Browse French audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Dirty French - The Ultimate Guide To Swear Words, Sexual Phrases and Other Informal Terms In The Fre
Please note that this book contains adult terms such as swear words and sexual references. It is not appropriate for children and may be considered offensive. This guide to intermediate French includes an overview of French swear words, pick up lines, sexual terms and commonly used expressions (idioms). This will broaden your French vocabulary for more informal and intimate settings. If you have a command of basic French this is an ideal way to expand your vocabulary in terms of real-word words and phrases. Topics covered include swear word, slang terms for parts of the body and sexual vocabulary, common French expressions and much more.
Alice Durand (Author), Floriane Bernard (Narrator)
Aprender Francês - Simplesmente Através da Música - a Peça Radiofónica: Aprenda Francês Com Música
Aprender novas línguas pode ser assim tão fácil! Aprenda francês com música Estás a perguntar-te como é que isto funciona? Usa o nosso rádio de aprendizagem de francês para tocar música cativante! Com a ajuda de seis diálogos que apresentam as nossas personagens principais carismáticas, a Alex e o Robin, vais começar a aprender uma nova língua rapidamente. Acompanha as histórias das nossas duas personagens carismáticas e aprende vocabulário básico em francês em seis aulas de vocabulário, gravadas por falantes nativos de França. Os vários exercícios orais e de escuta, sempre acompanhados por música de guitarra melódica vai fazer com que seja fácil memorizar novas palavras. O destaque especial deste curso áudio são as músicas cativantes cantadas por falantes nativos. Com estas batidas cativantes, vais aprender a nova língua ainda mais fácil e rapidamente e em breve puderás cantar também! O guião que acompanha o audiobook ajuda-te a compreender a pronúncia e vai levar o teu sucesso de aprendizagem para outro nível. No guião do curso de língua, também podes seguir o encontro romântico da Robin e do Alex numa banda desenhada. Já estás a sonhar com umas férias em Paris, Provença ou Nice? Com este curso intensivo de francês, nada se mete entre ti e a tua viagem! simplesmente através da música O curso de língua para iniciantes e avançados.
Rico Saage (Author), Rico Saage (Narrator)
101 French Topics For Beginners - Learn French With essential Words, Grammar, & Idioms Through Every
Would you like to learn what the French really talk about? Do you want to see France from the perspective of someone who was born and grew up there? Do you want to learn about French culture, customs, and slang spoken on the streets of France? Practice your comprehension and spoken French with free downloadable audio files when you purchase the paperback! Become a fly on the wall and get an inside glimpse of what the French really think, say and do! It’s the next best thing to actually being in France! Inside this book we have compiled 101 of our most popular emails that our students have enjoyed and loved. Learn about French culture, fashion, history and the best cities to visit. See what their favorite drinks are and what cheeses you must try when you’re there! Other topics in the book include: - French humor - Politics - what to expect and what topics to avoid! - How online dating is different in France - How retirement works - Salaries and how much people get paid - Weddings and marriages - Housing situation in different cities - French schooling and the Education system And much, much more! What are you waiting for? Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to learn more about France and the French language!
French Hacking (Author), Emilie Mauchaussé (Narrator)
Französisch lernen - ganz einfach mit Musik - das Hörspiel: Französisch lernen mit Musik
Neue Sprachen lernen kann so einfach sein! Französisch lernen mit Musik Du fragst dich, wie genau das funktionieren soll? Mit unserem Französisch-Lern-Hörspiel und eingängiger Musik! Anhand von sechs Dialogen unserer sympathischen Hauptfiguren Alex und Robin wird dir mit Leichtigkeit der Einstieg in die neue Sprache gelingen. Verfolge die Geschichten unserer beiden sympathischen Charaktere und lerne in sechs begleitenden Vokabel-Lektionen den französischen Grundwortschatz, aufgenommen von französischen Muttersprachlern. Durch verschiedenen Hör- und Sprechübungen, immer unterlegt mit wohlklingender Gitarrenmusik, wird es dir leicht fallen, dir die neuen Worte einzuprägen. Das besondere Highlight dieses Audio-Kurses sind eingängige Lieder, gesungen von Muttersprachlern. Mit diesen Ohrwürmern wirst du die neue Sprache noch leichter und schneller erlernen und bald schon mitsingen können! Das Begleitskript zum Hörbuch hilft dir zusätzlich, ein Gefühl für die Schreibweise zu bekommen und wird deinen Lernerfolg nochmals auf ein neues Level bringen. Im Skript zum Sprachkurs kannst du Robins und Alexs romantische Begegnung außerdem in einer Comic-Story verfolgen. Träumst du schon von einem Urlaub in Paris, der Provence oder Nizza? Mit diesem Intensivkurs Französisch steht deiner Reise nichts mehr im Wege! ganz einfach mit Musik Der Sprachkurs für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene.
