Browse Swedish audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Lucie, Sofia Maria, Teacher Lucie, Teacher Sofia Maria (Narrator)
As 300 frases e expresses essenciais para a vida cotidiana e os 100 verbos mais comuns para viajar. O sueco uma l'ngua germnica do norte falada nativamente por 9,6 milhes de pessoas, predominantemente na Sucia e em partes da Finlndia. Nosso mtodo de aprendizado: selecionamos centenas de frases e palavras essenciais. Voc os escuta, os repete e fala. Contamos com pronncia, ensaio oral, escuta, combinados com palavras, frases essenciais e uma lista de vocabulrio. Durante dcadas, a repetio espaada provou ser um mtodo de aprendizagem eficaz. O objetivo final conseguir um n'vel suficiente em um idioma para poder manter conversas simples, para entender trocas simples, para sobreviver em situaes da vida cotidiana.
Jm Gardner (Author), Iana Serena, Sofia Maria, Teacher Ian, Teacher Serena, Teacher Sofia Maria (Narrator)
Russian - Swedish : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Sofia Maria, Teacher Sofia Maria, Teacher Veronika, Veronika (Narrator)
Learn Swedish - Level 5: Advanced Swedish, Volume 1: Volume 1: Lessons 1-25
Feeling confident in your Swedish? Take the challenge at the Advanced level. Welcome to Advanced Swedish: Volume 1 The advanced series dives straight into dialogue about anything and everything Swedish. This series is focused on exposing you to native speaking style. Master Swedish conversation the fun, fast and easy way! Start speaking Swedish in minutes, and learn key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar in just minutes more with Advanced Swedish. This isn't stale textbook material - it's fun, effective, and practical! You learn advanced Swedish conversation that you can use immediately! What you get in Advanced Swedish: - 130+ pages of Swedish learning material - 25 Audio Lesson Tracks (completely in Swedish) - 25 Audio Review Tracks (practice new words and phrases) Interactive. Effective. And FUN! Discover or rediscover how fun learning a language can be with the future of language learning. Try this audiobook and start speaking Swedish instantly! Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, (Author), Swedishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Audio Paralelo em Sueco - Aprender Sueco com 501 Frases em udio Paralelo - Volume 1
'Vamos falar Vamos p-lo a falar Sueco num instante! O sistema de aprendizagem de Sueco baseado no udio paralelo do Lingo Jump facilita a aprendizagem do Sueco enquanto descontrai. Quer esteja a relaxar ou de sada, as nossas lies udio so simples, claras e divertidas e ajudam-no a aprender atravs da imitao dos falantes. Mergulhe no Sueco com confiana estamos aqui para p-lo a falar com frases que vai aprender facilmente atravs do udio paralelo. Oua e aprenda O udio em paralelo a chave da metodologia de aprendizagem de Sueco da Lingo Jump. Atravs da repetio de palavras e de frases claras a um ritmo fcil de acompanhar, no s vai achar mais fcil aprender e falar o Sueco, como tambm vai melhorar a sua memria, melhorar as capacidades de audio e interiorizar a pronncia correta. Os nossos falantes seguem um padro de discurso especfico ao longo do udio-livro o que torna as frases previsveis e ajuda a perceber palavras e frases atravs do contexto. Queremos que esteja concentrado no Sueco, sem distraes como msica de fundo. Fale como um nativo Sabemos que nem toda a gente fala da mesma forma. Os dialectos, a entoao e a pronncia podem variar de regio para regio e at de freguesia para freguesia. Por isso, quando comear, vai ouvir os nossos narradores a dizer a mesma frase com entoaes diferentes, com um ritmo mais brando e outro mais rpido, a colocar nfase em diferentes partes da frase. Isto vai ajud-lo a perceber e a falar Sueco naturalmente e em menos tempo. Rpido, divertido e sem grande esforo O sistema de aprendizagem de Sueco baseado no udio paralelo do Lingo Jump combina repetio, ritmos diferentes, e padres previsveis de discurso. Ouvir as frases de forma repetida ajuda-o a aprender Sueco instintivamente pois treina o seu crebro para captar os padres da lngua. como se estivessemos a atirar-lhe uma bola sempre da mesma forma, at ao ponto em que comea a apanhar a bola sem pensar.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Learn Swedish: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Swedish (Deluxe Edition)
Want to learn Swedish that's not taught in textbooks and schools? Then take your Swedish to the next level with Learn Swedish: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Swedish. Learn how to communicate on social media just like Swedish natives do on a daily basis. With this audiobook, you'll learn how to make comments, post your reactions, and ask questions on social media. You'll learn everything from catching up and asking what your friends are up to down to wishing them a happy birthday and much, much more. With this audiobook, you get: - 25 lessons in total - 2.5 hours in total - An 78-page ebook so you can read along Each lesson contains: - One example of a post - Four reactions and comments - English translations - Slowed-down pronunciations A preview of lessons inside: - How to post about having dinner with friends - How to post about going shopping - How to post about music or videos - How to post Christmas greetings - And much more!
