Browse Chinese audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
Learn Conversational Mandarin Chinese Vol. 2: Lessons 31-50. For beginners. Learn in your car. Learn
Learn Conversational Mandarin Chinese Vol. 2 is an audio course for beginners or for anyone who struggles with becoming fluent in Mandarin Chinese. The focus of this course is to practice speaking conversational Mandarin Chinese from the very first lesson. In these lessons, you’ll be introduced to several “conversation connectors”. Phrases like “as a matter of fact”, “frankly speaking”, “as you already know” and more. By using such phrases, your conversations will have a more natural flow. You will also expand your vocabulary and talk about daily activities, work, plans, and needs. Based on techniques and strategies that make language learners succeed: Learn in short bursts every day. Each lesson takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Learn in context. Isolated words or random sentences won’t get you far. By learning phrases related to a specific topic or situation you will see much better results. Focus on high-frequency words. Starting with the most frequently used words will boost your comprehension and communication in your target language. Review the material. Repeating the phrases at certain specified intervals is a powerful technique to help your memory absorb and recall what you have learned. Listen to native speakers. All the phrases are translated and spoken by native speakers.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Lernen Sie Mandarin-Chinesisch zu sprechen. Band 2.: Lektionen 31-50. Für Anfänger.
'Lernen Sie Mandarin-Chinesisch zu sprechen Band 2' ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend Mandarin-Chinesisch zu sprechen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kurses liegt darin, von der ersten Stunde an das Sprechen von Konversationsmandarin-chinesisch zu üben. Der Kurs ist in 20 Lektionen, 6 Wiederholung-/Hörverständnislektionen unterteilt. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen. Basierend auf Techniken und Strategien, die den Sprachlernenden zum Erfolg führen: Jeden Tag in kurzen Abständen lernen. Jede Lektion dauert etwa 10-15 Minuten. Lernen im Kontext. Einzelne Wörter oder zufällige Sätze bringen Sie nicht weit. Durch das Lernen von Sätzen, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema oder eine bestimmte Situation beziehen, werden Sie viel bessere Ergebnisse sehen. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf hochfrequente Wörter. Wenn Sie mit den am häufigsten verwendeten Wörtern beginnen, werden Sie Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kommunikation in der Zielsprache verbessern. Überprüfen Sie das Material. Die Wiederholung der Sätze in bestimmten Abständen ist eine leistungsstarke Technik, um Ihrem Gedächtnis zu helfen, das Gelernte aufzunehmen und abzurufen. Hören Sie Muttersprachlern zu. Alle Sätze werden von Muttersprachlern übersetzt und gesprochen.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Learn Chinese - Level 4: Beginner Chinese, Volume 3: Lessons 1-25
Finished with Lower Beginner? Not quite ready for Intermediate? Welcome to Beginner Chinese. Master the basics of Chinese conversation! Start speaking Chinese in minutes, and learn key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar in just minutes more with Beginner Chinese. Our native Chinese hosts break down all the sentences, grammar and more in a simple, easily understandable way! Here are a few topics covered in this audiobook: Basic greetings How to ask questions Basic verbs Top phrases for shopping in China Chinese Cultural Tips and More! This isn't stale textbook material. It's fun, effective, and practical! You learn beginner Chinese conversation that you can use immediately! What you get in Beginner Chinese: 140+ pages of Chinese learning material 25 Chinese lessons: dialog transcripts with translation, vocabulary, sample sentences and a grammar section 25 Audio Lesson Tracks 25 Audio Dialog Tracks (read along while you listen) Interactive. Effective. And FUN! Discover or rediscover how fun learning a language can be with the future of language learning. Buy this now and start speaking Chinese instantly! Download the PDF and read along:
Chineseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Mandarin Chinese for Beginners
After English, Mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, with an estimated one billion speakers. Learning the language opens up many exciting new opportunities for business, travel and cultural enrichment – the Mandarin Chinese for Beginners Audiobook is here to get you started. You will learn key vocabulary, explore concepts and grammatical structures, practice what you have learned, and discover useful phrases or dialogue based on real-life scenarios. The Mandarin Chinese for Beginners Audiobook teaches the fundamental concepts of pronunciation, as well as the basic grammar and vocabulary needed to participate in simple daily conversations. It introduces concepts that are unique to the Chinese language, which will then provide a framework you can use to express almost anything you want. The audiobook also contains relatable dialogues based on real-life scenarios that will equip you with many useful phrases to help you feel comfortable in social and professional interactions. Furthermore, the audiobook has been designed to cover the needs of tourists, whether it is to ask for directions or to order food in a restaurant. Designed for those who have had little to no interaction with Mandarin Chinese, this audiobook will take you from absolute beginner to using a variety of sentence structures to talk about yourself, as well as to ask and answer questions. The wide range of examples, relatable expressions and real-life dialogues included in the audiobook will boost your confidence in having basic conversations on topics such as exchanging personal information, discussing daily arrangements and food, asking about prices, chatting about your hobbies, the weather, and more. The content in this audiobook is based on the first level in the Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì (Chinese Proficiency Test), usually referred to as HSK, which assesses the ability of a non-native speaker to use Chinese in their daily, academic and professional life.
