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300 vanlige uttrykk, de 100 vanligste verbene. Mandarin kinesisk er talt i nord og s¿rvest for fastlandet Kina. Det er det mest talte sprket i verden, med 848 millioner mennesker hvis morsml det er, og 178 millioner hvis morsml er. Med denne metoden jobber du uttale, snakker, lytter, kombinert med ord, essensielle setninger og en ordforrdsliste. I flere tir har avstandsrepetisjon vist seg v¾re en effektiv l¾ringsmetode. Det endelige mlet er n et tilstrekkelig niv p et sprk for kunne ha enkle samtaler, forst enkle utvekslinger, for overleve i hverdagens situasjoner.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kathrin, Lucie, Teacher Kathrin, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
Vocabolario per parlare mentre si viaggia in cinese mandarino. 300 parole e frasi essenziali, in hotel, al ristorante, al lavoro, ecc. E i 100 verbi pi comuni. Il cinese mandarino di gran lunga il pi grande dei sette o dieci gruppi dialettali cinesi, parlato dal 70% di tutti i parlanti cinesi. Numero di madrelingua per mandarino cinese: 960 milioni.Come imparare una lingua in modo diverso? Oggi l'apprendimento delle lingue sta rivoluzionando: non devi pi frequentare le lezioni di lingua tradizionale. Il nostro metodo di apprendimento: una selezione di centinaia di frasi e parole essenziali. Li ascolti, li ripeti e parli. Facciamo affidamento sulla pronuncia, prova orale, ascolto, combinato con parole, frasi essenziali e una lista di vocaboli. Il 20% delle parole viene utilizzato l'80% delle volte. L'obiettivo finale quello di ottenere un livello sufficiente in una lingua per essere in grado di tenere conversazioni semplici, essere in grado di comprendere scambi semplici, affrontare con la vita di tutti i giorni e iniziare ad esplorare la nuova cultura che ti si apre.
J. M. Gardner, Jm Gardner (Author), Francesca, Lucie, Teacher Francesca, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Imène, Lucie, Teacher Imne, Teacher Imène, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
Reizen in het Chinees - Mandarijn
300 gemeenschappelijke uitdrukkingen, de 100 meest voorkomende werkwoorden. Mandarijn is verreweg de grootste van de zeven of tien Chinese dialectgroepen, gesproken door 70 procent van alle Chinese sprekers. Aantal native speakers voor mandarijn-Chinees: 960 miljoen. Onze leermethode: we hebben honderden sleutelzinnen en -woorden geselecteerd. Al tientallen jaren is herhaling op gebleken een effectieve leermethode te zijn. Het uiteindelijke doel is om een voldoende niveau in een taal te bereiken om eenvoudige gesprekken te hebben, eenvoudige uitwisselingen te begrijpen, te overleven in situaties van het dagelijks leven.
Jm Gardner (Author), Emma, Lucie, Teacher Emma, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Lucie, Teacher Lucie, Teacher Tulika, Tulika (Narrator)
Hungarian - Chinese : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Bogi, Lucie, Teacher Bogi, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
Indonesian - Chinese : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Friska, Lucie, Teacher Friska, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
Japanese - Chinese : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Kana, Lucie, Teacher Kana, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Lucie, Miran, Teacher Lucie, Teacher Miran (Narrator)
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Florence, Monika, Teacher Florence A., Teacher Monika (Narrator)
As 300 frases e expresses essenciais para a vida cotidiana e os 100 verbos mais comuns para viajar. O mandarim de longe o maior dos sete ou dez grupos de dialetos chineses, falado por 70% de todos os falantes de chins. Nmero de falantes nativos para mandarim chins: 960 milhes. Nosso mtodo de aprendizado: selecionamos centenas de frases e palavras essenciais. Voc os escuta, os repete e fala. Contamos com pronncia, ensaio oral, escuta, combinados com palavras, frases essenciais e uma lista de vocabulrio. Durante dcadas, a repetio espaada provou ser um mtodo de aprendizagem eficaz. O objetivo final conseguir um n'vel suficiente em um idioma para poder manter conversas simples, para entender trocas simples, para sobreviver em situaes da vida cotidiana.
Jm Gardner (Author), Iana Serena, Lucie, Teacher Ian, Teacher Lucie, Teacher Serena (Narrator)
Romanian - Chinese : For travel
300 essential words and phrases, the 100 most common verbs. How to learn a language differently ? With our learning method : I listen, I repeat, I speak. We rely on pronunciation, oral rehearsal, listening, combined with words, essential phrases, and a vocabulary list. 20% of the words are used 80% of the time. The end goal is to get a sufficient level in one language to be able to hold simple conversations, to be able to understand simple exchanges, deal with with everyday life and start exploring the new culture that opens up to you.
Jm Gardner (Author), Livia, Lucie, Teacher Livia, Teacher Lucie (Narrator)
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