Browse Portuguese audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Brazilian Portuguese For Tourists: A Language Course For Brazilian Travel
This ten-session language course is expertly designed to boost your proficiency in speaking and understanding Brazilian Portuguese, an essential skill for tourists in Brazil. It begins with fundamental elements like greetings, introductions, and numbers, then gradually introduces situational vocabulary relevant to typical tourist experiences. You'll learn to navigate restaurants, hotels, and airports confidently, ensuring effective communication in these crucial contexts. The course's structure is meticulously planned to progressively enhance your language skills. Starting with basic words and phrases, it slowly ramps up to more complex vocabulary, striking a balance between building confidence and increasing linguistic sophistication. This progressive approach bolsters your speaking capabilities and comprehension. Emphasizing practical, real-world language application, the course focuses on phrases and vocabulary critical for tourists. You'll cover everything from asking directions to ordering food, making hotel reservations, and casual conversations. This real-life relevance means the language skills you acquire are immediately useful for your travels in Brazil. Interactive and engaging, the course includes a variety of speaking and comprehension exercises. These are designed to reinforce each session's content, solidifying your ability to use Brazilian Portuguese competently. Completing the course equips you with a solid Brazilian Portuguese foundation, equivalent to the A1-A2 level on the CEFR scale, perfect for a rewarding tourist experience in Brazil. Whether wandering through Rio de Janeiro's vibrant streets, exploring Salvador's historical sites, or delving into São Paulo's bustling markets, this course empowers you to journey through Brazil with confidence and ease.
Catarina Barros (Author), Bianca Neves, Catarina Barros (Narrator)
Portuguese Art Stories: 32 Bilingual Mini Tales to Learn Portuguese Through Art
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. 32 exceptional works of art and engaging stories in English and Portuguese Welcome to a unique experience that invites you to immerse yourself in the wonders of art and language. This innovative book combines 32 exceptional works of art with engaging stories to listen in English and Portuguese, providing an exciting learning journey for English speakers who want to unlock the secrets of the Portuguese language. On each page, you'll have the opportunity to contemplate a visual masterpiece, while at the same time unraveling the interwoven plots in words, building your vocabulary and linguistic comprehension. From the serenity of portraits to the explosions of details in landscapes and objects, each work of art serves as a window into new expressions, enriching your understanding of both languages. Discover the magic of learning while appreciating the beauty of human creations, taking away not only linguistic lessons, but also a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity. Embark on this educational and artistic journey where the palette of colors becomes the palette of words, guiding you along a path that unites art, language and the pleasure of learning the beautiful Portuguese language. What will be your favorite story and piece of art? Let us know! Get this amazing book today!
Mike Lang (Author), Digital Voice Mason G (Narrator)
Learn Portuguese Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners
Brand new to Portuguese? If you’re looking for the easiest way to start learning and speaking Portuguese… You’ve made a smart choice. Why? Because Portuguese can be EASY or HARD, depending on HOW you start. - Start the hard way (reading grammar and memorizing words), and you’ll quickly think, “Languages are just not my thing.” - Start easy, and you’ll be shocked by how much Portuguese you’ll learn. Yes, just like in life, introductions and first impressions matter. And that’s exactly why we’ve created… Learn Portuguese Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners This 3-in-1 Audiobook bundle is a fast and easy introduction to Portuguese for Absolute Beginners. About Learn Portuguese Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners - Contains 3 PortuguesePod101 Audiobooks (Absolute Beginner Season 1, Absolute Beginner Season 2, and Upper Beginner Season 1) - Learn with 5-minute audio lessons - Over 11 hours of lessons - Includes a 390-page PDF for reading along - Aligned with level A1 of the CEFR So, if you want an easy introduction to Portuguese… Get Learn Portuguese Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners and start speaking Portuguese today! Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc, Portuguesepod101.Com (Author), Portuguesepod101.Com (Narrator)
