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Writing & Publishing as a Business
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Self-publishing is well within the reach of many authors however, the learning curve can be frustratingly steep. Author Rae A. Stonehouse, veteran of a dozen of his own self-help, personal/professional development books and others for his clients, shares sage advice from his self-publishing career and from the pros. Book One Writing & Publishing as a Business in The Successful Self Publisher Series: How to Write, Publish and Market Your Book Yourself addresses writing books and self-publishing based on business best-practices. There is nothing wrong with sending your manuscript to a traditional publishing company, but only self-publishing allows you to make all the choices – cover art, interior design, even story content – based on your vision, and your goals. Plus, you can have a finished copy in months, not years. As an author with the desire of being paid for your hard work, you are in business. If you choose to self-publish, you are now in the publishing business as well. Book One Writing & Publishing as a Business explores the following topics essential to creating your manuscript: - Choosing your topic - How to generate content ideas for your book - Organizing your content so it makes sense - Researching - Creating your storyline - Finding your writing voice - Saving your work - Preventing spelling & grammar mistakes - Minding your tense - Formatting your manuscript - Adding illustrations or graphics - Creating book titles that sell - Proofreading And much more...
Rae A. Stonehouse (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
The Nurse: Inside Denmark's Most Sensational Criminal Trial
In the early hours of March 2015, the police receive a call from a nurse at a provincial Danish hospital. She suspects her colleague is deliberately killing patients and fears that it has just happened again. Soon, several witnesses reveal that they too suspect the same nurse of poisoning patients; some have been harbouring their suspicion for years... so why has no one done anything about it before? And now that those patients’ bodies have long been cremated, where is the evidence? To this day, the nurse, Christina Aistrup Hansen, maintains her innocence. Is this an example of small-town gossip snowballing out of control, or a sinister case of serial sociopathic harm? In this award-winning, best-selling account, Danish journalist Kristian Corfixen reconstructs the fateful night shift in 2015 when three patients die under mysterious circumstances, setting in motion one of Denmark’s most sensational criminal trials. With thorough research and extensive source material – including medical records, autopsy reports, text and email correspondence, and police reports – Corfixen tells the true story of the events. The book includes testimonies from key players in the case, including the convicted nurse, Hansen, and the key witness, both of whom are speaking publicly about the case for the first time. A compelling and deeply disturbing case that will thrill true crime fans, and those hooked on Netflix’s 'The Good Nurse' starring Eddie Redmayne. - Kristian Corfixen is a Danish journalist. 'The Nurse' ('Sygeplejersken' 2019), won critical acclaim and several awards while also raising debate about the rigorous vetting of caretakers, and the role of indicative evidence in criminal courts.
Kristian Corfixen (Author), Colin Mace (Narrator)
The Making of the Modern Middle East: A Personal History
'An illuminating and riveting read.’ Jonathan Dimbleby Jeremy Bowen, the BBC’s Middle East Editor, has been covering the region since 1989 and is uniquely placed to explain its complex past and its troubled present. In The Making of the Modern Middle East – in part based on his acclaimed podcast, ‘Our Man in the Middle East’ – Bowen takes us on a journey across the Middle East and through its history. He meets ordinary men and women on the front line, their leaders, whether brutal or benign, and he explores the power games that have so often wreaked devastation on civilian populations as those leaders, whatever their motives, jostle for political, religious and economic control. With his deep understanding of the political, cultural and religious differences between countries as diverse as Erdogan’s Turkey, Assad’s Syria and Netanyahu’s Israel and his long experience of covering events in the region, Bowen offers readers a gripping and invaluable guide to the modern Middle East, how it came to be and what its future might hold.
