Browse African Languages audiobooks, listen to samples and when you're ready head over to where you can get 3 FREE audiobooks on us
El afrikaans es principalmente un idioma holandés y se desarrolló en Sudáfrica. A menudo se dice que los dos idiomas son mutuamente inteligibles, es solo que el afrikaans tiende a tomar prestadas muchas palabras de otros idiomas como el portugués, el malayo y algunos idiomas bantú y khoisan. Sin embargo, los hablantes de holandés pueden entender bien el afrikaans. Además, el afrikaans es gramaticalmente mucho más simple que el holandés, y tiene muchas palabras habladas únicas que no se encuentran en otros idiomas. Es por eso amigo lector que a través de este libro he querido compartir contigo un poco de su dialecto, solo espero que todo el contenido aquí plasmado te pueda resultar muy útil y que ademas puedas compartir el libro con alguien mas gracias.
Onofre Quezada (Author), Anonimo (Narrator)
A Basic Zulu Language Course: An Introductory Guide To The Southern African Language
An introductory (A2 level) guide to the Zulu language with an emphasis on commonly used words and phrases. The course includes 28 sessions to enable an elementary grasp of the Zulu language in 4 weeks. Topics covered include questions, numbers, colors, greeting and many other important topics.
Phil Dimba (Author), Phil Dimba (Narrator)
Can learning Afrikaans be as simple as listening to music? And as easy as remembering song lyrics? Just think. You remember song lyrics because lyrics are catchy, repeated throughout the song, and go with the music, right? Now, if you stuck in Afrikaans, you'd easily learn Afrikaans words and phrases the same way! So, yes, learning Afrikaans is as easy as listening to music' with the Learn Afrikaans With Music Audiobook. Just press play, and you'll hear Afrikaans words and phrases repeated to the beat of upbeat and cheerful music. And' follow along! You'll learn 180+ most common Afrikaans words and phrases' while relaxing at home, or while driving to work. Learn Afrikaans With Music is the easiest way to start learning Afrikaans.. without getting overwhelmed by complicated explanations. Perfect for new learners with little to no language learning experience. What will you learn? 180+ Words & Phrases Including... - Basic Greetings - Numbers - Common Questions and Answers - Parts of the Body & Talking About Your Wellbeing - Common Hobbies - And much more Learn Afrikaans With Music includes... - 15 Songs/Lessons Inside (Each is about 7 minutes long) - Fast-Paced Review Section at the End of Each Lesson - 1 Hour 50 Minutes in Total - Accompanying PDF eBook with the Words, Phrases and Translations Download the PDF and read along:
Afrikaanspod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning, Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Afrikaanspod101.Com (Narrator)
Learn Afrikaans: Ultimate Getting Started with Afrikaans
Ultimate Getting Started with Afrikaans The easiest way to speak Afrikaans in minutes! Grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with the Ultimate Getting Started with Afrikaans, the easiest way to learn Afrikaans! The Ultimate Getting Started with Afrikaans will have you speaking with proper pronunciation from the very first lesson and arm you with cultural insight and other information to utterly surprise and amaze your South African friends. What you get with Ultimate Getting Started with Afrikaans: • Series included: Learn Afrikaans: Introduction to Afrikaans, Top 25 Afrikaans Questions You Need to Know and a Bonus Series: 3-Minute Afrikaans • 280+ pages of Afrikaans learning material • 75 Audio Lesson Tracks (over 7.5 hours of Afrikaans lessons) You see, unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach both Afrikaans and South African culture. With each lesson, you will master a target phrase and key vocabulary. This is a complete lesson taught by a professional, bilingual teacher! This is NOT a vocabulary audiobook with just words and their translations. These 75 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to: - Speak Afrikaans within minutes of your first lesson - Understand the culture, customs, and people of South Africa - Order the food you want in restaurants - Travel in taxis, trains, buses, and cars with confidence - Master manners, etiquette, and customs - Remember must-know sentences for daily conversations - Learn surprisingly natural phrases and tips that will leave your hosts wondering where you learned them. Interactive. Effective. And FUN! Buy this now and start speaking Afrikaans instantly! Download the PDF and read along:
Innovative Language Learning Llc (Author), Afrikaanspod101.Com (Narrator)
