Browse Dutch audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Learn Dutch Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners
Brand new to Dutch? If you’re looking for the easiest way to start learning and speaking Dutch… You’ve made a smart choice. Why? Because Dutch can be EASY or HARD, depending on HOW you start. - Start the hard way (reading grammar and memorizing words), and you’ll quickly think, “Languages are just not my thing.” - Start easy, and you’ll be shocked by how much Dutch you’ll learn. Yes, just like in life, introductions and first impressions matter. And that’s exactly why we’ve created… Learn Dutch Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners This 3-in-1 Audiobook bundle is a fast and easy introduction to Dutch for Absolute Beginners. About Learn Dutch Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners - Contains 3 DutchPod101 Audiobooks (Absolute Beginner Season 1, Beginner Season 1, and 3-Minute Dutch) - Learn with 5-minute audio lessons - Over 8 hours and 30 minutes of lessons - Includes a 380-page PDF for reading along - Aligned with level A1 of the CEFR So, if you want an easy introduction to Dutch… Get Learn Dutch Bundle - Easy Introduction for Beginners and start speaking Dutch today! Download the PDF and read along:
Dutchpod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Dutchpod101.Com (Narrator)
[Polish] - Gramatyka niemiecka B1: Kurs gramatyki języka niemieckiego dla średnio zaawansowanych
masz przed sobą kurs audio Gramatyka niemiecka B1. W kursie tym, który jest przeznaczony dla lekko i średnio zaawansowanych, powtórzysz i poszerzysz wiedzę z zakresu stosowania czasu, trudniejszych przyimków, zaimków, trybu przypuszczającego, bezokolicznika i innych tematów. Kurs powstał w oparciu o nauczanie kontekstowe, co oznacza, że nie będziesz uczył się tylko słówek, ale również i zdań, w których można zastosować dane słownictwo. W kursie tym znajdziesz ponad 3000 słówek i ćwiczeń sprawdzających. Jak najlepiej korzystać z kursu? Wybierz sobie lekcję, od której chcesz rozpocząć. W każdej lekcji zapoznasz się najpierw ze słówkami (lekcja 1. i 2.). Następnie masz do dyspozycji krótkie wytłumaczenie gramatyki danej lekcji. Tak naprawdę chodzi o te najbardziej podstawowe zasady, dokładniejsze wyjaśnienia wraz z wyjątkami znajdziesz w jakimkolwiek podręczniku do nauki języka. Następnie przejdź do zdań. W każdej części panuje zasada, że w momencie opanowania słuchania tłumaczeń z niemieckiego na polski (lekcja 3.) kontynuujesz tłumaczenia z polskiego na niemiecki (lekcja 4.). Jeżeli opanujesz tłumaczenia zdań z niemieckiego na polski (lekcja 5.) w trakcie przerwy przed polskim tłumaczeniem, osiągnąłeś wymarzony cel. Dodatkowo masz do dyspozycji nagrania zdań tylko po niemiecku (lekcja 6.), które powinieneś już rozumieć. Lekcja 01 – Czasownik SEIN – Być Lekcja 02_Odmiana czasowników regularnych Lekcja 03_Rodzajnik określony oraz nieokreślony, przeczenie KEIN Lekcja 04_Odmiana rzeczowników Lekcja 05_Zaimki Lekcja 06_Czasowniki z wymianą głoskową Lekcja 07_Tryb rozkazujący Lekcja 08_Odmiana zaimków osobowych Lekcja 09_Czasowniki modalne Lekcja 10_Czasowniki rozdzielnie złożone Lekcja 11_Przyimki z Celownikiem Lekcja 12_Przyimki z Biernikiem Lekcja 13_Przyimki z Celownikiem i Biernikiemy Lekcja 14 – Typowe zwroty łączące przyimek i rzeczownik Lekcja 15_Czasowniki zwrotne Lekcja 16_Odmiana przymiotników Lekcja 17 – Stopniowanie przymiotników Lekcja 18 – Czasowniki z przyimkami Lekcja 19 – Czas przyszły – czasownik WERDEN Lekcja 20 – Wstęp do czasu przeszłego – czas przeszły czasownika BYĆ Lekcja 21 – Czas przeszły- perfekt Lekcja 22 – Czas przeszły Imperfekt- Präteritum Lekcja 23– Formy przeszłe czasowników modalnych Lekcja 24 – Konstrukcja bezokolicznikowa z HABEN ZU i SEIN ZU Lekcja 25 – Bezokolicznik z zu i bez zu Lekcja 26 – Strona bierna Lekcja 27 – Tryb przypuszczający Lekcja 28 – Wyrażenia MAN i ES GIBT W skrypcie znajdziesz plan nauki, spis playlisty (jeśli czegoś nie zrozumiesz), fiszki obustronne, dzięki którym można się uczyć i powtarzać nawet wtedy, kiedy nie można słuchać nagrań. A dla tych, którzy chętnie się sprawdzają, przygotowany jest test z każdej lekcji z kluczem odpowiedzi.
