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Política: crônica de José de Alencar
'Em vez de examinarem-se as necessidades do país, examinam-se as necessidades deste ou daquele indivíduo, nomeiam-no para um bom emprego criado sem utilidade pública, e o país se incumbe de alimentá-lo por uma boa porção de anos.' Eis o tom da crítica à política – atualíssima! – nessa crônica do livro 'Ao correr da pena', de José Alencar.
José De Alencar (Author), Tiago Torres (Narrator)
Jornalismo: duas crônicas de José de Alencar
O leitor – sobretudo o carioca – há de se surpreender com o bairro de Botafogo que aparece nessas duas crônicas extraídas do livro 'Ao correr da pena', de José Alencar. Numa crítica à imprensa do Brasil Império, o autor ironiza o jornalista 'chorão', pra então nos fazer rir com a 'arte de chorar' que descreve. Seguindo na análise bem humorada da escrita jornalística, usa de uma alegoria singular: as brigas entre os tinteiros e as penas!
José De Alencar (Author), Tiago Torres (Narrator)
כיצד בונים עלילה? מיהו גיבור מוצלח? איך מוצאים את הקול הספרותי המיוחד שלכם? איך מתקבלים להוצאת ספרים ומשפרים את הסיכויים להצליח בשוק הישראלי, ומה עושים אם רוצים לעבד את הספר לטלוויזיה או לתרגם אותו ולפרוץ לשוק הבין־לאומי? אם אתם כותבים או רוצים לכתוב, זהו המדריך בשבילכם. הגר ינאי מובילה אתכם יד ביד לאורך המסע המרגש של כתיבת ספר והוצאתו לאור – מהרגע שמבזיק בראשכם רעיון, דרך מלאכת בניית הסיפור עד שהספר שלכם מונח על המדף בחנויות הספרים. לכתוב ולהוציא לאור הוא מדריך שימושי שמיועד לכותבים מתחילים וגם לכותבים מתקדמים שכבר מחזיקים בכתב יד שלם ומבקשים לשפר אותו. הוא מציע הנחיה מקצועית, מפה עדכנית של שוק הספרים הישראלי וגם עשרות תרגילי כתיבה יצירתיים שתוכלו לבצע להנאתכם. בספר מתארחים יותר מארבעים סופרים ישראלים שמספרים על חוויית הכתיבה שלהם ונותנים עצות מעשיות. שמעון אדף | דנה אלעזר־הלוי | חיים באר | דרור בורשטיין | שהרה בלאו | יואב בלום | סמי ברדוגו | מאירה ברנע־גולדברג | אילנה ברנשטיין | ניר ברעם | יעקב גדות | אבירמה גולן |אריק גלסנר | אופיר טושה גפלה | אדיבה גפן | דויד גרוסמן | יעל הדיה | גיל הראבן |אמנון ז'קונט | נורית זרחי | יונתן יבין | נעה ידלין | א.ב. יהושע | שרית ישי לוי | ינץ לוי | סביון ליברכט | חגי ליניק | דרור משעני | טל ניצן | ענת עינהר | אלי עמיר | מאיה ערד | שרון צוהר | חנה קלדרון | אורלי קסטל־בלום | יהודית קציר | אתגר קרת | דורית רביניאן | עמליה רוזנבלום | רוביק רוזנטל | ליעד שוהם | אסף שור | אילן שיינפלד | שרה שילה | צרויה שלו | אילת שמיר | ישי שריד. הגר ינאי - סופרת, עורכת ספרותית ומורה לכתיבה יוצרת זה שני עשורים, מנהלת בית הספר לכתיבה של הוצאת עם עובד. חיברה שבעה רומנים וספרי פנטזיה, ובהם הטרילוגיה הלווייתן מבבל. זכתה בפרס ראש הממשלה לסופרים עברים, בפרס דבורה עומר לספרות נוער ובשלושה פרסי גפן לפנטזיה ישראלית.
