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Oneness with All Life: Inspirational Selections from A New Earth
#1 New York Times bestselling author Eckhart Tolle highlights the most inspiring and beautiful insights of A New Earth When Oprah announced A New Earth as her 61st Book Club selection, it skyrocketed to #1 on the New York Times bestseller list, selling over five million copies in paperback and remaining at the top of the list for twenty-two consecutive weeks. In A New Earth, renowned spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle describes how our current ego-based state of consciousness operates. The purpose of this book is to bring about a shift in consciousness, or in his words, an awakening. An essential part of this awakening is the recognition of the ego, and our attachment to things, the past, and enemies. In Oneness With All Life, Eckhart Tolle has picked the essential phrases and paragraphs-the gems of the book-that he feels are most important and reorganized them so readers can focus on the most powerful ideas. It is the perfect gift for anyone with a well-worn copy of A New Earth who wants deeper insight into this seminal work.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
This program features interviews with Michael Bernard Beckwith, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Caroline Myss, Daniel Pink, Michael Singer, Bryan Stevenson, Eckhart Tolle, Iyanla Vanzant, Elie Wiesel, and Gary Zukav. Chapter Introductions are read by Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey says Super Soul Sunday is the television show she was born to do. "I see it as an offering," she explains. "If you want to be more fully present and live your life with a wide-open heart, this is the place to come to." Now, for the first time, the aha moments of inspiration and soul-expanding insight that have enlightened millions on the three-time Emmy Award-winning Super Soul Sunday are collected in The Wisdom of Sundays, a beautiful, cherishable, deeply-affecting audiobook. Organized into ten chapters - each one representing a powerful step in Oprah's own spiritual journey and introduced with an intimate personal essay written and read by Oprah herself - The Wisdom of Sundays features meaningful conversations between Oprah and some of today's most-admired thought-leaders. Visionaries like Gary Zukav and John Kabat-Zinn share their lessons in finding purpose through intention and mindfulness. World-renowned teachers like Eckhart Tolle and Michael Singer explain our complex relationship with the ego and the healing powers of love and connection; and award-winning and bestselling writers like Bryan Stephenson and Caroline Myss explore the beauty of forgiveness and spirituality. This unique audiobook, adapted from the print edition, includes a complete conversation between Oprah and a leading visionary on each chapter's topic, and Oprah Winfrey reads the original essay she wrote to introduce each chapter.
Oprah Winfrey (Author), Bryan Stevenson, Caroline Myss, PH.D., Daniel Pink, Eckhart Tolle, Elie Wiesel, Gary Zukav, Iyanla Vanzant, Jon Kabat-Zinn, PH.D., Michael Bernard Beckwith, Michael Singer, Oprah Winfrey, Ph.D. Caroline Myss, Ph.D. Jon Kabat-Zinn, Various Narrators (Narrator)
Wirkliche Veränderung beginnt in dir: Vortrag in Karlsruhe 2015
'In der inneren Stille ist kein Gedanke. Das ist die Essenz aller Spiritualität.' Wir können die Welt nicht im Außen verändern, sagt Eckhart Tolle, nur in uns selbst. Und wie tun wir das? Wir öffnen uns einen Moment lang für die innere Stille, für einen inneren Raum des Bewusstseins ohne Gedanken. Dann stoppt für einen Moment die Geschichte, die wir uns über uns selbst und die Welt erzählen, und wir erkennen, dass wir Bewusstsein sind. Diese Dimension des geistigen Erwachens wächst ganz leise, sie entsteht im Inneren und wird immer mehr zur Basis unseres Seins. Und mit der nötigen Wachsamkeit können wir erleben, wie sich unser historisches Selbst langsam aufl öst und wir immer mehr in dieser Dimension des formlosen Bewusstseins leben. Und nur in dieser Bewusstwerdung kann wahre Veränderung entstehen - für uns selbst und für die ganze Welt.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
Bewusstein wächst durch Herausforderungen: Vortrag in der Schweiz 2015
'Das Ego ist ein Wirklichkeit ein Freund. Es macht uns das Leben so schwer, damit wir bewusst werden.' Schwierigkeiten und Hindernisse gibt es immer. Doch wir denken oft, das Leben sollte ohne jegliche Probleme verlaufen. In diesem Vortrag fordert Eckhart Tolle uns heraus, alle Schwierigkeiten, die uns begegnen, als Herausforderungen zu sehen. Es ist nicht der Sinn des Lebens, uns glücklich zu machen, sagt er. Nein, gerade wenn 'alles schief geht' kommen wir oft mit unserer inneren Tiefe in Kontakt. Aber wir müssen nicht warten, bis das passiert - wir können diese Vertiefung und Bewusstwerdung auch ohne Probleme hier und jetzt erleben! Mit Beispielen aus seinem Leben und verschiedenen einfachen Übungen unterstützt Eckhart Tolle die Zuhörer, in einen inneren Raum der Gegenwärtigkeit einzutreten. Einen Raum der Tiefe und der Freiheit, der uns in jeder Situation - auch der schwierigsten - zur Verfügung steht.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
Entdecke deine innere Tiefe: Vortrag in Hamburg 2015
'Meine Worte weisen nur den Weg zu einer tieferen Dimension des Bewusstseins in dir.' In jedem von uns gibt es eine tiefere Dimension des Bewusstseins. Doch die meisten kennen nur das Ego, die Identifikation mit der Geschichte, die man über sich selbst und sein Leben erzählt. Sie leben nur an der Oberfläche, und wenn man nur an der Oberfläche lebt, muss man Angst haben. In diesem Vortrag erklärt und demonstriert Eckhart Tolle, wie man eine tiefere Dimension in sich selbst erkennen und vertiefen kann, in der es nur noch Freude gibt, Freude ohne Angst. Und wenn man ihm wirklich zuhört, kann man diese Dimension in ihm und um ihn - und letztlich auch in sich selbst spüren, hier und jetzt. 'Aus dieser Dimension zu leben ist die nächste Stufe der Evolution des menschlichen Bewusstseins.'