[German] - Lernen Sie brasilianisches Portugiesisch zu sprechen. Band 3.: Lektionen 51-70. Für Anfän
'Lernen Sie brasilianisches Portugiesisch zu sprechen Band 3' ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend brasilianisches Portugiesisch zu sprechen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kurses liegt darin, von der ersten Stunde an das Sprechen von Konversationsbrasilianisches Portugiesisch zu üben. Der Kurs ist in 20 Lektionen, 6 Wiederholung-/Hörverständnislektionen unterteilt. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen. Basierend auf Techniken und Strategien, die den Sprachlernenden zum Erfolg führen: - Jeden Tag in kurzen Abständen lernen. Jede Lektion dauert etwa 10-15 Minuten. - Lernen im Kontext. Einzelne Wörter oder zufällige Sätze bringen Sie nicht weit. Durch das Lernen von Sätzen, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema oder eine bestimmte Situation beziehen, werden Sie viel bessere Ergebnisse sehen. - Konzentrieren Sie sich auf hochfrequente Wörter. Wenn Sie mit den am häufigsten verwendeten Wörtern beginnen, werden Sie Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kommunikation in der Zielsprache verbessern. - Überprüfen Sie das Material. Die Wiederholung der Sätze in bestimmten Abständen ist eine leistungsstarke Technik, um Ihrem Gedächtnis zu helfen, das Gelernte aufzunehmen und abzurufen. - Hören Sie Muttersprachlern zu. Alle Sätze werden von Muttersprachlern übersetzt und gesprochen.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Portuguese for Beginners: Learn Portuguese in 30 Days the Easy Way
If you're a beginner to Portuguese and want to learn the language quickly, then keep reading… Are you going to Portugal? Do you want to find out what all the fuss is about in Lisbon? After all, why did Madonna move there? Maybe ask for an autograph of Cristiano Ronaldo in his own language? Or perhaps bring back to life that old fantasy of yours with Gisele Bündchen starring in it, but this time with some smooth Portuguese flirting? Then this is the audiobook for you! On a more serious note, Portuguese for Beginners – Learn Portuguese in 30 Days the Easy Way – is a remarkable tool to equip you with the necessary knowledge to become nearly fluent in Portuguese within a month. Study the intricacies of the Portuguese language, learn about the differences and nuances of Brazilian Portuguese, and get used to cultural traditions and customs – all in one audiobook. Relying on the Harmer’s teaching method, Portuguese for Beginners – Learn Portuguese in 30 Days the Easy Way – will: - Take you on a journey as a first-time visitor to Portugal who is able to learn Portuguese in 30 days - Teach you the grammar rules in small doses so you don’t get overwhelmed by the extensive curriculum, thus making the teaching – and learning – more effective and efficient - Guide you along a different real-life scenario and, consequently, a different perspective as a traveler – with new grammar and vocabulary that you will need and would encounter in that situation to help you along the way - Test you with several exercises and short quizzes that are both challenging and fun - Provide you with a phonetics table and pronunciation guides, so you can practice and permanently retain the correct accent and diction of words in Portuguese Wait no more – get this audiobook so you can start learning Portuguese in no time!
Lingo Publishing (Author), Bruno Portela (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Aprende a hablar portugués brasileño Vol. 3: Lecciones 51-70. Para principiantes.
'Aprende a hablar portugués brasileño Vol. 3' es un curso de audio para principiantes o para cualquier persona que tenga dificultades para hablar portugués brasileño con fluidez. El objetivo de este curso es practicar el portugués brasileño conversacional desde la primera lección. El curso se divide en 20 lecciones, 6 lecciones de repaso/comprensión. Cada lección contiene frases cotidianas útiles relacionadas con un tema específico. Basado en técnicas y estrategias que hacen que los estudiantes de idiomas tengan éxito: - Aprende en cortas sesiones todos los días. Cada lección tarda unos 10-15 minutos en completarse. - Aprende en contexto. Las palabras aisladas o las oraciones aleatorias no te llevarán lejos. Al aprender frases relacionadas con un tema o situación específica, verás resultados mucho mejores. - Enfócate en palabras de alta frecuencia. Comenzar con las palabras más utilizadas aumentará tu comprensión y comunicación en tu idioma de estudio. - Repasa el material. Repetir las frases a ciertos intervalos específicos es una técnica poderosa para ayudar a tu memoria a absorber y recordar lo que has aprendido. - Escucha a hablantes nativos. Todas las frases son traducidas y habladas por hablantes nativos.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
[Italian] - Impara a parlare portoghese brasiliano vol. 1: Lezioni da 1 a 30. Per principianti.
