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Kat Mckenna (Author), Jade Ewen, TBD (Narrator)
[German] - Liebe, Leben, Gottes Segen: Tagebuch Oktober 2023: Vṛndāvana & Māyāpur
In diesem Tagebuch erzählt der Autor seine Reise von den Heiligen Städten Vṛndāvana, dem Spielort Kṛṣṇas, nach Māyāpur, dem Geburtsort Śrī Caitanya Mahaprabhus. Es ist Indien. Der Zug ist spät dran. Es waren gut 1400 von West nach Ost. Der Alltag ist kunterbunt, die Geschmäcker exotisch und das Gefühl warmherzig, wie eben das Wetter. Indien ist meine zweite Heimat, hier studiere ich das zeitlose Wissen von Yoga, und ja, die Zeit steht wirklich still. Obwohl die materielle Welt im Äußeren modern scheint, tickt in der Heiligen Stadt eine andere Zeit; Ewigkeit. In mir kommt Ruhe auf. Es ist eine lange Reise gewesen und ich bin froh auf dem Weg nach Māyāpur zu sein. Hier werde ich studieren und als vedischer Priester ausgebildet. Neben mir sitzt Viṣṇu Das aus Äthiopien. Er kommt nach Māyāpur, um die Grabstätte seines spirituellen Meisters zu besuchen. Die Rikscha rattert durch die Nacht und in der Heimat vom Goldenen Avatar geht eine besondere Brise, Jasmin erblüht.
Jan Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa Wolter (Author), Jan Yaśomatīnandana Dāsa Wolter (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 追随你的心:用苹果撬动世界: 乔布斯留给所有立志成功者的礼物
内容简介: 本书全面解读和诠释了苹果“教父”乔布斯的经营理念与管理思想,完整展示了乔布斯的创新思维和商业智慧,以及他神一样的一生,极具励志性。本书以乔布斯本人以及商业史上的经典演讲案例为引子,针对商业中的关键问题,如创新、管理、经营、营销、用人等加以深入细致的解析。读者可以从中体验最真实的领袖魅力、人生理想和处事技巧,获取宝贵的精神财富。 作者简介: 史蒂夫·乔布斯(1955-2011),美国苹果公司创始人、前CEO。1976年成立苹果电脑公司,先后领导缔造了麦金塔计算机、ipad、iPod、iTunes Store、iPhone等诸多具有世界影响力的知名数字产品。2011年8月24日乔布斯辞去苹果公司CEO一职;10月5日因病逝世,享年56岁。 主播简介: 元亨好读:新晋实力有声演播,省级诵读学会会员,有长期从事有声艺术诵读方面的经验,声音儒雅、磁性、温暖,可塑性强,擅长抒情、古风、教育等题材的演播。代表有声专辑有《二十世纪新诗鉴赏》、《现在经典诗歌诵读》、《最美古文诵读》等。
史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Author), 元亨好读 (Narrator)
Frank Sinatra: His Life, His Music Career and His Acting Career
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. A luminary on both the silver screen and the melodious stage, Francis Albert Sinatra left an indelible mark as an actor and singer in the annals of American entertainment. Hailing from the vibrant city of Hoboken, New Jersey, Sinatra emerged as an iconic figure, embodying the heart and soul of Italian immigrants. Steeped in the melodic nuances inspired by Bing Crosby's velvety, easy-listening vocal style, Sinatra embarked on his musical journey, initially finding resonance with bandleaders Harry James and Tommy Dorsey during the dynamic swing era. The pivotal moment came in 1943 when he inked a deal with Columbia Records, propelling him into solo stardom and capturing the hearts of adoring 'bobby soxers.' The musical maestro unveiled his inaugural album, 'The Voice of Frank Sinatra,' in 1946, marking the genesis of a solo career that would shape the musical landscape. In the early 1950s, as his film career reached a plateau, Sinatra sought new horizons and found himself amidst the vibrant lights of Las Vegas. Here, he forged bonds with the illustrious Rat Pack, etching his name as one of the city's most celebrated resident entertainers. A cinematic resurgence graced Sinatra in 1953 with the success of 'From Here to Eternity,' a turning point that not only earned him an Academy Award but also a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor. Buoyed by this triumph, he orchestrated a musical symphony of critically acclaimed albums, including the hauntingly introspective 'In the Wee Small Hours' (1955), the vivacious 'Songs for Swingin' Lovers!' (1956), the airborne melody of 'Come Fly with Me' (1958), the melancholic masterpiece 'Only the Lonely' (1958), the poignant 'No One Cares' (1959), and the effortlessly elegant 'Nice 'n' Easy' (1959). This musical opus, often regarded as among the pioneering 'concept albums,' attested to Sinatra's artistry and timeless appeal.
