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[Spanish] - Jugando a las escondidillas
Audio teatro 'Jugando a las escondidillas' Voz: Zohar Epstein Español Spanish スペイン語
Alejandro Ariza (Author), Zohar Epstein (Narrator)
[German] - Liebe, Leben, Gottes Segen: Tagebuch Oktober 2023: Vṛndāvana & Māyāpur
In diesem Tagebuch erzählt der Autor seine Reise von den Heiligen Städten Vṛndāvana, dem Spielort Kṛṣṇas, nach Māyāpur, dem Geburtsort Śrī Caitanya Mahaprabhus. Es ist Indien. Der Zug ist spät dran. Es waren gut 1400 von West nach Ost. Der Alltag ist kunterbunt, die Geschmäcker exotisch und das Gefühl warmherzig, wie eben das Wetter. Indien ist meine zweite Heimat, hier studiere ich das zeitlose Wissen von Yoga, und ja, die Zeit steht wirklich still. Obwohl die materielle Welt im Äußeren modern scheint, tickt in der Heiligen Stadt eine andere Zeit; Ewigkeit. In mir kommt Ruhe auf. Es ist eine lange Reise gewesen und ich bin froh auf dem Weg nach Māyāpur zu sein. Hier werde ich studieren und als vedischer Priester ausgebildet. Neben mir sitzt Viṣṇu Das aus Äthiopien. Er kommt nach Māyāpur, um die Grabstätte seines spirituellen Meisters zu besuchen. Die Rikscha rattert durch die Nacht und in der Heimat vom Goldenen Avatar geht eine besondere Brise, Jasmin erblüht.
Jan Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa Wolter (Author), Jan Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa Wolter (Narrator)
How to increase your magnetic feminine energy in today's world: Feminine energy tips
I am Parshwika I published the feminine energy book few years back and many people listen to that audiobook and they liked it and got reviews from people so here I am publishing another feminine energy book based on my updated experience knowledge and more deep insights as I have grown alot in past couple of years being a female and as I am getting into more feminine side of me things gets more clear and more easy and overall increases my own happiness and joy, in this book I am covering yhr hidden feminine energy in today's world and what problem it is creating because of that and how to fix them or increase your feminine energy based on my own experience and knowledge helping you to increase your feminine energy to live happily ever after as feminine energy is one if the most powerful energy force on earth and is root of so many good things in a life of a female and also in human life in general and also for nature, so let's see you on other side which means let's meet you in audiobook.
Parshwika Bhandari (Author), Parshwika Bhandari (Narrator)
Joan Crawford and Bette Davis: The Lives and Careers of the Actresses Who Became Hollywood’s Most Fa
The life of Joan Crawford is one of the most famous Hollywood rags-to-riches tales. While it is common to think of Hollywood as a land offering great opportunity to hard-working actresses, the Horatio Alger myth rarely applies in reality, but it applied almost perfectly to Joan Crawford. Crawford grew up in relative poverty, with both of her childhood father figures abandoning the family before she became a teenager, and she relied on undying ambition in order to progress through the ranks of the show business circuit and then the Hollywood studio system. This drive to succeed continued throughout her entire career, and Crawford’s public battles with both studios (MGM in particular) and other stars (first Norma Shearer and later Bette Davis) were borne out of an unmatched competitive streak. Joan Crawford’s life and career also shed light on the treatment of women in pop culture and in cinema during the early 20th century. Bette Davis presided over Hollywood at a time in which the film industry was at its most influential. Every actress from Katharine Hepburn to Ingrid Bergman and Ginger Rodgers, themselves now considered among Hollywood’s greatest icons, lived in the shadow of Bette Davis. Not only was Davis a box office sensation and commercial success - she became the highest paid actress in 1938 - but she garnered more critical acclaim than any other actress during the time period, as evidenced by the fact that she was the first actress to be nominated for 10 Academy Awards. Recently, her place in history was cemented when she was named as the second greatest actress of the 20th century by the American Film Institute behind only Katharine Hepburn (AFI 100 Years…100 Stars).
Charles River Editors (Author), Mary Rossman (Narrator)
Rich Dad Poor Dad meets Calvin & Hobbes. The FUN way to learn about money. Our young adventurer dreams of discovering hidden treasure—a treasure so valuable that he could buy everything he ever wanted. When his parents gift him an ancient treasure map on his birthday, he is sent on a perilous quest to find the riches he seeks; or so he thinks. Lessons will come in the form of wise mentors who teach him the Golden Rules of Money, including money mindfulness, the power in giving—and the most important lesson of all: Only buy The Awesome Stuff . Will he complete his journey and learn the secret to a richer life? An epic adventure for kids and adults alike.
