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Learn Cantonese - Ultimate Getting Started with Cantonese
Ultimate Getting Started with Cantonese The easiest way to speak Cantonese in minutes! Grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with the Ultimate Getting Started with Cantonese, the easiest way to learn Cantonese! The Ultimate Getting Started with Cantonese will have you speaking with proper pronunciation from the very first lesson and arm you with cultural insight and other information to utterly surprise and amaze your Hong Kong friends. What you get with Ultimate Getting Started with Cantonese: - Series included: Learn Cantonese: Introduction to Cantonese, Top 25 Cantonese Questions You Need to Know and a Bonus Series: 3-Minute Cantonese - 75 Audio Lesson Tracks (over 8.5 hours of Cantonese lessons) You see, unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach both Cantonese and Hong Kong culture. With each lesson, you will master a target phrase and key vocabulary. This is a complete lesson taught by a professional, bilingual teacher! This is NOT a vocabulary audiobook with just words and their translations. These 75 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: - Speak Cantonese within minutes of your first lesson - Understand the culture, customs, and people of Hong Kong - Order the food you want in restaurants - Travel in taxis, trains, buses, and cars with confidence - Master manners, etiquette, and customs - Remember must-know sentences for daily conversations - Learn surprisingly natural phrases and tips that will leave your hosts wondering where you learned them. Interactive. Effective. And FUN! Buy this now and start speaking Cantonese instantly!
Innovative Language Learning (Author), Cantoneseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Emma: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1
Clever, rich, and single, the beautiful Ān Mò (Emma Woodhouse) is focused on her career as fashion designer in the glamor of 21st-century Shanghai. She sees no need for romance in her life, but when she tries to find a boyfriend for her new friend Fangfang (Harriet), her carefully laid plans being to unravel. As she ignores the warnings of her good friend Shi Wenzheng (Mr. Knightley), her decisions bring consequences that she never expected. With its witty and charming characters, Emma is often seen as Jane Austen’s most flawless work. Mandarin Companion is a series of easy-to-read novels in Chinese that are fun to read and proven to accelerate language learning. Every book in the Mandarin Companion series is carefully written to use characters, words, and grammar that a learner is likely to know. Level 1 is intended for Chinese learners at an upper-elementary level. Most learners will be able to approach this book after one to two years of formal study, depending on the learner and program. This series is designed to combine simplicity of characters with an easy-to-understand storyline which helps learners to expand their vocabularies and language comprehension abilities. The more they read, the better they will become at reading and grasping the Chinese language.
Jane Austen (Author), Xiuye Zhang (Narrator)
The Prince and the Pauper: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 1
During a chance encounter, two nearly identical boys, one a poor beggar and the other a prince, decide to exchange places. The pauper, now living in the royal palace, is constantly filled with the dread of being discovered for who and what he really is while the Prince, dressed in rags, lives on the street enduring hardships he never thought possible. Both children soon discover that neither life is as carefree as they expected. Mandarin Companion is a series of easy-to-read novels in Chinese that are fun to read and proven to accelerate language learning. Every book in the Mandarin Companion series is carefully written to use characters, words, and grammar that a learner is likely to know. Level 1 is intended for Chinese learners at an upper-elementary level. Most learners will be able to approach this book after one to two years of formal study, depending on the learner and program. This series is designed to combine simplicity of characters with an easy-to-understand storyline which helps learners to expand their vocabularies and language comprehension abilities. The more they read, the better they will become at reading and grasping the Chinese language.
