The Jungle
David Schwimmer and Chicago's Lookingglass Theatre Company created this innovative and heart-wrenching adaptation of Upton Sinclair's powerhouse novel, in a co-production with
L.A. Theatre Works.
A young Lithuanian immigrant, full of hope, arrives in Chicago in 1904 to work in the stockyards. He and his family soon find themselves processed like the very cattle they slaughter, by the system they dreamed would save them.
Recorded at the Guest Quarters Suites, Chicago in April 1992.
Director: David Schwimmer
Producing Director Susan Albert Loewenberg
Starring an Ensemble Cast Playing Over 50 Roles:
David Catlin,Thomas Cox, Larry Distasi, Christine Dunford, Laura Eason, Joy Gregory, Tom Hodges,
David Kersnar, Phil Smith, Heidi Stillman, Andrew White, Temple Williams
Radio Producer: Robert Neuhaus. Recording Engineer: Larry Rock. Production Stage Manager: Jan Watson.
David Schwimmer, Upton Sinclair (Author), Andrew White, Christine Dunford, David Catlin, David Kersnar, Heidi Stillman, Joy Gregory, Larry Distasi, Laura Eason, Phil Smith, Temple Williams, Thomas Cox, Tom Hodges (Narrator)