Browse French audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Französisch Lernen mit Dialogen für Anfänger - A2-B1: 10 Dialoge auf Französisch und Deutsch für den
Haben Sie gerade angefangen Französisch zu lernen oder lernen Sie es schon eine Weile? Du willst deine Französischkenntnisse schnell verbessern? Durch dieses Buch werden sich deine Sprachkenntnisse ohne stundenlanges Büffeln schnell und einfach verbessern. Diese Dialogen sind realistisch, lustig und lehrreich!So können Sie wirklich nützliches Französisch lernen und es direkt bei Ihrer nächsten Auslandsreise verwenden. Verbessern Sie Ihr Textverständnis und erweitern Sie Ihren Wortschatz auf interessante und unterhaltsame Weise!
Fiona Wagenar (Author), Christian Woelfig, Yoan Fournier-Moreau (Narrator)
Your Enjoyable Audio Book in French 100 French Short Stories for Beginners: French Audio Books for A
This audio book in French contains 100 entertaining and culturally interesting French short stories for beginners and intermediate learning level. Probably the best way to learn French is with a suitable audio book in French with which you can learn quality audio french lessons for adults. Learning French through listening to entertaining short stories is an excellent way to get a good grasp of the language, especially for beginners. All the French short stories in this audiobook are unique and entertaining in content, new vocabulary is gradually added at a manageable pace so you won't get overwhelmed. Towards the end of this book you find the stories slightly more complex, but still comprehensible for beginners. The voice is fast and natural as spoken in France and Europe. This French language audiobook offers you a wide range of culturally important information you can use when you travel to France or study there, and frankly, this book is not only for French language learners but also for anyone interested in French culture in general. (French conversation audio version 2) There are many French audio books on the market, but this one will help as well as entertain you, so get your copy now!
Christian Stahl (Author), Christian Stahl, Monica Wagner (Narrator)
French Slang: Do You Speak the Real French?: The Essentials of French Slang
All the essential French slang you need to speak like a native. Let's face it, real-world French doesn't sound like it just came out of a stuffy formal textbook. This book will help you sound like an actual human being from the 21st century. Now you can learn and understand everyday French conversations – the kind you can hear spoken by native speakers on the street, in movies and TV, and more importantly, in real life! Straightforward, no fluff or filler. French Slang gets straight to the point, offering you 12 sections of more than 600 words and phrases. No unnecessary fluff is included, just straightforward, practical vocabulary that allows you to navigate the most likely scenarios you'll encounter. It may be concise, but it's still comprehensive. Similar books in the market only have 400–500 words and expressions, yet generally cost a great deal more. A fun way to expand your vocabulary. Learn new expressions and vocabulary that range from wholesome to slightly provocative, and enjoy a few laughs every now and then. Your newfound natural-sounding conversational skills and authentic French are guaranteed to impress your French-speaking friends. Never misuse slang ever again. As supplementary material, a PDF document comes with the purchase of the audiobook. You can follow along to the text in both French and English as you listen to the audio.
Frederic Bibard (Author), Frederic Bibard, Mariem Nouni (Narrator)
A Dictionary of English and French Equivalent Proverbs
This dictionary is organized in sets of proverbs, where the English proverb is followed by one or more French equivalent proverbs. The English proverbs are arranged according to a main word. Equivalent proverbs are those which express the same concept, be it literally or with different words. Proverbs included in this collection come from monolingual, bilingual and multilingual collections, some as old as the 16th century, and it should be accepted that some of them are contradictory, discriminatory, blasphemous or scurrilous and as such they reflect past attitudes and express the idiosyncrasies of a people and their culture through time and history. At the same time, proverbs are based on the practical experience of humankind and show us that we can change and do better. While proverbs are still used today in a traditional way, that is in speech, literature and teaching, they have found a new ever-expanding use in the advertising industry and in the mass media. Proverbs like 'Here today, gone tomorrow' become 'Hair today, gone tomorrow' in the hair-removal industry, while the mass media has a variety of paraphrases such as 'Hear today, gone tomorrow,' 'Heir today, gone tomorrow.' Before the Barcelona Olympic Games, the old proverb 'All roads lead to Rome' became 'All roads lead to Barcelona' in many English language newspapers and magazines. This is a phenomenon encountered in many languages today and is undoubtedly a sign of the proverb's resilience and vitality. As travel has become more frequent than in the past, more people learn foreign languages and proverbs are borrowed from the cultures they come in contact with. It is good, therefore, to be familiar with them. Read by native speakers, the proverbs in this dictionary will allow you to practice the language you are studying, by helping you improve your pronunciation, enrich your vocabulary and become familiar with the structure of the language.