Innovative Language Learning, Swedishpod101.Com (Author), Swedishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Everyday Swedish for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities
Welcome to Everyday Swedish for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities by Innovative Language Learning. This audiobook is a new way to learn and speak Swedish fast. Start speaking in minutes with powerful learning methods that you'll learn inside. Using this audiobook is simple. You'll learn practical phrases for over 400 daily activities through 10 easy chapters. The phrases were chosen by a panel of professional language teachers and are some of the most frequently used phrases in daily conversation. Each chapter covers a daily scene, such as morning activities, going to work, hanging out with friends, and much more. You'll be able talk about your day easily as you learn practical phrases in every chapter. With each phrase you'll get the audio pronunciation, bonus vocabulary, and more. Simply listen and repeat out loud.
Innovative Language Learning, Swedishpod101.Com (Author), Swedishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Swedish: A Complete Phrase Compilation for Traveling to Sweden
Always wanted to learn Swedish? Or, are you planning to visit Sweden and want to speak with confidence? Whether you're a beginner or are prepping for a trip, you'll love this Audiobook compilation. With Traveling to Sweden, your trip to Sweden will be smooth and enjoyable. Why? You will learn and master travel phrases for getting around, basic conversations and cultural insights through 110 easy lessons. It's everything you need to get by and impress Swedish natives. Just listen and repeat. No painful grammar lessons inside. This audiobook is for brand new learners with no language experience and travelers. You will learn... - Greetings & Basic Conversations - How to Order Food & Shop for Souvenirs - How to Book Hotels and Take Transportation - Getting Help in English or Calling for Help - Must-Know Swedish Cultural Tips and Manners By the end of this Audiobook, you will be able to speak basic Swedish, shop, get around, ask for directions and understand the ins and outs of Swedish culture. Here's what you get: - 9.5 Hours in Total - 1 Bonus Audiobook: The Master Guide to Swedish Holidays
Innovative Language Learning (Author), Swedishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Schwedisch sprechen auf Reisen
Schwedisch sprechen auf Reisen : 300 häufige Ausdrücke, die 100 häufigsten Verben. Schwedisch wird von etwa 8,5 Millionen Menschen als Muttersprache gesprochen, von denen etwa acht Millionen in Schweden und knapp 290.000 als finnlandschwedische Minderheit (5,5 % der Bevölkerung) in Finnland leben. Derzeit ist es unerlässlich, Fremdsprachen zu sprechen. Wie lernt man eine Sprache anders ? Revolution im Sprachenlernen heute: Sie müssen nicht mehr in den Sprachunterricht gehen. Du hörst konzentriert zu , du wiederholst, und du sprichst .Was für uns wichtig ist sind Aussprache, Wiederholen des Gehörten, aufmerksames Zuhören, im Zusammenhang mit Worten, wichtigen Sätzen und einer Vokabelliste. Seit Jahrzehnten hat sich die Wiederholung in Abständen als eine effektive Lernmethode erwiesen. Wir haben das Vokabular nach Nutzungshäufigkeit ausgewählt, und wir schlagen vor, Ihnen die 20% der Wörter beizubringen, die in 80% der Fälle verwendet werden. Das endgültige Ziel ist es, ein ausreichendes Niveau in einer Sprache zu erhalten, in der Lage zusein, einfache Gespräche zu führen, einen einfachen Austausch in Situationen des täglichen Lebens bewältigen zu können.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Elodie, Sofia Maria, Sofia Maria Elodie, Teacher Elodie, Teacher Sofia Maria (Narrator)