Jeremy Bowen (Author), Jeremy Bowen (Narrator)
Smart Brevity: The Power of Saying More with Less
Brevity is confidence. Length is fear. This is the guiding principle of Smart Brevity, a communication formula built by Axios journalists to prioritize essential news and information, explain its impact and deliver it in a concise and visual format. Now, the co-founders of Axios have created an essential guide for communicating effectively and efficiently using Smart Brevity-think Strunk and White's Elements of Style for the digital age. In SMART BREVITY: The Power of Saying More with Less, Axios co-founders Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen, and Roy Schwartz teach readers how to say more with less in virtually any format. They also share communications lessons learned from their decades of experience in media, business and communications.
Jim Vandehei, Mike Allen, Roy Schwartz (Author), Mark Chamberlin (Narrator)
Mit Rhetorik begeistern: Wie ich frei reden lernte - und wie auch Sie es schaffen
Wie ich frei reden lernte - und auch Sie es schaffen Dieses Hörbuch wendet sich an alle, die ab sofort rhetorisch durchstarten wollen. Hier erfahren Sie: • Wie Sie Ihre Rhetorik spürbar verbessern • Wie Sie sich effektiv und mit bleibendem Eindruck anderen präsentieren • Wie Sie passende und persönliche Beispiele für Ihre Reden finden • Wie Sie sich bei Vorträgen von anderen positiv unterscheiden • Wie Sie die Geheimnisse der Kardialrhetorik nutzen • Wie Sie so sprechen, dass Sie die Herzen des Publikums erreichen • Wie Sie ohne Notizen sprechen
Tillmann Luther (Author), Simone Schatz (Narrator)
Your Book on Your Terms: The Most Efficient Way to Write, Publish, and Promote Your Nonfiction Book
A book is the new business card. Looking for a book on how to scale your business? Becoming a published author is the way business owners and industry experts have been growing their brand, their revenue, and breaking into new and unique opportunities. Want to break into public speaking? The credibility that comes with being a published author will open doors for you. Do you have a desire to coach others? What better way than to prove your knowledge with a book? How about lead generation? Cross sales? Community growth? Funding for your business? Or a unique marketing angle? Writing a book can move barriers, yet the concept of how to write a book seems overwhelming to most. There's a stigma surrounding the process that scares aspiring authors away from the project. But it isn't. Writing a book is possible. In fact, it's easier than it ever has been to write, publish, and promote your nonfiction book. Your Book on Your Terms will walk you through the process of writing a book, publishing your book, and promoting your book using the latest technology to maximize efficiency. Time is the one commodity we can never get back. Why waste it doing things the old way? Use the unique process outlined in this book to start growing your business while helping to inform and educate others.
John Feldman (Author), John Feldman (Narrator)
This Creative Life: A Handbook for Writers
There are a lot of books about writing out there. If you’re like most writers, you’ve just about read them all. But learning how to write (and organize and outline and plot and edit and save the cat and market a breakout book) is one thing. Making and living a sustainable creative life in the face an entirely different matter. To know how to do that, we need to take a look at what goes on between the lines of our lives as writers so that we can live them with maybe a little more thought and intention--no matter the many interior and exterior obstacles that can threaten to derail our purpose. In this companion book to her long-running podcast, Sara Zarr brings her sixteen-year publishing career and experience as a speaker, teacher, and mentor to a conversational and encouraging collection of hard-won insights about what it means not to just write (and perchance to publish), but to be a writer.
Sara Zarr (Author), Sara Zarr (Narrator)
“True originality consists not in a new manner, but in a new vision.” Grab a pen and hone your writing skills under the guidance one of the greatest teachers of the craft. Edith Wharton made her claim in the literary world as the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize in Literature. She is famous for her works of fiction, which include The Age of Innocence, The House of Mirth, and Ethan Frome. Breaking from this tradition, The Writing of Fiction sets itself apart as a distinctive work of nonfiction, in which Wharton pulls back the curtain to reveal the theories behind a great story. The Writing of Fiction delves into the timeless questions of all aspiring writers: 1. How do I find inspiration? 2. How do I turn thoughts and ideas into words? 3. How do I make my characters seem real? 4. How do I write something original when so much has already been written? 5. How do I tell a compelling story? Wharton offers advice specific to writing short stories and writing novels. She pulls insights from other great writers along the way and concludes with an in-depth analysis of French novelist Marcel Proust. The Writing of Fiction is a chance to mingle with renowned writers and find your own voice. Consider it Wharton’s personal invitation to discover your own potential and jump-start your creative process.
