Browse Czech audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Hanna, Imène, Teacher Hanna, Teacher Imne, Teacher Imène (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Hanna, Teacher Hanna, Teacher Tulika, Tulika (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Hanna, Teacher Hanna, Teacher Veronika, Veronika (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Hanna, Lucie, Teacher Hanna, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Hanna, Teacher Hanna, Teacher Veronika, Veronika (Narrator)
Czech Made Easy - Lower Beginner - Volume 1 of 3
We broke our new series on learning Czech down into different learning stages. Start with the “Lower Beginner” books followed by the “Beginner” and “Upper Beginner” books. Next, progress to the “Intermediate” series, then test and reinforce your knowledge with the “Conversations” series. Our experienced educators and speakers possess the linguistic skills to help you understand and speak Czech clearly. We are very proud to have developed a product that truly helps you learn Czech quickly and easily, anytime and anywhere. This audiobook is divided into units. While it provides different learning patterns and accommodates various needs, this audiobook focuses on helping you improve your ability to understand, speak, and memorise Czech. The sample will give you a taste of what you can look forward to. In Unit 1 you will hear Czech decoded with each syllable spoken very slowly and clearly with repetition. Immediately before each sentence is spoken, you will hear the translation, so you will always understand what is being said. Unit 2 focuses solely on increasing your listening ability, which will improve your abilities to engage in dialogue with a native Czech speaker. This chapter requires you to listen very carefully to nuances in the language. By Unit 3 you will already notice progress in your abilities to speak and understand Czech. The spoken translation is followed by two repetitions in Czech at a completely natural speed. While you are learning to process naturally spoken Czech, Units 3 and 4 will help you memorise new vocabulary and full sentences. In Unit 5 you can test yourself on how much you have learned. If you are having difficulties, we suggest you revisit the listening, speaking, or memorisation section of Units 1, 2 3 or 4, according to what you need more help with. We developed our audiobooks to enable you to learn without an eBook. This gives you the opportunity to advance your Czech language skills anywhere whether you’re on the go or waiting around. As the audiobook is neatly arranged into many sub-units, it is also very practical for educators to navigate and use in classrooms or any time sensitive learning environment. Topics covered in this book: - Greeting - Asking personal information - Asking about people or things - Talking about the current time and date - Talking about the location of things - Describing things - Likes and dislikes - Talking about abilities - Talking about appearance - Talking about personality - Talking about the weather - Talking about food - Talking about the house (rooms and furniture)
Lingo Wave (Author), Lingo Wave (Narrator)
Tchèque audio en parallèle - Facilement apprendre le tchèque avec 501 phrases en audio en parallèle
'Parlons Nous vous ferons parler le tchèque en un rien de temps ! La méthode audio d'apprentissage des langues de Lingo Jump facilite l'apprentissage du tchèque à votre guise. Que vous vous détendiez ou que vous soyez en déplacement, nos leçons audio simples, claires et ludiques vous aident à apprendre en imitant nos conférenciers. Plongez-vous dans la langue tchèque en toute confiance - nous sommes là pour vous aider à parler tchèque en utilisant des phrases que vous apprendrez facilement grâce à l'audio en parallèle. Écoutez et apprenez L'audio en parallèle est la clé de la méthodologie d'apprentissage des langues de Lingo Jump. Grâce à la répétition de mots et de phrases clairement prononcés à un rythme facile à suivre, vous trouverez non seulement plus facile