Tomas Dvoracek (Author), Krystyna Berki (Narrator)
[Dutch; Flemish] - The Simple Way To Learn Dutch
While in school, we learn stuff we probably don't use today. However, language is essential to almost every aspect of the human condition. How do you expand your business beyond your continent for more sales? How are you going to express your love for the beautiful lady that just walked past? How do you get directions to the Van Gogh museum? With the knowledge of language, that's how. This book contains a lexicon of some of the most used words in everyday Dutch conversation. It makes use of the age old learning techniques of repetition and rote memorization, in an attempt to condition the brain for learning Dutch as quickly as possible.And so, from the beautiful city of Amsterdam, the city of commerce and all things fashionable, we present to you, The Simple Way to Learn Dutch
Erik Visser (Author), Dini Steyn (Narrator)
[German] - Lernen Sie Niederländisch zu sprechen. Band 3.: Lektionen 51-70. Für Anfänger.
'Lernen Sie Niederländisch zu sprechen Band 3' ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend Niederländisch zu sprechen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kurses liegt darin, von der ersten Stunde an das Sprechen von Konversationsniederländisch zu üben. Der Kurs ist in 20 Lektionen, 6 Wiederholung-/Hörverständnislektionen unterteilt. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen. Basierend auf Techniken und Strategien, die den Sprachlernenden zum Erfolg führen: - Jeden Tag in kurzen Abständen lernen. Jede Lektion dauert etwa 10-15 Minuten. - Lernen im Kontext. Einzelne Wörter oder zufällige Sätze bringen Sie nicht weit. Durch das Lernen von Sätzen, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema oder eine bestimmte Situation beziehen, werden Sie viel bessere Ergebnisse sehen. - Konzentrieren Sie sich auf hochfrequente Wörter. Wenn Sie mit den am häufigsten verwendeten Wörtern beginnen, werden Sie Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kommunikation in der Zielsprache verbessern. - Überprüfen Sie das Material. Die Wiederholung der Sätze in bestimmten Abständen ist eine leistungsstarke Technik, um Ihrem Gedächtnis zu helfen, das Gelernte aufzunehmen und abzurufen. - Hören Sie Muttersprachlern zu. Alle Sätze werden von Muttersprachlern übersetzt und gesprochen.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Aprende a hablar holandés Vol. 3: Lecciones 51-70. Para principiantes.
