps to Master Leadership Skills, Leading Teams, Supervisory Management
Are you a new team leader or struggling to get your team on track? Are you struggling to find your place as a leader, or not sure what it takes to lead a high-performance team? “How to Lead a Team” is a great guide to help you take the step from being the boss to being someone your team respects and admires. It breaks all the complexities of managing a team down into 7 actionable steps! While this guide provides you some pointers and tips for navigating your position as a leader, it also asks you to think and consider how you currently are leading. It helps you to evaluate where you are and what you, as an individual, need to change to push yourself to the next level. YOU WILL LEARN: - How to assess your management strategy. - How high performing managers track progress and goals. - How the empowerment of your team frees up your time. - Why it is important to grow your team’s skills and develop their talents. - How to encourage your team. - How to motivate and inspire your team. - How to be the example for your team. - How to get out of the boss zone and into the influencer zone. - And much more. To help you on this journey of achieving the goal of becoming an amazing leader, this guide goes through many actionable examples and strategies. As you press yourself to grow, you will find that there are so many experiences you have already had that will help formulate your ability to be successful as a leader. Now, it’s time to take the plunge and grow!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
How to Manage People: 7 Easy Steps to Master Management Skills, Managing Difficult Employees, Delega
Are you a new manager or struggling to get your employees on track? Are you struggling to get your people motivated, or not sure what it takes to push them to be high performers? “How to Manage People” is a great guide to help you make a move from being the boss to being someone your people admire and respect. Leading people can be a complex and daunting task, but those complexities are broken down into 7 easy and actionable steps. When you are managing people, you have so many things to consider and so many levels to asses. You not only need to accomplish the tasks you are personally assigned but also navigate those that your direct reports must accomplish, all along the way encouraging and motivating them to perform at high levels. You have to walk a fine line between being a micromanager and being their friend. Within these chapters, you have the autonomy to find out what that looks like for you. The guidance you can gain from this will allow you to grow personally and help you to take your team to that next level. YOU WILL LEARN: - How to set expectations for your people. - How to motivate your people to perform at higher levels. - Why it is important to continue to develop professionally. - How to recognize potential. - Why it is important, to be honest with yourself and your people. - How to get your people to share feedback with you. - How to provide constructive feedback. - Why sharing successes is important. - How to grow from failure. - And much more. Regardless of where you are on your leadership journey or if you’re just thinking about it, this can provide you with a guide to great success. The ball is in your court. Let’s see what you can do to make opportunities happen!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
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