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Everyday Dutch for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities
Welcome to Everyday Dutch for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities by Innovative Language. This audiobook is a new way to learn and speak Dutch fast. Start speaking in minutes with powerful learning methods that you'll learn inside. - Using this audiobook is simple. - You'll learn practical phrases for over 400 daily activities through 10 easy chapters. The phrases were chosen by a panel of professional language teachers and are some of the most frequently used phrases in daily conversation. Each chapter covers a daily scene such as morning activities, going to work, hanging out with friends, and much more. You'll be able talk about your day easily as you learn practical phrases in every chapter. With each phrase you'll get the audio pronunciation, bonus vocabulary, and more. Simply listen and repeat out loud.
Dutchpod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Dutchpod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Dutch: A Complete Phrase Compilation for Traveling to the Netherlands
Always wanted to learn Dutch? Or, are you planning to visit the Netherlands and want to speak with confidence? Whether you're a beginner or are prepping for a trip, you'll love this Audiobook compilation. With Traveling to the Netherlands, your trip to the Netherlands will be smooth and enjoyable. Why? You will learn and master travel phrases for getting around, basic conversations and cultural insights through 110 easy lessons. It's everything you need to get by and impress Dutch natives. Just listen, read along and repeat. No painful grammar lessons inside. This audiobook is for brand new learners with no language experience and travelers. You will learn... - Greetings & Basic Conversations - How to Order Food & Shop for Souvenirs - How to Book Hotels and Take Transportation - Getting Help in English or Calling for Help - Must-Know Dutch Cultural Tips and Manners By the end of this Audiobook, you will be able to speak basic Dutch, shop, get around, ask for directions and understand the ins and outs of Dutch culture. Here's what you get: - 10 Hours in Total - 1 Bonus Audiobook: The Master Guide to Dutch Holidays
Innovative Language Learning (Author), Dutchpod101.Com (Narrator)
Voyager en néerlandais : 300 mots phrases et expressions essentielles et les 100 verbes les plus courants. Actuellement, savoir parler les langues étrangères est indispensable. Pour pouvoir communiquer au travail, voyager à l'autre bout de la planète ou tout simplement échanger avec l'autre, regarder les nouveaux épisodes d'une série en VO et bien d'autres raisons. Comment apprendre une langue autrement ? Aujourd'hui, l'apprentissage des langues fait sa révolution : plus besoin d'aller s'inscrire à des cours de langues. La méthode d'apprentissage que nous vous proposons est la suivante : nous avons selectionné des centaines de phrases et de mots essentiels. Vous les écoutez, vous les répétez, et vous parlez. Nous misons sur la prononciation, la répétition orale, l'écoute, conjugués à des mots, des phrases essentielles, et une liste de vocabulaire. Cela fait des décennies que la répétition espacée est prouvée comme étant une méthode d'apprentissage efficace. Nous avons choisi le vocabulaire par fréquence d'utilisation, et nous vous proposons de vous apprendre en priorité les 20% des mots qui sont utilisés 80% du temps. L'objectif final est d'obtenir un niveau suffisant dans une langue pour être capable de tenir des conversations simples, pouvoir comprendre les échanges simples, s'en sortir dans les situation de la vie quotidienne, une étape qui sera suffisamment motivante pour vous donner envie de continuer et de commencer à explorer la nouvelle culture qui s'ouvre à vous.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Emma, Emma Florence A., Florence A., Teacher Emma, Teacher Florence (Narrator)
Travel words and phrases in Dutch