Mark Twain (Author), Xiuye Zhang (Narrator)
[Chinese] - Journey to the Center of the Earth: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 2
Join Professor Luo and his niece Xiaojing in their daring quest down the mouth of a volcano to reach the center of the earth. Guided by a mysterious passage on an ancient parchment and accompanied by their faithful guide Lao Xu, the three explorers encounter subterranean phenomena, prehistoric animals, and vast underground seas. A Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of Jules Verne’s best-known works and one of the most classic tales of adventure ever written. Mandarin Companion is a series of easy-to-read novels in Chinese that are fun to read and proven to accelerate language learning. Every book in the Mandarin Companion series is carefully written to use characters, words, and grammar that a learner is likely to know. Level 2 is intended for Chinese learners at a low intermediate level, equivalent to roughly two to three years of formal study. Most learners who have been able to fluidly read Mandarin Companion Level 1 should be able to read this book. This series is designed to combine simplicity of characters with an easy-to-understand storyline that helps learners grow their vocabulary and language comprehension abilities. The more they read, the better they will become at reading and grasping the Chinese language.
Jules Verne (Author), Xiuye Zhang (Narrator)
Learn Chinese: Discover Chinese Culture & Traditions
Want to learn and speak Chinese? Fact: One of the BEST ways to start speaking Chinese is to learn more words! The more you know, the more you speak, right? But if you want to impress natives and sound like a native, you'll need Chinese words that are not taught in textbooks. You'll need to learn about the details of Chinese culture as well. And you get just that with Learn Chinese: Discover Chinese Culture & Traditions by Are you ready to learn language and culture at the same time? - Get Access to 25 Chinese Audio Lessons - Total Length of the Audiobook: 2 Hours - Learn 125+ Chinese Words & Phrases - Master Words & Phrases with Example Sentences - Learn All About Chinese Culture, Traditions & Way of Life Who is this for? This audiobook is for beginners and experienced learners alike. You learn native-level phrases that textbooks don't teach you as well as Chinese culture. How will you learn Chinese? Just listen and repeat. You can repeat and review your lessons as many times as you want for extra practice., Innovative Language Learning (Author), Chineseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Cantonese: Discover Hong Kong's Culture & Traditions
Want to learn and speak Cantonese? Fact: One of the BEST ways to start speaking Cantonese is to learn more words! The more you know, the more you speak, right? But if you want to impress natives and sound like a native, you'll need Cantonese words that are not taught in textbooks. You'll need to learn about the details of Hong Kong's culture as well. And you get just that with Learn Cantonese: Discover Hong Kong's Culture & Traditions by Are you ready to learn language and culture at the same time? - Get Access to 25 Cantonese Audio Lessons - Total Length of the Audiobook: 2 Hours - Learn 125+ Cantonese Words & Phrases - Master Words & Phrases with Example Sentences - Learn All About Hong Kong's Culture, Traditions & Way of Life Who is this for? This audiobook is for beginners and experienced learners alike. You learn native-level phrases that textbooks don't teach you as well as Hong Kong's culture. How will you learn Cantonese? Just listen, repeat and read along. You can repeat and review your lessons as many times as you want for extra practice., Innovative Language Learning (Author), Cantoneseclass101.Com (Narrator)
Deutschland.Ein Wintermärchen ( in chinesischer Sprache ): Ein Versroman
