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History Of Eastern Europe: 4 In 1: Russia, Ukraine, Poland & Hungary
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Step into the captivating world of Eastern Europe with our book, 'History of Eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Poland & Hungary'. This comprehensive volume delves deep into the rich history and culture of these four fascinating countries. From the ancient civilizations of the Scythians and the Slavs to the modern-day challenges of populism and migration, this book covers it all. Learn about the turbulent history of Russia, from the rise of the Kievan Rus to the Soviet era and beyond. Discover the unique culture and traditions of Ukraine, with its colorful folklore and complex political landscape. Explore the complex history of Poland, from its medieval glory days to the struggles of World War II and the Communist period. And delve into the fascinating world of Hungary, with its rich artistic and literary traditions and tumultuous political history. Whether you're a history buff, a traveler seeking to understand the complexities of these four countries, or simply interested in the diverse cultures and traditions of Eastern Europe, this book is for you. With detailed and engaging storytelling, this book brings to life the people, events, and ideas that have shaped the region over the centuries. Written by expert historians and scholars, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of Eastern Europe. With its in-depth analysis and compelling narrative, 'History of Eastern Europe: Russia, Ukraine, Poland & Hungary' is the ultimate guide to this endlessly fascinating region. Don't miss out on this essential addition to your bookshelf.
A.J.Kingston (Author), Digital Voice Madison G (Narrator)
Tank Warfare on the Eastern Front, 1941-1942: Schwerpunkt
The German panzer armies that swept into the Soviet Union in 1941 were an undefeated force that had honed their skill in combined arms warfare to a fine edge. The Germans focused their panzers and tactical air support at points on the battlefield defined as Schwerpunkt-main effort-to smash through any defensive line and then advance to envelope their adversaries. Initially, these methods worked well in the early days of Operation Barbarossa and the tank forces of the Red Army suffered defeat after defeat. Although badly mauled in the opening battles, the Red Army's tank forces did not succumb to the German armored onslaught and German planning and logistical deficiencies led to over-extension and failure in 1941. In the second year of the invasion, the Germans directed their Schwerpunkt toward the Volga and the Caucasus and again achieved some degree of success, but the Red Army had grown much stronger and by November 1942, the Soviets were able to turn the tables at Stalingrad. Robert Forczyk's incisive study offers fresh insight into how the two most powerful mechanized armies of WWII developed their tactics and weaponry during the early years of the Russo-German War. He uses German, Russian, and English sources to provide the first comprehensive overview and analysis of armored warfare from the German and Soviet perspectives.
Robert A. Forczyk (Author), P.J. Ochlan (Narrator)
Everyday War: The Conflict over Donbas, Ukraine
Everyday War provides an accessible lens through which to understand what noncombatant civilians go through in a country at war. What goes through the mind of a mother who must send her child to school across a minefield or the men who belong to groups of volunteer body collectors? In Ukraine, such questions have been part of the daily calculus of life. Greta Uehling engages with the lives of ordinary people living in and around the armed conflict over Donbas that began in 2014 and shows how conventional understandings of war are incomplete. In Ukraine, landscapes filled with death and destruction prompted attentiveness to human vulnerabilities and the cultivation of everyday, interpersonal peace. Uehling explores a constellation of social practices where ethics of care were in operation. People were also drawn into the conflict in an everyday form of war that included provisioning fighters with military equipment they purchased themselves, smuggling insulin, and cutting ties to former friends. Each chapter considers a different site where care can produce interpersonal peace or its antipode, everyday war. Bridging the fields of political geography, international relations, peace and conflict studies, and anthropology, Everyday War considers where peace can be cultivated at an everyday level.
Greta Lynn Uehling (Author), Erin Bennett (Narrator)
Medieval Ukraine: The History of Ukraine in the Middle Ages
Shortly before invading Ukraine in February 2022, President Vladimir Putin of Russia claimed that Russia and Ukraine were one nation artificially divided. In the previous year, he wrote an essay entitled On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians, in which claims that modern Ukraine is an “anti-Russian project,” a monstrosity turning its back on its heritage and borrowing culture for the corrupt West. This assessment may ring true to many Westerners, many of whom are unaware of the aspirations to Ukrainian nationhood until it declared its independence from the dying Soviet Union on August 24, 1991. The Russian Federation and Ukraine do indeed share a common heritage, but their history and culture led them along divergent paths. Many readers might be surprised to learn that the historical center of Russia was not Moscow, but Kiev, the capital of modern Ukraine. In the 9th century, Norse traders and warriors, known as Varangians, settled along the Dnieper, Volga and other rivers between the Baltic and Black Seas. They imposed themselves – or, according to Russian folklore – were invited – upon the Slav inhabitants. According to The Primary Chronicle, a history written by the Varangians themselves, they brought order to a troubled land: “They said to themselves, ‘Let us seek a prince who may rule over us, and judge us according to the Law.” They accordingly went overseas to the Varangian Rus'. … The Chuds, the Slavs, the Krivichs and the Ves then said to the Rus', “Our land is great and rich, but there is no order in it. Come to rule and reign over us.’ They thus selected three brothers with their kinfolk, who took with them all the Rus' and migrated.”