הגר ינאי (Author), תמר לוין (Narrator)
What Does That Mean?: Better Understand Idioms, Phrases, and Sayings | And Discover the Fascinating
They say 'ignorance is bliss,' but there's no reason to 'take a rain check' on learning more about the English language.What does it mean for something to be 'a dime a dozen'? Why on earth would you tell someone to 'break a leg' when wishing them good luck? Idioms and expressions are a part of everyday English, but they aren't always the easiest to figure out. Many of these phrases have meanings that aren't immediately clear, and it can be confusing when they come up in conversations. For instance, 'a blessing in disguise' can easily become 'a blessing in the skies,' which is still less ridiculous than some of the very real idioms you'll find within these pages! Expanding your knowledge of English and the phrases used by native speakers will not only help you speak more confidently, but it will also assist in understanding complicated conversations and stories. In this guide, here is just a fraction of what you will discover: - The meanings and history behind 101 phrases and idioms for every situation - The obscure origins of many sayings and their enduring legacy throughout the years - How to properly use idioms in casual conversation to boost your speaking ability and conversational skills - Example sentences using the phrases so that you can see them in action And much more. Whether you're a native speaker looking to deepen your understanding of these common and not-so-common phrases or are learning English with the goal of speaking naturally and casually, this is the book for you! If you're ready to 'read between the lines' and master the art of the idiom, then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.
Cooper The Pooper (Author), Kc Wayman (Narrator)
Un texto brutal y necesario, que cuenta lo que casi nadie quiere oír y reflexiona sobre los riesgos, la ética y la necesidad del oficio de periodista. Hay tres cadáveres con nombre y vida en Los muertos y el periodista. Hay más, pero tres son esenciales. Tres hermanos salvadoreños pobres cuyos cuerpos aparecieron desfigurados (como poco) en un cañaveral. Este libro cuenta su historia. ¿Los tres hermanos han muerto realmente en un enfrentamiento entre pandilleros rivales? ¿A quién se protege no investigando las pruebas? ¿Qué cuentan los testigos que se atreven a hablar? Pero, junto con su historia, cuenta varias más: historias que componen el fondo de un abismo moderno. Por estas páginas asoman narcos, sicarios, policías corruptos, asesinos impunes y políticos que tapan los crímenes. En estas páginas hay poca redención. Abundan las dudas. A través de las experiencias vividas por el autor, que pasó trece años cubriendo una de las esquinas más violentas del planeta, se cuenta un mundo. Y ese mundo, que es el nuestro, es un mundo sobre el que casi nadie quiere oír. El lector tiene en sus manos un texto brutal y necesario, que reflexiona sobre los riesgos, la ética y la necesidad del oficio de periodista. «Un periodista de una valentía inusual y un escritor de un talento prodigioso» (Daniel Alarcón). «La escritura de Martínez es elocuente, cruda e incisiva, repleta de vívidas observaciones y de detalles» (New York Journal of Books). «Merece elogios no solo por su esfuerzo y por lo que escribe, sino porque escribe maravillosamente bien» (The New Yorker). «Un narrador poderoso» (Columbia Journalism Review).
