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Italian Reading | Professions - Issue n.3: Short Stories read in Italian Language by Mother Language
Italian ReadingsHow to use Italian ReadingThis book may help you in different ways: - Listen and write. Just like a dictation. - Listen more times. To get acquainted with sounds. - Read and Listen. To check if you wrote correctly. AboutItalian Readings is a project based on Short Stories and Essays that are read in Italian Language by Motherlanguage Speaker, and translated in english. Please ensure to download the PDF file included along with the recording. About the Recordings- The recording is set at a normal speed to let you grasp the words, but still to allow you to listen to a normal italian flow. - My pronunciation is good, without strong dialect influence, but not as good as a professional reader, so it sounds more natural and 'not in-studio' built. About the PDF file- It contains the transcription of the track. - It contains the translation of what you read and listen. General InformationItalian readings is a project brought to you by me myself. Every book you buy helps me keep going on spreading Italian language pills around the world in an affordable manner. All the content is fictional and is meant for studying purposes only. It does not substitutes grammar books or teachers. Any resemblance to real events and/or to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. I am personally on hand to support you in case of need. Please visit to discover more about.
Paolo Oliva (Author), Paolo Oliva (Narrator)
[French] - Apprenez à parler italien Vol. 3: Leçons 51-70. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler italien Vol. 3 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser l'italien. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer l'italien conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Le cours est divisé en 20 leçons, 6 leçons de révision/compréhension orale. Chaque leçon contient des phrases quotidiennes utiles liées à un sujet spécifique. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : - Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 20 minutes. - Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. - Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. - Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. - Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Conversational Phrases Italian Audiobook: Level 1 - Absolute Beginner
Are you trying to learn Italian…but having trouble speaking? Do you struggle coming up with your own Italian sentences? Are you tired of not understanding how Italian grammar works? If you answered yes to any of these questions, … ...then the Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner is for you! In this beginner-level Audiobook, you will master over 25 common sentence patterns across 25 simple lessons. By the end, you’ll be able to ask common questions and answer them in your own way, all while acquiring over 100 Italian words. Most importantly, you’ll be able to have real conversations in various social situations. How, you may ask? Each lesson introduces a new conversation reflecting a real-world situation, including casual chats between friends as well as dialogues in more formal settings. Learning is made easy with three simple steps: 1. Get familiar: First, you get a sample conversation and its translation. 2. Understand: Then, we explain an underlying sentence pattern, so you can grasp the grammar and actually understand how the Italian works. 3. Practice: Lastly, you create your own responses… and start speaking Italian! Lessons in this audiobook include: - Going Sightseeing - Going to a Restaurant - Giving Directions - Going to the Movies - Renting an Apartment And much more! Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner contains: - 25 Lessons - 4 Hours+ of Content - 1 Core Pattern Per Lesson - 100+ Italian Vocabulary Words - 28 Page Accompanying PDF eBook Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc, Italianpod101.Com (Author), Italianpod101.Com (Narrator)
Italiano Fácil - Aprende Sin Esfuerzo - Principiante inicial - Volumen 1 de 3
Hemos dividido nuestros libros para aprender italiano en diferentes niveles de aprendizaje. Empieza por el libro “Principiante inicial” y continúa con los libros “Principiante” y “Principiante avanzado”. A continuación, sigue con la serie “Intermedio”. Por último, pon a prueba tus conocimientos y consolídalos con la serie “Diálogos”. En la Unidad 1 escucharás el italiano desglosado en sílabas que serán recitadas repetidamente de manera muy lenta y clara. Justo antes de que se recite cada frase escucharás la traducción, así siempre entenderás lo que se está diciendo. La Unidad 2 se centra exclusivamente en aumentar tu capacidad de escucha, lo que mejorará tus habilidades para entablar una conversación con un hablante nativo de italiano. Este capítulo requiere que escuches detenidamente los matices del idioma. En la Unidad 3 ya notarás los progresos en tu capacidad de expresión y de comprensión del idioma italiano. La traducción recitada irá seguida de dos repeticiones en italiano a una velocidad totalmente natural. Mientras aprendes a procesar el italiano hablado con fluidez, las Unidades 3 y 4 te ayudarán a memorizar vocabulario nuevo y frases completas. En la Unidad 5 podrás ponerte a prueba para ver lo que has aprendido. Si tienes dificultades, te recomendamos que repases el apartado de comprensión, expresión y memorización de las Unidades 1, 2, 3 o 4, dependiendo de lo que te suponga más problemas. Hemos creado nuestros audiolibros para que puedas aprender sin necesidad de ningún eBook. Temas que se tratan en este libro: - Saludo - Preguntar información personal - Preguntar sobre personas o cosas - Hablar de la hora y la fecha actuales - Hablar de la ubicación de las cosas - Describir cosas - Gustos y aversiones - Hablar de habilidades - Hablar de la apariencia - Hablar de la personalidad - Hablar del tiempo - Hablar de comida - Hablar de la casa (muebles y habitaciones)
Lingo Wave (Author), Lingo Wave (Narrator)
Impara a parlare inglese vol. 1: Lezioni da 1 a 30. Per principianti.