Rico Saage (Author), Rico Saage (Narrator)
101 French Topics For Beginners - Learn French With essential Words, Grammar, & Idioms Through Every
Would you like to learn what the French really talk about? Do you want to see France from the perspective of someone who was born and grew up there? Do you want to learn about French culture, customs, and slang spoken on the streets of France? Practice your comprehension and spoken French with free downloadable audio files when you purchase the paperback! Become a fly on the wall and get an inside glimpse of what the French really think, say and do! It’s the next best thing to actually being in France! Inside this book we have compiled 101 of our most popular emails that our students have enjoyed and loved. Learn about French culture, fashion, history and the best cities to visit. See what their favorite drinks are and what cheeses you must try when you’re there! Other topics in the book include: - French humor - Politics - what to expect and what topics to avoid! - How online dating is different in France - How retirement works - Salaries and how much people get paid - Weddings and marriages - Housing situation in different cities - French schooling and the Education system And much, much more! What are you waiting for? Scroll up and click the ‘Buy Now’ button to learn more about France and the French language!
French Hacking (Author), Emilie Mauchaussé (Narrator)
Francés Fácil - Aprende Sin Esfuerzo - Principiante inicial - Volumen 1 de 3
Hemos dividido nuestros libros para aprender francés en diferentes niveles de aprendizaje. Empieza por el libro “Principiante inicial” y continúa con los libros “Principiante” y “Principiante avanzado”. A continuación, sigue con la serie “Intermedio”. Por último, pon a prueba tus conocimientos y consolídalos con la serie “Diálogos”. En la Unidad 1 escucharás el francés desglosado en sílabas que serán recitadas repetidamente de manera muy lenta y clara. Justo antes de que se recite cada frase escucharás la traducción, así siempre entenderás lo que se está diciendo. La Unidad 2 se centra exclusivamente en aumentar tu capacidad de escucha, lo que mejorará tus habilidades para entablar una conversación con un hablante nativo de francés. Este capítulo requiere que escuches detenidamente los matices del idioma. En la Unidad 3 ya notarás los progresos en tu capacidad de expresión y de comprensión del idioma francés. La traducción recitada irá seguida de dos repeticiones en francés a una velocidad totalmente natural. Mientras aprendes a procesar el francés hablado con fluidez, las Unidades 3 y 4 te ayudarán a memorizar vocabulario nuevo y frases completas. En la Unidad 5 podrás ponerte a prueba para ver lo que has aprendido. Si tienes dificultades, te recomendamos que repases el apartado de comprensión, expresión y memorización de las Unidades 1, 2, 3 o 4, dependiendo de lo que te suponga más problemas. Hemos creado nuestros audiolibros para que puedas aprender sin necesidad de ningún eBook. Temas que se tratan en este libro: - Saludo - Preguntar información personal - Preguntar sobre personas o cosas - Hablar de la hora y la fecha actuales - Hablar de la ubicación de las cosas - Describir cosas - Gustos y aversiones - Hablar de habilidades - Hablar de la apariencia - Hablar de la personalidad - Hablar del tiempo - Hablar de comida - Hablar de la casa (muebles y habitaciones)
Lingo Wave (Author), Lingo Wave (Narrator)
Conversational Phrases French Audiobook: Level 1 - Absolute Beginner
Are you trying to learn French…but having trouble speaking? Do you struggle coming up with your own French sentences? Are you tired of not understanding how French grammar works? If you answered yes to any of these questions, … ...then the Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner is for you! In this beginner-level Audiobook, you will master over 25 common sentence patterns across 25 simple lessons. By the end, you’ll be able to ask common questions and answer them in your own way, all while acquiring over 100 French words. Most importantly, you’ll be able to have real conversations in various social situations. How, you may ask? Each lesson introduces a new conversation reflecting a real-world situation, including casual chats between friends as well as dialogues in more formal settings. Learning is made easy with three simple steps: 1. Get familiar: First, you get a sample conversation and its translation. 2. Understand: Then, we explain an underlying sentence pattern, so you can grasp the grammar and actually understand how the French works. 3. Practice: Lastly, you create your own responses… and start speaking French! Lessons in this audiobook include: - Going Sightseeing - Going to a Restaurant - Giving Directions - Going to the Movies - Renting an Apartment And much more! Conversational Phrases Audiobook, Level 1 - Absolute Beginner contains: - 25 Lessons - 4 Hours+ of Content - 1 Core Pattern Per Lesson - 100+ French Vocabulary Words - 28 Page Accompanying PDF eBook Download the PDF and read along:
Frenchpod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Frenchpod101.Com (Narrator)
French Language Fundamentals: A Beginner's Course To Speak and Understand French
This course is designed for people who are looking to improve their speaking and comprehension skills in the French language. Our course is designed to teach you key frequently used vocabulary and phrases that are essential for everyday communication. The course will provide you with the tools and resources you need to build a strong foundation in the French language and remember and recall what you learn. We understand that learning a new language can be challenging, which is why our course is structured to make it easy for you to understand and retain the material. The course includes a variety of activities and exercises that will help you practice and apply the new vocabulary and phrases you learn. You will be able to learn and practice French while on the go. You can listen to the audio lessons while you're on your morning commute, during your lunch break, or while doing household chores. This will help you to develop your listening skills, and you will be able to understand spoken French more easily. Throughout the course, you will be introduced to common French vocabulary and phrases that are used in everyday situations such as introducing yourself, ordering food, asking questions and more. You will also learn some elements of basic grammar and sentence structure, which will help you to construct simple sentences and communicate effectively. Our course is taught by experienced French teachers who are native speakers of the language. They will guide you through the lessons, providing clear explanations and examples that will help you to understand the material. By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in French vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure, and the confidence to communicate effectively in real-life situations.