Centre Of Excellence, Centre of Excellence (Author), Zhao Chang (Narrator)
Learn Chinese - Level 6: Lower Intermediate Chinese, Volume 2: Lessons 1-25
Welcome to Lower Intermediate Chinese, Volume 2! Master Chinese conversation the fun, fast and easy way! Speak with anyone, anywhere. Start speaking Chinese in minutes, and learn key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar in just minutes more with Lower Intermediate Chinese. Our native Chinese hosts break down all the sentences, grammar and more in a simple, easily understandable way! This isn't stale textbook material - it's fun, effective, and practical! You learn Intermediate Chinese conversation that you can use immediately! What you get in Lower Intermediate Chinese: 200+ pages of Chinese learning material 25 Chinese lessons: dialog transcripts with translation, vocabulary, sample sentences and a grammar section 25 audio lesson tracks (over three hours of Chinese lessons) 25 audio review tracks (practice new words and phrases) 25 audio dialog tracks (read along while you listen) Interactive. Effective. And fun! Discover or rediscover how fun learning a language can be with the future of language learning. Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Aprende a hablar chino mandarín Vol. 2: Lecciones 31-50. Para principiantes.
'Aprende a hablar chino mandarín Vol. 2' es un curso de audio para principiantes o para cualquier persona que tenga dificultades para hablar chino mandarín con fluidez. El objetivo de este curso es practicar el chino mandarín conversacional desde la primera lección. El curso se divide en 20 lecciones, 6 lecciones de repaso/comprensión. Cada lección contiene frases cotidianas útiles relacionadas con un tema específico. Basado en técnicas y estrategias que hacen que los estudiantes de idiomas tengan éxito: Aprende en cortas sesiones todos los días. Cada lección tarda unos 10-15 minutos en completarse. Aprende en contexto. Las palabras aisladas o las oraciones aleatorias no te llevarán lejos. Al aprender frases relacionadas con un tema o situación específica, verás resultados mucho mejores. Enfócate en palabras de alta frecuencia. Comenzar con las palabras más utilizadas aumentará tu comprensión y comunicación en tu idioma de estudio. Repasa el material. Repetir las frases a ciertos intervalos específicos es una técnica poderosa para ayudar a tu memoria a absorber y recordar lo que has aprendido. Escucha a hablantes nativos. Todas las frases son traducidas y habladas por hablantes nativos.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Learn Chinese - Level 4: Beginner Chinese, Volume 1: Lessons 1-25
Finished with Lower Beginner? Not quite ready for Intermediate? Welcome to Beginner Chinese. Master the basics of Chinese conversation! Start speaking Chinese in minutes, and learn key vocabulary, phrases, and grammar in just minutes more with Beginner Chinese. Our native Chinese hosts break down all the sentences, grammar and more in a simple, easily understandable way! Here are a few topics covered in this audiobook: Basic greetings and introduction How to ask questions Basic verbs Top phrases for shopping in China Chinese Cultural Tips and More! This isn't stale textbook material it's fun, effective, and practical! You learn beginner Chinese conversation that you can use immediately! What you get in Beginner Chinese: 120+ pages of Chinese learning material 25 Chinese lessons: dialog transcripts with translation, vocabulary, sample sentences and a grammar section 25 Audio Lesson Tracks 25 Audio Review Tracks (practice new words and phrases) 25 Audio Dialog Tracks (read along while you listen) Interactive. Effective. And FUN! Discover or rediscover how fun learning a language can be with the future of language learning. Buy this now and start speaking Chinese instantly! Download the PDF and read along:
Chineseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Chinese - Level 3: Lower Beginner Chinese, Volume 2: Lessons 1-25