Teodor Flonta (Author), David Daintree, Kaira Hachefa, Teodor Flonta (Narrator)
Learn French While You Sleep - A Study Guide With Over 3000 Phrases Including The Most Frequently Us
Sick of boring thick textbooks you can’t pay attention to? Having trouble learning new vocab or phrases? Want to speed up your French learning and take it to the next level? Let your subconscious mind do the work for you. It's as easy as turning the track on and falling asleep! The Swiss National Science Foundation claims that listening to a newly-learned foreign language while sleeping can help solidify the memory of the reviewed content. The stimulus we hear in our sleep helps us consolidate memories.This is a combination of two of our best sellers '2000 French Phrases' & 'Learn French With 1144 Random Interesting & Fun Facts'. Combined together you get the value of 2 books in 1! The audio version comes out to 25+ hours of content so you won't get bored and can listen to it over and over again. ★★ Some of the topics of the phrases include ★★ - Greetings - Restaurants/ordering - Airports/stations - Statements/descriptions - 1000+ fun facts Learn French faster today with this French phrase study guide! Scroll up and download the audio now!
French Hacking (Author), Elodie Nowodazkij, Emilie Mauchaussé (Narrator)
Learn French With 1144 Random Interesting And Fun Facts! - Parallel French And English Text To Learn
Do you want to learn French without feeling like studying? Do you want to learn interesting and fun facts simultaneously? Do you want to learn real life French that’s used on the streets of Paris? French Hacking’s “1144 Random, Interesting & Fun Facts” will allow you to progress your French and learn what and how to talk to sound like a native. Learning French doesn’t have to be difficult. Most of what you learn in class and grammar books are rarely used in real life scenarios. Stop wasting your time and begin learning more efficiently. French can seem like a daunting language with loads of different conjugations, rules, and exceptions. By repetitively seeing and learning simple sentence structures and phrases, you’ll better understand the language and have the essential knowledge to improve your French! “Une nouvelle langue est une nouvelle vie.” - Unknown “A new language is a new life.” - Unknown Inside, you’ll discover: - Real life conversations you’d hear out on the streets of France - Bilingual French/English text so you can read each line side by side - Idioms to sound like a native speaker - Facts on topics such as science, human anatomy, economics and the world around us It’s possible to begin conversing in French quickly by learning the right things. All you need is the proper material, idioms, and sentence structures within this book. Ready to begin your journey to becoming conversational in French? Then scroll up and grab your copy now!
French Hacking (Author), Emilie Mauchaussé (Narrator)
Introducing French to children aged 6 and up, this audiobook will help little learners to develop a broad range of vocabulary across a range of topics, understand essential grammar and instil confidence to try out their newfound French language skills. The Beginner’s French for Kids audiobook also has an inter-cultural element within each track, allowing children to learn things about France and the French-speaking world. The audiobook begins by explaining how to introduce yourself, address people, and count up to ten in French. You’ll learn the words to describe relationships within your family, the names of animals, how to describe what people and animals look like, express your opinions (including your likes and dislikes), talk about school subjects, and name colours. The audiobook explains how to talk about your home and the area in which you live, along with what you want to do in the future, including what job you may like to have. You’ll discover useful language when out and about in a French-speaking country. You’ll learn the names for mealtimes, how to talk about food and eating out in cafes and restaurants), the names for shops (e.g. bakery, butchers) and the items sold within them, names of different modes of transport and locations (e.g. train station, museum), and how to ask for directions. We’ll look at the language used to describe what you like to do in your free-time, where you might go and what you might see whilst on holiday, and the weather. Along with providing a solid foundation in the language, you’ll also explore the fascinating similarities and differences in the cultures of various French-speaking countries.