Colette Moreau (Author), Colette Moreau (Narrator)
Learn Conversational French Vol. 3: Lessons 51-70. For beginners.
Learn Conversational French Vol. 3 is an audio course for beginners or for anyone who struggles with becoming fluent in French. The focus of this course is to practice speaking conversational French from the very first lesson. In these twenty lessons, you'll be introduced to a lot of useful, everyday phrases and sentence structures. You'll also be able to expand your vocabulary and talk about daily activities, shopping, education, technology and much more. Based on techniques and strategies that make language learners succeed: - Learn in short bursts every day Each lesson takes about 10–15 minutes to complete. - Learn in context Isolated words or random sentences won’t get you far. By learning phrases related to a specific topic or situation, you will see much better results. - Focus on high-frequency words Starting with the most frequently used words will boost your comprehension and communication in your target language. - Review the material Repeating the phrases at certain specified intervals is a powerful technique to help your memory absorb and recall what you have learned. - Listen to native speakers All the phrases are translated and spoken by native speakers.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
[French] - Apprenez à parler allemand Vol. 2: Leçons 31-50. Pour les débutants.
« Apprenez à parler allemand Vol. 2 » est un cours audio pour les débutants ou pour tous ceux qui ont du mal à maîtriser l'allemand. L'objectif de ce cours est de pratiquer l'allemand conversationnel dès la toute première leçon. Dans ces leçons, vous découvrirez plusieurs « connecteurs de conversation ». Des expressions comme « en fait », « à vrai dire », « comme tu le sais déjà » et plus encore. En utilisant de telles phrases, vos conversations auront un flux plus naturel. Vous élargirez également votre vocabulaire et parlerez des activités quotidiennes, du travail, des projets et des besoins. Basé sur des techniques et des stratégies qui permettent aux apprenants en langues de réussir : - Apprenez par petites doses chaque jour. Chaque leçon dure environ 10 à 15 minutes. - Apprenez en contexte. Des mots isolés ou des phrases aléatoires ne vous mèneront pas loin. En apprenant des phrases liées à un sujet ou à une situation spécifique, vous obtiendrez de bien meilleurs résultats. - Mots souvent utilisés. Vous apprendrez les mots les plus fréquemment utilisés. Cela vous aidera à parler couramment dans les plus brefs délais. - Passer en revue le matériel. Répéter les phrases à certains intervalles spécifiés est une technique puissante pour aider votre mémoire à absorber et à se souvenir de ce que vous avez appris. - Écouter des locuteurs natifs. Toutes les phrases sont traduites et prononcées par des locuteurs natifs.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
101 French Idioms - Speak Like A Native & Learn Colloquial French Dialogue Through Idioms, Phrases,
Poser un lapin à quelqu’un - to put a rabbit to somebody. You’ve probably heard a French sentence like this and you can translate it word for word but it still doesn’t make any sense! There are a ton of idioms and phrases which are impossible to translate without a guide like this! In this book, we’ve collected and organized 101 of the most used French idioms, colloquialisms, and proverbs into alphabetical order! Familiarizing and understanding these informal expressions will improve your conversational skills and make you seem more French. There’re idioms on a broad range of topics including relationships, weather, money, feelings, actions, love, laughter, health, happiness, food & drinks. Inside you’ll discover: - Fun and humorous illustrations to help you visualize the idioms. - The origins and history of the idiom for a deeper understanding of customs and humor. - The literal and real meaning. - Real-life examples of how they’re used. - Side by side English/French translations so there’s no need for a dictionary. Download the audio now to discover the history, origins, and meanings of the 101 most used French idioms.
French Hacking (Author), Emilie Mauchaussé (Narrator)
Learn French While You Sleep - 1111 French Phrases For The Ultimate Study Guide To Increasing Your V
Sick of boring thick textbooks you can’t pay attention to? Having trouble learning new vocab or phrases? Want to speed up your French learning and take it to the next level? Let your subconscious mind do the work for you. It's as easy as turning the track on and falling asleep! The Swiss National Science Foundation claims that listening to a newly-learned foreign language while sleeping can help solidify the memory of the reviewed content. The stimulus we hear in our sleep helps us consolidate memories. ★★ Some of the topics of the phrases include ★★ Greetings Restaurants/ordering Airports/stations Statements/descriptions BONUS - Lists of Valuable words you MUST know BONUS 2 - Famous quotes you'll love! Learn French faster today with this French phrase study guide! Scroll up and click ‘add to cart’ now!
French Hacking (Author), Agathe Pavia (Narrator)
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