Phaistos Publishers (Author), Colin Fluxman (Narrator)
Por Orlando Figes, autor de Los europeos. «Este es el libro de historia que necesitan para entender la Rusia moderna y sus guerras con Ucrania, con sus demás vecinos, con Estados Unidos y con Occidente». ANNE APPLEBAUM «Side verdadquieren entender la Rusia de Putin, anclada en su pasado de mitos, lean este excelente libro». ANTONY BEEVOR Orlando Figes, el gran especialista en Rusia, ofrece una nueva historia que da sentido al presente. La historia de Rusia se ha visto marcada como pocas por el empleo de mitos con fines políticos. Ningún otro país ha reinventado su propio relato con tanta frecuencia, en un esfuerzo perpetuo por adaptarse a los cambios de las ideologías dominantes, y esa tendencia es precisamente un aspecto vital de su cultura. Para comprender lo que depara el futuro del país -y lo que significa el régimen de Putin para Rusia y para el resto del mundo-, debemos desentrañar las ideas y los significados de esa historia. Desde sus inicios agrarios en el primer milenio hasta la era de Putin, pasando por los periodos de monarquía, totalitarismo y Perestroika, el brillante historiador Orlando Figes examina las claves que han marcado el destino del país, entre ellas la necesidad de un régimen autocrático para gobernar tan vasto territorio; la veneración del «Santo Zar» y el culto al líder; la creencia en un espíritu colectivista esencialmente ruso; y su oscilación entre el carácter europeo y euroasiático. Todos estos ingredientes permiten entender la Rusia moderna. En un momento en el que el país se aleja de Europa, esta historia de su pasado, a cargo de toda una autoridad en la materia y maravillosamente narrada, bien podría dilucidar su futuro. Sobre La historia de Rusia se ha dicho: «El gran narrador entre los historiadores rusos modernos». Simon Sebag Montefiore, Financial Times «Impresionante y profundamente inmersivo. Sería una pequeña tragedia si los observadores de Rusia no leyeran esta historia de Rusia». The Spectator «Figes sabe más sobre Rusia que ningún otro historiador». Max Hastings, The Sunday Times «Indispensable para entender el presente de Rusia. Su historia muestra cómo el mito y la realidad se mezclan peligrosamente en los relatos que este país cuenta sobre sí mismo». The Guardian «Excelente». The Times
Orlando Figes (Author), Luis Ignacio González (Narrator)
El Imperio ruso: Una guía fascinante del tercer imperio más grande de la historia, desde Pedro el Gr
¿Qué pasó con la Rusia Imperial? Rusia ha sido durante mucho tiempo un país poderoso. Incluso hoy en día, Rusia es una de las grandes potencias del planeta. Sin embargo, la Rusia actual no es más que un vestigio del gran territorio que en su día constituyó la Rusia Imperial. El Imperio ruso se extendía por todos los continentes y, en un momento dado, la Rusia Imperial podía reclamar territorios desde Alaska hasta Polonia y casi todo lo demás. Los gobernantes rusos se sentían herederos del Imperio romano bizantino y, como los Césares de antaño, se autodenominaban «zares». Estos zares gobernaban como autócratas absolutos, dirigiendo el imperio a través de la pura fuerza de su propia voluntad. Sin embargo, a pesar de su tamaño y poder, el Imperio ruso a menudo estaba plagado de enormes problemas internos. Toda una clase de campesinos rusos, conocidos como siervos, por ejemplo, estaban básicamente esclavizados a la tierra en la que trabajaban, sin poder escapar de su suerte en vida. Durante gran parte del imperio, los sentimientos del ruso medio fueron ignorados por el zar y la élite, pero en los últimos años de la Rusia Imperial, estos problemas no resueltos volverían con fuerza. Porque el Imperio ruso no se extinguió por un enemigo exterior, sino que se derrumbó desde dentro. Este audio libro sigue el ascenso de este gigante ruso desde su formación hasta su desaparición final. En este audio libro, aprenderá: - Cómo se fundó el Imperio ruso. - Sobre los gobernantes más importantes del Imperio ruso. - De las principales guerras libradas en nombre de la Rusia Imperial. - Sobre las revoluciones que sacudieron el imperio. - Y mucho más. ¡Adquiera este audio libro ahora para saber más sobre el Imperio ruso!