Want to learn Afrikaans with easy 3-minute lessons? Want to be able to greet others, introduce yourself, make small talk and ask basic questions in Afrikaans? Then this 25-Lesson Audiobook is for you. You learn the most common and useful Afrikaans questions, answers and phrases that are used in daily conversations. Perfect for Beginners that want to start speaking Afrikaans. Here’s a sneak peek at the first 5 lessons: • Self Introduction • Greetings and Farewells • Manners • Asking How Someone Is • Making Apologies With the “3 Minute Afrikaans,” you get... • 25 Fast & Easy Audio Lessons • Read-along PDF Lesson Notes Wait! You also get a bonus Audiobook: You get the “Everyday Afrikaans for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities” Audiobook for free. Learn how to talk about your day - from morning to night - and massively improve your Afrikaans. Learn 400+ phrases for daily activities through 10 easy chapters. Want to learn even more Afrikaans with a complete learning program? Sign up for a FREE Lifetime Account at You get access the biggest library of Afrikaans audio and video lessons made by real teachers. Download the PDF and read along:, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Afrikaanspod101.Com (Narrator)
The Riddle of the Rosetta: How an English Polymath and a French Polyglot Discovered the Meaning of E
In 1799, a French Army officer was rebuilding the defenses of a fort on the banks of the Nile when he discovered an ancient stele fragment bearing a decree inscribed in three different scripts. So begins one of the most familiar tales in Egyptology-that of the Rosetta Stone and the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. This book draws on fresh archival evidence to provide a major new account of how the English polymath Thomas Young and the French philologist Jean-François Champollion vied to be the first to solve the riddle of the Rosetta. Jed Buchwald and Diane Greco Josefowicz bring to life a bygone age of intellectual adventure. Much more than a decoding exercise centered on a single artifact, the race to decipher the Rosetta Stone reflected broader disputes about language, historical evidence, biblical truth, and the value of classical learning. The authors paint compelling portraits of Young and Champollion, two gifted intellects with altogether different motivations. Young disdained Egyptian culture and saw Egyptian writing as a means to greater knowledge about Greco-Roman antiquity. Champollion, swept up in the political chaos of Restoration France and fiercely opposed to the scholars aligned with throne and altar, admired ancient Egypt and was prepared to upend conventional wisdom to solve the mystery of the hieroglyphs.
Diane Greco Josefowicz, Jed Z. Buchwald (Author), Christopher Grove (Narrator)
Learn Afrikaans While Sleeping
Can you learn while sleeping? Studies say that yes you can. Listening to a language while asleep can help supercharge your vocabulary. Learn Easily with the Power of Pleasant Repetition With the Learn Afrikaans While Sleeping Audiobook, youll absorb over 430 Afrikaans words and phrases effortlessly. You can use this Beginner-Level Audiobook to Relax while listening to Afrikaans phrases and translations Relieve stress. Just listen in No confusing grammar rules Wind down before bed to help you fall asleep And of course learn words passively in your sleep. How does it work? Just press play... and listen to the gentle voice of a native teacher. Our teacher repeats each word and phrase multiple times... so you'll retain them better whether you're awake or in bed. For best results, listen while awake first. Then, listen while falling asleep. What Will You Learn? You'll Master 430+ Beginner Words & Phrases Including Basic Greetings Numbers in Afrikaans Common Questions and Answers Words for Introducing Yourself Basic Verbs & Adjectives And much more The Learn Afrikaans While Sleeping Audiobook includes 13 Beginner-Level Audio Lessons 6.5+ Hours of Lessons in Total Accompanying PDF eBook with all of the words, phrases and translations Mark Alain et al. 'Implicit Vocabulary Learning during Sleep is Bound to Slow-Wave Peaks. Current Biology. October 21, 2019.'
Afrikaanspod101.Com, Innovative Language Learning (Author), Afrikaanspod101.Com (Narrator)
Aprende a hablar suajili Vol. 2: Lecciones 31-50. Para principiantes.
'Aprende a hablar suajili Vol. 2' es un curso de audio para principiantes o para cualquier persona que tenga dificultades para hablar suajili con fluidez. El objetivo de este curso es practicar el suajili conversacional desde la primera lección. El curso se divide en 20 lecciones, 6 lecciones de repaso/comprensión. Cada lección contiene frases cotidianas útiles relacionadas con un tema específico. Basado en técnicas y estrategias que hacen que los estudiantes de idiomas tengan éxito: Aprende en cortas sesiones todos los días. Cada lección tarda unos 10-15 minutos en completarse. Aprende en contexto. Las palabras aisladas o las oraciones aleatorias no te llevarán lejos. Al aprender frases relacionadas con un tema o situación específica, verás resultados mucho mejores. Enfócate en palabras de alta frecuencia. Comenzar con las palabras más utilizadas aumentará tu comprensión y comunicación en tu idioma de estudio. Repasa el material. Repetir las frases a ciertos intervalos específicos es una técnica poderosa para ayudar a tu memoria a absorber y recordar lo que has aprendido. Escucha a hablantes nativos. Todas las frases son traducidas y habladas por hablantes nativos.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Lernen Sie Suaheli zu sprechen. Band 2.: Lektionen 31-50. Für Anfänger.
