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Sonne im Staub: Teil 1 - Rückkehr nach Afghanistan
Wann hat ein deutscher Soldat schon einmal so viel Zeit in Kriegsgebieten verbracht, dazu ausdauernd Tagebuch geführt und es anschließend der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht? Damit bietet sich hier wohl die einmalige Gelegenheit für sehr besondere Einblicke! Dieses Buch, welches also auf der Grundlage eines im Einsatz geführten Tagebuches entstand, erzählt die Geschichte eines deutschen Bundeswehrsoldaten (Hauptfeldwebel, heute Stabsfeldwebel a.D.) in Afghanistan. Der vergleichsweise lange Einsatz über 13 Monate (der Zweite in dieser Länge) als Ausbilder in der afghanischen Armee, hat viele interessante und abenteuerliche Erlebnisse, aber auch belastende Situationen hervorgebracht. Diese werden aus einer sehr persönlichen Perspektive heraus erzählt. Da unzählige Seiten zustande gekommen sind, musste für das vorliegende Buch eine Auswahl aus dem Tagebuchmaterial getroffen und die beteiligten Personen geschützt werden. Es bietet authentische und ehrliche Einblicke in den deutschen Afghanistan-Einsatz, welche die Öffentlichkeit hierzulande sonst gar nicht oder nur in kleinen Ausschnitten durch gefilterte Medienberichte erhält. Der Umstand, dass der regelmäßige Dienst an sechs Tagen in der Woche außerhalb der geschützten Camps stattfand, macht die Geschichte besonders. Es gab nur wenige Soldaten, die in solchen Funktionen über so lange Zeit ihren Dienst in Afghanistan verrichtet haben. Mit dem Buch sollen die Erlebnisse festgehalten und Erfahrungen weitergegeben werden. Ursprünglich nur für den engsten Familienkreis gedacht, kam erst spät der Entschluss, auch die Öffentlichkeit daran teilhaben zu lassen. Nur durch solche Einblicke ist auch Außenstehenden eine Einschätzung und Bewertung der Tätigkeiten unserer Soldaten in Auslandeinsätzen möglich. Die Erzählung ist als Trilogie angelegt. In diesem ersten Buch geht es um die ersten Wochen und Monate im Einsatz, es enthält jedoch auch Rückblicke und Anekdoten aus meinem Leben. Der zweite Teil dreht sich ebenfalls um meine Zeit in Afghanistan. Der dritte Teil wird dann Erlebnisse aus den Einsätzen aus der Erinnerung aufgreifen und im Wesentlichen die Rückkehr, Erkrankung an einer komplexen Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung sowie die familiäre Entwicklung behandeln. Es gibt viel zu erzählen.
Enrico Senftleben (Author), Enrico Senftleben (Narrator)
Mahatma Gandhi: The truth about Mahatma Gandhi’s life principles and story revealed
Do you want to learn about Mahatma Gandhi? Mаhаtmа Gаndhi, byname of Mоhаndаѕ Karamchand Gаndhi, (born Oсtоbеr 2, 1869, Pоrbаndаr, Indiа—diеd January 30, 1948, Delhi), Indian lawyer, роlitiсiаn, ѕосiаl асtiviѕt, аnd writеr whо bесаmе thе lеаdеr of the nаtiоnаliѕt movement against thе Britiѕh rulе оf Indiа. Aѕ ѕuсh, he came tо be соnѕidеrеd the father оf hiѕ соuntrу. Gаndhi iѕ internationally esteemed fоr hiѕ doctrine of nоnviоlеnt protest (ѕаtуаgrаhа) tо асhiеvе роlitiсаl аnd social рrоgrеѕѕ. In thе еуеѕ оf millions оf hiѕ fеllоw Indiаnѕ, Gаndhi was thе Mаhаtmа (“Grеаt Sоul”). The unthinking adoration оf thе huge сrоwdѕ thаt gаthеrеd to ѕее him аll аlоng thе rоutе оf his tours mаdе them a ѕеvеrе оrdеаl; he соuld hаrdlу wоrk during thе dау or rest аt night. “The wоеѕ оf thе Mаhаtmаѕ,” hе wrote, “аrе knоwn only tо the Mаhаtmаѕ.” Hiѕ fame ѕрrеаd wоrldwidе during hiѕ lifеtimе and only inсrеаѕеd after hiѕ dеаth. Thе name Mаhаtmа Gаndhi iѕ nоw оnе оf thе mоѕt universally rесоgnizеd on еаrth. Gandhi was thе youngest сhild оf hiѕ fаthеr’ѕ fourth wife. Hiѕ fаthеr—Kаrаmсhаnd Gаndhi, whо wаѕ thе dеwаn (сhiеf miniѕtеr) of Pоrbаndаr, the сарitаl оf a ѕmаll рrinсiраlitу in wеѕtеrn Indiа (in what is now Gujarat ѕtаtе) undеr Britiѕh ѕuzеrаintу—did nоt hаvе muсh in thе way оf fоrmаl еduсаtiоn. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... - Who was Mahatma Gandhi and what he did? - Biographical aspects of his life - Becoming Mahatma Gandhi - Principles, practises and beliefs - A civil rights activist in South Africa - Lеgасу and Dерiсtiоnѕ In Рорulаr Сulture - Much,much more!
