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[Portuguese] - Descoberto Na Tradução: Como Traduzir, Divulgar e Vender Seus Livros em Idiomas Estra
Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital. Preparar, Apontar, Traduzir! A corrida pelo ouro no negócio da editoração independente não acabou... Na verdade, está apenas começando em mercados que não são de língua inglesa. Encontre novos leitores, novos mercados e ganhe mais dinheiro traduzindo seus livros para outros idiomas. É mais fácil do que você pensa! Aprenda a: Identificar mercados globais em alta para o seu gênero; Encontrar os melhores tradutores; Traduzir seus livros sem investimento inicial; Proteger e usufruir de seus direitos; Gerar múltiplas fontes de rendimento com seus livros; Ganhar novos leitores, alcançar novos mercados e ganhar mais dinheiro! Após ler este livro, desejará ter começado mais cedo… mas nunca é tarde demais! Na verdade, nunca houve um momento mais propício para encontrar novos mercados, cativar novos leitores e ganhar mais dinheiro! Pegue sua cópia do livro “Descoberto na Tradução” e comece a traduzir ainda hoje!
S.C. Scott (Author), Voz Digital Paulo G (Narrator)
Essential Life Skills for Youth: The Life Skills Cookbook for Growing Minds
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Ignite the potential of your pre-teens and teenagers aged 8-17 with 'Essential Life Skills for Youth'. This guide equips them with a diverse skill set vital for personal and professional success, presented with captivating visuals and practical insights. Engaging activities and real-life examples make skill acquisition fun and relatable, empowering young minds to thrive. Whether just starting their journey or reaching new heights, this book is the key to unlocking their full potential. What You'll Find Inside: - A hands-on guide to essential life skills, tailored for pre-teens and teenagers aged 8-17. - Enchanting illustrations enhance every learning experience. - An extensive exploration of vital topics. - Expert guidance and practical insights for nurturing key life skills. - Engaging activities and relatable real-world scenarios. Secure their future success today!
Rafiq Khan (Author), Digital Voice Madison G (Narrator)
Trash Talk: The Only Book About Destroying Your Rivals That Isn't Total Garbage
"You're mad at me, but I am killing you."-NBA star Gary Payton "Find the hate."-NFL star Warren Sapp "Why can't you be more like Rafi Kohan?"-your mom, probably Whether in basketball, football, or MMA, athletes talk trash to each other-and sometimes to fans-like it's their job. And in some ways, it is: sports only matter if we decide to care about them. And insulting your opponent, or playing the heel, is probably the fastest route to making someone care. Talking smack is as old as the bible; it's perhaps the original sport. But until now, there's never been a book about it. In this lively, often hilarious history, Rafi Kohan interviews some of the world's top competitors-on the petty rivalries and mind games that fuel them. He talks to point guards and soccer strikers, cricketers and insult comedians, forming a theory along the way about the surprising and influential role that name-calling plays in our world. Brilliantly original and wide-ranging, Trash Talk is a book for sports fans, culture mavens, or anyone looking to get an edge.
Rafi Kohan (Author), Rafi Kohan (Narrator)
Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded
As a scientist, you are a professional writer: your career is built on successful proposals and papers. Success isn't defined by getting papers into print, but by getting them into the reader's consciousness. Writing Science is built upon the idea that successful science writing tells a story. It uses that insight to discuss how to write more effectively. Integrating lessons from other genres of writing with those from author Joshua Schimel's years of experience as author, reviewer, and editor, this book shows scientists and students how to present their research in a way that is clear and that will maximize reader comprehension.
