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The Fruit Cure: The Story of Extreme Wellness Turned Sour
'The Fruit Cure is an eye-opening, at turns heartbreaking, and long overdue reckoning of wellness culture—the scammy cures, miracle diets, and broken systems that operate like an elaborate MLM scheme, ensnaring people in an endless pursuit of promised cures. Part memoir, part cultural critique, Alnes takes us on a relatable journey through the world of fruitarianism and introduces us to a cast of complicated characters behind the raw food lifestyle. It’s a fantastic look at wellness and diet culture and the influencer economy, all done with nuance, humor, and empathy.' - Christine Yu, author of Up To Speed In The Fruit Cure, Jacqueline Alnes takes readers on an unforgettable deep dive into the world of fruitarianism, populated by eccentric internet personalities and people in pain, ultimately placing her own powerful narrative within the wider problematic history of fruit-based, raw food lifestyles. For readers plagued by mysterious symptoms, inundated by messages from media about how to attain “the perfect body,” or caught in the grips of a fast-paced culture of capitalism, The Fruit Cure offers a powerful critique of the failures of our healthcare system, and an inquiry into the dark world of wellness culture schemes, scams, and diets masquerading as hope.
Jacqueline Alnes (Author), Jacqueline Alnes (Narrator)
Deep Care: The Radical Activists Who Provided Abortions, Defied the Law, and Fought to Keep Clinics
Starting in the 1970s, small groups of feminist activists met regularly to study anatomy, practice pelvic exams on each other, and learn how to safely perform a procedure known as menstrual extraction, which can end a pregnancy, using equipment that can be easily bought and assembled at home. This 'self-help' movement grew into a robust national and international collaboration of activists and health workers determined to ensure access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion, at all costs. The movement's drive to keep abortion accessible led to the first clinic defense mobilizations against anti-abortion extremists trying to force providers to close their doors. From the self-help movement sprang a constellation of licensed feminist healthcare clinics, community programs to promote reproductive health, and the nation's first known-donor sperm bank. Deep Care follows generations of activists and clinicians who orbited the Women's Choice clinic in Oakland from the early 1970s until 2010, as they worked underground and above ground, to do what they believed needed to be done-despite the law, when required. Grounded in interviews of activists sharing details of their work for the first time, Angela Hume retells three decades of this critical, if under-recognized story of the radical edge of the abortion movement.
Angela Hume (Author), Tanya Eby (Narrator)
Pregnant While Black: Advancing Justice for Maternal Health in America
A tragedy is unfolding all around us and is receiving well overdue attention. Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy than their white peers. But Dr. Monique Rainford is working to better understand these disparities and do something about them. Pregnant While Black is a hopeful exploration of the issues pregnant Black women face in America. In this book, Dr. Rainford draws on over twenty years of experience working in obstetrics and gynecology to offer a primer on Black pregnancies and how to better care for them. She shares the successes and testimonies of Black women who have struggled during pregnancy and childbirth, anchoring the stories of these women with carefully researched facts. Despite medical advances over the last twenty years, for Black women, the overwhelming dangers of carrying and delivering children remain and it only seems to be getting worse. In Pregnant While Black, Rainford begins the work of 'repairing the damage of the past' with an examination of the conditions that plague Black pregnancies. This important book carries the hopes and dreams of a generation looking to effect change, here and now.
Monique Rainford MD, Monique Rainford Md, Monique Rainford, M.D. (Author), Monique Rainford MD, Monique Rainford Md, Monique Rainford, M.D. (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Palabras que inspiran: Para mujeres que sueñan en grande.
¿Estás lista para un viaje de empoderamiento y transformación? Si estás buscando la motivación necesaria para alcanzar tus metas más audaces y conectarte con tu fuerza interior, has llegado al lugar adecuado. Te presentamos 'Palabras que inspiran: Para mujeres que sueñan en grande'. En este audiolibro, te invitamos a explorar una serie de palabras y mensajes poderosos que te impulsarán a perseguir tus sueños más ambiciosos. Reconocemos la fuerza y determinación únicas que tienes como mujer, y te ayudaremos a desatarlas. Desde la primera palabra hasta la última frase, te sumergirás en un viaje apasionante que te permitirá desbloquear tu potencial ilimitado y conectarte profundamente contigo misma. Descubrirás cómo las palabras pueden convertirse en una fuente inagotable de inspiración y cómo utilizarlas para impulsarte hacia adelante, incluso en los momentos más desafiantes. No importa cuál sea tu sueño: emprender, liderar proyectos innovadores, destacarte en tu profesión o lograr un equilibrio pleno en todas las áreas de tu vida. Aquí encontrarás las herramientas y los mensajes que necesitas para hacerlo realidad. Cada capítulo estará lleno de ideas brillantes y ejercicios prácticos para que puedas aplicar lo aprendido de inmediato. Te aseguramos que, al final de cada segmento, te sentirás fortalecida, lista para enfrentar cualquier obstáculo y llena de convicción en tus propias capacidades. No pierdas más tiempo soñando en silencio. Prepárate para un viaje cargado de emociones, descubrimientos y, sobre todo, para sentirte inspirada cada vez que escuches estas palabras poderosas. ¡Es hora de que saltes más alto, más lejos y con más fuerza! Te invitamos a sumergirte en 'Palabras que inspiran: Un audiolibro para mujeres que sueñan en grande'. Escucha, aprende y cambia tu vida para siempre.