'Aprende a hablar holandés Vol. 3' es un curso de audio para principiantes o para cualquier persona que tenga dificultades para hablar holandés con fluidez. El objetivo de este curso es practicar el holandés conversacional desde la primera lección. El curso se divide en 20 lecciones, 6 lecciones de repaso/comprensión. Cada lección contiene frases cotidianas útiles relacionadas con un tema específico. Basado en técnicas y estrategias que hacen que los estudiantes de idiomas tengan éxito: - Aprende en cortas sesiones todos los días. Cada lección tarda unos 10-15 minutos en completarse. - Aprende en contexto. Las palabras aisladas o las oraciones aleatorias no te llevarán lejos. Al aprender frases relacionadas con un tema o situación específica, verás resultados mucho mejores. - Enfócate en palabras de alta frecuencia. Comenzar con las palabras más utilizadas aumentará tu comprensión y comunicación en tu idioma de estudio. - Repasa el material. Repetir las frases a ciertos intervalos específicos es una técnica poderosa para ayudar a tu memoria a absorber y recordar lo que has aprendido. - Escucha a hablantes nativos. Todas las frases son traducidas y habladas por hablantes nativos.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Dutch: Learn Dutch with These 500 Phrases
Five hundred phrases that will help you learn the language! Even though languages contain thousands of words and phrases, at least you can get started by memorizing some of these common sentences and expressions. It's a fun, easy travel guide with simple things people say in everyday situations. As a native speaker, I know exactly what a Dutch person would say, so you can consider yourself safe to be taught correctly. Chapters include: - Common questions. - Conversation related to work, religion, and hobbies - All kinds of small talk - Explaining personal data - Money matters, the weather, and taking pictures - What to say in case of an emergency - Asking directions - And much more! So are you looking for a quick, simple, easy-to-use language guide? Then why not pick up this one and find your way in a foreign country or get some of the basics down with these short sentences?
Vincent Noot (Author), Vincent Noot (Narrator)
Speak Dutch: Book 3 of 3 Advanced
Ready for more Dutch? This is going to be fun! This book is written by a native Dutch citizen, who grew up in the Netherlands. This is book 3, for those who bought book 1 and 2 or already know the basics of Dutch. About me: I grew up in the Netherlands, so I have spoken Dutch all my life. Not only that, but I have mastered to speak a total of 6 languages in my life, and an additional 2 (ancient Greek and Latin) as minors in high school. Learning languages has been a lifelong endeavor and joy to me. I have worked for a translation company as editor and translator (English-Dutch) for more than 5 years. In this book series, I will share with you the secret grammar rules, exceptions, as well as fun words with my funny cartoons inserted; all in order to help you learn the Dutch language. In the third book, I will show you how to perfect your Dutch even more, besides all the boring vocabulary. Sometimes the Dutch easily find out where you are from because of common mistakes. Well, I will help you eliminate those and become even better at the language in a fun way, with pictures, lists, phrases, and cartoons. In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: Inversion, a typical Dutch (and German) way of saying things Puns and word mixups Business talk Conversation Grammar False friends And much more!!!!! Are you ready to get better? Then don’t wait if you want to learn some more Dutch and start right now! I will see you in the first chapter.
Vincent Noot (Author), Vincent Noot (Narrator)
Speak Dutch: Book 2 of 3 Easy but Better
Learn Dutch in a fun and easy way now! This book is written by a native Dutch speaking person, and someone who has been an editor and translator for years! This is book 2, for those who bought book 1 or already know the basics of Dutch. About me: I grew up in the Netherlands, so I have spoken Dutch all my life. Not only that, but I have mastered to speak a total of 6 languages in my life, and an additional 2 (ancient Greek and Latin) as minors in high school. Learning languages has been a lifelong endeavor and joy to me. I have worked for a translation company as editor and translator (English-Dutch) for more than 5 years. In this book series, I will share with you the secret grammar rules, exceptions, as well as fun words with my funny cartoons inserted; all in order to help you learn the Dutch language. In this second book, I will tell you more about the past tense, romantic phrases, the weather, conversations, little comics, and grammatical essential such as adjectives and nouns. In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: The past tense, including the past participle Conjugations Romance Adjectives Opposites Everyday sentences Traveling And much more!!!!! Don’t wait if you want to learn some more Dutch and start right now! I will see you in the first chapter.