Joshua Schimel (Author), Lane Hakel, TBD (Narrator)
What Really Happens in Vegas: Discover the infamous city as you’ve never seen it before
Brought to you by Penguin. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas - until now. Whether you're a Vegas regular or have only heard the city's tales through whispers, this book will surprise and astound you . . . It's not just the five-star dining, or the casinos, or the clubs, or the crowds. It's the electrifying chemistry of America's most round-the-clock city. In this dazzling 24-hour journey, James Patterson lifts the lid on America's notorious hub of gambling and excess. Fuelled by original interviews and in-depth reporting, What Happens in Vegas uncovers the vice, crime and entertainment that made Sin City an infamous desert mecca. This is Vegas as you've never seen it before, filled with unbelievable stories from the people who make the city tick, simmer - and even explode. PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON 'Patterson knows where our deepest fears are buried... there's no stopping his imagination' NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW 'A writer with an unusual skill at thriller plotting' GUARDIAN 'The master storyteller of our times' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON ©2023 James Patterson (P)2023 Penguin Audio
James Patterson (Author), Phil Morris (Narrator)
Perfecting the New England American Accent
Embark on a journey to master the distinct New England American accent with our specialized audio course, tailored for actors seeking authenticity in their performances. This course offers an in-depth exploration of the unique phonetic characteristics, intonation patterns, and other nuances that define this iconic American dialect. The course includes practical exercises, focusing on vowel shifts and the distinctive rhythm and melody of the New England speech pattern. The course includes authentic speech examples from multiple sources and time periods, allowing you to hear and practice the accent in realistic scenarios. Our course is designed for ease of use. Whether you're preparing for a specific role or expanding your acting repertoire, this course offers the tools and guidance to authentically embody the New England American accent. Join us and transform your accent skills with confidence and precision.
Stephanie Lam (Author), Robert Davis (Narrator)
American Sign Language for Beginners
This audiocourse, titled 'American Language for Beginners,' is meticulously designed to introduce learners to the foundational aspects of American Sign Language (ASL), one of the most widely used languages among the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities in the United States. Spanning several comprehensive lessons, this course starts by teaching common signs and then reviews the ASL alphabet and numbers, where each is described in detail, ensuring that learners can grasp the hand shapes and movements associated with each character. After that more handshapes are described, with a thematic focus including: sports, weather, travel, clothing, directions and foods. The course includes lessons on non-manual signals like facial expressions and body movements, which are crucial for conveying tone and context in ASL. The course also uses brief quizzes to reinforce learning. Additionally, there are sections devoted to cultural aspects of the deaf community, offering insights into the history and diversity in ASL communication. Throughout the course, the narrator’s voice is calm and encouraging, making complex concepts approachable for beginners. This comprehensive approach ensures that learners not only understand ASL basics but also gain a broader appreciation for the language and culture of the deaf community.
David Danforth (Author), Andrew Heisler (Narrator)
Writing the Shadow: Turn Your Inner Darkness Into Words
Do you want to connect with readers on a deeper level?Do you want your books to stand out in a sea of content by being authentic and personal in your writing whatever the genre? Are you interested in creative self-development? If yes, Writing the Shadow is for you. This is a book of my heart and it contains many personal stories — but this book is really about helping you reach readers with your words — and move to the next level in your writing. We all long to write boldly, without filters or fear. To spin stories that capture the messy beauty of what it means to be human. Tales that lay bare the truth of living — darkness and all. But something holds us back. Whispers of “Who do you think you are?” and “You don’t have permission to write that.” Our own self-censorship and the judgment of others keep us from writing freely — and sometimes, from living fully. But all great art taps into darkness, and your most compelling work emerges when you embrace your full humanity—both light and Shadow. In Writing the Shadow, I’ll guide you on an intimate journey to explore the darkness and discover the gold lying hidden in its depths. Gold that may be the source of your best creative work in the years ahead. The Shadow is calling. It’s time to turn your inner darkness into words. “I love everything Joanna Penn does, but Writing the Shadow is the icing on the cake. Ms Penn has found the gold within the darkness and has lit a candle to show us the way.” Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art
Joanna Penn (Author), Joanna Penn (Narrator)
How to Speak in Public: 7 Easy Steps to Master Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Business Storyt
Are you a new in public speaking or looking to up your game as a public speaker? Are you struggling to get your message out, or not sure how to combat the nerves of speaking publicly? “How to Speak in Public” is a great guide to help you make a move from a new speaker to being someone who people admire and respect as an effective communicator. Mastering the skills of communication can be a complex and daunting task, but with this, those complexities are broken down into 7 easy and actionable steps. When you are preparing for a speaking engagement, you have so many things to consider and so many levels to assess. You not only need to accomplish the tasks you are personally assigned but also navigate those that your audience expects, all along the way encouraging and motivating them to buy into your message. You have to walk a fine line between being a communicator and influencer. YOU WILL LEARN: - How to formulate a plan for public speaking. - Techniques for preparing a speech. - Developing the craft of public speaking. - How to recognize potential. - How to engage your audience. - How to read the body language of your audience. - How your body language affects your delivery. - How to build your confidence. - How to combat your nerves as a public speaker. - And much more! Regardless of where you are on your journey as a public speaker or if you’re just thinking about it for the future, this can provide you with a guide for success. It’s time to take the plunge and grow!