Centre Of Excellence, Centre of Excellence (Author), Katia Filipovic (Narrator)
French Short Stories for Beginners – 5 in 1: Over 500 Dialogues & Short Stories to Learn French in y
WANT TO LEARN FRENCH THE EASIEST AND MOST EXCITING WAY POSSIBLE? YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE! Learning a second language is a great mental exercise if you want to create new neural pathways in your brain, so you can stay quick and sharp. Plus, learning a widely spoken language – French in particular – can open up a myriad of new opportunities for you in both life and work. “French Short Stories for Beginners – 5 in 1” harnesses the power of a great tale in fast-tracking your learning process. It has several uniquely structured French-to-English short stories that are saturated with over 500 simple, easy-to-digest dialogues and daily used phrases, so you can seamlessly learn the language, even as you drive towards work! In the stories within, you will see people speaking to each other, going through daily life situations, and using the most common, helpful words and phrases in French. WITH THIS GUIDE, BEGINNERS LIKE YOU WILL: • Effortlessly learn basic French with the help of cleverly structured short stories for beginners • Quickly absorb French terms for possessing common everyday objects • Cleverly incorporate prepositions and common present tense verbs for any situation • Easily relay your emotions, questions, likes, and dislikes in French anytime, anywhere • And so much more! Forget about boring lectures on grammar and endless vocabulary lists. With the help of this book, English speakers like you can easily learn French and immerse themselves in it without having to leave the country! Scroll up, add this Audiobook to your library, and Start Learning French Today! - P.S. Get the first ebook of the series FOR FREE at
Learn Like A Native (Author), Maya Belgnaoui, Orlena Cain (Narrator)
Französisch Lernen: Kurzgeschichten für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene - A2-B1: 12 einfache Geschicht
Haben Sie gerade angefangen Französisch zu lernen oder lernen Sie es schon eine Weile?Du willst deine Französischkenntnisse schnell verbessern? Das Lesen und Hören von Geschichten ist eine Effektive und Unkomplizierte Methode Französisch zu Lernen. Oft lernen wir nur zusammenhangslose Vokabeln und Grammatik, wissen aber nicht, wie wir daraus einen Satz formen und spätestens bei der Ankunft am Flughafen, reden wir dann doch lieber Englisch. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen eine einfache, aber effektive Art zu lernen Französisch durch Geschichten für Anfänger (Level A2 und Level B1). Dieses Hörbuch wird Ihnen helfen:- Neues Vokabular zu erlernen - Neue Ausdrücke zu einem bestimmten Thema zu lernen - Vokabeln des Alltags zu lernen, die zur Kommunikation mit Menschen in Dialogen verwendet werden - Lernen Sie einige typische Sätze, die häufig in Dialogen im Französischen verwendet werden - Korrigieren und/oder verbessern der Aussprache - Verbessern Ihrer Verständnisfähigkeiten durch Zuhören - Verbessern Sie einfach Ihr Französisch, egal welches Anfängerniveau Sie haben Auf diese Weise lernen Sie Grammatik, Syntax, Wortschatz und Aussprache und haben sogar Spaß dabei!
Fiona Wagenar (Author), Christian Woelfig, Yoan Fournier-Moreau (Narrator)
Apprenez à parler polonais Vol. 1: Leçons 1-30. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler polonais Vol. 1 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser le polonais. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer le polonais conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Le cours est divisé en 30 leçons, 6 leçons de révision et 3 leçons de compréhension orale. Chaque leçon contient des phrases quotidiennes utiles liées à un sujet spécifique. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 15 minutes. Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
'Can you learn while sleeping?' Studies say that yes you can. Listening to a language while asleep can help supercharge your vocabulary. Learn Easily with the Power of Pleasant Repetition With the Learn French While Sleeping Audiobook, you'll absorb over 430 French words and phrases effortlessly. You can use this Beginner-Level Audiobook to Relax while listening to French phrases and translations Relieve stress. Just listen in No confusing grammar rules Wind down before bed to help you fall asleep And of course learn words passively in your sleep. How does it work? Just press play... and listen to the gentle voice of a native teacher. Our teacher repeats each word and phrase multiple times... so you'll retain them better whether you're awake or in bed. For best results, listen while awake first. Then, listen while falling asleep. What Will You Learn? You'll Master 430+ Beginner Words & Phrases Including Basic Greetings Numbers in French Common Questions and Answers Words for Introducing Yourself Basic Verbs & Adjectives And much more The Learn French While Sleeping Audiobook includes 13 Beginner-Level Audio Lessons 6+ Hours of Lessons in Total Accompanying PDF eBook with all of the words, phrases and translations Mark Alain et al. 'Implicit Vocabulary Learning during Sleep is Bound to Slow-Wave Peaks.' Current Biology. October 21, 2019.
Frenchpod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Frenchpod101.Com (Narrator)
Apprenez à parler chinois mandarin Vol. 1: Leçons 1-30. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler chinois mandarin Vol. 1 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser le chinois mandarin. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer le chinois mandarin conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Le cours est divisé en 30 leçons, 6 leçons de révision et 3 leçons de compréhension orale. Chaque leçon contient des phrases quotidiennes utiles liées à un sujet spécifique. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 15 minutes. Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
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