Susanne Monroe (Author), Clever Sound Studio (Narrator)
Britain's Last Tommies: Final Memories from Soldiers of the 1914–18 War in their Own Words
On the centenary of the Great War, there are now no longer any veterans alive of the six million men who served on the Western Front. Although this means that the Great War as a living history is to all intents and purposes over, the twenty years Richard van Emden spent interviewing and carefully recording the memories of over 270 veterans, makes this extraordinary collection of stories even more poignant. As well as stories told by the veterans themselves, Richard has also included his own memories of these remarkable men: the remarkable, the sad, the funny, the moving. The book also features an outstanding collection of photographs taken of the veterans as soldiers during the war, together with recent images of almost all of them, taken at home, back on the Western Front or at the final veterans' reunion. Britain's Last Tommies is the author's personal tribute to a unique list of veterans, all of whom individually held the poignant title of being the last Gallipoli veteran, the last Royal Flying Corps veteran, the last Distinguished Conduct Medal holder, the last cavalryman and the last Prisoner of War.
Richard Van Emden (Author), Bruce Cullen (Narrator)
My Boy Jack?: The Search for Kipling's Only Son
Published now for the first time in paperback, My Boy Jack is the extraordinary story of Kipling's search for his son. John Kipling was reported missing in the Battle of Loos on the Western Front in 1915. His father, Rudyard, had pulled strings to get his myopic son into the firing line. Devastated at the loss of his only son, Rudyard undertook the sad mission to find John's grave but tragically never succeeded in his quest. Yet in 1992, 77 years later, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission took the exceptional step of naming a previously unknown soldier buried in St. Mary's ADS CWGC Cemetery in France as John Kipling. The authors, Tonie and Valmai Holt, intrigued by this unusual and newsworthy action felt drawn into taking the investigation further, to examine the evidence and to question the identification. The result of their research, much of it from previously unpublished sources, found John to be likeable, humorous, extraordinarily unspoiled by his father's fame and a remarkably good and, in his final hours, brave young officer. The book also reveals the devastating effect that John's death had on his father and on his subsequent work
Tonie Holt, Valmai Holt (Author), Bruce Cullen (Narrator)
Oliver Cromwell: The English Military, Political Leader
Oliver Cromwell was an English army and statesman who led Parliamentary armies against King Charles I throughout the English Civil War. From 1653 till his death in the year 1658, he lead the British army in the British Islands area. Why was he so hated by so many? And is this image of him historically correct? Even though we cannot go back in time 450 years ago, we can certainly try to find the answers in the sources we have. The reason why people thought he was so evil, is because of his brutality against the Irish at that time. Several Irish and English scholars agree that Cromwell was too cruel in Ireland. Other academics blame him of 'ethnic cleansing,' or the systematic expulsion of a certain ethnic population from a territory. It typically entails the execution and deportation of Catholics, and that he is despised by Irish Catholics. Is this true? And why did he do this? Find out more about his time, his life, his circumstances and his legacy.
