Browse Polish audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Learn Polish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners
Brand new to Polish? If you’re looking for the easiest way to start learning and speaking Polish… You’ve made a smart choice. Why? Because Polish can be EASY or HARD, depending on HOW you start. - Start the hard way (reading grammar and memorizing words), and you’ll quickly think, “Languages are just not my thing.” - Start easy, and you’ll be shocked by how much Polish you’ll learn. Yes, just like in life, introductions and first impressions matter. And that’s exactly why we’ve created… Learn Polish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners This 3-in-1 Audiobook bundle is a fast and easy introduction to Polish for Absolute Beginners. About Learn Polish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners - Contains 3 PolishPod101 Audiobooks (Absolute Beginner Season 1, Beginner Season 1, and 3-Minute Polish) - Learn with 5-minute audio lessons - Over 8 hours and 30 minutes of lessons - Includes a 450-page PDF for reading along - Aligned with level A1 of the CEFR So, if you want an easy introduction to Polish… Get Learn Polish Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners and start speaking Polish today! Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc, Polishpod101.Com (Author), Polishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Polish for Beginners: Learn Polish in 30 Days the Easy Way
Have you ever wanted to learn Polish but haven't found a comprehensive course that is also easy to understand? Perhaps you have a family member from Poland or Polish friends you'd like to converse with. Maybe you've tried online apps and found them burdensome, one-size-fits-all, or just too fast or slow to enjoy. Are you ready to learn this fascinating language, its roots, its evolution, and how it is spoken today? Poised to learn many everyday phrases, greetings, questions, and travel help? Then, you've come to the right place! This book starts at the beginning with the exciting history behind this lovely language. It takes you to its present-day use without boring or overwhelming you on the way! This book provides a step-by-step way to learn beginning Polish – enough to get around and converse, and an excellent start to an intermediate or more graduated course. Are you ready to: - Learn one of the few languages only spoken in its own nation? - Find out how to get around in Polish cities/towns with ease? - Discover Polish literature and other cultural aspects of Poland? - Become comfortable around Poles and handle everyday situations with ease? - Build an excellent base for progressing to intermediate lessons? - Gain confidence in online situations as well as one-on-one personal encounters? With the help of skill-building exercises and plenty of samples of everyday situations, you'll become comfortable with the spoken language and quickly learn this wonderful country's verbal cues and social norms. You'll be taken on a journey that allows you to easily review and assess your progress, only moving on when you are comfortable with what you've learned. Scroll up and click the “add to cart” button, and start your journey to comfortably interacting online and in person in Polish!
Lingo Publishing (Author), Marcin Fugiel (Narrator)
Polaco Fácil - Aprende Sin Esfuerzo - Principiante inicial - Volumen 1 de 3
Hemos dividido nuestros libros para aprender polaco en diferentes niveles de aprendizaje. Empieza por el libro “Principiante inicial” y continúa con los libros “Principiante” y “Principiante avanzado”. A continuación, sigue con la serie “Intermedio”. Por último, pon a prueba tus conocimientos y consolídalos con la serie “Diálogos”. En la Unidad 1 escucharás el polaco desglosado en sílabas que serán recitadas repetidamente de manera muy lenta y clara. Justo antes de que se recite cada frase escucharás la traducción, así siempre entenderás lo que se está diciendo. La Unidad 2 se centra exclusivamente en aumentar tu capacidad de escucha, lo que mejorará tus habilidades para entablar una conversación con un hablante nativo de polaco. Este capítulo requiere que escuches detenidamente los matices del idioma. En la Unidad 3 ya notarás los progresos en tu capacidad de expresión y de comprensión del idioma polaco. La traducción recitada irá seguida de dos repeticiones en polaco a una velocidad totalmente natural. Mientras aprendes a procesar el polaco hablado con fluidez, las Unidades 3 y 4 te ayudarán a memorizar