Travel words and phrases in Dutch. 300 essential words and phrases and the 100 most common verbs. The Dutch language is a West Germanic language, spoken by around 23 million people as a first language and by another 5 million as a second language. How to learn a language differently ? Today, language learning is revolutionizing : you do not have to go to traditional language classes anymore. Our learning method : a selection of hundreds of phrases and essential words. You listen to them, you repeat them, and you speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Emma, Emma Katie H, Katie H., Teacher Emma, Teacher Katie (Narrator)
Niederländisch sprechen auf Reisen
Niederländisch sprechen auf Reisen : 300 häufige Ausdrücke, die 100 häufigsten Verben. Niederländisch ist heute Muttersprache von etwa 25 Millionen Menschen ; 16 Millionen (Niederlande), 6,2 Millionen (Belgien), Suriname, etc. Derzeit ist es unerlässlich, Fremdsprachen zu sprechen. Wie lernt man eine Sprache anders ? Revolution im Sprachenlernen heute: Sie müssen nicht mehr in den Sprachunterricht gehen. Du hörst konzentriert zu , du wiederholst, und du sprichst .Was für uns wichtig ist sind Aussprache, Wiederholen des Gehörten, aufmerksames Zuhören, im Zusammenhang mit Worten, wichtigen Sätzen und einer Vokabelliste. Seit Jahrzehnten hat sich die Wiederholung in Abständen als eine effektive Lernmethode erwiesen. Wir haben das Vokabular nach Nutzungshäufigkeit ausgewählt, und wir schlagen vor, Ihnen die 20% der Wörter beizubringen, die in 80% der Fälle verwendet werden. Das endgültige Ziel ist es, ein ausreichendes Niveau in einer Sprache zu erhalten, in der Lage zusein, einfache Gespräche zu führen, einen einfachen Austausch in Situationen des täglichen Lebens bewältigen zu können.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Elodie, Emma, Emma Elodie, Teacher Elodie, Teacher Emma (Narrator)
Viajar en holandés : 300 palabras y frases esenciales, los 100 verbos más comunes. El idioma neerlandés, llamado también flamenco por los habitantes de Flandes ; en países de habla hispana es comúnmente conocido como holandés. Hablantes nativos : 38 000 000. Es lengua oficial en el Reino de los Países Bajos, en Bélgica y en Surinam. Es también una de las lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea. Nuestro método de aprendizaje: una selección de cientos de frases y palabras esenciales. Los escuchas, los repites, y hablas. Nos basamos en la pronunciación, el ensayo oral, la escucha, combinados con palabras, frases esenciales y una lista de vocabulario. El 20% de las palabras se usan el 80% del tiempo. El objetivo final es obtener un nivel suficiente en un idioma para poder mantener conversaciones simples, para poder comprender intercambios simples, lidiar con la vida cotidiana y comenzar a explorar la nueva cultura que se abre ante usted.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Ana, Emma, Emma Ana, Teacher Ana, Teacher Emma (Narrator)
1000 mots essentiels en néerlandais
Les 1000 mots néerlandais les plus courants. Actuellement, savoir parler les langues étrangères est indispensable. Pour pouvoir communiquer au travail, voyager à l'autre bout de la planète ou tout simplement échanger avec l'autre, regarder les nouveaux épisodes d'une série en VO et bien d'autres raisons. Comment apprendre une langue autrement ? Aujourd'hui, l'apprentissage des langues fait sa révolution : plus besoin d'aller s'inscrire à des cours de langues. La méthode d'apprentissage que nous vous proposons est la suivante : nous avons selectionné des centaines de phrases et de mots essentiels. Vous les écoutez, vous les répétez, et vous parlez. Nous misons sur la prononciation, la répétition orale, l'écoute, conjugués à des mots, des phrases essentielles, et une liste de vocabulaire. Cela fait des décennies que la répétition espacée est prouvée comme étant une méthode d'apprentissage efficace. Nous avons choisi le vocabulaire par fréquence d'utilisation, et nous vous proposons de vous apprendre en priorité les 20% des mots qui sont utilisés 80% du temps. L'objectif final est d'obtenir un niveau suffisant dans une langue pour être capable de tenir des conversations simples, pouvoir comprendre les échanges simples, s'en sortir dans les situation de la vie quotidienne, une étape qui sera suffisamment motivante pour vous donner envie de continuer et de commencer à explorer la nouvelle culture qui s'ouvre à vous.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Emma, Emma Florence A., Florence A., Teacher Emma, Teacher Florence (Narrator)
