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Look What You Made Me Do: What it means to be a fan, by a fan!
Coming soon
Kat Mckenna (Author), Jade Ewen, TBD (Narrator)
A gripping speculative thriller perfect for fans of Lauren Oliver and Ginny Myers Sain, about one girl with the power to see death before it happens-and the terrible consequences she faces when saving someone goes wrong. SOMEONE WANTS REVENGE… Whitney knows what death looks like. Since she was seven, she's seen it hover over strangers' heads in dark, rippling clouds. Sometimes she can save people from the darkness. Sometimes she can't. But she's never questioned if she should try. Until the unthinkable happens-and a person she saves becomes the perpetrator of a horrific school shooting. Now Whitney will do anything to escape the memory of last year's tragedy and the guilt that gnaws at her for her role in it. Even if that means quitting dance-the thing she loves most-and hiding her ability from her family and friends. But most importantly, no one can know what really happened last year. Then Whitney finds an ominous message in her locker and realizes someone knows her secret. As the threats pile up, one thing becomes clear-someone wants payback for what she did. And if she's going to survive the year, she must track down whoever is after her before it's too late.
Stacy Stokes (Author), Sophie Amoss, TBD (Narrator)
Three years on, the fate of Torra Alta and Belbidida hangs in the balance once more. Caspar has become entranced by the evil of the Druid's Egg, and so is sent, with Brid, to find orphan wolflings which the dying Morrigwen declares are vital. Hal is sent to the neighbouring country of Ceolothis, as part of an escort for the Princess Cymbeline who is to marry Belbidia's king.
Jane Welch (Author), Joshua Akehurst, To Be Announced (Narrator)
A super-fun, paperback-original series that captures the unforgettable adventures of summer camp, complete with crushes, pranks, and s'mores-launching with two books! A hilarious and heartfelt series about the particular magic of summer camp—a place where reinvention is possible and friends are like family—from a sparkling debut talent. There's only one thing Melman loves more than soccer: her summers at Camp Rolling Hills. So she's pumped to be back—until she realizes her bunkmates have gone totally boy-crazy over the school year and plastered their cabin in pink. Pink posters, pink seems that the only not-pink thing in the cabin is Melman herself. That is, until she's given a dare in front of the entire camp: wear a pink princess dress. For Three. Whole. Days. Steinberg's summer gets off to a rough start, too, when his robot (usually his area of expertise) blows up during a camp-wide robotics contest. Steinberg might feel like a loser at home, but camp's supposed to be his place to shine. Steinberg without robots? Melman in pink? This whole summer feels turned upside down! To set things right, Steinberg and Melman team up and hatch a fail-proof plan. The plan's secret ingredient? Hamburgers. 'Camp Rolling Hills is funny and sweet. It brought me back to those amazing summer camp summers and my very first taste of young adulthood.' --Michael Showalter, co-writer of Wet Hot American Summer 'Stacy Davidowitz gets the magic of camp and the wonder of being twelve just right. Camp Rolling Hills is both heartwarming and laugh-out-loud hilarious.' --Elissa Brent Weissman, author of Nerd Camp
Stacy Davidowitz (Author), Stacy Davidowitz, TBD (Narrator)
Finally, it’s summer! Stephanie—aka Slimey—has been counting the days until she can return to her favorite place in the entire world, Camp Rolling Hills. And this year she’s especially happy to be back—she’ll have eight blissful weeks away from home, where life has been decidedly rocky. New kid Bobby, on the other hand, is pretty sure he’s in for the worst summer of his life. He does not understand his weirdo cabinmates, the group singing, and the unfortunate nicknames (including his: Smelly). But he does understand Slimey, and the two soon fall in crush. This summer might not be so bad after all! But then a fight sets off an epic, campwide, girls-versus-boys prank war. Bunks are raided! Boxer shorts are stolen! Can Slimey and Smelly keep the peace—or will they get caught in the crossfire? “Stacy Davidowitz gets the magic of camp and the wonder of being twelve just right. Camp Rolling Hills is both heartwarming and laugh-out-loud hilarious.”—Elissa Brent Weissman, author of Nerd Camp