de comprendre et de parler le tchèque, mais aussi d'améliorer votre mémoire, d'améliorer vos capacités d'écoute et de choisir le bon accent. Nos conférenciers suivent un modèle de discours spécifique tout au long de l'audiobook, rendant les phrases prévisibles et vous aidant à comprendre les mots et les phrases en contexte. Vous restez uniquement concentré sur le tchèque, sans aucune musique de fond distrayante. Parlez comme un local Nous savons que tout le monde ne parle pas de la même manière. Les dialectes, les tempos et les accents peuvent varier selon les régions d'un pays et même entre les quartiers d'une ville. Ainsi, lorsque vous commencerez, vous entendrez nos narrateurs dans l'audiobook utiliser différentes intonations de phrases répétées, les ralentir, les accélérer et mettre l'accent sur différentes parties des phrases. Cela aide à accélérer votre capacité à comprendre et à parler tchèque naturellement.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Learn Czech: The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Czech (Deluxe Edition)
Interested in learning modern Czech? What about about learning what's not taught in classes and books? Like, how to communicate online? With The Ultimate Guide to Talking Online in Czech (Deluxe Edition), you learn just that! You learn... How to post comments, what to write and how to react to all sorts of occasions on social media - all in Czech. We cover everything from wishing friends a happy birthday and catching up to posting comments about someone's delicious dinner pictures. Here are a few of the lesson (25 in total) inside:How to post about having dinner with friendsHow to post about going shoppingHow to post about music or videosHow to post Christmas greetingsAnd much more! Includes 2 Bonus Audio Lessons: Want to learn more tech-related Czech? Good! This Audiobook also comes with 2 bonus lessons " Computer Vocab & Technology Vocab " to get you speaking more Czech. Download the PDF and read along:
Czechclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Czechclass101.Com (Narrator)
Audio Paralelo em Checo - Aprender Checo com 501 Frases em udio Paralelo - Volume 1
'Vamos falar Vamos p-lo a falar Checo num instante! O sistema de aprendizagem de Checo baseado no udio paralelo do Lingo Jump facilita a aprendizagem do Checo enquanto descontrai. Quer esteja a relaxar ou de sada, as nossas lies udio so simples, claras e divertidas e ajudam-no a aprender atravs da imitao dos falantes. Mergulhe no Checo com confiana estamos aqui para p-lo a falar com frases que vai aprender facilmente atravs do udio paralelo. Oua e aprenda O udio em paralelo a chave da metodologia de aprendizagem de Checo da Lingo Jump. Atravs da repetio de palavras e de frases claras a um ritmo fcil de acompanhar, no s vai achar mais fcil aprender e falar o Checo, como tambm vai melhorar a sua memria, melhorar as capacidades de audio e interiorizar a pronncia correta. Os nossos falantes seguem um padro de discurso especfico ao longo do udio-livro o que torna as frases previsveis e ajuda a perceber palavras e frases atravs do contexto. Queremos que esteja concentrado no Checo, sem distraes como msica de fundo. Fale como um nativo Sabemos que nem toda a gente fala da mesma forma. Os dialectos, a entoao e a pronncia podem variar de regio para regio e at de freguesia para freguesia. Por isso, quando comear, vai ouvir os nossos narradores a dizer a mesma frase com entoaes diferentes, com um ritmo mais brando e outro mais rpido, a colocar nfase em diferentes partes da frase. Isto vai ajud-lo a perceber e a falar Checo naturalmente e em menos tempo. Rpido, divertido e sem grande esforo O sistema de aprendizagem de Checo baseado no udio paralelo do Lingo Jump combina repetio, ritmos diferentes, e padres previsveis de discurso. Ouvir as frases de forma repetida ajuda-o a aprender Checo instintivamente pois treina o seu crebro para captar os padres da lngua. como se estivessemos a atirar-lhe uma bola sempre da mesma forma, at ao ponto em que comea a apanhar a bola sem pensar.