Impara a parlare inglese Vol. 1 è un corso audio per principianti o per chiunque abbia difficoltà a diventare fluente in inglese. L'obiettivo di questo corso è esercitarsi a parlare l'inglese a livello colloquiale sin dalla prima lezione. Il corso si articola in 30 lezioni, 6 di cui di ripasso e 3 di comprensione orale. Ogni lezione contiene frasi utili per l’utilizzo quotidiano, relative a un argomento specifico. Basato su tecniche e strategie che consentono agli studenti linguistici di avere successo: - Impara in brevi raffiche ogni giorno. Ogni lezione richiede circa 10-15 minuti per essere completata. - Impara nel contesto. Le parole isolate o le frasi casuali non ti porteranno da nessuna parte. Imparando le frasi relative a un argomento o una situazione specifici ti accorgerai di avere risultati molto migliori. - Parole molto frequenti. Iniziare con le parole utilizzate più di frequente aumenterà la tua comprensione e comunicazione nella tua lingua di destinazione. - Ripassa i materiali. Ripetere le frasi a determinati intervalli specificati è una tecnica efficace per aiutare la tua memoria ad assorbire e ricordare ciò che hai imparato. - Ascolta i madrelingua. Tutte le frasi sono tradotte e pronunciate da madrelingua.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
101 Conversations in Intermediate Italian: Short, Natural Dialogues to Improve Your Spoken Italian f
Improve your spoken Italian from home with 101 real-world conversations in intermediate Italian. Real Italian people don’t speak like your textbook…so it’s no wonder you feel unprepared when it’s your turn to speak! This book fixes that. For the first time, you’ll learn to move beyond beginner level and speak Italian in the real world! With 101 authentic conversations in intermediate Italian, you’ll become confident in the words, phrases, and expressions you need to communicate like a local. Here’s what you’ll get: - 101 conversations in intermediate Italian, so you can learn the real Italian spoken in the street, understand spoken Italian with ease, and have Italian roll off your tongue more fluently - Over 15,000 words of dialogue - an unparalleled resource that will immerse you in Italian, at a level you can understand. You’ll learn real spoken Italian without getting lost or overwhelmed - Real, daily spoken Italian throughout. - Situational dialogues from typical daily circumstances, so you can prepare yourself to survive realistic Italian encounters, in shops, cafés, and on the street, making meeting people second nature - Conversations that are carefully written to be accessible for intermediate learners (B1-B2 on the CEFR), so you can learn from real, spoken conversations, without having to go through the rollercoaster of difficult conversations with strangers - Each conversation is limited to around 15 lines of dialogue (150 words), so you can get that crucial sense of achievement and motivation when you finish each conversation, and say, “I actually understood all of that!” - Summaries of each conversation which contextualize each dialogue, so you can easily follow the plot and enjoy the story without getting lost.
Olly Richards (Author), David Mcneill, Marika Clementi (Narrator)
Learn Conversational Italian Vol. 3: Lessons 51-70. For beginners.
Learn Conversational Italian Vol. 3 is an audio course for beginners or for anyone who struggles with becoming fluent in Italian. The focus of this course is to practice speaking conversational Italian from the very first lesson. In these twenty lessons, you'll be introduced to a lot of useful, everyday phrases and sentence structures. You'll also be able to expand your vocabulary and talk about daily activities, shopping, education, technology and much more. Based on techniques and strategies that make language learners succeed: - Learn in short bursts every day Each lesson takes about 10–15 minutes to complete. - Learn in context Isolated words or random sentences won’t get you far. By learning phrases related to a specific topic or situation, you will see much better results. - Focus on high-frequency words Starting with the most frequently used words will boost your comprehension and communication in your target language. - Review the material Repeating the phrases at certain specified intervals is a powerful technique to help your memory absorb and recall what you have learned. - Listen to native speakers All the phrases are translated and spoken by native speakers.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Роман «Нет прохода» - это сотворчество двух великих писателей, знающих законы сцены и специфику построения прозаического произведения - Чарльза Диккенса и Уилки Коллинз. Это сочетание готики, детектива и авантюрных приключений. Любовная интрига переплетена с раскрытием преступления, присутствуют тайна, мотивы исчезновения, «воскрешения»; у персонажей нередко появляются странные предчувствия, происходят таинственные переодевания... Содержание: ПРОЛОГ ДЕЙСТВИЕ I Занавес поднимается Входит экономка Экономка говорит Новые лица на сцене Уальдинг уходит ДЕЙСТВИЕ II Вендель ухаживает Вендель сеет раздор ДЕЙСТВИЕ III В долине В горах ДЕЙСТВИЕ IV Часы-замок Победа Обенрейцера Занавес падает
уилки коллинз, чарльз диккенс (Author), наталья домерецкая (Narrator)
Unconventional Italian: Italian swear words, pick-up lines, colloquialisms and other informal terms
Warning: This course includes adult language including swear words and sexual terms and references that is not suitable for children and may be considered inappropriate for some listeners. Our Italian audio course for English speakers with some existing knowledge of the language is designed to help you improve your fluency and feel more confident when speaking with native speakers. This course is comprised of seven sessions that cover a range of topics, including informal Italian, Italian culture, and a review of basic Italian.Our experienced Italian language instructors will guide you through a variety of interactive lessons that will help you learn common swear words, pick-up lines, and idioms. In addition to improving your fluency, these sessions will also help you understand the cultural context of these expressions and when it is appropriate to use them.As you progress through the course, you will also learn about the history and culture of Italy, including its literature food, festivals and history. These sessions will provide you with a deeper understanding of the country and its people, and will help you feel more comfortable and confident when interacting with native speakers.In addition to the lessons on informal Italian and Italian culture, this course also includes a review of basic Italian. This will provide you with a refresher on essential grammar and vocabulary, and will help you build a solid foundation for your language skills and pronunciation.Whether you are planning a trip to Italy or simply want to impress your Italian-speaking friends, this audio course will provide you with the tools and confidence you need to speak like a native. With seven engaging and interactive sessions, you will learn and practice the informal expressions, cultural knowledge, and basic Italian skills you need to communicate effectively and confidently in a variety of real-life situations.