óscar Martínez (Author), óscar Martínez (Narrator)
Cómo la puntuación cambió la historia: Signos de civilización
La puntuación es un sistema de convenciones que otorga mayor precisión y profundidad a las letras y palabras, dotándolas de color y emoción, tono y ritmo. De hecho, tiene consecuencias aún más drásticas: los signos de puntuación no son únicamente una parte importante de nuestro código idiomático, sino que se transformaron nada menos que en una de las fuerzas impulsoras en el desarrollo de toda nuestra civilización occidental. Escribimos mejor, más rápido y con mayor eficacia si usamos los signos de puntuación de forma consciente, coherente y de manera más o menos acorde a las convenciones establecidas por nuestra sociedad. Escribir es comunicar y, como tantas otras, la palabra 'comunicación' tiene su origen en el latín: comunicare. La etimología del término tiene que ver con comunidad, comprensión y conexiones. Bard Borch Michalsen
Bård Borch Michalsen (Author), Gustavo Dardes (Narrator)
Content Marketing Strategies That Work: Book Three
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. It can be said that writing your book can take 30% of your time and marketing it 130%. Many self-published authors shy away from marketing their content. It is a lot of work; the learning curve is steep, and it can take them out of their comfort zone. Way out! Self-marketing your content is well within your reach as an author when you know the basics and advanced strategies. Author Rae A. Stonehouse, veteran of a dozen of his own self-help, personal/professional development books and others for his clients, shares sage advice from his self-publishing career and from the pros. Book Three Content Marketing Strategies That Work in The Successful Self Publisher Series: How to Write, Publish and Market Your Book Yourself provides strategies for promoting your content for free and with paid advertising and explores the following topics essential to marketing your content: - Advertising vs Public Relations - Creating your Author’s Platform - How to Write Good Promotional Copy - Linkedin Strategies - Author Websites - Leveraging your Network - Leveraging social media (what works... what doesn’t) - Amazon and Facebook Advertising And much more... Other books in the series... Book One Writing & Publishing as a Business in The Successful Self Publisher Series: How to Write, Publish and Market Your Book Yourself, addresses writing books and self-publishing based on business best-practices. Book Two Self-Publishing for Fun and Profit in the series focuses on how to publish your content, yourself.
Rae A. Stonehouse (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
Newsroom Confidential: Lessons (and Worries) from an Ink-Stained Life
Prologue read by the author Over her four decades of working in newsrooms big and small, Margaret Sullivan has become a trusted champion and critic of the American news media. In this bracing memoir, Sullivan traces her life in journalism and how trust in the mainstream press has steadily eroded. Sullivan began her career at the Buffalo News, where she rose from summer intern to editor in chief. In Newsroom Confidential she chronicles her years in the trenches battling sexism and throwing elbows in a highly competitive newsroom. In 2012, Sullivan was appointed the public editor of The New York Times, the first woman to hold that important role. She was in the unique position of acting on behalf of readers to weigh the actions and reporting of the paper's staff, parsing potential lapses in judgment, unethical practices, and thorny journalistic issues. Sullivan recounts how she navigated the paper’s controversies, from Hillary Clinton's emails to Elon Musk's accusations of unfairness to the need for greater diversity in the newsroom. In 2016, having served the longest tenure of any public editor, Sullivan left for the Washington Post, where she had a front-row seat to the rise of Donald Trump in American media and politics. With her celebrated mixture of charm, sharp-eyed observation, and nuanced criticism, Sullivan takes us behind the scenes of the nation's most influential news outlets to explore how Americans lost trust in the news and what it will take to regain it. A Macmillan Audio production from St. Martin’s Press.