Caden Burke (Author), Gavin Burns (Narrator)
[German] - Reden Lernen - Überwinde deine Redeangst. Präsentiere souverän. Halte begeisternde Vorträ
Kennst du das? Steht eine wichtige Jubiläumsfeier an und du hältst die Rede? Oder musst du die Ergebnisse eines Projekts präsentieren? Vielleicht vertrittst du dein Unternehmen auf einer Konferenz mit einem Fachvortrag oder bist für den entscheidenden Pitch bei einem potenziellen Neukunden verantwortlich. In all diesen Situationen steigt dein Puls und die Nervosität nimmt zu? Dann kann ich dich beruhigen! Zum einen bist du nicht allein. Das Gefühl der Anspannung ist ein weit verbreitetes Phänomen, wenn es darum geht, eine Rede zu halten oder eine Präsentation zu machen. Zweitens, und das ist die gute Nachricht, kannst du aktiv etwas dagegen tun. Und das ist einfacher, als du denkst - das Hörbuch führt dich durch diesen Prozess. In diesem Hörbuch stecken mehr als 14 Jahre Erfahrung. In den letzten Jahren habe ich auf zahlreichen Konferenzen, Kongressen, Seminaren und Workshops immer wieder beobachtet, wie kleine und große Fehler auf der Bühne die spannendsten Inhalte in monotone, gehetzt wirkende und manchmal überfordernde Vorträge verwandeln. Interessanterweise ist dies den Vortragenden oft gar nicht bewusst. Deshalb habe ich in 'Reden Lernen' die wesentlichen Bausteine für mitreißende Vorträge, inspirierende Reden und erfolgreiche Präsentationen zusammengestellt. Dieser Rhetorik-Ratgeber ist kein typisches Fachbuch, sondern ein praktischer Leitfaden, der dich von den ersten Vorbereitungsminuten bis zum Schlussapplaus begleitet. Auch für erfahrene Rednerinnen und Redner gibt es viele nützliche und praktische Tipps, die sich sofort umsetzen lassen. Folgende Inhalte erwarten dich in diesem Hörbuch: - Überwindung von Redeangst: Erkennen und Überwinden von Ängsten, die mit öffentlichen Reden verbunden sind. - Smalltalk: Verbesserung der sozialen Interaktion bei Netzwerkveranstaltungen wie Konferenzen und Seminaren. - Atem- und Entspannungsübungen: Techniken, um sich zu beruhigen und zu entspannen, um besser präsentieren zu können. - Sprechübungen: Tipps und Strategien, um das Sprechen in der Öffentlichkeit zu üben. - Authentisch sprechen: Ratschläge, um bei öffentlichen Reden authentisch zu sein. - Pausen und Rhetorik: Erklärung der Bedeutung und des Einsatzes von rhetorischen Pausen und anderen rhetorischen Techniken. - Umgang mit Fragen: Ratschläge für den Umgang mit Fragen aus dem Publikum. - Einen Vortrag beginnen: Ideen und Ratschläge für einen wirkungsvollen Beginn einer Präsentation. - Aufbau und Struktur des Vortrags: Tipps zur Planung und Strukturierung eines Vortrags. - Live auf der Bühne: Tipps zum Verhalten und Auftreten auf der Bühne. - Körpersprache, Mimik und Gestik: Tipps zur Verbesserung der nonverbalen Kommunikation. - Reputation & Selbstmarketing: Tipps zur Selbstvermarktung und zum Aufbau einer starken Reputation als Redner. Eines ist sicher: Wer professionell reden, präsentieren und vortragen kann, ist in fast allen Lebenslagen erfolgreicher.