Sophia De Luca (Author), Sophia De Luca (Narrator)
Italian Short Stories for Beginners: Engaging Short Stories to Learn Italian and Build Your Vocabula
Are you looking for a stimulating tool that will allow you to make progress towards achieving your linguistic objective while having fun? Many of the books for native speakers are too long and difficult for most language students to understand. Despite this, I realize how important it is to listen in the target language to improve one's linguistic competence. As a teacher, I always encourage and support those who strive to learn. That’s why I produce simplified books in Italian for foreigners because I want to make learning Italian easy, interesting, and enjoyable. Italian Short Stories is a collection of three fun, original, fact-based stories, and it is perfect for learners of Italian from elementary to intermediate level (according to the Common European Framework of Languages). Each story will stimulate your interest, with its linguistically and culturally relevant content, which will expose you to a variety of words and expressions commonly used in the Italian language. You will also be able to learn about some unique cultural aspects that concern not only Italian but also world history. The division into chapters allows you to make progress step-by-step while achieving small goals Frequent dialogues and short sentences help in the understanding of the text Simplified but natural language, so that you can understand more, without feeling overwhelmed by the language’s complexity Section summaries with an overview of the story's progress Word lists at the end of each section, translated into English, will help you understand less common words Comprehension questions for each section Ten major grammar rules were explained Cultural cards that will help you discover uncommon historical, social, and geographical aspects You will be delighted without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Enjoy this audiobook!
Victor Hill (Author), Krystina Bailey, Robin Stone (Narrator)
Learn Italian with Short Stories: Over 100 Dialogues & Daily Used Phrases to Learn Italian in no Tim
Learn Italian in Just 5 minutes a Day, Whether You're A Beginner Starting With The Basics, This Method is Proven To Work!Do you struggle with learning basic Italian language concepts? Are Italian conversations worrying you because you simply can't grasp even the simplest phrases? Do you want to go from Beginner to Master with dialogues in just a few easy, fun steps? Brace yourself because improving your Italian conversation skills just became a whole lot of fun! 'Learn Italian with Short Stories' by Language Mastery takes off the stress to learn the Italian language and turns it into a very immersive, engaging experience! This audiobook is filled with engaging short stories and playful exercises, such as: - Authentic Italian spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability - Different stories and adventures - making the process fun while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary - Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way - Comprehension questions to test your understanding of the story - A vocabulary word list to nail down the most relevant terms in your mind And MUCH more! Learning Italian doesn't have to feel like a hurdle you can't overcome! With 'Learn Italian with Short Stories' you will enjoy a new set of lessons tailored to help you in learning Italian at just the right level and pace. Make your experience more pleasant so you can keep growing into the native Italian speaker of your dreams! Scroll up, Get the Audiobook, and Start Speaking Italian!
Language Mastery (Author), Language Mastery (Narrator)
Italian Short Stories for Beginners: Over 100 Conversational Dialogues & Daily Used Phrases to Learn
IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO MASTER THE ART OF ITALIAN CONVERSATIONS AND IMPROVE YOUR VOCABULARY SKILLS, THEN KEEP READING... - Is learning Italian language one of your goals? - Do you have an upcoming trip to Italy and want to fully immerse yourself in the experience? - Or do you live in Italy and want to become one with the natives? Whatever your motivations are, you're exactly where you need to be! 'Italian Short Stories for Beginners' by Language Mastery has over 100 conversational Italian dialogues and daily used phrases to learn the Italian language in the most entertaining way. In this audiobook we have compiled a set of easy-to-read, compelling and amazing short stories that will allow you to expand your vocabulary, giving you the tools to improve your grasp of the wonderful Italian language. Inside you will find an innovative working method to learn Italian language, including: - Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability - Different stories and adventures - making the process fun while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary - Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way - Comprehension questions to test your understanding of the story - A vocabulary word list to nail down the most relevant terms in your mind And MUCH more! You'll automatically remember Italian terms and day-to-day dialogues... So, what are you waiting for? Scroll up, Get the Audiobook, and Start Speaking Italian!
Language Mastery (Author), Language Mastery (Narrator)
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