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Checo Parallel Audio - Aprende checo rápido con 501 frases usando Parallel Audio - Volumen 14
"Hablemos ¡Te haremos hablar checo en muy poco tiempo! El método de aprendizaje de audio paralelo Lingo Jump facilita el aprendizaje del checo en tu tiempo libre. Ya sea que estés descansando o yendo de un lado a otro, nuestras lecciones de audio sencillas, claras y divertidas te ayudarán a aprender imitando a nuestros locutores. Sumérgete en el checo con confianza: estamos aquí para hacerte hablar usando frases que aprenderás fácilmente a través del audio paralelo. Escucha y aprende El audio paralelo es la clave del método de aprendizaje del checo de Lingo Jump. A través de la repetición de palabras y frases claramente pronunciadas a un ritmo fácil de seguir, no solo te resultará más fácil entender y hablar checo, sino que también desarrollará tu memoria, aumentará tus habilidades para escuchar y tener el acento correcto. Nuestros locutores siguen un patrón de discurso específico a lo largo del audiolibro, haciendo las frases predecibles y ayudándote a comprender palabras y frases a través del contexto. Te mantenemos enfocado únicamente en el idioma, sin música de fondo que te distraiga. Habla como un local Sabemos que no todos hablan de la misma manera. Los dialectos, ritmos y acentos pueden variar entre las regiones de un país e incluso entre los barrios dentro de una ciudad. Entonces, cuando comiences, escucharás a nuestros locutores usando diferentes entonaciones en frases repetidas, ralentizándolas, acelerándolas y poniendo énfasis en diferentes partes de las mismas. Esto ayuda a acelerar tu capacidad de comprender y hablar el checo de forma natural. ** Please contact Customer Service for additional content**
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
Everyday Czech for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities
Welcome to Everyday Czech for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities by Innovative Language. This audiobook is a new way to learn and speak Czech fast. Start speaking in minutes with the powerful learning methods that you'll learn inside. Using this audiobook is simple. You'll learn practical phrases for over 400 daily activities through 10 easy chapters. The phrases were chosen by a panel of professional language teachers and are some of the most frequently used phrases in daily conversation. Each chapter covers a daily scene such as morning activities, going to work, hanging out with friends, and much more. You'll be able talk about your day easily as you learn practical phrases in every chapter. With each phrase, you'll get the audio pronunciation, bonus vocabulary, and more. Simply listen and repeat out loud.
Czechclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Czechclass101.Com (Narrator)
Czech Parallel Audio - Learn Czech with 501 Random Phrases using Parallel Audio - Volume 1
"Let's Talk We will have you speaking Czech in no time! Lingo Jump's parallel audio language learning system makes it easy to learn languages at your leisure. Whether you're relaxing or on the go, our simple, clear, and fun audio lessons help you learn through imitation of our speakers. Immerse yourself in a new language with confidence'"we're here to get you talking using phrases that you'll learn with ease through parallel audio. Listen and Learn Parallel audio is the key to Lingo Jump's language-learning methodology. Through repetition of clearly pronounced words and phrases at a tempo that's easy to follow, you'll not only find it easier to understand and speak Czech, you'll also improve your memory, boost your listening skills, and pick up the correct accent. Our speakers follow a specific speech pattern throughout the audiobook, making phrases predictable, and helping you understand words and phrases through context. We keep you solely focused on the language, without any distracting background music. Talk Like a Local We know that not everyone speaks in the same way. Dialects, tempos, and accents can vary among a country's regions, and even among quarters within a city. So when you start, you'll hear our audiobook narrators using different intonations of repeated phrases, slowing them down, speeding them up, and placing emphasis on different parts of the phrases. This helps accelerate your ability to understand and speak the language naturally. Fast, Effortless, and Fun! Lingo Jump's unique parallel audio language learning system combines repetition, different speeds, and predictable speech patterns. Simply listening to the repeated phrases helps you pick up languages by instinct, preparing your brain for a language's repeated patterns. It's like we're throwing a ball to you in the same way over and over so that soon you can catch it without thinking about it. Perfect for All Levels Lingo Jump is ideal to get beginners speaking a Czech almost immediately. The parallel audio system also helps intermediate and advanced speakers achieve fluency in a new language. As you progress, the parallel audio system has you repeat phrases at their natural tempo, removing the slower versions. You can put your newly acquired listening and comprehension skills to the test in the final chapters, where you'll listen to the phrases without any parallel audio. This motivating feature helps you track your improvement, and gets you speaking Czech with confidence. Swift Self-improvement We've designed the first two chapters so that they offer easy immersion. Our speakers break down each word into their distinct syllables and speak slowly. This helps you catch every nuance of the language, making it easier for you to improve your listening and speaking skills all by yourself. Learn Anywhere We've specifically developed our language courses for audio learning, so you can complete other tasks while learning Czech. You can learn while you are running, working out, walking, driving, or even when you are doing chores. Our parallel audio learning system teaches you wherever you are, without requiring a reference manual. Immerse Yourself To gain a deeper insight into the language you're learning, every Lingo Jump course includes a reference eBook, providing you more insight when you need it." ** Please contact Customer Service for additional content**
Lingo Jump (Author), Lingo Jump (Narrator)
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