Stacy Davidowitz (Author), Stacy Davidowitz (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Saber ser mujer: El manual definitivo para el empoderamiento femenino
Queridas mujeres valientes y poderosas, Hoy les quiero invitar a descubrir una herramienta que ha transformado la vida de muchas mujeres alrededor del mundo en pocos minutos. El audiolibro 'Saber ser mujer: El manual definitivo para el empoderamiento femenino' ha sido un verdadero tesoro de sabiduría y positivismo para aquellas que buscan potenciar su poder interior y alcanzar sus metas más anheladas. En este audiolibro con palabras simples aprenderemos a confiar en nosotras mismas, a aceptar y amar nuestro cuerpo tal y como es, a desarrollar nuestra inteligencia emocional para enfrentar los retos de la vida con valentía y determinación. Nos enseñará a trazar un plan de acción que nos guiará hacia el éxito y nos recordará que todo aquello que nos propongamos, lo podemos lograr. Es hora de dejar atrás los miedos y las inseguridades, y abrazar nuestra autenticidad y valentía. Es hora de creer en nuestro potencial y en nuestra capacidad para conquistar el mundo. Juntas, podemos crear un movimiento de empoderamiento femenino que trascienda fronteras y nos una en un camino de crecimiento y realización personal. No podemos dejar pasar la oportunidad de conocer esta información tan valiosa que nos ayudará a convertirnos en la mejor versión de nosotras mismas. Únete a nosotras en este viaje hacia el empoderamiento femenino y juntas, alcancemos la grandeza que llevamos dentro. ¡Invita a tus amigas, a tus hermanas, a todas las mujeres que conozcas a unirse a este movimiento de transformación y empoderamiento! Juntas, somos imparables. ¡Sé parte de esta revolución de mujeres empoderadas! ¡El mundo espera por nosotras! ¡Adelante, mujeres valientes!
Yeismar González (Author), Yeismar González (Narrator)
Sammy and the Extra-Hot Chilli Powder
A warm and brilliantly funny family comedy told from the perspective of Sammy the sniffer dog – perfect for younger readers aged 7 and up Setterpoo Sammy has a BRILLIANT sense of smell. She can sniff out ANYTHING – watches, explosives, even parrots! But one day, Sammy sniffs some EXTRA-HOT chilli powder and loses her sense of smell COMPLETELY. It’s up to Sammy’s Best Human Friend, Beanie, to help her get it back. And when Sammy finds out that someone is planning to steal a precious DIAMOND, she’ll have to use ALL her instincts to save the day!
Charlie P. Brooks (Author), Kate Okello (Narrator)
[French] - The wise monkey: A Forest's Last Stand Against Destruction, Adventure, and the Power of U
Ce livre audio est narré par une voix numérique. *New York Times bestseller As dawn's first light pierced the dense forest canopy, Ling, the wise monkey, and his stalwart friends found themselves on the precipice of the mystical Hidden Grove. The air around them was thick with a sense of anticipation, the kind that precedes moments of great importance. Despite the beauty that met their eyes, a profound sadness seemed to grip the once teeming sanctuary of green. The trees, those ancient sentinels of wisdom, now stood gaunt and bare, like mournful spirits against the sky. As they trudged into the grove, their every step seemed to echo with the weight of responsibility they bore. For each of them, the journey had been long, fraught with doubts and the shadows of fear. Yet, in the company of one another, those fears had been alchemized into a shared resolve, a resolute purpose to heal the lands they called home. The silence of the forest was punctuated only by the rustlings of the remaining creatures, who watched with cautious eyes, their futures resting upon the courage of these unlikely heroes. Ling and his friends could not help but pause and reflect on the trials they had faced, the growth each had undergone as individuals and as a united front. They were no longer mere inhabitants of the forest; they had become its fierce protectors, guardians chosen to confront the encroaching darkness that sought to rend the delicate fabric of their world. Ling felt the weight of their past triumphs and knew that the challenges ahead would ask more of them than ever before.
