The Predator
THE PREDATOR written by PAT E. ROBINSON As a survivor of gut-wrenching inescapable domestic violence, Robinson has courageously stepped up to share her story in her book. She details the raw abusive, threatening actions and her distraught hopeless emotions that readers cannot help but feel alongside as she tells her story; many that may be relatable to readers. She had encountered violence in her own childhood but became emotionally resilient and fearless, until her life turned into a struggle when she met a man with a fatal attraction for her. Robinson was kidnapped, chained, beaten, sexually abused and controlled by this man’s remorseless evil nature. She was – desperate - broken - a woman who knew she would not be rescued after she found his arsenal of illegal weapons. Robinson encourages abuse victims to know that even in her darkest times, she learned what her faith in God could do for her. In fact, she credits her survival through the power of God’s love. While God encouraged Robinson to author her true story, she also received an encouraging word from best-selling novelist, Anna Quindlen. When asked about writing this book, Robinson said, “I wrote of my incredible personal experiences of the love of God with his restoration, that gave me peace, love, faith, and a hope and desire to help other victims.” Praise the Lord for giving me strength, courage, and patience to heal my hurt. And for His presence so near that showered me with His love and taught me to have faith in Him. I am so amazed with the Love of God and what He brought me through. Have faith, He will do it for you!
Pat E. Robinson (Author), Danielle Farrell (Narrator)