1000 wichtige Wörter auf Niederländisch für die Reise und die Arbeit
1000 wichtige Wörter auf Niederländisch für die Reise und die Arbeit. Niederländisch ist heute Muttersprache von etwa 25 Millionen Menschen ; 16 Millionen (Niederlande), 6,2 Millionen (Belgien), Suriname, etc. Derzeit ist es unerlässlich, Fremdsprachen zu sprechen. Wie lernt man eine Sprache anders ? Revolution im Sprachenlernen heute: Sie müssen nicht mehr in den Sprachunterricht gehen. Du hörst konzentriert zu , du wiederholst, und du sprichst .Was für uns wichtig ist sind Aussprache, Wiederholen des Gehörten, aufmerksames Zuhören, im Zusammenhang mit Worten, wichtigen Sätzen und einer Vokabelliste. Seit Jahrzehnten hat sich die Wiederholung in Abständen als eine effektive Lernmethode erwiesen. Wir haben das Vokabular nach Nutzungshäufigkeit ausgewählt, und wir schlagen vor, Ihnen die 20% der Wörter beizubringen, die in 80% der Fälle verwendet werden. Das endgültige Ziel ist es, ein ausreichendes Niveau in einer Sprache zu erhalten, in der Lage zusein, einfache Gespräche zu führen, einen einfachen Austausch in Situationen des täglichen Lebens bewältigen zu können.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Elodie, Emma, Emma Elodie, Teacher Elodie, Teacher Emma (Narrator)
Learn Dutch - Level 5: Advanced Dutch: Volume 1: Lessons 1-25
Want to immerse yourself in the Dutch language and speak at a native level? Curious about the Netherlands and the culture? Then this Audiobook is for you! With Advanced Dutch, you get Dutch-only lessons and learn the all about the country, culture, history, folklore, arts and popular destinations. Along the way, you'll pick up sophisticated expressions and advanced grammar. To help you learn Dutch even faster and understand everything, you get a 120+ page eBook with translations so you can read along. By the end of this book, you will... - Learn All About the Netherlands and Dutch Culture - Master Advanced Level Expressions & Grammar - Master Dutch Listening Skills & Tune Your Ear to the Native Speaking Style - Be Able to Speak at a Native Level - Master Reading by Reading Along with the eBook - Understand Everything with Translations Provided inside the eBook With this Audiobook, you get: - 1+ hours of audio in total - 25 Advanced level lessons - 120+ page eBook so you can read along Download the PDF and read along:, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Dutchpod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Dutch - Level 4: Intermediate Dutch, Volume 1: Lessons 1-25
Ready to speak and understand Dutch at an Intermediate level? Close your eyes and picture yourself arriving at an airport in the Netherlands, walking out and finding yourself on a busy street. Imagine hearing the native conversations all around you. This is the kind of Dutch you learn here. Practical, everyday conversation. This Audiobook is great for Intermediates ready to go past basic phrases. In fact, you start speaking in minutes. Our native Dutch teachers break down all the sentences, grammar and more in an easy-to-understand way! You learn conversations, key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar all in one shot. You can even read along with the bonus PDF eBook as you listen to your lessons. A few topics covered in this audiobook: - Expressing your thoughts in Dutch - How to talk about other people - How to quote someone - Stating facts in Dutch - How to express opinions - Expressing the purpose of an action - How to handle job interviews - Dutch cultural tips and more! With this Audiobook, you get: - 3.5 hours of audio in total - 25 Intermediate level lessons - 220+ page eBook so you can read along By the end of this book, you will... - Learn & Master Brand New Conversations - Learn Intermediate Level Expressions & Grammar - Master Dutch Listening Skills & Tune Your Ear to the Native Speaking Style - Be Able to Speak at an Intermediate Level Level - Improve Your Reading by Reading Along with the eBook - Understand Everything with Translations Provided inside the eBook Download the PDF and read along:, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Dutchpod101.Com (Narrator)
