Browse Japanese audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Easy Learning Japanese Audio Course
The UK's bestselling audio series for learning a languageThe Easy Learning Japanese course is the perfect language learning course for holidays and business trips abroad. Easy to use - learn Japanese quickly and with confidence Easy to follow - listen, speak Japanese and learn Easy to learn - Japanese grammar made simpleEasy Learning Japanese teaches you key words for the most important situations and lets you expand your language through a variety of activities. You choose whether to focus on learning the essentials or to progress to some more challenging activities - so whether you're a beginner, or you want to refresh and build upon your existing knowledge, you can become confident in Japanese without even having to pick up a pen.Download the accompanying booklet from covered:Unit 1: GreetingsUnit 2: Attracting attentionUnit 3: NationalitiesUnit 4: OccupationsUnit 5: Asking directionsUnit 6: Going places (1): where?Unit 7: Going places (2): when?Unit 8: Going places (3): how?Unit 9: Food (1): wantsUnit 10: Food (2): likes and dislikesUnit 11: Ordering drinksUnit 12: Paying the bill
Fumitsugu Enokida, Junko Ogawa, Rosi McNab (Author), Collins Dictionaries, Fumitsugu Enokida, Junko Ogawa (Narrator)
Learning Is Fast, Fun & Friendly with Quickstart Japanese! For Beginners, Travelers & Advanced Speakers! What is most difficult about learning another language? Getting started! Quickstart Japanese is designed for you to start quickly, and maximizes the full potential of the widely accepted method of learning a language--the 'Immersion' Method. Designed in Europe where most people are at minimum bilingual, Quickstart Japanese is engaging, addicting, fun and easy to learn! LEARN OVER 800 ESSENTIAL WORDS & PHRASES! Part 1 includes: Essential Phrases * Invitations * Telling Time * Asking for Directions * Calling a Taxi * Travel by Train * Travel by Plane * At the Airport * & More! Part 2 includes: At the Hotel * At the Restaurant * At the Post Office * Telephone Phrases * Shopping * At the Doctor * At the Pharmacy * & More! Total Time: 2 hours (approx.)
Select Publishing Group (Author), Select Publishing Group (Narrator)
Learn Japanese: Japanese Survival Phrases, Volume 1: Lessons 1-30
Learn Japanese: Japanese Survival Phrases, Volume 1 Start speaking Japanese in minutes, and grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with Survival Phrases Japanese, a completely new way to learn basic Japanese fast! Are you about to travel to Japan? Do you need to know basic Japanese and proper etiquette for business reasons? Do you have a Japanese speaking partner, family or friends? Are you a fan of Japanese films, culture, or history, and want to start learning the Japanese language? Whatever your reasons are, we've designed Japanese Survival Phrases, Volume 1 with you in mind, so that you will get immensely satisfying results fast. These 30 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: - Speak Japanese before the end of your first lesson - Use your newly learned Japanese in everyday situations - Understand the culture, customs, and people of Japan - Order the food you want in restaurants - Master manners, etiquette, customs so you don't embarrass yourself - Shopping - And much more! Learn to ask for help and avoid danger and tourist traps- learn travel tips and the 'do's' and 'don'ts' from an experienced host. This is not a vocabulary builder with just words and translations. Unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Japanese and Japanese culture. Each lesson is taught by a professional, bilingual teacher! Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Japanesepod101.Com (Author), Japanesepod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Japanese: Japanese Survival Phrases, Volume 2: Lessons 31-60
Learn Japanese: Japanese Survival Phrases, Volume 2 Preparing for a trip to Japan? The Survival Phrases, Volume 2 series is designed to provide world travelers with essential phrases in multiple languages and cultural insight you will not find in a textbook. Our experienced teachers possess the linguistic expertise to help you comprehend the fundamentals of the language and the experience to help you navigate the pitfalls and pleasantries of their respective countries. We pride ourselves on providing you with the tools and know-how to make your trip, vacation, or journey the most memorable yet! In this 30-lesson series, you'll learn vital Japanese phrases in each lesson that will help prepare you for an upcoming trip. Topics covered include: - Speak Japanese before the end of your first lesson - Use your newly learned Japanese in everyday situations - Understand the culture, customs, and people of Japan - Taking public transportation - Asking for directions - Checking in to a hotel - Introduce yourself, friends and family - And much more! If you have not studied Japanese and simply want to master basic phrases useful for travel without getting into the details of grammar, this is the series for you. These short and effective audio lessons will also teach you travel tips and the 'dos' and 'don'ts' from our experienced host. This is not a vocabulary builder with just words and their translations. Unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Japanese and Japanese culture. Each lesson is taught by a professional bilingual teacher! Get the most out of your trip with Japanese Survival Phrases! Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Japanesepod101.Com (Author), Japanesepod101.Com (Narrator)
PONS mobil Wortschatztraining Japanisch: Für Anfänger - das praktische Wortschatztraining für unterw
Im Auto, beim Joggen oder zu Hause auf dem Sofa: Mit PONS mobil Wortschatztraining Japanisch erweitern Sie Ihren Wortschatz mühelos. Was heißt eigentlich 'Tintenfisch' oder was sagen Sie, wenn Sie mit Kreditkarte zahlen wollen? Mit mehr als 530 nützlichen Wörtern und Sätzen in 14 Themenbereichen sind Sie für die wichtigsten Situationen gewappnet. Einfacher geht Vokabellernen nicht: Hören Sie den deutschen Begriff, übersetzen Sie ihn ins Japanische und hören Sie anschließend die korrekte japanische Entsprechung. Auf der sicheren Seite: Im PDF-Begleitbuch können Sie alle Wörter und Formulierungen samt Übersetzungen jederzeit nachschlagen. Zu diesem Hörbuch erhalten Sie das Booklet als pdf-Datei.