Yeismar González (Author), Yeismar González (Narrator)
Time Management for Women: Simple Productivity Strategies to Get More Stuff Done in Less Time for Wo
If you feel like there's not enough time to do all the tasks and chores and would like to discover how to control more of your time for increased productivity and less effort, keep reading… An article on states that forty-nine percent of employed women in the U.S., including 42% of working moms, who report that they are their family's primary breadwinner, leaving them with more responsibilities to face on a daily basis Everyone gets the same amount of time in a day, yet it can feel harder for you to manage your time than most people. This difficulty is not an uncommon occurrence; many women feel this daily. From waking up and rushing to work and then coming home to clean up around the house and cook for your family, you likely have a lot on your plate. When you don't know how to manage your time, fitting all of these tasks in a day seems impossible and stressful. In this complete step-by-step guide, 'Time Management for Women: Simple Productivity Strategies to Get More Stuff Done in Less Time for Work-Life Balance and Stress-Free Living', you will discover: - The single most critical productivity approach that once addressed can help you achieve a massive breakthrough in getting more things done - Five reasons why we seem to lack time – and a Quick Start Action Step on how to address it - Eight powerful steps on how to transform your routine into new ones that would drastically improve your results - The ten techniques you can apply today to get more stuff done at work - Five easy-to-do tips on how to get more chores done at home. ...and much, much more! Whether you're a working professional, the main breadwinner in the family, a student, or a busy mom, the time management strategies contained in this book will help ensure you're able to tackle all your tasks both efficiently and effectively.
Claire Haven (Author), Dr. Michelle Carabache (Narrator)
What to Expect When You’re Expecting (5th Edition)
It’s all here. Everything you need to know--and can’t wait to find out—about your amazing nine months, from conception to birth and beyond in the world’s best-selling and best-loved pregnancy guide: Heidi Murkoff’s What to Expect When You’re Expecting. And now, only from Audible, you’ll hear it in the reassuring, relatable voice expectant parents turn to for the must-have advice and information they crave and trust. Heidi’s warm and empathetic narration will put moms- and dads-to-be at ease every step of the way through life’s most incredible journey. With the help of a diverse cast of voices—including her daughter Emma’s (also featured on the cover of What to Expect when she was expecting her first son, Lennox), Heidi answers your most pressing and personal questions and concerns, offering practical advice, realistic insight, easy-to-use tips, and lots of reassurance, along with the most up-to-date medical information. With the landscape of pregnancy and childbirth ever-changing, and with more choices facing expectant parents than ever before, you’ll hear the latest on pregnancy screenings, medications, and supplements during pregnancy, IVF, and multiple pregnancies, breastfeeding while you’re expecting, every birthing option (from VBAC and gentle c-sections to water birth and hypnobirthing)—plus, everything you need to know about your first three months postpartum, aka that vital fourth trimester, including how to spot the signs of postpartum depression and other mood disorders. Your pregnancy lifestyle (from work to working out, travel, beauty, skincare, and more) gets equal attention, as does your pregnant sex life. Get expert advice on juice bars, raw diets, coffee drinking, e-cigarettes and edibles, push presents, baby bump posting, omega-3 fatty acids, grass-fed and organic, health food fads,and GMOs. Expecting to become a dad? This book has you covered, too.
Heidi Murkoff (Author), Almarie Guerra, Emma Bing, Heidi Murkoff, Inés Del Castillo, James Patrick Cronin, Jasmin Walker, Khristine Hvam, Mat Vairo, Meeghan Holaway, Sofia Willingham, Tanis Parenteau, Vanessa Johansson (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Belleza Eterna: Descubre los Secretos para Ser Bella en Todas las Facetas de tu Vida.