vocabulario nuevo y frases completas. En la Unidad 5 podrás ponerte a prueba para ver lo que has aprendido. Si tienes dificultades, te recomendamos que repases el apartado de comprensión, expresión y memorización de las Unidades 1, 2, 3 o 4, dependiendo de lo que te suponga más problemas. Hemos creado nuestros audiolibros para que puedas aprender sin necesidad de ningún eBook. Temas que se tratan en este libro: - Saludo - Preguntar información personal - Preguntar sobre personas o cosas - Hablar de la hora y la fecha actuales - Hablar de la ubicación de las cosas - Describir cosas - Gustos y aversiones - Hablar de habilidades - Hablar de la apariencia - Hablar de la personalidad - Hablar del tiempo - Hablar de comida - Hablar de la casa (muebles y habitaciones)
Lingo Wave (Author), Lingo Wave (Narrator)
Conversational Phrases Polish Audiobook: Level 1 - Absolute Beginner
Are you trying to learn Polish…but having trouble speaking? Do you struggle coming up with your own Polish sentences? Are you tired of not understanding how Polish grammar works? If you answered yes to any of these questions, … ...then the Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner is for you! In this beginner-level Audiobook, you will master over 25 common sentence patterns across 25 simple lessons. By the end, you’ll be able to ask common questions and answer them in your own way, all while acquiring over 100 Polish words. Most importantly, you’ll be able to have real conversations in various social situations. How, you may ask? Each lesson introduces a new conversation reflecting a real-world situation, including casual chats between friends as well as dialogues in more formal settings. Learning is made easy with three simple steps: 1. Get familiar: First, you get a sample conversation and its translation. 2. Understand: Then, we explain an underlying sentence pattern, so you can grasp the grammar and actually understand how the Polish works. 3. Practice: Lastly, you create your own responses… and start speaking Polish! Lessons in this audiobook include: - Going Sightseeing - Going to a Restaurant - Giving Directions - Going to the Movies - Renting an Apartment And much more! Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner contains: - 25 Lessons - 4 Hours+ of Content - 1 Core Pattern Per Lesson - 100+ Polish Vocabulary Words - 28 Page Accompanying PDF eBook Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Polishpod101.Com (Author), Polishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Conversational Polish Volumes 1 & 2 Bundle: Lessons 1-50. For beginners.
Learn Conversational Polish Vol. 1 & 2 is an audio course for beginners or for anyone who struggles with becoming fluent in Polish. The focus of this course is to practice speaking conversational Polish from the very first lesson. Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. Based on techniques and strategies that make language learners succeed: Learn in short bursts every day. Each lesson takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Learn in context. Isolated words or random sentences won’t get you far. By learning phrases related to a specific topic or situation, you will see much better results. Focus on high-frequency words. Starting with the most frequently used words will boost your comprehension and communication in your target language. Review the material. Repeating the phrases at certain specified intervals is a powerful technique to help your memory absorb and recall what you have learned. Listen to native speakers. All the phrases are translated and spoken by native speakers.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
[French] - Apprenez à parler polonais Vol. 2: Leçons 31-50. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler polonais Vol. 2 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser le polonais. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer le polonais conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Dans ces leçons, vous découvrirez plusieurs « connecteurs de conversation ». Des expressions comme « en fait », « à vrai dire », « comme tu le sais déjà » et plus encore. En utilisant de telles phrases, vos conversations auront un flux plus naturel. Vous élargirez également votre vocabulaire et parlerez des activités quotidiennes, du travail, des projets et des besoins. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 15 minutes. Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
History Of Poland 1933-2022: 2 Books In 1: Auschwitz, Sovietization, Communism And Modern Capitalism