Hiroyuki Ota, Kayo Funatsu-Böhler, Pons-Redaktion (Author), Bettina Höfels, Daisuke Kadono, Karin Adam, Kayo Funatsu-Böhler, Mako Ishida, Toshiko Arai-Sixt (Narrator)
Earworms MBT Rapid Japanese - your personal audio language trainer with 200+ essential words and phrases anchored into your long-term memory with great music! Volume 1 is your survival kit for use when travelling abroad on a business trip or vacation Volume 2 for more conversational items allowing you to talk about yourself, past, present and future, express opinions, chat and even flirt. Volume 3 another lexically rich set of words and phrases, this volume will give you an insight into many of the core structures of the language, allowing you to mix and match the vocabulary you already know.
Earworms MBT (Author), Marlon Lodge, Tomomi Trebing (Narrator)
Earworms MBT Rapid Japanese - your personal audio language trainer with 200+ essential words and phrases anchored into your long-term memory with great music! Volume 1 is your survival kit for use when travelling abroad on a business trip or vacation Volume 2 for more conversational items allowing you to talk about yourself, past, present and future, express opinions, chat and even flirt. Volume 3 another lexically rich set of words and phrases, this volume will give you an insight into many of the core structures of the language, allowing you to mix and match the vocabulary you already know.
Earworms MBT (Author), Marlon Lodge, Tomomi Trebing (Narrator)
Collins makes language learning fun, fast and flexible. Pick up the essentials of the Japanese language with this easy-to-use audio introduction. Covering everything from finding your way to talking about yourself, Collins 40-minute audio can help you learn short and simple phrases quickly by just listening and repeating.Essential words, Asking for things, Numbers, I'd like ..., At the café, In a shop, Basic foodstuffs, Quantities, Tickets, Where is ...? When is ...? Days of the week, Problems, About yourself.
Collins Dictionaries (Author), Collins Dictionaries (Narrator)
Dr. Blair's Express Lane: Japanese
Learn Japanese in a whole new way, based on up-to-date understanding of linguistics and learning psychology. Drawing on the best innovations in language instruction of the last 40 years, Dr. Blair's method integrates a variety of language-teaching approaches and activities into one breakthrough course: Say sayonara to the notion that learning a language can't be fun. Dr. Blair's Express Lane Japanese teaches you Japanese more quickly and enjoyably than you ever thought possible. You will: Immediately use Japanese in real situations Learn the practical applications you need Master easy and effective memory tricks Whether you're a businessperson, student, or traveler, whether you're brushing up on a forgotten language or just interested in learning a new one, Dr. Blair's Express Lane Japanese teaches you the skills you need at the pace you want, jump-starting your study with a variety of methods that keep the experience fun, fresh, and motivating.