Bienvenidos a 'Belleza Eterna: Descubre los Secretos para Ser Bella en Todas las Facetas de tu Vida', el audiolibro que te llevará a explorar los caminos hacia una belleza que va más allá de lo físico. En esta cautivante obra, nos guía a través de un viaje transformador, donde descubriremos que la verdadera belleza reside en cada aspecto de nuestras vidas. Porque ser bella no se trata solo de maquillaje y cuidado de la piel, sino de encontrar la armonía en todos los aspectos de nuestro ser. En este audiolibro, aprenderás a cuidar tu cuerpo desde adentro hacia afuera, descubriendo los secretos de una vida saludable y balanceada. Te revelaremos las rutinas de cuidado de piel más efectivas, y te brindaremos consejos prácticos para crear tu propia rutina de belleza personalizada. Pero no creas que todo se trata de apariencias. Adentrémonos en el mundo de la belleza interior, descubriendo cómo cultivar una mente positiva, desarrollar la confianza en ti misma y nutrir tus relaciones. Aprenderás la importancia de la autenticidad y cómo sentirte bella en cada etapa de la vida. 'Belleza Eterna: Descubre los Secretos para Ser Bella en Todas las Facetas de tu Vida' es mucho más que un simple audiolibro de belleza. Es una guía completa para transformar tu vida y encontrar la belleza en cada rincón de ella. Descubre los secretos que te permitirán irradiar confianza y cumplir tus sueños. Prepárate para embarcarte en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y empoderamiento, donde aprenderás a ser la mejor versión de ti misma en todas las facetas de tu vida. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de sumergirte en 'Belleza Eterna' y descubrir el poder que hay en ti! ¡Adquiere ahora tu copia de 'Belleza Eterna: Descubre los Secretos para Ser Bella en Todas las Facetas de tu Vida' y comienza a desplegar tu verdadero potencial!
Yeismar González (Author), Yeismar González (Narrator)
Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth, Second Edition
The second edition of this pathbreaking, widely taught book offers five new chapters, on breastfeeding and Black infant health; Black birthing during Covid; Black doulas rethinking birthing practices; the recent buildup of a US national movement; and expanding the global movement for sexual and reproductive wellbeing. Other chapters are updated throughout. Birthing Justice puts black women's voices at the center of the debate on what should be done to fix the broken maternal care system. It foregrounds Black women's agency in the birth justice movement. First published in 2016, Birthing Justice is a seminal text for those interested in maternal healthcare, reproductive justice, health equity, and intersectional racial justice, especially in courses on gender studies, Black studies, public health, and training programs for midwives and OB/GYNs.
Tbd (Author), Deanna Anthony (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La dieta del SOP: Guía práctica para eliminar los síntomas del SOP, equilibrar el metabo
¿Quieres controlar el síndrome de ovario poliquístico para siempre? ¿Olvidarte de sus síntomas como la pérdida de cabello, acné, exceso de vello corporal, aumento de la grasa abdominal, manchas oscuras en la piel, cansancio, fatiga, antojos de dulces, antojos de carbohidratos y tantas otras molestias que solo el SOP es capaz de provocar? Además, ¿estás harta de ... - ¿Pasar tú tiempo libre en Internet buscando maneras de acabar con el SOP? - ¿Gastar tú tiempo y tú dinero en consultas médicas? - ¿Sentir que tu cuerpo te ha traicionado? - ¿Tratar de averiguar qué demonios debes comer? En otras palabras: ¿estás harta del SOP? Te entiendo, chica. El SOP apesta. Pero no tiene por qué ser así siempre Te mereces: - Pasar menos tiempo en las consultas del médico y más disfrutando de las cosas que te gustan. - Comprender lo que está pasando con tu cuerpo para poder tomar las mejores decisiones. - Experimentar un período sin SPM y dejar de sentirte como una ‘’loca’’. - Sentirte realmente llena de energía sin tener que depender de tazas de café para pasar el día. Lo que este libro te va a enseñar: - Determinar tu fenotipo de SOP y de dónde provienen tus desencadenantes. - Conocer la conexión entre la resistencia a la insulina, la inflamación y el estrés suprarrenal en realación a los síntomas de SOP. - Comprender lo que significa la nutrición real y confiar en las buenas elecciones de alimentos. - Desarrollar hábitos saludables y aprender a deshacerse del autosabotaje que se interpone en el camino de tus objetivos. - La creación de deliciosas comidas saludables que mejoren tu SOP, sin tener que ponerte a dieta ni comer ensaladas insípidas, ¡muchas gracias! - Comprender lo que significa vivir con SOP y prosperar a largo plazo.