2 BOOKS IN 1 - BOOK 1 - HISTORY OF POLAND BETWEEN 1933-1945: HOLOCAUST IN AUSCHWITZ & GENOCIDE OF THE EUROPEAN JEWS - BOOK 2 - POLISH HISTORY BETWEEN 1919-2022: COMMUNISM TO CAPITALISM: THE SOVIETIZATION OF POLAND, POZNAN PROTEST AND MODERN CAPITALIST POLAND ★ BUY THIS BOOK NOW AND DISCOVER MORE ABUOT POLAND TODAY! ★ In book 1 you will discover; - The Invasion of Poland - The Nazi Extermination Plan - Deportation trains Auschwitz - Auschwitz Gas Chambers Locations - Auschwitz Gas Chambers Process - Building I G Farben Monowitz - Holocaust History in Poland - Introduction - Holocaust History in Poland - Law and Justice - Holocaust distortion in Poland In book 2 you will discover; - Polish-Ukrainian War Conflict – 1919 - Polish-Ukrainian War Belligerents – 1919 - Polish-Ukrainian War – 1919: The Polish Army - Polish-Ukrainian War – 1919: Allies position - Fighting in spring and June/July - The Invasion of Poland - 1939 - The Sovietization of Poland – 1945-1989 - Poznan Protest - 1956 Anti-Soviet Uprising - Poland - Communism to Capitalism - Modern Poland between 2015-2022 ★ BUY THIS BOOK NOW AND DISCOVER MORE ABUOT POLAND TODAY! ★
History Forever (Author), Khai Lannor (Narrator)
Can learning Polish be as simple as listening to music? And as easy as remembering song lyrics? Just think. You remember song lyrics because lyrics are catchy, repeated throughout the song, and go with the music, right? Now, if you stuck in Polish, you'd easily learn Polish words and phrases the same way! So, yes, learning Polish is as easy as listening to music' with the Learn Polish With Music Audiobook. Just press play, and you'll hear Polish words and phrases repeated to the beat of upbeat and cheerful music. And' follow along! You'll learn 180+ most common Polish words and phrases' while relaxing at home, or while driving to work. Learn Polish With Music is the easiest way to start learning Polish.. without getting overwhelmed by complicated explanations. Perfect for new learners with little to no language learning experience. What will you learn? 180+ Words & Phrases Including... - Basic Greetings - Numbers - Common Questions and Answers - Parts of the Body & Talking About Your Wellbeing - Common Hobbies - And much more Learn Polish With Music includes... - 15 Songs/Lessons Inside (Each is about 7 minutes long) - Fast-Paced Review Section at the End of Each Lesson - 1 Hour 50 Minutes in Total - Accompanying PDF eBook with the Words, Phrases and Translations Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc, Polishpod101.Com (Author), Polishpod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Polish: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning Polish for Beginners, Including Grammar, Short Stori
If you're looking to learn Polish fast without having to go through boring textbooks, then pay attention... Three manuscripts in one audiobook: - Polish: Learn Polish for Beginners: A Simple Guide that Will Help You on Your Language Learning Journey - Polish Short Stories: 11 Simple Stories for Beginners Who Want to Learn Polish in Less Time While Also Having Fun - Polish Phrase Book: Over 1000 Essential Polish Phrases That Will Be Helpful During Your Trip to Poland Are you sick and tired of not being able to learn Polish fast? Have you tried endless other ways of learning Polish but nothing seems to stick? Do you finally want to say goodbye to your tendency to 'forget most of what you've studied' and discover something which works for you? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. You see, Polish is easier than it seems. Not only will this audiobook give you the basic grammar rules, but also many fun exercises for you to practice. If you’ve never studied Polish before or if you’ve studied it but you need to go back to the basics to get better, this audiobook will provide you with everything you need, especially if you are planning on traveling to Poland! In part 1 of this audiobook, you will learn about: - The Very Basics - Numbers - Deconstructing Polish - Greetings - And much, much more! In part 2, you will get simple and engaging short stories that will ignite your imagination so you can learn Polish in a fun way that will make memorization much easier. Some of the topics covered in part 3 of this audiobook include: - Greetings and Basic Everyday Expressions - Transportation - Accommodation - And much, much more! So if you want to learn the Polish language fast, then scroll up and click the 'add to cart' button!