Captivating History (Author), Luis Trumper (Narrator)
Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour: Memories of Soviet Russia
Like a Drop of Ink in a Downpour is a heartfelt mother-and-daughter memoir about three generations of women and their fight to leave Soviet Russia. A mother is a dissident, a refusenik, and a prisoner in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg) in the 1970s and '80s. Her daughter, eleven years old, is left without a family. A grandmother is in the USA, waiting for her daughter and granddaughter and not knowing if she'll ever see them again. 'I am fine,' the three of them write to each other in their letters. How can you be 'fine' when you have to fight to survive? When you must be silent? When the place that you love turns against you? Told from the dual points of view, this memoir shows the reality of life in the Soviet Union, giving an insider's perspective on the roots of Putin's Russia. It is also a coming-of-age story, heartfelt and funny, a testament to the unbreakable bond between mothers and daughters, and the healing power of art.
Galina Lembersky, Yelena Lembersky (Author), Natasha Soudek (Narrator)
Russian History: An Enthralling Overview of the History of Russia and the Romanovs
Two manuscripts in one book: - History of Russia: An Enthralling Overview of Major Events in Russian History - The Romanovs: An Enthralling Overview of the House of Romanov The history of Russia has enthralled the public for generations. From the exploits of Ivan the Terrible to the murder of the Romanov royal family, there’s a lot of history to explore. This first part of this book will be your guide to the fascinating history of Russia and answer the following questions: - Who were the early East Slavs? - How was Kievan Rus’ founded? - How did the tsars gain power? - What was life like during the height of the Russian Empire? - What happened when Napoleon tried to invade Russia? - What was the Great Purge? - What led to the dissolution of the USSR? - Who was Boris Yeltsin? In the second part of this book, you will find: - An in-depth history of the emergence of the Romanov dynasty, which happened during perhaps the most turbulent period in Russia’s existence - The social and political developments throughout the Romanov dynasty, from Mikhail Romanov to Nicholas II - A deep dive into the external and domestic conflicts that shaped Russia under the Romanovs - An exciting journey of Russia’s cultural transformation from a backward country to a world superpower that strived to achieve a clear European identity - The role of the Romanovs in several world-shattering events, such as World War I and the Russian Revolution of 1917 - The legacy of the Romanov dynasty Click the “add to cart” button to begin learning about the History of Russia and The Romanovs!
Billy Wellman (Author), Jay Herbert (Narrator)
The Lockhart Plot: Love, Betrayal, Assassination, and Counter-Revolution in Lenin's Russia
During the spring and summer of 1918, with World War I still undecided, British, French and American agents in Russia developed a breathtakingly audacious plan. Led by Robert Hamilton Bruce Lockhart, a dashing, cynical, urbane thirty-year-old Scot, they conspired to overthrow Lenin’s newly established Bolshevik regime, and to install one that would continue the war against Germany on the Eastern Front. Lockhart’s confidante and chief support, with whom he engaged in a passionate love affair, was the mysterious, alluring Moura von Benkendorff, wife of a former aide-de-camp to the Tsar. The plotters’ chief opponent was ‘Iron Felix’ Dzerzhinsky. He led the Cheka, ‘Sword and Shield’ of the Russian Revolution and forerunner of the KGB. Dzerzhinsky loved humanity—in the abstract. He believed socialism represented humanity’s best hope. To preserve and protect it he would unleash unbounded terror. Revolutionary Russia provided the setting for the ensuing contest. In the back streets of Petrograd and Moscow, in rough gypsy cabarets, in glittering nightclubs, in cells beneath the Cheka’s Lubianka prison, the conspirators engaged in a deadly game of wits for the highest possible stakes—not merely life and death, but the outcome of a world war and the nature of Russia’s post-war regime. Confident of success, the conspirators set the date for an uprising, September 8, 1918, but the Cheka had penetrated their organization and pounced just beforehand. The Lockhart Plot was a turning point in world history, except it failed to turn. At a time when Russian meddling in British and American politics now sounds warning bells, however, we may sense its reverberations and realize that it is still relevant.