David Delisle (Author), Brian Dewar Mcnamara (Narrator)
First Bull Run: The History of the Civil War’s First Major Battle
After Fort Sumter, the Lincoln Administration pushed for a quick invasion of Virginia, with the intent of defeating Confederate forces and marching toward the Confederate capitol of Richmond. Lincoln pressed General Irvin McDowell to push forward. Despite the fact that McDowell knew his troops were inexperienced and unready, pressure from Washington politicians forced him to launch a premature offensive against Confederate forces in Northern Virginia. McDowell’s strategy during the First Battle of Bull Run was grand, and in many ways it was the forerunner of a tactic Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and James Longstreet executed brilliantly on nearly the same field during the Second Battle of Bull Run in August 1862. McDowell’s plan called for parts of his army to pin down General P.G.T. Beauregard’s Confederate soldiers in front while marching another wing of his army around the flank and into the enemy’s rear, rolling up the line. McDowell assumed the Confederates would be forced to abandon Manassas Junction and fall back to the next defensible line, the Rappahannock River. In July 1861, however, this proved far too difficult for his inexperienced troops to carry out effectively. As the first major land battle of the Civil War, the First Battle of Bull Run made history in several ways. The two sides fought near the railroad junction at Manassas on July 21, 1861, just 25 miles away from Washington, which was close enough for many civilians from the nation’s capital to come and watch what they expected to be a rout of Confederate forces, and for awhile it appeared as though that might be the case. McDowell’s strategy ultimately fell apart though, mostly thanks to the use of the railroad. Confederate reinforcements under General Joseph E. Johnston, including a brigade led by Thomas Jonathan Jackson, arrived by train in the middle of the day, a first in the history of American warfare.
Jonathan Gianos-Steinberg (Author), Jim Walsh (Narrator)
The Lavender Scare: The History of the Federal Government’s Persecution of the Gay Community in the
While the fight over gay marriage has been bitterly contested and debated for much of the 21st century, it’s still somewhat difficult to believe that just 50 years ago, homosexual activity was illegal in nearly every state in America. Homosexuals faced discrimination that surpassed that of even African-Americans or suspected Communists, and their lifestyles were so taboo that they were typically considered to be a security risk because it would be so easy for someone who wished to harm the country to blackmail them. In 1950, a Senate Subcommittee on Investigations reported, “In further considering the general suitability of perverts as Government employees, it is generally believed that those who engage in overt acts of perversion lack the emotional stability of normal persons. In addition there is an abundance of evidence to sustain the conclusion that indulgence in acts of sex perversion weakens the moral fiber of an individual to a degree that he is not suitable for a position of responsibility. Most of the authorities agree and our investigation has shown that the presence of a sex pervert in a Government agency tends to have a corrosive influence upon his fellow employees. These perverts will frequently attempt to entice normal individuals to engage in perverted practices. This is particularly true in the case of young and impressionable people who might come under the influence of a pervert. Government officials have the responsibility of keeping this type of corrosive influence out of the agencies under their control. It is particularly important that the thousands of young men and women who are brought into Federal jobs not be subjected to that type of influence while in the service of the Government. One homosexual can pollute a Government office.” Indeed, in the decades that followed, the FBI kept lists of known homosexuals, and law enforcement agencies regularly raided known gay bars and other similar establishments.
Charles River Editors (Author), Colin Fluxman (Narrator)
Stonewall Book Award Winner Lambda Literary Award Finalist Charlotte Huck Honor Book Perfect for Valentine's Day, Love, Violet by Charlotte Sullivan Wild and Charlene Chua is a touching picture book about friendship and the courage it takes to share your feelings. Only one person makes Violet’s heart skip Of all the kids in Violet's class, only one leaves her speechless: Mira, the girl with the cheery laugh who races like the wind. If only they could adventure together! But every time Violet tries to tell Mira how she feels, Violet goes shy. As Valentine's Day approaches, Violet is determined to tell Mira just how special she is. Charlene Chua’s luminous watercolors bring to life this sweet and gentle picture book about friendship, love, and the courage it takes to share your heart.