Dr. Robert Blair, Robert Blair (Author), Various Readers (Narrator)
Japanisch Parallel Audio - Einfach Japanisch lernen mit 501 Sätzen in Parallel Audio - Teil 1
Lass uns reden! Mit uns sprichst Du im Handumdrehen Japanisch! Das Sprachlernsystem mit Parallel Audio von Lingo Jump ermöglicht es Dir Japanisch, einfach und stressfrei Sprachen zu erlernen. Egal, ob Du Dich gerade entspannst oder unterwegs bist, mit unseren einfachen, deutlichen und unterhaltsamen Audiolektionen lernst Du Japanisch, indem Du unseren Sprechern nachsprichst. Tauche selbstbewusst in eine neue Sprache ein – wir sorgen mit Redewendungen in Parallel Audio dafür, dass Du innerhalb von kürzester Zeit Japanisch sprechen kannst. Zuhören und lernen „Parallel Audio“ ist das Herzstück der Sprachlernmethode von Lingo Jump. Durch Wiederholung von deutlich ausgesprochenen Wörtern und Sätzen in einem Tempo, dem Du leicht folgen kannst, wirst Du eine Japanisch schneller verstehen und sprechen, verbesserst Dein Gedächtnis und Hörverständnis und lernst den richtigen Akzent. Unsere Sprecher folgen im gesamten Hörbuch einem bestimmten Sprachmuster, was Redewendungen vorhersehbar macht und Dir dabei hilft, Wörter und Redewendungen aus dem Kontext zu verstehen. Wir sorgen dafür, dass Du Dich ausschließlich auf die Sprache konzentrieren kannst – ohne ablenkende Hintergrundmusik. Sprechen, wie ein Einheimischer Wir wissen, dass nicht jeder gleich spricht. Dialekt, Sprechtempo und Akzent variieren je nach Region – manchmal sogar nach Stadtteil. Am Anfang werden unsere Hörbuchsprecher daher ihren Tonfall variieren, die Japanisch Redewendungen langsamer oder schneller aussprechen und unterschiedliche Teile der Redewendung betonen. Das hilft Dir dabei, Japanisch schneller zu verstehen und auf natürliche Art zu sprechen.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Japonés Parallel Audio – Aprende japonés rápido con 501 frases usando Parallel Audio - Volumen 1
"Hablemos ¡Te haremos hablar japonés en muy poco tiempo! El método de aprendizaje de audio paralelo Lingo Jump facilita el aprendizaje del japonés en tu tiempo libre. Ya sea que estés descansando o yendo de un lado a otro, nuestras lecciones de audio sencillas, claras y divertidas te ayudarán a aprender imitando a nuestros locutores. Sumérgete en el japonés con confianza: estamos aquí para hacerte hablar usando frases que aprenderás fácilmente a través del audio paralelo. Escucha y aprende El audio paralelo es la clave del método de aprendizaje del japonés de Lingo Jump. A través de la repetición de palabras y frases claramente pronunciadas a un ritmo fácil de seguir, no solo te resultará más fácil entender y hablar japonés, sino que también desarrollará tu memoria, aumentará tus habilidades para escuchar y tener el acento correcto. Nuestros locutores siguen un patrón de discurso específico a lo largo del audiolibro, haciendo las frases predecibles y ayudándote a comprender palabras y frases a través del contexto. Te mantenemos enfocado únicamente en el idioma, sin música de fondo que te distraiga. Habla como un local Sabemos que no todos hablan de la misma manera. Los dialectos, ritmos y acentos pueden variar entre las regiones de un país e incluso entre los barrios dentro de una ciudad. Entonces, cuando comiences, escucharás a nuestros locutores usando diferentes entonaciones en frases repetidas, ralentizándolas, acelerándolas y poniendo énfasis en diferentes partes de las mismas. Esto ayuda a acelerar tu capacidad de comprender y hablar el japonés de forma natural.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Audio Parallelo Giapponese - Impara il giapponese con 501 Frasi utilizzando l'Audio Parallelo - Volu
"Parliamo! Faremo in modo che impari il giapponese in un attimo! Il sistema di apprendimento delle lingue tramite audio parallelo di Lingo Jump renderà semplice e comodo imparare una lingua. Sia che tu ti stia rilassando o sia in viaggio, le nostre lezioni audio facili, chiare e divertenti ti aiuteranno a imparare attraverso l’imitazione dei nostri narratori. Immergiti con fiducia in una nuova lingua — siamo qui per farti parlare, utilizzando frasi che imparerai con facilità attraverso gli audio paralleli. Ascolta e impara L’audio parallelo è la chiave della metodologia di apprendimento linguistico di Lingo Jump. Attraverso la ripetizione di parole e frasi pronunciate con chiarezza e a un ritmo facile da seguire, non solo per te sarà più semplice capire e parlare il giapponese, ma migliorerai anche la tua memoria, aumenterai le tue capacità di ascolto e avrai un accento corretto. I nostri narratori seguono uno specifico schema vocale in tutto l’audiolibro, rendendo le frasi prevedibili e aiutandoti a capire parole e frasi attraverso il contesto. Ti terremo concentrato esclusivamente sulla lingua, senza nessuna musica di sottofondo a distrarti. Parla come un abitante del posto Sappiamo che non tutti parlano allo stesso modo. Dialetti, tempi e accenti possono variare a seconda delle diverse regioni di un Paese e persino tra i quartieri di una stessa città. Quindi, all’inizio del corso, negli audiolibri ascolterai i nostri narratori utilizzare frasi ripetute con diverse intonazioni, rallentando, accelerando e ponendo l’accento sulle varie parti delle frasi. Questo contribuirà ad accelerare la tua capacità di comprendere e parlare la lingua in modo naturale.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
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