Nach dreizehn Jahren Exil in Paris besucht Heinrich Heine erstmals wieder Deutschland und reist über Aachen, Köln, Hagen, Unna, den Teutoburger Wald, Minden, Bückeburg und Hannover nach Hamburg, zu seiner Mutter. Über die Zollkontrolle an der preußischen Staatsgrenze zu Frankreich schreibt er: Ihr Toren, die Ihr im Koffer sucht! Hier werdet Ihr nichts entdecken! Die Contrebande, die mit mir reist, Die habe ich im Kopfe stecken. Auch über die 1842 von König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. eingeführte preußische Uniform macht er sich lustig, denn die Pickelhaube könnte bei Gewitter Blitze anziehen: 'Ja, ja, der Helm gefällt mir, er zeugt / Vom allerhöchsten Witze!' Der Reisende findet, dass die Deutschen sich bedauerlicherweise kaum verändert haben: Noch immer das hölzern pedantische Volk, Noch immer ein rechter Winkel In jeder Bewegung, und im Gesicht Der eingefrorene Dünkel. Dass der Kölner Dom unvollendet blieb, freut ihn, denn ein Weiterbau wäre seiner Meinung nach rückwärtsgewandt, eine Huldigung des Mittelalters, wie der Kult um Karl den Großen in Aachen. Der Dichter hofft, dass es so bleibt, verspottet den 1842 gegründeten Zentral-Dombau-Verein und macht sich über die Heiligen Drei Könige lustig, deren Reliquien im Kölner Dom aufbewahrt werden. Er kritisiert den durch die Restauration erzwungenen Stillstand in Deutschland. Nur in ihren Träumen wagten es die Deutschen, sich Veränderungen auszumalen. Er selbst träumt während einer Kutschfahrt, dass er Friedrich Barbarossa begegnet, der im Kyffhäuser auf den geeigneten Zeitpunkt wartet, um das alte Kaiserreich wiederzuherstellen. Als der Dichter ihm von der Guillotine und von der Hinrichtung des französischen Königspaares erzählt, reagiert der Kaiser ungehalten. In Hamburg fordert ihn die Stadtgöttin Hammonia auf, das Kissen auf dem Sessel Karls des Großen anzuheben ('Du schaust eine runde Öffnung dann'). Neugierig beugt er sich darüber - und riecht den 'deutschen Zukunftsduft' ...
Heinrich Heine (Author), Fa Xiang (Narrator)
Die Leiden des jungen Werthers (in chinesischer Sprache): Ein Briefroman
'Die Leiden des jungen Werther'spielt 1771/72, zumeist in einer kleinen Beamtenstadt. Werther, ein Jurist, ist in Erbschaftsangelegenheiten unterwegs und verliebt sich dabei in Lotte, die bereits »vergeben« ist. Er erlebt Höhen und Tiefen, wird als Bürgerlicher durch Adlige sozial diskriminiert und begeht, um einer Verbindung der geliebten Frau mit ihrem Partner nicht im Weg zu stehen sowie aus Enttäuschung über die Erniedrigung, die er erfahren musste, Selbstmord. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe lebte von 1749 bis 1832, vorwiegend in Weimar, der Hauptstadt des Herzogtums Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach. Bis 1771 wurde er in Leipzig und Straßburg zum Juristen ausgebildet und erfuhr in Wetzlar vom Schicksal Karl Wilhelm Jerusalems. Parallel zur unglücklichen Liebe zwischen Werther und Lotte brechen die Widersprüche zwischen Aristokratie und Bürgertum auf, die sich in der vorrevolutionären Zeit von 1789 zuspitzten. Goethe hatte Gedichte sowie 1771 das Schauspiel »Götz von Berlichingen« geschrieben und 1773 veröffentlicht; durch »Die Leiden des jungen Werthers« (1774) wurde er weltberühmt. 1787 erschien die zweite Fassung, an der Goethe seit 1782 gearbeitet hatte. Unter dem Titel »Die Leiden des jungen Werther« erschien erstmalig die Jubiläumsausgabe von 1824. Der historische Werther war ein Jurist in Wetzlar; Vorbild war Goethes unglückliche Liebe zu Charlotte Buff und Maximiliane von La Roche.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (Author), Su Yang (Narrator)
Great Expectations: Part 1: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 2
Great Expectations is hailed as Charles Dickens' masterpiece. A gripping tale of love and loss, aspiration and moral redemption, the story follows the young orphan Xiaomao (Pip) from poverty to a life of unexpected opportunity and wealth. In Part 1, Xiaomao (Pip) is raised by his short-tempered older sister and her husband who run a small repair shop in the outskirts of Shanghai. Xiaomao dreams of leaving his life of poverty behind after becoming playmates with the beautiful Bingbing (Estella), daughter of the eccentric Bai Xiaojie (Ms. Havisham). His prospects for the future are bleak, until one day a mysterious benefactor gives Xiaomao the opportunity of a lifetime. Level 2 is intended for Chinese learners at a low intermediate level. Most learners who have been able to comfortably read Mandarin Companion Level 1 should be able to read this book. This series is designed to combine simplicity of characters with an easy-to-understand storyline that helps learners grow their vocabulary and language comprehension abilities. The more they read, the better they will become at reading and grasping the Chinese language.