Edith Wharton (Author), Erin Bateman (Narrator)
Investigar y escribir con APA 7
El propósito de este libro es ayudar a los estudiantes, docentes y profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanas a comunicar los resultados de investigación, ya sea en formato tesis o artículo científico. Para ello, el texto proporciona un conjunto de pautas formales para la organización, estructuración y redacción de estos dos géneros. Investigar y escribir con APA 7 toma como base los lineamientos establecidos en la séptima edición del Manual APA (2020) y desarrolla ejemplos reales y modélicos que ayudarán al lector a tener un mejor entendimiento de la forma de presentar estos textos. De esa manera, el libro es una herramienta que ayuda a dinamizar el proceso formativo de los estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado, mejorar los procesos de enseñanza y encaminar las actividades investigativas con miras a publicar los resultados.
Dennis Arias Chávez, Luis Miguel Cangalaya Sevillano (Author), Sergio Bustos (Narrator)
Speed Reading für Einsteiger: Wie Sie mit einfachen Methoden Ihre Lesegeschwindigkeit drastisch erhö
Die meisten Menschen in unserer Gesellschaft können lesen, doch nur wenige können dieses effizient und schnell. Mithilfe dieses Buches möchte ich versuchen, Ihnen das Speed Reading näherzubringen. Der beliebte Lesetrend begeistert durch Methoden, die es einem ermöglichen sollen, bis zu dreimal so schnell zu lesen - und das mit nur wenig Übung und Aufwand. Hört sich diese Idee für Ihr Leben genau richtig an und haben Sie schon immer davon geträumt, schneller lesen zu können? Dann ist dieses Buch ideal für Sie. Sie lernen verschiedene Techniken und Methoden zum Thema schnelles Lesen kennen und lernen, diese durch Übungen einzusetzen. Außerdem lernen Sie, effizienter zu lesen und sich die während des Lesens erhaltenden Informationen langfristig zu merken.
Tom Sandkamp (Author), Jacky Hoefflin (Narrator)
Reden, Vortrag, Präsentation - Mit Leichtigkeit vor Publikum sprechen und überzeugen: Wie Sie Ihre R
Sie müssen für Ihre Arbeit, für Schule oder Studium einen Vortrag oder ein Referat halten? Ob es sich um eine kurze Präsentation oder um einen längeren Vortrag im Rahmen eines Seminars handelt - die Bedingungen sind dieselben. Sie gehören nicht zu den Menschen, welche ohne jede Angst vor anderen Menschen sprechen können und dabei redegewandt und souverän ihren Vortrag abliefern? Im Gegenteil: Sie sind aufgeregt und haben kurz vorher das Gefühl, keinen Ton herauszubekommen? Die gute Nachricht: Das Reden vor anderen Menschen lässt sich lernen! Dieser Ratgeber beschäftigt sich mit den Grundlagen der zwischenmenschlichen Kommunikation. So lässt sich besser verstehen, wie es zu Störungen bei der Kommunikation kommen kann und wie man diese verhindert. Weiterhin behandelt dieses Buch die Mittel und Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihren Vortrag so gestalten, dass er bei Ihrem Zuhörer richtig gut ankommt.
Leon Bahlsen (Author), Uwe Zoschke (Narrator)
So you wrote a book. Congratulations. Now, if you're like a lot of us, you want to sell that book. You're ready to try to become a professional author. This book is meant to help you navigate that next stage of your writing career regardless of whether you want to find a publisher or self-publish. It will give you a high-level discussion of what you need to start thinking about now regardless of the path you choose.
M.L. Humphrey (Author), M.L. Humphrey (Narrator)
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