Kelly Mass (Author), Digital Voice Matt G (Narrator)
Generalized Anxiety, the Complete Guide: Innovative Techniques For The Management Of Anxious Symptom
Are you constantly worried, fearful, or do you feel like your heart is always about to jump out of your chest? Perhaps you find yourself avoiding certain situations for fear that they will trigger an anxious response. Or perhaps sleepless nights and constant thoughts have been a constant in your life. While these situations may seem overwhelming, you are not alone and there are solutions within your reach. Many books on anxiety focus on approaching the problem from a clinical standpoint, focusing on cognitive behavioral therapy and medication as the only solutions. However, this does not address the root of the problem and simply treats the symptoms. For example, you could learn to breathe deeply to calm your anxious thoughts, but what happens when deep breathing no longer works? Consider this perspective: anxiety is not just a problem of runaway thoughts or brain chemistry, but is a whole-body reaction to an environment and lifestyles that are out of sync with our fundamental needs. This book offers you a holistic, multidimensional approach to managing anxiety that you won't find elsewhere. Instead of treating anxiety as an enemy to be eliminated, it teaches you how to understand it, embrace it, and transform it. For example, in Chapter 7, 'Exploring Sensory Yoga for Anxiety Relief' (page 72), you'll learn how to use your body to manage anxiety, connecting with your physical self in a way you've never considered before. In Chapter 16, 'Technology and Anxiety: Applications and Tools for Wellness' (page 143), you will discover how you can use technology, not as a source of anxiety, but as a resource for calm and relaxation. Imagine waking up feeling rested and revitalized after a good night's sleep. Imagine facing situations that previously caused you fear with a sense of calm and confidence. Imagine having a set of tools at your disposal that you can use at any time to help you manage your emotions.
Antonio Jaimez (Author), Jackson Anderson (Narrator)
Robotics Diploma and Engineering Interview Questions and Answers: Exploring Robotics
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. 'Robotics Diploma and Engineering Interview Questions and Answers: Exploring Robotics' is an extensive guide designed to help individuals navigate the competitive world of robotics interviews. Whether you are a fresh graduate, an experienced professional, or an aspiring robotics engineer, this robotics book equips you with the knowledge and confidence to ace your interviews. Structured as a question-and-answer format, this book covers a wide range of topics relevant to robotics diploma and engineering interviews. It begins with an overview of the fundamentals, including the history, evolution, and importance of robotics, ensuring you have a solid foundation before diving into the interview-specific content. Delve into various technical areas of robotics, such as mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, computer science and programming, control and automation, sensing and perception, and more. Each section presents commonly asked interview questions along with detailed, extended answers, ensuring you are well-prepared to showcase your expertise and problem-solving skills. Explore mechanical engineering for robotics, including the components, kinematics, dynamics, and structures that form the backbone of robotic systems. Gain insights into actuators and motors, their applications, and how they enable precise and controlled robot movements. 'Robotics Diploma and Engineering Interview Questions and Answers: Exploring Robotics' is your ultimate resource to prepare for robotics interviews, offering a complete collection of interview questions and in-depth answers. Arm yourself with the knowledge and confidence needed to succeed in landing your dream job in the dynamic and rapidly evolving field of robotics.