Viajar en sueco : 300 palabras y frases esenciales, los 100 verbos más comunes. El sueco es una lengua germánica del norte de Europa, hablada por 14 millones de personas. La mayoría de sus hablantes vive en Suecia, en Finlandia. El sueco es una lengua nórdica. Nuestro método de aprendizaje: una selección de cientos de frases y palabras esenciales. Los escuchas, los repites, y hablas. Nos basamos en la pronunciación, el ensayo oral, la escucha, combinados con palabras, frases esenciales y una lista de vocabulario. El 20% de las palabras se usan el 80% del tiempo. El objetivo final es obtener un nivel suficiente en un idioma para poder mantener conversaciones simples, para poder comprender intercambios simples, lidiar con la vida cotidiana y comenzar a explorar la nueva cultura que se abre ante usted.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Ana, Sofia Maria, Sofia Maria Ana, Teacher Ana, Teacher Sofia Maria (Narrator)
Voyager en suédois : 300 mots phrases et expressions essentielles et les 100 verbes les plus courants. Le suédois est une langue scandinave parlée par environ 10,4 millions de locuteurs, principalement en Suède et en Finlande, les deux pays dont il est langue officielle. Comme les autres langues scandinaves, il est issu du vieux norrois, la langue commune à tous les peuples germaniques de Scandinavie à l'époque des Vikings. Il reste aujourd'hui mutuellement intelligible avec le danois et le norvégien. Actuellement, savoir parler les langues étrangères est indispensable. Pour pouvoir communiquer au travail, voyager à l'autre bout de la planète ou tout simplement échanger avec l'autre, regarder les nouveaux épisodes d'une série en VO et bien d'autres raisons. Comment apprendre une langue autrement ? Aujourd'hui, l'apprentissage des langues fait sa révolution : plus besoin d'aller s'inscrire à des cours de langues. La méthode d'apprentissage que nous vous proposons est la suivante : nous avons selectionné des centaines de phrases et de mots essentiels. Vous les écoutez, vous les répétez, et vous parlez. Nous misons sur la prononciation, la répétition orale, l'écoute, conjugués à des mots, des phrases essentielles, et une liste de vocabulaire. Cela fait des décennies que la répétition espacée est prouvée comme étant une méthode d'apprentissage efficace. Nous avons choisi le vocabulaire par fréquence d'utilisation, et nous vous proposons de vous apprendre en priorité les 20% des mots qui sont utilisés 80% du temps. L'objectif final est d'obtenir un niveau suffisant dans une langue pour être capable de tenir des conversations simples, pouvoir comprendre les échanges simples, s'en sortir dans les situation de la vie quotidienne, une étape qui sera suffisamment motivante pour vous donner envie de continuer et de commencer à explorer la nouvelle culture qui s'ouvre à vous.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Florence A., Sofia Maria, Sofia Maria Florence A., Teacher Florence, Teacher Sofia Maria (Narrator)
Travel words and phrases in Swedish
Travel words and phrases in Swedish. 300 essential words and phrases and the 100 most common verbs. Swedish is a North Germanic language spoken natively by 9.6 million people, predominantly in Sweden and in parts of Finland, where it has equal legal standing with Finnish. How to learn a language differently? Today, language learning is revolutionizing : you do not have to go to traditional language classes anymore. Our learning method : a selection of hundreds of phrases and essential words. You listen to them, you repeat them, and you speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Katie H., Sofia Maria, Sofia Maria Katie H, Teacher Katie, Teacher Sofia Maria (Narrator)
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