Kelly Mass (Author), Chris Newman (Narrator)
Mediterranean Dictators: The Story of Benito Mussolini, Torquemada, and Francisco Pizarro
These dictators all lived in Southern European countries. Meet the evil despots called: Benito Mussolini: Ironically, when we think of fascism, we often look at someone as brutal and influential as Adolf Hitler, but the word “fascism” originated from Italian. The ideology that was carried out in the vicious Spanish War right before World War 2, and was embraced by Nazi Germany, was actually pushed and more or less invented by the Italians during a critical time in history when many changes were made, and when fear and uncertainty were all in the air. Mussolini was efficient and influential. He was a fearless leader not to be trifled with. Let’s take a look at what he did and why. Torquemada: The Spanish inquisition was nasty in the 15th century. I am glad we don’t live in those times anymore. We have our own problems to deal with here. But back then, in some countries, primarily the Catholic-dominated ones in Europe, being called a heretic, a witch, or a sinner meant business. It could mean the end of your life. And often, you had nothing to defend yourself with. There weren’t enough fancy lawyers to stand up to the Catholic Church. And so, it is with a tragic view on the past that we see countless innocent victims being accused of something they never did, with no bad intentions or rebellious behavior, and nonetheless being executed in brutal manners. Francisco Pizarro: Conquistadores (or Conquistadors) were the Spanish and Portuguese conquerors who invaded parts of the world that hadn’t been discovered by the Europeans before the 16th century. Some of these conquerors behaved fairly nice and respectful towards the local population in South America, Asia, Africa, and Central America. Others were incentivized by greed, lust, and dominance, which caused them to pillage, steal, and enslave the indigenous people they encountered. Many of their leaders were notorious for their brutality.
Kelly Mass (Author), Chris Newman (Narrator)
Despots: Bloodthirsty Conquerors and Dictators Who Pillaged and Murdered
This bundle covers the most heinous crimes and dictator methods in human history, performed by despots and tyrants. The people that will be discussed are these: Torquemada Robespierre Francisco Pizarro Napoleon Bonaparte Alexander the Great Vlad the Impaler Suleiman the Magnificent Learn more about how they achieved power, how they kept it, how they abused it, and how they died.
Kelly Mass (Author), Chris Newman, Doug Greene (Narrator)
Evil People: Some of the Most Cruel People in History
This is a combo that consists of several titles, all in one document to give you a better value. The following cruel dictators, mass murderers, torturers, and sadists from an extensive world history will be described and discussed in further detail: Adolf Eichmann Benito Mussolini Enver Pasha Francisco Pizarro Josef Mengele Oliver Cromwell Paul Joseph Goebbels Pol Pot Robespierre Rudolf Hoess Torquemada Are you just dying to find out more about these dire despots, these suppressing scoundrels, these evildoers whose names were so disgusting to be remembered? Then don’t wait and start reading or listening today!
Kelly Mass (Author), Chris Newman (Narrator)
Dictators: What Totalitarian Tyrants Have Done to Oppress Humanity
The following books are part of this set, helping you to understand history and the evolvement of evil in some of the cruelest people in the world: 1 Alexander the Great 2 Attila the Hun 3 Genghis Khan 4 Hannibal Barca 5 Napoleon Bonaparte 6 Suleiman the Magnificent 7 Vlad the Impaler 8 William the Conqueror 9 Adolf Eichmann 10 Benito Mussolini 11 Enver Pasha 12 Francisco Pizarro 13 Josef Mengele 14 Oliver Cromwell 15 Paul Joseph Goebbels 16 Pol Pot 17 Robespierre 18 Rudolf Hoess 19 Torquemada
Kelly Mass (Author), Chris Newman, Doug Greene (Narrator)
Sniper on the Eastern Front: The Memoirs of Sepp Allerberger, Knight’s Cross
Josef “Sepp” Allerberger was the second most successful sniper of the German Wehrmacht and one of the few private soldiers to be honored with the award of the Knight’s Cross. An Austrian conscript, after qualifying as a machine gunner he was drafted to the southern sector of the Russian Front in July 1942. Wounded at Voroshilovsk, he experimented with a Russian sniper-rifle while convalescing and so impressed his superiors with his proficiency that he was returned to the front on his regiment’s only sniper specialist. In this sometimes harrowing memoir, Allerberger provides an excellent introduction to the commitment in field craft, discipline and routine required of the sniper, a man apart. There was no place for chivalry on the Russian Front. Away from the film cameras, no prisoner survived long after surrendering. Russian snipers had used the illegal explosive bullet since 1941, and Hitler eventually authorized its issue in 1944. The result was a battlefield of horror. Allerberger was a cold-blooded killer, but few will find a place in their hearts for the soldiers of the Red Army against whom he fought.