Jonathan Schneer (Author), Traber Burns (Narrator)
Operation Typhoon: The History of the Fight for Moscow between the Nazis and Soviets
After the Fall of France and the unsatisfactory Battle of Britain came to a close, Hitler turned to the east and issued Führer Directive 21, his secret order for the invasion of the Soviet Union, on 18 December 1940. Prior to this the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, a non-aggression agreement, had enabled the two countries to divide the spoils after the invasion of Poland that had triggered the Second World War. Hitler, however, had always regarded this agreement as nothing more than a temporary tactical maneuver. In the early part of the Second World War, the arrangement had suited the two nations, with the Soviet Union preoccupied with its own issues while Hitler continued his aggression in Western Europe, exporting manufactured goods to the Soviet Union in return for grain and oil. But they were never easy bedfellows since their ideological differences were diametrically opposed. For his part, Stalin seems uncharacteristically trusting of Hitler despite Soviet intelligence reports and London warning him of Germany’s intentions. Operation Barbarossa caught him unprepared. Over three and a half million troops - eighty% of the German Army, attacked along a front almost 3,000 km, supported by 2,700 aircraft, the largest invasion force ever seen. Soviet forces were hastily dispatched to the frontier in huge numbers, but the Germans pushed through quickly and decisively, and within three weeks of the launch of Operation Barbarossa, Hitler’s initial objectives had been achieved. While a legend exists today that Hitler's strategic fecklessness destroyed Germany's chances, despite the wise objections of the Wehrmacht general staff (OKW), the actual situation in 1941 resembled the precise reverse of this familiar historical trope. It seems the Fuhrer retained his full strategic acumen in 1941, until he ill-advisedly adopted the suggestions of the OKW and diverted forces in a winter campaign to seize the Soviet capital, leading to the Battle of Moscow .
Phaistos Publishers (Author), Colin Fluxman (Narrator)
Rusia medieval: Una guía fascinante de la historia de Rusia durante la Edad Media
¿Sabía que Rusia, como estado unido, no se formó hasta el siglo XVI? Hoy en día, Rusia es el país más grande y uno de los más poblados del mundo. Desde las primeras y primitivas formaciones estatales del siglo IX hasta la creación del primer verdadero zarato de Rusia en 1547, la historia de la Rusia medieval está llena de constantes luchas por el poder, rivalidades personales entre varios príncipes, guerras sangrientas y búsqueda de identidad. Este periodo, que abarca unos ocho siglos, suele olvidarse al hablar de Rusia, a pesar de su importancia. Hoy en día, la percepción que la gente tiene de Rusia está definida en gran medida por la era de la Unión Soviética, y no es difícil entender por qué. Sin embargo, explorar un periodo tan crucial que dio forma a la Rusia moderna es imperativo para todo aquel que esté interesado, aunque sea parcialmente, en la historia del mundo. Este audio libro sirve de guía para todos los lectores que quieran profundizar en la historia de la Rusia medieval. Abarca temas apasionantes, como: - El surgimiento y la caída de la Rus de Kiev, el primer estado ruso. - La separación de los territorios rusos en feudos. - Las luchas internas entre los príncipes rusos por el dominio. - La conquista de los mongoles y cómo gobernaron Rusia. - La aparición de nuevas tendencias sociales y culturales en la sociedad rusa. - Lucha por la independencia y la libertad de los gobernantes mongoles. - Asunción del poder por parte de Moscovia, el territorio ruso más poderoso en el siglo XIV. - Consolidación del poder por parte de los gobernantes moscovitas y los signos de un primer estado ruso unificado. ¡Desplácese hacia arriba y haga clic en el botón «añadir a la cesta» para empezar a aprender más sobre la Rusia medieval!
Captivating History (Author), Luis Trumper (Narrator)
Ukraine: Birth of a Modern Nation
In 2004 and 2005, striking images from the Ukraine made their way around the world, among them boisterous, orange-clad crowds protesting electoral fraud and the hideously scarred face of a poisoned opposition candidate. Europe's second-largest country but still an immature state only recently independent, Ukraine has become a test case of post-communist democracy, as millions of people in other countries celebrated the protesters' eventual victory. Any attempt to understand current events in this vibrant and unsettled land, however, must begin with Ukraine's dramatic history. Ukraine's strategic location between Russia and the West, the country's pronounced cultural regionalism, and the ugly face of post-communist politics are all anchored in Ukraine's past. The first Western survey of Ukrainian history to include coverage of the Orange Revolution and its aftermath, this book narrates the deliberate construction of a modern Ukrainian nation, incorporating new Ukrainian scholarship and archival revelations of the post-communist period. Here then is a history of the land where the strategic interests of Russia and the West have long clashed, with reverberations that resonate to this day.
Serhy Yekelchyk (Author), David Aranovich (Narrator)
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