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Rusça Öğrenin (Yeni Başlayanlar için Dil Kursu)
Tatiliniz veya iş seyahatiniz için Rusça'daki en önemli ifadeleri öğrenin. Seyahatleriniz sırasında ihtiyaç duyacağınız tüm önemli ifadeleri öğrenmenize yardımcı olmak için trendeyken, çalışırken veya uyurken bu sesi dinleyebilirsiniz. Günde 20 dakika çalışmayla kısa bir süre içinde bir otelde veya restoranda ya da alışveriş yaparken iyi Rusça konuşabileceksiniz. Rusça'da 'Merhaba' gibi kelimeleri ve kelime öbeklerini nasıl söyleyeceğinizi veya sayıları (bir, iki, üç ila on) nasıl doğru telaffuz edeceğinizi öğreneceksiniz. Ve yavaş yavaş yaygın ifadelerle tanışacaksınız. Böylece Rusça iletişim kurabileceksiniz. Bu dil kursu ile tatilde, günlük hayatta ve işte karşılaşabileceğiniz en önemli durumların üstesinden gelmeye hazır olacaksınız. Önceden bir bilgi veya ek ders kitabı gerekmez. İçindekiler: Karşılamalar ve temel kelimeler Sayılar Sohbet Alışveriş yapma Otelde Restoranda Yiyecek İçecek Ödeme yapma İyileşmekte Şehirde Otobüs ve Tren ile Seyahat Taksi Çağırma Araç Kiralama Zaman ve tarih Ofiste Doktorda Eczane Rusya'daki seyahat destinasyonları Moskova gezisi
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Lär dig ryska (språkkurs för nybörjare)
Lär dig de viktigaste uttrycken på ryska för din semester eller affärsresa. Du kan lyssna på den här ljudkursen medan du åker tåg, arbetar eller innan du somnar, för att hjälpa dig lära dig alla viktiga fraser du behöver under dina resor. Öva i 20 minuter per dag så kommer du inom kort lära dig prata bra ryska - på ett hotell, i en restaurang eller medan du shoppar. Du lär dig hur man säger ord och fraser som 'Hej' på ryska, eller hur man uttalar siffror (ett, två, tre till tio) korrekt. Undan för undan kommer vanliga fraser att introduceras för dig och snart kommer du att kunna kommunicera på ryska. Med denna språkkurs är du redo att hantera de viktigaste situationerna du kommer att stöta på under semestern, i vardagen och på jobbet. Ingen förkunskap eller ytterligare lärobok behövs. Innehållsförteckning: Hälsningar och grundläggande ordförråd Siffror Konversation Handla På ett hotell I en restaurang Mat Dryck Betala Åka omkring I staden Resa med buss och tåg Ringa en taxi Hyra en bil Tid och datum På kontoret Hos doktorn Apotek Resmål i Ryssland Sightseeing i Moskva
Thomas Rike (Author), Thomas Rike (Narrator)
Apprenez à parler russe Vol. 1: Leçons 1-30. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler russe Vol. 1 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser le russe. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer le russe conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Le cours est divisé en 30 leçons, 6 leçons de révision et 3 leçons de compréhension orale. Chaque leçon contient des phrases quotidiennes utiles liées à un sujet spécifique. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 15 minutes. Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Apprenez à parler russe Vol. 2: Leçons 31-50. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler russe Vol. 2 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser le russe. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer le russe conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Dans ces leçons, vous découvrirez plusieurs « connecteurs de conversation ». Des expressions comme « en fait », « à vrai dire », « comme tu le sais déjà » et plus encore. En utilisant de telles phrases, vos conversations auront un flux plus naturel. Vous élargirez également votre vocabulaire et parlerez des activités quotidiennes, du travail, des projets et des besoins. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 15 minutes. Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 5 Lessons 11-15: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 11-15 from the Russian Level 5 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn Russian, expand your horizons, and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 5 Lessons 16-20: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 16-20 from the Russian Level 5 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn Russian, expand your horizons, and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 5 Lessons 21-25: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 21-25 from the Russian Level 5 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, learning Russian will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 5 Lessons 26-30: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers • reading instruction to provide you with practice reading Russian • a digital Reading Booklet What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 26-30 from the Russian Level 5 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn Russian, expand your horizons, and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 4 Lessons 16-20: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 16-20 from the Russian Level 4 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn Russian, expand your horizons, and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 4 Lessons 21-25: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 21-25 from the Russian Level 4 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, learning Russian will expand your horizons and immeasurably enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 4 Lessons 26-30: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers • reading instruction to provide you with practice reading Russian • a digital Reading Booklet What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 26-30 from the Russian Level 4 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn Russian, expand your horizons, and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
Pimsleur Russian Level 5 Lessons 1-5: Learn to Speak and Understand Russian with Pimsleur Language
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn Russian With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in Russian — to understand and be understood — quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy – Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible – Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method – Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced – Go fast or go slow – it's up to you. • Based in Science – Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective – Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius – Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone – Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 1-5 from the Russian Level 5 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak Russian. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn Russian, expand your horizons, and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
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