Vincent Noot (Author), Vincent Noot (Narrator)
Speak Dutch: Book 1 of 3 Beginners
The ultimate guide to speaking Dutch, taught by a native Dutch speaking translator! This is book 1, for beginners. About me: I grew up in the Netherlands, so I have spoken Dutch all my life. Not only that, but I have mastered to speak a total of 6 languages in my life, and an additional 2 (ancient Greek and Latin) as minors in high school. Learning languages has been a lifelong endeavor and joy to me. I have worked for a translation company as editor and translator (English-Dutch) for more than 5 years. In this book series, I will share with you the secret grammar rules, exceptions, as well as fun words with my funny cartoons inserted; all in order to help you learn the Dutch language. Learning a language can be FUN and if you are willing to understand the logic of the culture and how the language is made up, you’ll discover patterns and start to have a feeling for it. This is exactly what I focus on in this book series. In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: Pronunciation (including links to YouTube videos to hear me pronounce the sounds) Conversation Small words Animals Greeting Verbs Body parts And much more!!!!! Don’t wait if you want to learn some Dutch and start right now! I will see you in the first chapter.
Vincent Noot (Author), Vincent Noot (Narrator)
Speak Dutch: 2 in 1 Learn the Dutch Language Combo
2 books in 1 to speaking Dutch. Book 1: Learning a language can be FUN and if you are willing to understand the logic of the culture and how the language is made up, you’ll discover patterns and start to have a feeling for it. This is exactly what I focus on in this book series. In this book series, I will share with you the secret grammar rules, exceptions, as well as fun words with my funny cartoons inserted; all in order to help you learn the French language. In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: Pronunciation (including links to YouTube videos to hear me pronounce the sounds) Conversation Small words Animals Greeting Verbs Body parts And much more!!!!! Book 2: I will tell you more about the past tense, romantic phrases, the weather, conversations, little comics, and grammatical essential such as adjectives and nouns. In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: The past tense, including the past participle Conjugations Romance Adjectives Opposites Everyday sentences Traveling And much more!!!!! Don’t wait if you want to learn some more French and start right now! I will see you in the first chapter.
Vincent Noot (Author), Vincent Noot (Narrator)
You are getting a great deal by getting all 3 Dutch books for a lower price. This is a bundle of 3 books with dozens of pages full of fun and interesting ways to master the Dutch language. About me: I grew up in the Netherlands, so I have spoken Dutch all my life. Not only that, but I have mastered to speak a total of 6 languages in my life, and an additional 2 (ancient Greek and Latin) as minors in high school. Learning languages has been a lifelong endeavor and joy to me. I have worked for a translation company as editor and translator (English-Dutch) for more than 5 years. In this book series, I will share with you the secret grammar rules, exceptions, as well as fun words with my funny cartoons inserted; all in order to help you learn the Dutch language. In this book, you’ll find topics and knowledge about: Pronunciation Conversation Small words Animals Greeting Verbs Body parts The past tense, including the past participle Conjugations Romance Adjectives Opposites Everyday sentences Traveling Inversion And much more!!!!! Are you ready to get better? Then don’t wait if you want to learn some more Dutch and start right now! I will see you in the first chapter
Vincent Noot (Author), Vincent Noot (Narrator)
Dutch for Tourists: Instruction in Key Words and Phrases For A Trip To The Netherlands
This ten-session language course gives you the confidence to speak and understand Dutch across a range of tourist settings from restaurants to hotels and airports. The vocabulary is targeted to enable you to learn useful phrases that you can easily put to use on your trip to the Netherlands. The course starts with simple words and then builds to more complex sentence structures as the sessions progress. This is an ideal way to learn Dutch and make your upcoming trip more fulfilling and successful.
Sophie Van Der Molen (Author), Judith Bikker-Ouwejan (Narrator)
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