Hash Blink, Thomas Sheriff (Author), Voix Numérique Fiona G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La Gran Cruzada Universal: Una Saga Del Poder De Cristo
'Una saga fantástica para aquellos que buscan un crecimiento espiritual y una profunda comprensión de Cristo en su viaje.' La historia nunca antes vista sobre el origen de los reinos humanos y la decadencia de ellos en el universo de la Gran Cruzada Universal, con páginas de nuevos contenidos para quienes desean conocer el verdadero origen de todas las cosas. Este libro contiene la historia más completa del origen de los Reinos, las confrontaciones entre hombres y seres que pensábamos que hacían parte de la mitología, pero que existieron y ejercieron una influencia muy poderosa en la historia de la humanidad. Una historia perfeccionada por vibrantes descripciones de las épicas batallas presentes en los anales de la historia, enconadas rivalidades y audaces rebeliones que finalizan tras la llegada del Mesías prometido. Más tarde, tras el acontecimiento que partió la historia del Universo en dos, dejando muy marcado el antes y el después, las fuerzas antagónicas se reorganizan para la dinámica de una nueva batalla, suceso que desemboca en el establecimiento de nuevos Reinos y el surgimiento de una nueva estrategia para librar LA GRAN CRUZADA UNIVERSAL que involucra a los tres reinos que forman un Universo desconocido al que conocemos. Acerca de esta nueva entrega de la SAGA podemos decir que: “Se reúne aquí todo el saber acumulado, todas las teorías eruditas y todo el cúmulo de relatos populares, leyendas judaicas y cristianas, en una crónica que empieza por la Era Antediluviana y sigue por la Era de la Edad de los Gigantes, Nefilim, Titanes, y la aparición de los primeros hombres híbridos, la llegada del Diluvio y el juicio, el castigo de los seres híbridos, establecimiento del Reino de Israel, la Rebelión del Hombre y las incursiones repetidas de seres sobrenaturales en la historia de la humanidad
Felipe Chavarro Polanía (Author), Andres Gutierrez Coto, Arturo Mercado, Caro Taliberti, Claudio Munda, Ezequiel Romero, Jorge Badillo, Lalo Miranda, Mario Castañeda, Maxi Tissot, Oliver Magaña, Otto Salamanca, Pablo Lopez, Rene Sagastume, Rolando De Castro, Sergio Guitierrez Coto (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - The wise monkey: A Forest's Last Stand Against Destruction, Adventure, and the Power
Este audiolivro é narrado por uma voz digital. *New York Times bestseller As dawn's first light pierced the dense forest canopy, Ling, the wise monkey, and his stalwart friends found themselves on the precipice of the mystical Hidden Grove. The air around them was thick with a sense of anticipation, the kind that precedes moments of great importance. Despite the beauty that met their eyes, a profound sadness seemed to grip the once teeming sanctuary of green. The trees, those ancient sentinels of wisdom, now stood gaunt and bare, like mournful spirits against the sky. As they trudged into the grove, their every step seemed to echo with the weight of responsibility they bore. For each of them, the journey had been long, fraught with doubts and the shadows of fear. Yet, in the company of one another, those fears had been alchemized into a shared resolve, a resolute purpose to heal the lands they called home. The silence of the forest was punctuated only by the rustlings of the remaining creatures, who watched with cautious eyes, their futures resting upon the courage of these unlikely heroes. Ling and his friends could not help but pause and reflect on the trials they had faced, the growth each had undergone as individuals and as a united front. They were no longer mere inhabitants of the forest; they had become its fierce protectors, guardians chosen to confront the encroaching darkness that sought to rend the delicate fabric of their world. Ling felt the weight of their past triumphs and knew that the challenges ahead would ask more of them than ever before.
Hash Blink, Thomas Sheriff (Author), Voz Digital Priscila G (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Vida depois de um cão: Português Europeu / European Portuguese
Acompanhe as aventuras de uma menina que descobre ser apaixonada por cães e acredita que um amigo de 4 patas é a solução para os problemas da sua família, à medida que se apercebe que nem tudo é o que parece e que, por vezes, temos de ter cuidado com o que desejamos. Uma história simples e divertida, contada na primeira pessoa, recheada de aventuras e suspense, para toda a família.
Karina Carvalho (Author), Karina Carvalho (Narrator)
Mooses with Bazookas: And Other Stories Children Should Never Read is a fun collection of stories. It’s exactly like The Count of Monte Cristo apart from the many differences. Our lawyers have instructed us to warn you that reading it may directly cause you to come down with every single disease you are worried about contracting. On the plus side, our nation’s beloved and heroic critics have had their say. “FANTASTIC is not a word that comes to mind.” —Beth Hinkle, author of Elite Prose “ASTOUNDING problems at the sentence level and beyond.” —Dr. Roger Johns, Ph. D. “S. D. SMITH IS in dire need of A GENIUS editor.” —Art Simonson, Inner Ring Magazine “This author had nothing MUCH BETTER to do THAN destroy the language of DICKENS, SHAKESPEARE, AUSTEN!” —Yammy Tork, Good Lit Guild S. D. Smith has been called “America’s aft-most wordsmith” and is the award-losing author of more than ten books and less than thirty-seven books. He is half-man, half-rabbit, and half-mathematician. He lives in West Virginia with his wife and four children, because it would be kinda weird to live with some other family and super weird not to live in West Virginia.
S. D. Smith (Author), Andy Harvey, Gina Smith, Joel Clarkson, Rob Riggle, S. D. Smith, Sarah Mackenzie (Narrator)
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