Start speaking Chinese in minutes, and grasp the language, culture and customs in just minutes more with Lower Beginner Chinese, a completely new way to learn Chinese with ease! Lower Beginner Chinese will have you speaking with proper pronunciation from the very first lesson and arm you with cultural insight and other information to utterly shock and amaze your Chinese friends. Why are the audio lessons so effective? Short and to the point Syllable-by-syllable breakdown of each word and phrase, so that you can say every word and phrase instantly Repeat after the native teacher, so that you can practice proper pronunciation Quick cultural tips in each lesson will help you navigate your way even better Above all, fun and relaxed approach to grasping a lot of information quickly and easily Effortlessly learn from a bi-lingual and bi-cultural host as they guide you through pitfalls and pleasures of Chinese culture and China. You see, unlike other audio books, we actually teach Chinese and Chinese culture. This is NOT a vocabulary audiobook with just words and their translations. These 25 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: Speak Chinese within minutes of your first lesson Understand culture, customs, and the Chinese people Surprise phrases and tips that will leave your guests wondering where you learned them This audiobook comes with downloadable lesson notes totaling over 140+ pages. Start speaking Chinese now! Download the PDF and read along:
Chineseclass101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Китайский язык за 12 дней: Самоучитель для повседневного общения
Вы собираетесь в деловую поездку или на отдых в Поднебесную? У вас нет времени изучать китайский язык, но вы много времени проводите за рулем? Мы предлагаем вам аудиокурс, который позволит за короткий срок освоить самые необходимые и часто употребляемые в
коллектив авторов (Author), владимир левашев, мила лю (Narrator)
earworms MMM (Méthode Musicale de Mémorisation) vous propose d'apprendre efficacement une langue grâce à la méthode de mémorisation par la musique. Un répertoire de plus de 200 termes essentiels et phrases-clefs sont ancrés profondément dans votre mémoire par la douce répétition de la musique. Le volume 2 s'appuie sur les connaissances acquises avec le premier volume et vous propose tous les outils nécessaires afin de mener une conversation.
Earworms Learning (Author), François Wittersheim, Hélène Pollmann, Wang Qianqian (Narrator)
EarwormsMMM Chino Rápido le ayuda a memorizar profundamente las palabras aprendidas y a arraigarlas en su memoria para que puede recordarlas en cualquier momento, sin dejarlo con el vocabulario que desea aplicar en la punta de su lengua. Simplemente escuchando las melodías específicamente compuestas mediante repeticiones rítmicas en chino y español, el esquema sonoro se grabará imborrablemente en su corteza auditiva primaria. ¡Aprenderá exitosamente frases chinas teniendo la pronunciación correcta en la mente! Sin importar, dónde se encuentre, o lo que esté haciendo: Deporte, conduciendo, estando en la bañera o planchando. ¡Usted será capaz de aprender chino al mismo tiempo!
Earworms Learning (Author), Eike Kölln, Wang Qianqian (Narrator)
EarwormsMMM Chino Rápido le ayuda a memorizar profundamente las palabras aprendidas y a arraigarlas en su memoria para que puede recordarlas en cualquier momento, sin dejarlo con el vocabulario que desea aplicar en la punta de su lengua. Simplemente escuchando las melodías específicamente compuestas mediante repeticiones rítmicas en chino y español, el esquema sonoro se grabará imborrablemente en su corteza auditiva primaria. ¡Aprenderá exitosamente frases chinas teniendo la pronunciación correcta en la mente! Sin importar, dónde se encuentre, o lo que esté haciendo: Deporte, conduciendo, estando en la bañera o planchando. ¡Usted será capaz de aprender chino al mismo tiempo!
Earworms Learning (Author), Eike Kölln, Wang Qianqian (Narrator)
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