Albrecht Wacker (Author), Nigel Gair (Narrator)
Welcome Home, Macho Man: A PTSD Life
How does a Macho Man become a Macho Man? And what does he do with himself after getting to play 'god' as a Vietnam War Commanding Officer of a Rifle Company in combat? This sequel to 'Welcome to Vietnam, Macho Man' digs deep into the mind of a Khe Sanh vet. The author, Ernest Spencer, opens up and shares with the world his life experiences from both before and after surviving the longest battle in the Vietnamese War - 77 non-stop days of combat in Khe Sanh. Ernie offers a historical recount of growing up in a bi-racial family in Hawaii, loving and learning from ever present parents, grandparents and extended family and being exposed to military exercises, and heroism from a very early age. How does wartime service change a person? Ernest shares his struggles with finding a place to fit back into the American Dream. Some, like the author, transition back into society very well in the eyes of the world, yet the demons deep inside are grappled with daily. Ernest's undiagnosed PTSD creates havoc in his life. He feels ashamed of himself for surviving the battle of Khe Sanh while he observed so many around him perish. His silence and the sequestering of his feelings inside causes chaos and destruction in his life. Some veterans cannot make the transition back into their former everyday life and spend a large part of their post-war lives suffering outwardly, struggling with drug addiction, and consequently being rejected/ignored by the community around them. Ernest discovers many of these veterans and retells his attempts to rehabilitate and empower them to be healthy and productive adults. Who really stands up and supports veterans with post-war mental illnesses and what are their methods? Enjoy this book, think deeply, and give praise to our brave young soldiers and all that they've endured for our country.
Ernest Spencer (Author), Ernest Spencer (Narrator)
The Ticket Collector from Belarus: An Extraordinary True Story of Britain's Only War Crimes Trial
'Brilliantly gripping' Sunday Times; 'Compelling' Daily Mail; 'Heart-rending' Sunday Telegraph; 'Excellent' The Times; 'Engrossing' Independent The UK's only war crimes trial took place in 1999 and had its origins in the horrors of the Holocaust, but only now in The Ticket Collector from Belarus? can the full story be told. The Ticket Collector from Belarus tells the remarkable story of two interwoven journeys. Ben-Zion Blustein and Andrei Sawoniuk were childhood friends in 1930s Domachevo, a holiday and health resort in what is now Belarus. During the events that followed the Nazi invasion in 1941, they became the bitterest of enemies. After the war, Ben-Zion made his way to Israel, and 'Andrusha the bastard' to England, where he found work as a British Rail ticket collector in London. They next confronted each other in the Old Bailey, over half a century later, where one was the principal prosecution witness, and the other charged with a fraction of the number of murders he was alleged to have committed. There was no physical evidence, just one man's word against another, leaving the jury with a series of agonising dilemmas: Could any witness statement be trusted so long after the event? Was Andrusha a brutal killer, a hapless pawn or a scapegoat? And were his furious protests a sign of guilt or the justified anger of an innocent old man? Mike Anderson was gripped by the story, and so began his quest to find the truth about this astonishing case and the people at its heart. As he discovered, it was even more remarkable than he could ever have imagined.
Mike Anderson, Neil Hanson (Author), Luke Thompson (Narrator)
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