Margaret Sullivan (Author), Lisa Flanagan, Margaret Sullivan (Narrator)
Once Upon a Tome: The misadventures of a rare bookseller
Brought to you by Penguin. Welcome to Sotheran's, one of the oldest bookshops in the world, with its weird and wonderful clientele, suspicious cupboards, unlabelled keys, poisoned books and some things that aren't even books, presided over by one deeply eccentric apprentice. Some years ago, Oliver Darkshire stepped into the hushed interior of Henry Sotheran Ltd on Sackville Street (est. 1761) to interview for their bookselling apprenticeship, a decision which has bedevilled him ever since. He'd intended to stay for a year before launching into some less dusty, better remunerated career. Unfortunately for him, the alluring smell of old books and the temptation of a management-approved afternoon nap proved irresistible. Soon he was balancing teetering stacks of first editions, fending off nonagenarian widows with a ten-foot pole and trying not to upset the store's resident ghost (the late Mr Sotheran had unfinished business when he was hit by that tram). For while Sotheran's might be a treasure trove of literary delights, it sings a siren song to eccentrics. There are not only colleagues whose tastes in rare items range from the inspired to the mildly dangerous, but also zealous collectors seeking knowledge, curios, or simply someone with whom to hold a four hour conversation about books bound in human skin. By turns unhinged and earnestly dog-eared, Once Upon a Tome is the rather colourful story of life in one of the world's oldest bookshops and a love letter to the benign, unruly world of antiquarian bookselling, where to be uncommon or strange is the best possible compliment. © Oliver Darkshire 2022 (P) Penguin Audio 2022
Oliver Darkshire (Author), Oliver Darkshire (Narrator)
Craft and Conscience: How to Write About Social Issues
The first major book for writers to more effectively engage with complex socio-political issues-a critical first step in creating social change Writers are witnesses and scribes to society's conscience but writing about social issues in the twenty-first century requires a new, sharper toolkit. Craft and Conscience helps writers weave together their narrative craft, analytical and research skills, and their conscience to create prose which makes us feel the individual and collective impact of crucial issues of our time. Kavita Das guides writers to take on nuanced perspectives and embrace intentionality through a social justice lens. She challenges writers to unpack their motivations for writing about an issue and to understand that "writing, irrespective of genre or outlet, is an act of political writing," regardless of intention. The book includes essays from a fascinating mix of authors, including James Baldwin, Alexander Chee, Kaitlyn Greenidge, George Orwell, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Gaiutra Bahadur, Jaquira Díaz, and Imani Perry. By including Das's own perspective and those of the featured writers about motivations and approaches to writing about fraught social issues, this book both demystifies the process of engaging social issues on the page, and underscores the intentionality and sensitivity that must go into the work.
Kavita Das (Author), Lynnette R. Freeman (Narrator)
Speaking my Soul: Race, Life and Language
Speaking My Soul is the honest story of linguist John R. Rickford's life from his early years as the youngest of ten children in Guyana to his status as Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at Stanford, of the transformation of his identity from colored or mixed race in Guyana to black in the USA, and of his work championing Black Talk and its speakers. In this engaging memoir, Rickford recalls landmark events for his racial identity like being elected president of the Black Student Association at the U of California, Santa Cruz; learning from black expeditions to the South Carolina Sea Islands, Jamaica, Belize, and Ghana; and meeting or interviewing civil rights icons like Huey P. Newton, Rosa Parks, and South African Dennis Brutus. He worked with Rachel Jeantel, Trayvon Martin's friend and key witness in the trial of George Zimmerman for his murder. Zimmerman's exoneration sparked the Black Lives Matter movement. This is the account of a former director of African and African American studies whose work has increased our understanding of the richness of African American language and our awareness of the education and criminal justice challenges facing African-Americans. It is key for students and faculty in linguistics, mixed-race studies, African American studies, and social justice.
John Russell Rickford (Author), William Andrew Quinn (Narrator)
El arte de la entrevista: 40 años de preguntas y respuestas
Una selección de las entrevistas más emblemáticas de una de las grandes del periodismo. Como dice Rosa Montero, las entrevistas añejas son como las fotos antiguas: tiempo remansado, detenido. Leyéndolas, uno no sólo recorre los tiempos vividos, sino que, además, inevitablemente piensa en la inocencia perdida. Con la característica intuición periodística, la inmensa capacidad de análisis y el talento narrativo extraordinario de la autora, este volumen recupera sus entrevistas más emblemáticas publicadas en El País y nos obsequia con cuarenta años de preguntas y respuestas que nos permiten confrontar las verdades que el tiempo ha ido desvelando. El arte de la entrevista resulta así un fiel reflejo de la historia, del paso de los años, y un testimonio de la trayectoria de una de las grandes periodistas de nuestro país. La prueba definitiva de que, más que un género periodístico, la entrevista es una expresión artística donde confluyen, en una deliciosa combinación, historia, tiempo y verdad. ** Premio Leyenda 2019 concedido por la Asociación de Librerías de Madrid
Rosa Montero (Author), Elsa Veiga (Narrator)
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