Impara a parlare portoghese brasiliano Vol. 1 è un corso audio per principianti o per chiunque abbia difficoltà a diventare fluente in portoghese brasiliano. L'obiettivo di questo corso è esercitarsi a parlare il portoghese brasiliano a livello colloquiale sin dalla prima lezione. Il corso si articola in 30 lezioni, 6 di cui di ripasso e 3 di comprensione orale. Ogni lezione contiene frasi utili per l’utilizzo quotidiano, relative a un argomento specifico. Basato su tecniche e strategie che consentono agli studenti linguistici di avere successo: - Impara in brevi raffiche ogni giorno. Ogni lezione richiede circa 10-15 minuti per essere completata. - Impara nel contesto. Le parole isolate o le frasi casuali non ti porteranno da nessuna parte. Imparando le frasi relative a un argomento o una situazione specifici ti accorgerai di avere risultati molto migliori. - Parole molto frequenti. Iniziare con le parole utilizzate più di frequente aumenterà la tua comprensione e comunicazione nella tua lingua di destinazione. - Ripassa i materiali. Ripetere le frasi a determinati intervalli specificati è una tecnica efficace per aiutare la tua memoria ad assorbire e ricordare ciò che hai imparato. - Ascolta i madrelingua. Tutte le frasi sono tradotte e pronunciate da madrelingua.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Portugués Fácil - Aprende Sin Esfuerzo - Principiante inicial - Volumen 1 de 3
Hemos dividido nuestros libros para aprender portugués en diferentes niveles de aprendizaje. Empieza por el libro “Principiante inicial” y continúa con los libros “Principiante” y “Principiante avanzado”. A continuación, sigue con la serie “Intermedio”. Por último, pon a prueba tus conocimientos y consolídalos con la serie “Diálogos”. En la Unidad 1 escucharás el portugués desglosado en sílabas que serán recitadas repetidamente de manera muy lenta y clara. Justo antes de que se recite cada frase escucharás la traducción, así siempre entenderás lo que se está diciendo. La Unidad 2 se centra exclusivamente en aumentar tu capacidad de escucha, lo que mejorará tus habilidades para entablar una conversación con un hablante nativo de portugués. Este capítulo requiere que escuches detenidamente los matices del idioma. En la Unidad 3 ya notarás los progresos en tu capacidad de expresión y de comprensión del idioma portugués. La traducción recitada irá seguida de dos repeticiones en portugués a una velocidad totalmente natural. Mientras aprendes a procesar el portugués hablado con fluidez, las Unidades 3 y 4 te ayudarán a memorizar vocabulario nuevo y frases completas. En la Unidad 5 podrás ponerte a prueba para ver lo que has aprendido. Si tienes dificultades, te recomendamos que repases el apartado de comprensión, expresión y memorización de las Unidades 1, 2, 3 o 4, dependiendo de lo que te suponga más problemas. Hemos creado nuestros audiolibros para que puedas aprender sin necesidad de ningún eBook. Temas que se tratan en este libro: - Saludo - Preguntar información personal - Preguntar sobre personas o cosas - Hablar de la hora y la fecha actuales - Hablar de la ubicación de las cosas - Describir cosas - Gustos y aversiones - Hablar de habilidades - Hablar de la apariencia - Hablar de la personalidad - Hablar del tiempo - Hablar de comida - Hablar de la casa (muebles y habitaciones)
Lingo Wave (Author), Lingo Wave (Narrator)
Learn Conversational Brazilian Portuguese Vol. 3: Lessons 51-70. For beginners.
