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300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Margita, Teacher Margita, Teacher Tulika, Tulika (Narrator)
Japanese - Finnish : 1000 basic words
The 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kana, Margita, Teacher Kana, Teacher Margita (Narrator)
Russian - Finnish : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Margita, Teacher Margita, Teacher Veronika, Veronika (Narrator)
Voyager en finnois : 300 mots phrases et expressions essentielles et les 100 verbes les plus courants. Le finnois est parl par environ 5 millions de personnes, dont la trs grande majorit vivent en Finlande. Comment apprendre une langue autrement ? Aujourd'hui, lÕapprentissage des langues fait sa rvolution : plus besoin d'aller sÕinscrire des cours de langues. La mthode d'apprentissage que nous vous proposons est la suivante : nous avons selectionn des centaines de phrases et de mots essentiels. Vous les coutez, vous les rptez, et vous parlez. Nous misons sur la prononciation, la rptition orale, l'coute, conjugus des mots, des phrases essentielles, et une liste de vocabulaire. Cela fait des dcennies que la rptition espace est prouve comme tant une mthode d'apprentissage efficace. Nous avons choisi le vocabulaire par frquence d'utilisation, et nous vous proposons de vous apprendre en priorit les 20% des mots qui sont utiliss 80% du temps. L'objectif final est d'obtenir un niveau suffisant dans une langue pour tre capable de tenir des conversations simples, pouvoir comprendre les changes simples, s'en sortir dans les situation de la vie quotidienne, une tape qui sera suffisamment motivante pour vous donner envie de continuer et de commencer explorer la nouvelle culture qui s'ouvre vous.
Jm Gardner (Author), Florence, Margita, Teacher Florence, Teacher Margita (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Lucie, Margita, Teacher Lucie, Teacher Margita (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Margita, Teacher Margita, Teacher Veronika, Veronika (Narrator)
De 1000 essentielle ord. Finsk er et talesprog i Finland og en region i Rusland. I alt taler 5 millioner mennesker finsk. Med denne metode arbejder du udtale, tale, lytte, kombineret med ord, essentielle s¾tninger og en ordforrdsliste. I rtier har adskillelsesrepetition vist sig at v¾re en effektiv l¾ringsmetode. Det endelige ml er at n et tilstr¾kkeligt niveau p et sprog for at kunne have enkle samtaler, at forst simple udvekslinger, for at overleve i dagliglivets situationer.
Jm Gardner (Author), Amalie, Margita, Teacher Amalie, Teacher Margita (Narrator)
De 1000 essensielle ordene. Finsk er et muntlig sprk i Finland og en region i Russland. Totalt snakker 5 millioner mennesker finsk. Med denne metoden jobber du uttale, snakker, lytter, kombinert med ord, essensielle setninger og en ordforrdsliste. I flere tir har avstandsrepetisjon vist seg v¾re en effektiv l¾ringsmetode. Det endelige mlet er n et tilstrekkelig niv p et sprk for kunne ha enkle samtaler, forst enkle utvekslinger, for overleve i hverdagens situasjoner.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrin, Margita, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Margita (Narrator)
Slovak - Finnish : 1000 basic words
The 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Margita, Miroslav, Teacher Margita, Teacher Miroslav (Narrator)
Urdu - Finnish : 1000 basic words
The 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Margita, Teacher Margita, Teacher Ulfat, Ulfat (Narrator)
Hindi - Finnish : 1000 basic words
The 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Margita, Teacher Margita, Teacher Tulika, Tulika (Narrator)
Hungarian - Finnish : 1000 basic words
The 1000 essential words. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Bogi, Margita, Teacher Bogi, Teacher Margita (Narrator)
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