Charlotte Sullivan Wild (Author), Sarah Beth Pfeifer (Narrator)
From award-winning author Phil Earle comes the hilariously agonising account of one teenage boy’s disastrous attempts to win the heart of the cool new girl at school. Up until now, Marv’s uneventful life has revolved around playing football with his best mate, Jimmy. But things take a turn for the dramatic with the arrival at school of new girl Carly Stonehouse. Marv falls in love at first sight, but there’s no way a girl like Carly will ever look at him. Unless, perhaps, he enlists help from a very unusual source. Follow Marv on his hilariously agonising quest for love, featuring his Croc-loving dad, a fast-food addicted musical idol from the past and some of the most cringeworthy song lyrics you might ever have heard …
Phil Earle (Author), Phil Earle (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 追随你的心:用苹果撬动世界: 乔布斯留给所有立志成功者的礼物
内容简介: 本书全面解读和诠释了苹果“教父”乔布斯的经营理念与管理思想,完整展示了乔布斯的创新思维和商业智慧,以及他神一样的一生,极具励志性。本书以乔布斯本人以及商业史上的经典演讲案例为引子,针对商业中的关键问题,如创新、管理、经营、营销、用人等加以深入细致的解析。读者可以从中体验最真实的领袖魅力、人生理想和处事技巧,获取宝贵的精神财富。 作者简介: 史蒂夫·乔布斯(1955-2011),美国苹果公司创始人、前CEO。1976年成立苹果电脑公司,先后领导缔造了麦金塔计算机、ipad、iPod、iTunes Store、iPhone等诸多具有世界影响力的知名数字产品。2011年8月24日乔布斯辞去苹果公司CEO一职;10月5日因病逝世,享年56岁。 主播简介: 元亨好读:新晋实力有声演播,省级诵读学会会员,有长期从事有声艺术诵读方面的经验,声音儒雅、磁性、温暖,可塑性强,擅长抒情、古风、教育等题材的演播。代表有声专辑有《二十世纪新诗鉴赏》、《现在经典诗歌诵读》、《最美古文诵读》等。
史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Author), 元亨好读 (Narrator)
Frank Sinatra: His Life, His Music Career and His Acting Career
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. A luminary on both the silver screen and the melodious stage, Francis Albert Sinatra left an indelible mark as an actor and singer in the annals of American entertainment. Hailing from the vibrant city of Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra emerged as an iconic figure, embodying the heart and soul of Italian immigrants. Steeped in the melodic nuances inspired by Bing Crosby's velvety, easy-listening vocal style, Sinatra embarked on his musical journey, initially finding resonance with bandleaders Harry James and Tommy Dorsey during the dynamic swing era. The pivotal moment came in 1943 when he inked a deal with Columbia Records, propelling him into solo stardom and capturing the hearts of adoring 'bobby soxers.' The musical maestro unveiled his inaugural album, 'The Voice of Frank Sinatra,' in 1946, marking the genesis of a solo career that would shape the musical landscape. In the early 1950s, as his film career reached a plateau, Sinatra sought new horizons and found himself amidst the vibrant lights of Las Vegas. Here, he forged bonds with the illustrious Rat Pack, etching his name as one of the city's most celebrated resident entertainers. A cinematic resurgence graced Sinatra in 1953 with the success of 'From Here to Eternity,' a turning point that not only earned him an Academy Award but also a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. Buoyed by this triumph, he orchestrated a musical symphony of critically acclaimed albums, including the hauntingly introspective 'In the Wee Small Hours' (1955), the vivacious 'Songs for Swingin' Lovers!' (1956), the airborne melody of 'Come Fly with Me' (1958), the melancholic masterpiece 'Only the Lonely' (1958), the poignant 'No One Cares' (1959), and the effortlessly elegant 'Nice 'n' Easy' (1959). This musical opus, often regarded as among the pioneering 'concept albums,' attested to Sinatra's artistry and timeless appeal.
Kelly Mass (Author), Digital Voice Matt G (Narrator)
Niels Bohr and J. Robert Oppenheimer: The Lives and Careers of the Physicists Who Pioneered Atomic E
The Danes have incorporated a system that prizes a balance between work and play, the concept of “hygge,” solid investments made towards the treatment of mental illness, and a stellar welfare model. That has helped ensure that an endless stream of intellectuals, inventors, creative legends, and pioneers have hailed from Denmark over many centuries, from classical scholar Ada Adler to fabled 16th century astronomer Tycho Brahe. One of the most famous, and important, is Niels Bohr, a world-famous physicist and one of the patriarchs of quantum theory. Given the vibrant, peaceful haven that is Denmark today, it’s somewhat ironic that Bohr played an instrumental role in the development of the atomic bomb. Even so, the truth and depth of the matter, much like the self-professed pacifist himself, is far more complex. The Manhattan Project would ultimately yield the “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” bombs that released more than 100 Terajoules of energy at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but as it turned out, the Axis were not far behind with their own nuclear weapons program. When the Nazis’ quest for a nuclear weapon began in earnest in 1939, no one really had a handle on how important nuclear weapons would prove to war and geopolitics. The attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, along with the Cold War-era tests and their accompanying mushroom clouds, would demonstrate the true power and terror of nuclear weapons, but in the late 1930s these bombs were only vaguely being thought through, particularly after the successful first experiment to split the atom by a German scientist. The nuclear age itself was in its infancy, barely 35 years old, but within a few short years the advent of nuclear war loomed over the world and the prospect of the enemy winning the nuclear race kept Allied leaders awake at night.
Charles River Editors (Author), Jim Walsh (Narrator)
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