Learn Conversational Brazilian Portuguese Vol. 3 is an audio course for beginners or for anyone who struggles with becoming fluent in Brazilian Portuguese. The focus of this course is to practice speaking conversational Portuguese from the very first lesson. In these twenty lessons, you'll be introduced to a lot of useful, everyday phrases and sentence structures. You'll also be able to expand your vocabulary and talk about daily activities, shopping, education, technology and much more. Based on techniques and strategies that make language learners succeed: - Learn in short bursts every day Each lesson takes about 10–15 minutes to complete. - Learn in context Isolated words or random sentences won’t get you far. By learning phrases related to a specific topic or situation, you will see much better results. - Focus on high-frequency words Starting with the most frequently used words will boost your comprehension and communication in your target language. - Review the material Repeating the phrases at certain specified intervals is a powerful technique to help your memory absorb and recall what you have learned. - Listen to native speakers All the phrases are translated and spoken by native speakers.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Conversational Phrases Portuguese Audiobook: Level 1 - Absolute Beginner
Are you trying to learn Portuguese…but having trouble speaking? Do you struggle coming up with your own Portuguese sentences? Are you tired of not understanding how Portuguese grammar works? If you answered yes to any of these questions, … ...then the Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner is for you! In this beginner-level Audiobook, you will master over 25 common sentence patterns across 25 simple lessons. By the end, you’ll be able to ask common questions and answer them in your own way, all while acquiring over 100 Portuguese words. Most importantly, you’ll be able to have real conversations in various social situations. How, you may ask? Each lesson introduces a new conversation reflecting a real-world situation, including casual chats between friends as well as dialogues in more formal settings. Learning is made easy with three simple steps: 1. Get familiar: First, you get a sample conversation and its translation. 2. Understand: Then, we explain an underlying sentence pattern, so you can grasp the grammar and actually understand how the Portuguese works. 3. Practice: Lastly, you create your own responses… and start speaking Portuguese! Lessons in this audiobook include: - Going Sightseeing - Going to a Restaurant - Giving Directions - Going to the Movies - Renting an Apartment And much more! Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner contains: - 25 Lessons - 4 Hours+ of Content - 1 Core Pattern Per Lesson - 100+ Portuguese Vocabulary Words - 28 Page Accompanying PDF eBook Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Portuguesepod101, Portuguesepod101.Com (Author), Portuguesepod101, Portuguesepod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Portuguese - Simply Through Music - the Radio Play: Learn Portuguese Through Music.
Learning new languages can be this easy! Learn Portuguese through music. Wondering exactly how this is going to work? Use our Portuguese learning radio to play catchy music! With the help of six dialogues featuring our likeable main characters, Alex and Robin, you will quickly start learning the new language. Follow the stories of our two likeable characters and learn basic Portuguese vocabulary in six accompanying vocabulary lessons, recorded by native speakers from Portugal. The various listening and speaking exercises, always accompanied by melodic guitar music, will make it easy for you to memorise the new words. The special highlight of this audio course is the catchy songs sung by native speakers. With these catchy tunes, you will learn the new language even easier and quicker and will soon be able to sing along! The script accompanying the audiobook helps you get a feel for the spelling and will take your learning success to a new level. In the script for the language course, you can also follow Robin and Alex's romantic encounter in a comic story. Are you already dreaming of a holiday in the Algarve, Porto or Lisbon? With this intensive Portuguese course, nothing stands in the way of your trip! simply through music The language course is for children and adults, beginners and advanced learners.
Rico Saage (Author), Rico Saage (Narrator)
Pimsleur Portuguese (European) Level 2 Lessons 1-5: Learn to Speak and Understand Portuguese with P
The Easiest and Fastest Way to Learn European Portuguese With Pimsleur you'll become conversational in European Portuguese - to understand and be understood - quickly and effectively. You'll learn vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation together through conversation. And our scientifically proven program will help you remember what you've learned, so you can put it into action. Why Pimsleur? • Quick + Easy - Only 30 minutes a day. • Portable + Flexible - Core lessons can be done anytime, anywhere, and easily fit into your busy life. • Proven Method - Works when other methods fail. • Self-Paced - Go fast or go slow - it's up to you. • Based in Science - Developed using proven research on memory and learning. • Cost-effective - Less expensive than classes or immersion, and features all native speakers. • Genius - Triggers your brain's natural aptitude to learn. • Works for everyone - Recommended for ages 13 and above. What's Included? • 5, 30-minute audio lessons, • In total, 2.5 hours of audio, all featuring native speakers What You'll Learn This course includes Lessons 1-5 from the European Portuguese Level 2 program featuring 2.5 hours of language instruction. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, with an introductory conversation, and new vocabulary and structures. Detailed instructions enable you to understand and participate in the conversation. Practice for vocabulary introduced in previous lessons is included in each lesson. The emphasis is on pronunciation and comprehension, and on learning to speak European Portuguese. Whether you want to travel, communicate with friends or colleagues, reconnect with family, or just understand more of what's going on in the world around you, Pimsleur will help you learn European Portuguese and expand your horizons and enrich your life.
Pimsleur Language Programs, The Pimsleur Language Program (Author), Pimsleur Language Programs (Narrator)
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