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Viajar en noruego : 300 palabras y frases esenciales, los 100 verbos ms comunes. El noruego (norsk) es una lengua n-rdica hablada principalmente en Noruega, donde es lengua oficial. Hablantes nativos : 5 milliones. Nuestro mtodo de aprendizaje: una selecci-n de cientos de frases y palabras esenciales. Los escuchas, los repites, y hablas. Nos basamos en la pronunciaci-n, el ensayo oral, la escucha, combinados con palabras, frases esenciales y una lista de vocabulario. El 20% de las palabras se usan el 80% del tiempo. El objetivo final es obtener un nivel suficiente en un idioma para poder mantener conversaciones simples, para poder comprender intercambios simples, lidiar con la vida cotidiana y comenzar a explorar la nueva cultura que se abre ante usted.
Jm Gardner (Author), Ana, Kathrin, Teacher Ana, Teacher Kathrin (Narrator)
Turkish Ð Norwegian : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Asnif, Kathrin, Teacher Asnif, Teacher Kathrin (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrin, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Ulfat, Ulfat (Narrator)
Arabic Ð Norwegian : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Imène, Kathrin, Teacher Imne, Teacher Imène, Teacher Kathrin (Narrator)
Norwegisch sprechen auf Reisen
Norwegisch sprechen auf Reisen : 300 hufige Ausdrcke, die 100 hufigsten Verben. Die norwegische Sprache (Norsk) umfasst, gehrt zum nordgermanischen Zweig der indogermanischen Sprachen. Norwegisch wird von etwa fnf Millionen Norwegern als Muttersprache gesprochen. Du hrst konzentriert zu , du wiederholst, und du sprichst .Was fr uns wichtig ist sind Aussprache, Wiederholen des Gehrten, aufmerksames Zuhren, im Zusammenhang mit Worten, wichtigen Stzen und einer Vokabelliste. Seit Jahrzehnten hat sich die Wiederholung in Abstnden als eine effektive Lernmethode erwiesen. Wir haben das Vokabular nach Nutzungshufigkeit ausgewhlt, und wir schlagen vor, Ihnen die 20% der Wrter beizubringen, die in 80% der Flle verwendet werden. Das endgltige Ziel ist es, ein ausreichendes Niveau in einer Sprache zu erhalten, in der Lage zusein, einfache Gesprche zu fhren, einen einfachen Austausch in Situationen des tglichen Lebens bewltigen zu knnen.
Jm Gardner (Author), Elodie, Kathrine, Teacher Elodie, Teacher Kathrine (Narrator)
Vocabolario per parlare mentre si viaggia in norvegese. 300 parole e frasi essenziali, in hotel, al ristorante, al lavoro, ecc. E i 100 verbi pi comuni. Il norvegese (norsk) una lingua nord germanica parlata principalmente in Norvegia, dove la lingua ufficiale. é parlato da 6 milioni di persone. Come imparare una lingua in modo diverso ? Oggi l'apprendimento delle lingue sta rivoluzionando: non devi pi frequentare le lezioni di lingua tradizionale. Il nostro metodo di apprendimento: una selezione di centinaia di frasi e parole essenziali. Li ascolti, li ripeti e parli. Facciamo affidamento sulla pronuncia, prova orale, ascolto, combinato con parole, frasi essenziali e una lista di vocaboli. Il 20% delle parole viene utilizzato l'80% delle volte. L'obiettivo finale quello di ottenere un livello sufficiente in una lingua per essere in grado di tenere conversazioni semplici, essere in grado di comprendere scambi semplici, affrontare con la vita di tutti i giorni e iniziare ad esplorare la nuova cultura che ti si apre.
Jm Gardner (Author), Francesca, Kathrine, Teacher Francesca, Teacher Kathrine (Narrator)
As 300 frases e expresses essenciais para a vida cotidiana e os 100 verbos mais comuns para viajar. Noruegus (norsk) uma l'ngua germnica do norte falada principalmente na Noruega, onde a l'ngua oficial. falado por 6 milhes de pessoas. Nosso mtodo de aprendizado: selecionamos centenas de frases e palavras essenciais. Voc os escuta, os repete e fala. Contamos com pronncia, ensaio oral, escuta, combinados com palavras, frases essenciais e uma lista de vocabulrio. Durante dcadas, a repetio espaada provou ser um mtodo de aprendizagem eficaz. O objetivo final conseguir um n'vel suficiente em um idioma para poder manter conversas simples, para entender trocas simples, para sobreviver em situaes da vida cotidiana.
Jm Gardner (Author), Iana Serena, Kathrin, Teacher Ian, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Serena (Narrator)
Travel words and phrases in Norwegian
Travel words and phrases in Norwegian. 300 essential words and phrases and the 100 most common verbs. Norwegian (norsk) is a North Germanic language spoken mainly in Norway, where it is the official language. It is spoken by 6 million people. How to learn a language differently ? Today, language learning is revolutionizing : you do not have to go to traditional language classes anymore. Our learning method : a selection of hundreds of phrases and essential words. You listen to them, you repeat them, and you speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrine, Katie, Teacher Kathrine, Teacher Katie (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrin, Lucie, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
Voyager en norvgien : 300 mots phrases et expressions essentielles et les 100 verbes les plus courants. Le norvgien (norsk en norvgien) est une langue germanique parle en Norvge, elle a pour racine historique le vieux norrois, qui tait utilise depuis le Moyen åge en Scandinavie. Le norvgien est parl par environ 6 millions de personnes. La mthode d'apprentissage que nous vous proposons est la suivante : nous avons selectionn des centaines de phrases et de mots essentiels. Vous les coutez, vous les rptez, et vous parlez. Nous misons sur la prononciation, la rptition orale, l'coute, conjugus des mots, des phrases essentielles, et une liste de vocabulaire. Cela fait des dcennies que la rptition espace est prouve comme tant une mthode d'apprentissage efficace. Nous avons choisi le vocabulaire par frquence d'utilisation, et nous vous proposons de vous apprendre en priorit les 20% des mots qui sont utiliss 80% du temps. L'objectif final est d'obtenir un niveau suffisant dans une langue pour tre capable de tenir des conversations simples, pouvoir comprendre les changes simples, s'en sortir dans les situation de la vie quotidienne, une tape qui sera suffisamment motivante pour vous donner envie de continuer et de commencer explorer la nouvelle culture qui s'ouvre vous.
Jm Gardner (Author), Teacher Florence, Teacher Kathrin (Narrator)
Hindi Ð Norwegian : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrin, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Tulika, Tulika (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrin, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Veronika, Veronika (Narrator)
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