'Lernen Sie Suaheli zu sprechen Band 2' ist ein Audio-Kurs für Anfänger oder für alle, die sich schwer tun, fließend Suaheli zu sprechen. Der Schwerpunkt dieses Kurses liegt darin, von der ersten Stunde an das Sprechen von Konversationssuaheli zu üben. Der Kurs ist in 20 Lektionen, 6 Wiederholung-/Hörverständnislektionen unterteilt. Jede Lektion enthält nützliche alltägliche Ausdrücke, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema beziehen. Basierend auf Techniken und Strategien, die den Sprachlernenden zum Erfolg führen: Jeden Tag in kurzen Abständen lernen. Jede Lektion dauert etwa 10-15 Minuten. Lernen im Kontext. Einzelne Wörter oder zufällige Sätze bringen Sie nicht weit. Durch das Lernen von Sätzen, die sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema oder eine bestimmte Situation beziehen, werden Sie viel bessere Ergebnisse sehen. Konzentrieren Sie sich auf hochfrequente Wörter. Wenn Sie mit den am häufigsten verwendeten Wörtern beginnen, werden Sie Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Kommunikation in der Zielsprache verbessern. Überprüfen Sie das Material. Die Wiederholung der Sätze in bestimmten Abständen ist eine leistungsstarke Technik, um Ihrem Gedächtnis zu helfen, das Gelernte aufzunehmen und abzurufen. Hören Sie Muttersprachlern zu. Alle Sätze werden von Muttersprachlern übersetzt und gesprochen.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Aprende a hablar suajili Vol. 1: Lecciones 1-30. Para principiantes.
'Aprende a hablar suajili Vol. 1' es un curso de audio para principiantes o para cualquier persona que tenga dificultades para hablar suajili con fluidez. El objetivo de este curso es practicar el suajili conversacional desde la primera lección. El curso se divide en 30 lecciones, 6 lecciones de repaso y 3 lecciones de comprensión auditiva. Cada lección contiene frases cotidianas útiles relacionadas con un tema específico. Basado en técnicas y estrategias que hacen que los estudiantes de idiomas tengan éxito: Aprende en cortas sesiones todos los días. Cada lección tarda unos 10-15 minutos en completarse. Aprende en contexto. Las palabras aisladas o las oraciones aleatorias no te llevarán lejos. Al aprender frases relacionadas con un tema o situación específica, verás resultados mucho mejores. Enfócate en palabras de alta frecuencia. Comenzar con las palabras más utilizadas aumentará tu comprensión y comunicación en tu idioma de estudio. Repasa el material. Repetir las frases a ciertos intervalos específicos es una técnica poderosa para ayudar a tu memoria a absorber y recordar lo que has aprendido. Escucha a hablantes nativos. Todas las frases son traducidas y habladas por hablantes nativos.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Learn Conversational Swahili Vol. 2: Lessons 31-50. For beginners. Learn in your car. Learn on the g
Learn Conversational Swahili Vol. 2 is an audio course for beginners or for anyone who struggles with becoming fluent in Swahili. The focus of this course is to practice speaking conversational Swahili from the very first lesson. Each lesson contains useful everyday phrases related to a specific topic. In these lessons, you’ll be introduced to several “conversation connectors”. Phrases like “as a matter of fact”, “frankly speaking”, “as you already know” and more. By using such phrases, your conversations will have a more natural flow. You will also expand your vocabulary and talk about daily activities, work, plans, and needs. Based on techniques and strategies that make language learners succeed: Learn in short bursts every day. Each lesson takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. Learn in context. Isolated words or random sentences won’t get you far. By learning phrases related to a specific topic or situation you will see much better results. Focus on high-frequency words. Starting with the most frequently used words will boost your comprehension and communication in your target language. Review the material. Repeating the phrases at certain specified intervals is a powerful technique to help your memory absorb and recall what you have learned. Listen to native speakers. All the phrases are translated and spoken by native speakers.
Linguaboost (Author), Linguaboost (Narrator)
Memory Techniques for Language Learning: Accelerate the Language Learning Process
Master any language. Memory Techniques for Language Learning is a detailed explanation of how memorization techniques can be used in the study of foreign languages. The advantages of learning a foreign language are explored, including the effect it has on brain health. These techniques help people remember what they are learning and how they can maximize the information that is retained in their memory. Another chapter explores how learning occurs and how it impacts memory. Learning styles are discussed, and the listener gains an insight on how to make sure that what is learned is easily recalled. Remaining chapters offer information and examples of memorization methods to make learning a foreign language more effortless. When you download this audiobook today, you'll also learn: How to identify your learning style How the five senses and life experiences affect memory Mnemonic devices in foreign language study and how to use them Word associations How to stay motivated Using popular culture to supplement memorization Much, much more! Download your copy today! Take action today and discover how to master any language quickly and easily. Click 'Buy Now'.
Steven West (Author), Raymond Lawrence (Narrator)
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