Dra. Belinda Tavarez (Author), Claudia Panone (Narrator)
Your Pelvic Floor Sucks: But It Doesn't Have To: A Whole Body Guide to a Better Pelvic Floor
Does your pelvic floor suck? Quick answer: Your pelvic floor actually does suck. Most people recognize a kegel exercise. So yes, your pelvic floor sucks, but did you know it does a lot more than that? At least one in four women has some amount of pelvic floor dysfunction and most are being told it's a normal part of having kids or aging. But Dr. Lindsay Mumma disagrees and thinks you should, too. She outlines an evidence-informed approach for improving pelvic floor function that is nerdy but approachable. With ready-to-implement practices, exercises, and explorations, this book is a comprehensive guide to addressing a variety of pelvic floor dysfunctions (including some you probably didn't know about). In this book, you will learn: - What the pelvic floor is and does. - How the whole body impacts the pelvic floor. - Common treatments for pelvic floor dysfunction (and whether or not they work). - Exercises to improve pelvic floor function, and how to approach care for your pelvic floor. This book is for anyone who wants to know more about their pelvic floor and how to actually take care of it. With her experience and knowledge, Dr. Mumma wants to help you achieve better pelvic floor function so that your pelvic floor doesn’t suck.
Lindsay S. Mumma, D.C. (Author), Lindsay S. Mumma, D.C. (Narrator)
No Longer A Yes-Mom: Finding Peace, Balance, and Freedom in Your Personal and Professional Life by L
Do you feel overwhelmed by the commitments you should have but didn’t turn down? When you say “yes” to everything, you spread yourself thin and limit your ability to do any task well. But “no” puts power back in your hands and allows you to be more effective at home, in the workplace, and in social settings. Saying “yes” too often can compromise your personal and professional contentment, lead to physical and emotional ailments, and deplete your self-esteem. Inside No Longer a Yes-Mom: Finding Peace, Balance, and Freedom in Your Personal and Professional Life by Learning to Say “No,” you will discover: - The power of “no” - How to prioritize your needs and wants as well as those of your family - Practical steps to take as you learn to say “no” with confidence - How to make “no” a long-lasting habit - The freedom that comes from saying “no” And much, much more, including mantras to motivate you! Learning to say “no” isn’t easy, but soon you’ll become less stressed, more focused, and more respected by loved ones, peers, and friends. Now is the time to say, “No, ma’am!” and find the peace you've been searching for!
Eliza Brooks (Author), Frances Anderson (Narrator)
[Italian] - E se poi prende il vizio?: Pregiudizi culturali e bisogni irrinunciabili dei nostri bamb
Sono tanti i libri dedicati all'accudimento dei bambini piccoli, nella maggior parte dei casi spacciati come manuali di istruzioni, magiche ricette di felicità per genitori e figli. E si sa che la società odierna impone tempi e spazi basati sulla logica della produttività e del consumismo, senza curarsi di proteggere lo sviluppo psicofisico e affettivo dei più piccoli. I bambini si ritrovano così a crescere in un mondo adultocentrico che spesso si dimentica di loro o impone di diventare immediatamente autonomi e indipendenti, di non disturbare, di ignorare fin da subito i propri istinti e la capacità di comunicare i propri bisogni. E se poi prende il vizio? invece non propone metodi identici per tutti. Partendo dal presupposto che ogni genitore sia unico e, in quanto tale, debba mettersi in gioco in prima persona e compiere scelte libere, autonome e informate, per allevare esseri umani che mettano al primo posto le relazioni affettive e l'espressione libera dei sentimenti, il libro invita a riflettere sulla particolarità di ogni famiglia, sul diritto (e il dovere) di educare e allevare i figli in libertà, mettendo da parte i pregiudizi culturali e dando ascolto al proprio cuore e all'istinto. Alessandra Bortolotti, rinomata psicologa perinatale, nel suo libro tratta temi universali quali il sonno dei neonati e dei bambini più grandi, il bisogno di contatto e le più elementari forme di comunicazione tra genitori e figli, basandosi sulle più recenti scoperte nel campo delle neuroscienze. Le ricerche sulla fisiologia della gravidanza, del parto e dell'allattamento sottolineano infatti, in maniera chiara e inappellabile, che rispondere ai bisogni affettivi dei bambini non significa viziarli ma, anzi, costituisce un patrimonio irrinunciabile che può influenzare positivamente l'equilibrio fisico ed emotivo di tutta la loro vita.
Alessandra Bortolotti (Author), Monica Canova (Narrator)
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