Chetan Singh (Author), Digital Voice Parag G (Narrator)
The Mindful Run: A Runner's Guide to Mindful Running
Embark on a transformative journey with 'The Mindful Run: A Runner's Guide to Mindful Running,' an audiobook that marries the physicality of running with the serenity of mindfulness.
Dr Zayden Zander (Author), Dr Zayden Zander (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 洛克菲勒家书: 洛克菲勒家族的商业秘密与经营智慧
内容简介: 《洛克菲勒家书》是约翰·D·洛克菲勒给他的儿子小约翰·D.洛克菲勒的私人信札的汇编,这些信札是洛克菲勒不愿意公开的,以遗嘱形式珍藏的贵重物品。信札“透露了太多洛克菲勒家族的商业秘密与经营智慧,*是一本培养伟大企业家的无可比拟的教材……”洛克菲勒这些信札的价值正如艾伦·格林斯潘所说:“比洛克菲勒家族富可敌国的全部财富还要宝贵。” 作者简介: 约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒,美国实业家、慈善家,他以革命了石油工业与塑造现代慈善的企业化结构而闻名。1870年,洛克菲勒创立了标准石油,在全盛期垄断了全美90%的石油市场,他用垄断形式托拉斯使该公司成为全世界*的石油集团企业,他本人也成为蜚声海内外的“石油大王”。作为近代史上*的巨富,他一生勤俭自持,并在晚年将大部分财产捐出资助慈善与研究事业,开美国富豪行善之先河。 主播介绍: 辰星,四川电视台前任主持人,央视签约配音员,播音主持教师,被评为国家二级播音员
[美]约翰·d·洛克菲勒 (Author), 辰星 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 任正非谈商录: 揭秘华为帝国的成功之路
内容简介: 本书精心收集整理了任正非讲的100条经典语录,并全面梳理了华为几十年来的发展历程、成长经验以及任正非的管理思想、经商智慧,通过原汁原味的真实案例,提炼出极具实操性的解决方案、标准化的管理制度等诸多内容。既可以让人了解到一个全面的华为,又可以让人掌握到一个企业的成长经验。 作者简介: 路云,中国人民大学工商管理硕士,组织战略、运营管理咨询师,资深管理顾问。曾为国内多家知名企业提供管理咨询服务,同时在多家企业管理研究机构担任顾问。多年来一直从事企业管理研究,并深入实地对生产制造企业进行专门的管理调研,对中国本土企业管理理论和实践有着多年研究经验。华为作为中国优秀的企业之一,一直是其重点关注的对象。 主播简介: 时伦:活动策划、主持人,全声线有声书主播,擅长类型:历史、社科、悬疑推理、言情,声音辨识度高,有磁性,代入感强,擅长讲述、角色类型的模仿和转换。喜马拉雅粉丝数量:2.3万,播放总量572万。代表作品专辑:《大唐狄仁杰之洛阳神罚》、《邪儿门》等。
[Chinese] - 摩根家书: 摩根家族创造财富的秘密和人生智慧
内容简介: 《摩根家书》是美国财富巨擘摩根家庭的奠定者约翰·皮尔庞特,摩根给儿子小约翰·皮尔庞特的信,是父子之间交流感情和工作的私人信件。这些信件是摩根家族的至宝,信札“透露了摩根强大、富有的秘籍……”。 作者简介: 约翰·皮尔庞特·摩根,后人俗称其老摩根、J·P·摩根,是“华尔街的拿破仑”,他曾两度使美国经济起死回生。作为美国近代金融最著名的金融巨头,老摩根一生做了太多影响巨大的事情。但最辉煌也最能体现其实力的是,在他半退休时,几乎以个人之力拯救了1907年的美国金融危机。他有一句至理名言:“有攀升,就有下跌;有过热,就有疲软。” 主播简介: 志远,黑龙江大庆电台主持人,从事有声行业近10年,录制作品《决战朝鲜》喜马拉雅付费点击1200多万,被评为“优选专辑”
[美]约翰·皮尔庞特·摩根 (Author), 志远 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 秦始皇:大秦帝国启示录: 全景展现秦始皇大时代,一部秦始半部中华文明史。
内容简介: 他是大一统思想的确立者、“皇帝”称号的发明者、中央集权制的开创者、万里长城的修筑者、“世界第八大奇迹”的创造者……秦始皇,这个谜一样的男人,究竟留下多少争论与迷思?大秦帝国,这个辉煌却短命的王朝,在历史长河中究竟扮演了什么样的角色?本书以秦始皇之谜为切入口,全景展现了大时代的政治、经济、军事、农业、文化、社会等各方面。可以说,一部秦始皇,就是半部中华文明史。 作者简介: 陈舜臣,华裔日本作家,“日本小说界无出其右者”。日本文学史上首位“三冠王”,在历史小说创作领域与司马辽太郎并称双璧。他通晓日语、印度语、波斯语、汉语、英语五种语言,作品常呈现无国界的宏观视野。他的历史作品因加入了推理的成分而自成一派,多次在日本掀起阅读中国史的热潮,主要著作有《中国的历史》《甲午战争》《太平天国兴亡录》《三国史秘本》等。
[日]陈舜臣 (Author), 大卫 (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 普京传: 俄罗斯总统普京的强权与铁腕
内容简介: 数度当选俄罗斯年度人物,两度登顶《福布斯》杂志全球最具影响力人物排行榜,逾期二十年来一直强力领导着世界国土面积最大、也是核武器大国——俄罗斯。 弗拉基米尔•普京是俄罗斯人心目中的“彼得大帝”、万民倾倒的政治偶像、冷酷强悍的铁血总统,也是无所不能的全能天才。他行事雷厉风行,令出如山,在政坛的影响力超群,超凡的自信与独特的个人魅力更是掀起了个人崇拜主义热潮。普京究竟是谁?为何这个冷峻的政治强人总是收到西方不绝如缕的批评声?他究竟是一个专制主义者、自由主义者。在东方与西方之间,他如何平衡取舍? 本书以全新的视角,从政治理想到治国方略,从行事方式到个人魅力,揭开普京多重身份下的真实面貌。全面记录普京的权力之路,深度披露普京掌控俄罗斯的政治谋略和铁腕手段。全书也从多方面向我们展示一个政治强人背后不一样的普京。 作者简介: 菲欧娜•希尔,哈佛大学苏联研究硕士,历史学博士,苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学俄罗斯当代历史学硕士。曾任美国国家情报委员会情报员,专门负责搜集俄罗斯和欧亚大陆的情报。现为美国布鲁金斯研究所外交政策研究项目组高级研究员。 克利福德•加迪,经济学家,专门研究俄罗斯地区的经济。现为美国布鲁金斯研究所外国政策和全球经济与发展项目资深研究员。 主播简介: 湖南兵哥,全声线声音匠人,曾为省级电视台节目主持人、记者、主编、制片人,累计录制有声书已超过1000万字。声音既能磁性沉稳,也能在中音区游刃有余,播讲风格稳重大方。代表有声作品有《天变,中国历代宫廷政变史话》《青铜大家—马承源传》《反三国演义》《交锋》等。
克利福德•加迪, 菲欧娜•希尔 (Author), 湖南兵哥 (Narrator)
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