Charles Dickens (Author), Xiuye Zhang (Narrator)
Great Expectations: Part 2: Mandarin Companion Graded Readers Level 2
Great Expectations is hailed as Charles Dickens' masterpiece. A gripping tale of love and loss, aspiration and moral redemption, the story follows the young orphan Xiaomao (Pip) from poverty to a life of unexpected opportunity and wealth. In Part 2, Xiaomao (Pip) leaves his life of poverty behind to seek his fortunes in Shanghai and win the heart of the beautiful yet cold-hearted Bingbing (Estella). Xiaomao's world is turned upside down when his mysterious benefactor is revealed and his deepest secrets are brought into the light of day. Level 2 is intended for Chinese learners at a low intermediate level. Most learners who have been able to comfortably read Mandarin Companion Level 1 should be able to read this book. This series is designed to combine simplicity of characters with an easy-to-understand storyline that helps learners grow their vocabulary and language comprehension abilities. The more they read, the better they will become at reading and grasping the Chinese language.
Charles Dickens (Author), Xiuye Zhang (Narrator)
Chinesisch Vol. 1: Lernen mit Musik
Sprachenlernen mit Musik - einfach zuhören und entspannen! Passiert Ihnen das auch manchmal? Sie singen Lieder im Radio mit, ohne den Text je bewusst gelernt zu haben? Dank dieses Ohrwurm-Effekts funktioniert auch das Sprachenlernen mit earworms MBT (Musical Brain Trainer) wie von selbst. Die wichtigsten Vokabeln und Sätze werden abwechselnd auf Deutsch und Chinesisch wiederholt. Die Musik sorgt dafür, dass sich das Gelernte ganz nebenbei einprägt. Hören Sie sich die eigens komponierten Songs mehrmals an - ob im Auto, beim Joggen oder in der Badewanne - und verinnerlichen Sie so in kürzester Zeit die Basics der chinesischen Sprache. Während Sie entspannt Musik hören, verbinden sich die Wörter mit Klängen und schleichen sich ins Gedächtnis. Sie lernen viel schneller und nachhaltiger als mit herkömmlichen Lernmethoden. Außerdem macht Musik gute Laune und führt schnell zum Ziel - denn mit mehr Spaß wird Ihnen das Lernen besonders leichtfallen. Vol.1 liefert Ihnen die sprachliche Grundausstattung für Urlaubs- und Geschäftsreisen. Vol.2 bereitet Sie auf Gespräche und Smalltalk vor. Sie lernen, von sich in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft zu erzählen. Vol.3 bietet noch mehr Vokabeln und Redewendungen. Außerdem erhalten Sie Einblicke in die Grundstrukturen der Sprache. Dadurch sind Sie schnell in der Lage, die gelernten Begriffe selbstständig zu kombinieren und anzuwenden.
Marlon Lodge (Author), Max Holler, Tientien Wang (Narrator)
Earworms MBT is a revolutionary accelerated technique that takes the hard work out of learning a new language. By repeatedly listening to melodies specially composed with rhythmic repetitions of Mandarin and English, you will pick up essential words and phrases that will not only be on the tip of your tongue but burned deeply into your long-term memory in next to no time. If you like music and want to make rapid progress without any formal knowledge of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid Mandarin is for you. With this collection of volumes one and two, you will feel you are learning within minutes and will be amazed by how easy acquiring a language can be. **Contact Customer Service for Additional Material**
Earworms Learning (Author), Marlon Lodge, Qianqian Wang (Narrator)
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