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
The Importance of Being Extraordinary
Taped on location in Hawaii, this audio program provides a rare opportunity to listen in on a profoundly moving dialogue between two of the three 'most spiritually influential people alive'* Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and Eckhart Tolle delve into everything from ancient spiritual texts to contemporary pop culture as they tackle questions we all wrestle with, such as Who am I? What is real? and What is the meaning of life? Yet even as they discuss weighty topics such as the economy and addiction, the mood remains graceful, loving, and even humorous. Through their combined wisdom and perception, Wayne and Eckhart bring you inspired lessons for an exhilarating spiritual awakening. This, according to Eckhart, 'consists of relinquishing identification with the conditioned mind through the cultivation of awareness.' Although these lessons are full of rich, philosophical insight, they are also very practical and can easily be applied to the individual listener and the world at large. For, as Wayne explains, when we 'create a world of extraordinary people who look beyond what they were programmed to become, we impact the entire consciousness of this planet.'
Dr. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle (Author), Dr. Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
Leben im Jetzt - aber wie? Teil 1: Vortrag in Karlsruhe vom 26. Oktober 2010
Atmosphärisch dicht und inspirierend wie nie zuvor: Wer Eckhart Tolle noch nicht live erleben konnte, wird durch die Mitschnitte der aktuellen Talks reichlich entschädigt. Er erfährt die unglaubliche Präsenz eines Weisheitslehrers, der - wie kein anderer - die Menschen anzieht: mit Würde, Bescheidenheit und einem unvergleichlichen Humor, der Herzen öffnet. Der Meister des JETZT führt unser Gedankenkarussel in die Stille und Weite des inneren Raumes jenseits von Zeit und Form und wird nicht müde, uns zu erinnern: Leben im Jetzt - das geht!
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
In the Presence of a Great Mystery
In simple language and with quiet humor, Eckhart Tolle explores the profound mystery of who we are. Eckhart begins this talk by presenting the problem we face as human beings: Almost all of us have created a rigid sense of identity based on our history, our mental interpretations, and our memories of the past. It is who we think we are, "our story," and we constantly support it with endless thoughts in habitual patterns.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
A New Earth: The Opportunity of Our Time
The best-selling book by one the 21st Century's most innovative and exciting spiritual thinkers, with over 6 million copies in print! With his bestselling spiritual guide The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle inspired millions of readers to discover the freedom and joy of a life lived "in the now." In A New Earth, Tolle expands on these powerful ideas to show how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world. Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence. A New Earth was an Oprah Book Club pick and reads as a traditional narrative, offering anecdotes and philosophies in a way that is accessible to all. Illuminating, enlightening, and uplifting, A New Earth is a profoundly spiritual manifesto for a better way of life-and for building a better world.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
Eckhart Tolle Findhorn Retreat
Catptured on Audio CD is a talk given by Eckhart Tolle at an extraordinary two-day retreat in Findhorn, Scotland. Tolle speaks on the subject of stillness and shows listeners how to find stillness in the present moment and enter a deeper dimension of peac
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
Living a Life of Inner Peace is a moving talk Tolle gave to 2,500 people in San Francisco in 2003. Words that are spoken from a state of presence can carry us into that same state. Herein lies the power of all true spiritual teachings. People will listen to these CDs again and again, and find that the words are always fresh and new, as if they were listening to them for the first time.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
In this original audiobook, bestselling author Eckhart Tolle continues to teach us how to let go of the past and future to live in the now. Tolle urges to shed our mind-based sense of self, enter the portals of the eternal present, and live vividly in the present moment. He guides us through these gateways: The Gateway of the Inner Body; The gateway of Silence; and The Gateway of Accepting This Moment. By moving through these openings, we will let the power of now transform our lives and achieve spiritual and psychological enlightenment. Gateways to Now includes a Musical Reflection CD which offers quiet contemplation time -- a chance to acquire a reflective anchor that intensifies the integration of the listening experience into our lives. This Musical Reflection CD features Resonance by Jorge Alfano's World Ensemble. Drawing from South America, Africa, Tibet, Japan and Spain this ensemble creates universal music that crosses all borders and musical styles.
Eckhart Tolle (Author), Eckhart Tolle (Narrator)
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