Top 25 Dutch Questions You Need to Know
Top 25 Questions You Need to Know Going to the Netherlands and looking to make friends? Don't leave home without the Top 25 Dutch Questions You Need to Know! In this powerful audiobook, you'll master responses to all the basic questions, from 'What's your name?' to 'Where are you from?' and more. Built into every lesson you'll find opportunities for extensive practice, self-review, and self-evaluation. By the end of the audiobook, you'll not only be answering these questions, but asking them yourself! If you haven't studied Dutch but want to be well prepared for simple social situations, this is the audiobook for you. Why are the audio lessons so effective? - Short and to the point- Twenty five 8-minute lessons make them the perfect length- Syllable-by-syllable breakdown of each word and phrase so that you can say every word and phrase instantly- Repeat after the professional teacher section so that you can practice proper pronunciation- Quick cultural tips in each lesson will help you navigate your way even better- Above all, fun and relaxed approach to grasping a lot of information quickly and easily You see, unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Dutch and Dutch culture. With each lesson, you will master a frequently asked question in daily conversation, and key vocabulary. This is a complete lesson taught by a professional, bi-lingual teacher! This is NOT a vocabulary audiobook with just words and their translations. These 25 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: - Speak Dutch within minutes of your first lesson- Understand Dutch culture, customs, and people- Ask and answer the 25 most frequently asked questions- Perfect your Dutch pronunciation with built in prompts and exercises aimed at getting you speaking Start speaking Dutch now!
Dutchpod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Dutchpod101.Com (Narrator)
Aprender Holandês - Textos Paralelos - Fácil de ouvir - Fácil de ler CURSO DE ÁUDIO DE HOLANDÊS N.o
"O EASY READER - CURSO DE ÁUDIO DE HOLANDÊS N.º 3 FÁCIL DE OUVIR - FÁCIL DE LER - FÁCIL DE APRENDER Este é o nosso mais recente e definitivo curso para aprender idiomas. É relativamente novo na aprendizagem de Holandês ou precisa de rever as suas competências linguísticas? Deseja não só falar como um falante nativo, mas também compreendê-los claramente? Bem-vindo a Polyglot Planet. Fornecemos-lhe as ferramentas certas, energia, e motivação para compreender e falar Holandês com confiança. Aprenda a falar Holandês quase instantaneamente com os nossos textos "Easy Reader" e gravações "Easy Audio". Aprenderá a utilizar o Holandês do dia a dia duma forma consistente e eficaz, e sem precisar de conhecimento prévio de gramática ou de estruturas de frases. E não apenas isso! Também aprenderá vocabulário chave, frases e conjugações num ambiente estruturado, concebido para o ajudar a construir uma fundação sólida que nunca esquecerá. Com os nossos "Aprenda Holandês - Cursos Easy Reader | Easy Audio", aprenderá rapidamente a ouvir e falar ao nível necessário para conversar com um falante nativo. O nosso tutor de áudio ajudá-lo-á a aperfeiçoar a sua pronúncia e compreender a gramática, evitando ao mesmo tempo a fastidiosa leitura de livros didáticos. Você estará a falar Holandês minutos depois de fazer o nosso curso! São fornecidas traduções como guia para o ajudar a fazer associações de palavras, comparar estruturas de frases, e aprender vocabulário novo. O nosso material é agradável, atual, e feito para si. Aprender Holandês pode ser bastante divertido - compre já este curso e comece a falar Holandês hoje!" **Contact Customer Service for Additional Material**
Polyglot Planet (Author), Danique van Vuren, Rodolfo Martins (Narrator)
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