Simple Language Learning (Author), Jarek Weckwerth, Marcin Fugiel (Narrator)
Polish: Learn Polish for Beginners: A Simple Guide that Will Help You on Your Language Learning Jour
If you're looking to learn Polish fast without having to go through boring textbooks, then pay attention... Are you sick and tired of not being able to learn Polish fast? Have you tried endless other ways of learning Polish but nothing seems to stick? Do you finally want to say goodbye to your tendency to 'forget most of what you've studied' and discover something which works for you? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. You see, Polish is easier than it seems. Not only will this audiobook give you the basic grammar rules, but also many fun exercises for you to practice. If you’ve never studied Polish before or if you’ve studied it but you need to go back to the basics to get better, this audiobook will provide you with everything you need, especially if you are planning on traveling to Poland! Here’s just a tiny fraction of what you’ll discover: - The Very Basics - Numbers - Deconstructing Polish - Greetings - An initial Conversation - At Work - At School/At The University - Food and Drink - Entertainment - And much, much more! So if you want to learn the Polish language fast, then scroll up and click the 'add to cart' button!
Simple Language Learning (Author), Marcin Fugiel (Narrator)
Polish Short Stories: 11 Simple Stories for Beginners Who Want to Learn Polish in Less Time While Al
If you're looking to learn Polish fast through simple and captivating stories, then pay attention... How can I learn a foreign language? This question repeatedly appears in each learner’s mind. If you want to master a new language, you need to operate within its key components—reading, listening, vocabulary, grammar, writing, and speaking. If you have thoughts about getting this audiobook, then you are probably not interested in participating in boring language classes or memorizing endless vocabulary columns and grammar rules. So, your question might really look like: How can I learn a foreign language quickly and efficiently? The good news is that the solution is right here! In Polish Short Stories: 11 Simple Stories for Beginners Who Want to Learn Polish in Less Time While Also Having Fun, you will encounter rich and new but not too complex vocabulary, which is translated at the end of the chapter, avoiding the hassle of having to stop the reading rhythm to look up every word in the dictionary. Every paragraph is translated, as well as the summary of the story, thus providing a clearer comprehension of each sentence, while trying to prevent the temptation that the reader might have, if discouraged, of giving up and reading the whole story in English. After each chapter, there is a question section, which aims to test the reader’s overall understanding of the story, containing both open-ended and multiple-choice questions. The solved questions are provided at the end, enabling you to check your own answers and, consequently, develop your skills. So if you want to learn Polish while having fun, scroll up and click the 'add to cart' button!
Simple Language Learning (Author), Marcin Fugiel (Narrator)
Can you learn while sleeping? Studies* say thatÉ yes you can. Listening to a language while asleep can help supercharge your vocabulary. Learn Easily with the Power of Pleasant Repetition With the Learn Polish While Sleeping Audiobook, youÕll absorb over 430 Polish words and phrases effortlessly. You can use this Beginner-Level Audiobook to ¥ Relax while listening to Polish phrases and translations ¥ Relieve stress. Just listen in Ñ No confusing grammar rules ¥ Wind down before bed to help you fall asleep ¥ And of course Ñ learn words passively Ñ in your sleep. How does it work? Just press play... and listen to the gentle voice of a native teacher. Our teacher repeats each word and phrase multiple times... so youÕll retain them betterÉ whether youÕre awake or in bed. For best results, listen while awake first. Then, listen while falling asleep. What Will You Learn? YouÕll Master 430+ Beginner Words & Phrases Including ¥ Basic Greetings ¥ Numbers in Polish ¥ Common Questions and Answers ¥ Words for Introducing Yourself ¥ Basic Verbs & Adjectives ¥ And much more The Learn Polish While Sleeping Audiobook includes ¥ 13 Beginner-Level Audio Lessons ¥ 7+ Hours of Lessons in Total ¥ Accompanying PDF eBook with all of the words, phrases and translations * ZŸst, Mark Alain et al. ÒImplicit Vocabulary Learning during Sleep is Bound to Slow-Wave Peaks.Ó Current Biology. October 21, 2019.
Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc, Polishpod101.Com (Author), Polishpod101.Com (Narrator)
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