Ronny Marx (Author), Nils Wittrock (Narrator)
An Ideal Handbook for IELTS Speaking Cue Cards
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. 'An Ideal Handbook for IELTS Speaking Cue Cards' by Ranjot Chahal is a comprehensive guide designed to help IELTS test-takers excel in the speaking section. This book is an invaluable resource for those aiming to achieve a perfect 9 band score. Inside this handbook, you will find a carefully curated selection of IELTS speaking cue cards, meticulously crafted to cover a wide range of topics commonly encountered in the exam. Each cue card is accompanied by detailed model answers that demonstrate the qualities needed to score high on the test. The book follows a systematic approach, providing step-by-step guidance on how to effectively tackle each cue card topic. It offers valuable tips and strategies to enhance your speaking skills, including techniques for organizing your thoughts, structuring your responses, and showcasing language proficiency. Furthermore, 'An Ideal Handbook for IELTS Speaking Cue Cards' prioritizes real-world applicability by incorporating authentic and relevant vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and grammatical structures. This ensures that you not only excel in the exam but also develop the necessary communication skills for success in academic and professional settings. Whether you are a self-study learner or working with an instructor, this handbook serves as a trusted companion throughout your IELTS preparation journey. It equips you with the tools and knowledge to confidently tackle any cue card topic and deliver fluent, coherent, and accurate responses that impress examiners. With 'An Ideal Handbook for IELTS Speaking Cue Cards,' authored by the esteemed Ranjot Chahal, you can embark on your IELTS speaking preparation with confidence, aiming for the coveted 9 band score and setting yourself up for success in your academic and professional pursuits.
Ranjot Singh Chahal (Author), Digital Voice Prashanth G (Narrator)
How to Speak Business English with Confidence: A Guide to Boosting Business English Proficiency
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. In the rapidly evolving world of business, effective communication can be the key to success. “How to Speak Business English with Confidence: A Guide to Boosting Business English Proficiency” is your comprehensive resource for mastering the art of clear and business communication. With a focus on practicality and confidence-building, this book takes you on a journey through the intricate landscape of business English. Whether you’re a seasoned professional aiming to refine your skills or an aspiring entrepreneur seeking to navigate the global marketplace, this guide offers the tools and knowledge you need to excel. Master the Essentials Begin your journey by grasping the fundamental components of business English. From sentence structure to vocabulary, you’ll establish a strong linguistic foundation that forms the backbone of effective communication. Polish Your Writing and Speaking Skills Elevate your business correspondence with precision and finesse. Learn to craft compelling emails, reports, and memos that leave a lasting impact. Develop your speaking and listening abilities to confidently engage in meetings, presentations, and negotiations. Strategist Your Communication Navigate the complexities of business interactions with confidence. Delve into the strategies that make every conversation count. From mastering teleconferences and video conferences to networking effectively and breaking cultural barriers, you’ll emerge as a skilled communicator in any setting. Conquer Specialized Business Situations Stand out in interviews with impeccable language skills. Seamlessly manage business travel and accommodation arrangements. Adapt and excel in cross-cultural communication, and learn to handle ethical dilemmas and challenging situations with grace. Start your journey to confident and impact business English communication today
Ranjot Singh Chahal (Author), Digital Voice Padma G (Narrator)
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