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The Worst-Case Survival Book For Disaster Preparedness: The Unconventional Preppers Guide To bug-in
In The Worst-Case Survival Book for Disaster Preparedness, you’ll discover: - How to become more self-sufficient in less than 4 weeks to avoid getting caught in a catastrophe - 10 things to avoid as a prepper – what not to do when the pressure is on - New ways to store and cook your rations – and top tips to stop looters from getting their hands on your stash - Life-saving first aid advice including the essential equipment needed to treat illness, wounds, and injury - How to protect yourself and your family from disasters, including 6 fatal mistakes to steer clear from - How to make an efficient emergency plan that’ll have you succeeding far above the rest - Techniques to help build short and long-term shelter (used by Bear Grylls!), so you are prepared for any situation - How to easily source and purify water without the need for expensive (and often unnecessary) equipment And much more… Even if you feel confident in yourself right now, there’s no room for mishaps when it truly matters. Remember, there is so much more to prepping than just owning a gun and having a larder full of food. Celebrities such as Zooey Deschanel, Steve Huffman, and Kanye West are all known preppers. Get in on the action now before it becomes a trend and everyone is cleaning out the supermarket shelves!
Small Footprint Press (Author), Greg Bond, Vicky David (Narrator)
Survival Medical Handbook: Step-By-Step Guide to be Prepared for Any Emergency When Help is NOT On T
In the Survival Medical Handbook, you will discover: - The know-how of essential techniques you can use in nearly any medical emergency situation - How to overcome any intense emotion you experience in the moment by knowing exactly what your priorities should be - How to deal with minor emergencies to avoid their escalation into more dangerous ones - Step-by-step responses to serious emergencies that could mean the difference between life or death - Discover the benefits of herbal products, such as ginger and aloe vera, and how they could be used during medical emergencies - Easy DIY replacements for crucial medical items when your first aid kit is not in reach And much more. If you want the peace of mind knowing that you’ve done all that's possible to save a life in an emergency, then start listening right now.
Small Footprint Press (Author), Greg Bond, Vicky David (Narrator)
The Prepper's Long-Term Survival Handbook & Off Grid Living: 2-in-1 Compilation | Step By Step Guide
In The Prepper’s Survival Handbook, you will discover: - The Prepper Checklist - an ultimate list of gear, equipment and provisions that should always be packed and ready in your survival kit - Where and how to find water in the wilderness, by using various wildlife and nature clues - How to avoid starvation and find food in different environments, including desert areas and mountains - How to keep warm if you get lost and find yourself stranded in the cold weather - Self-defense techniques to protect yourself both in the city and in the wild - A detailed guide on how to build shelter, both in urban areas and the wilderness Plus, as a bonus. In Off Grid Living, you will discover: - How you can live off the grid without giving up any of your luxuries or technology - How to install different types of water systems in your off grid home - A huge variety of electricity options: You’ll discover how to use solar, wind, and geothermal sources to power your off grid home and all your gadgets - A comprehensive list of the best US states for off grid living (Hint: Some states actually have it all — great weather, beautiful nature, and cheap properties!) And much more.
Small Footprint Press (Author), Greg Bond, Vicky David (Narrator)
Survival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to Use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival
"Most of us need never fashion a gas mask from a soup can.... Should the need arise, you'll be glad for a copy of Survival Hacks... offers tips ranging from making a cookstove from a packet of alcohol-soaked ramen to cutting a fishing lure from the shiny bits of your Visa card." —The Seattle Times Turn everyday items into survival necessities! Would you be prepared if you needed to survive in the wilderness? Survival expert Creek Stewart shares his cache of practical, easy-to-follow tricks to help you transform everyday items into valuable gear that can save your life. Survival Hacks takes you step-by-step through transforming simple objects like soda tabs and plant leaves into essential survival tools. This rough-and-rugged guide covers everything from small-scale hacks, like using sticks and rope to make a table, to the big stuff, like creating a one-person emergency shelter from a trash bag or purifying dirty water using a plastic bottle and the sun. And you can be ready anywhere you go with everyday carry kits, pocket-sized survival kits, so you're never without the essential tools you need to make it on your own. Being prepared can make the difference when it comes to your survival in an emergency. And Survival Hacks makes it a whole lot easier.
Creek Stewart (Author), Creek Stewart (Narrator)
Reshape Your Life: Don’t Settle Because You Are Worth It
Read by the author. It is never too late to reshape an area of your life that is no longer serving you! And, with the new book by Ali Landry, Reshape Your Life, you will learn how making small, intentional changes to your current life can transform it into a masterpiece. The truth is, when it comes to your health, your mind, your soul, and your heart, you should not settle for what isn't working. After all, you only have one life to live, and you are worthy of making it the best one possible. After years working in Hollywood on TV and movie sets, starring in iconic Doritos commercials, and gracing the covers of various magazines, Ali landed her dream job as a talk-show host on a popular network. However, after only a few weeks on the job, she began feeling out of sorts. Exhaustion, brain fog, thinning hair, slow digestion, and sleep issues took over. Instead of excusing the chronic discomfort as 'aging,' Ali decided to take back her life. Through research, prayer, interviews, and product-testing, she made dramatic lifestyle changes, creating a new brand called RE/SHAPE along the way, to show other women how to live to their fullest in mind, health, beauty, and soul, and remind them that it is never too late to rewrite your story. In Reshape Your Life you'll find - inspiration from Ali's vulnerable narrative describing the challenges and hard lessons she faced on her journey to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual renewal; - tips on how you can change the trajectory of your life and reclaim confidence, purpose, and wholeness; - research-based strategies for your health, skincare, diet, sleeping habits, and more; - advice that will nourish your faith, refocus your mindset, and align your heart, soul, health, and beauty with your core value; and - practical information on goal setting. While it's hard work, it's necessary work, and Reshape Your Life, from actress, model, and 1996's Miss USA Ali Landry, will guide your journey to reignite the fulfillment that's missing in your life. If you are ready to reclaim your dreams and fire for life, Reshape Your Life is the book for you. Start today because you are worth it!
Ali Landry (Author), Ali Landry (Narrator)
Change Your Brain Every Day: Simple Daily Practices to Strengthen Your Mind, Memory, Moods, Focus, E
366 Days to a Better Brain, Mind Life Psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist Daniel Amen, MD, draws on over 40 years’ clinical practice overseeing the treatment of tens of thousands of patients to give you the most effective daily habits he has seen to help you improve your brain, master your mind, boost your memory, and make you feel happier, healthier, and more connected to those you love. Incorporating Dr. Amen’s recommended habits and practices over the course of a year will help you • manage your mind to support your happiness, inner peace, and success; • develop lifelong strategies for dealing with whatever stresses come your way; • create an ongoing sense of meaning and purpose in a way that informs your daily actions; and • learn major life lessons Dr. Amen has gleaned from studying hundreds of thousands of brain scans. Imagine what you could learn by spending every day for a year on a psychiatrist’s couch. In the pages of Change Your Brain Every Day, you’ll get a year’s worth of life-changing daily wisdom from Dr. Amen, one of the world’s most prominent psychiatrists. Today is the day to start changing the trajectory of your life, one small step at a time. Change Your Brain Every Day for a better, happier life.
Daniel G. Amen (Author), Jim Frangione (Narrator)
Die Wirkung von Bildschirmkonsum auf unser Leistungsvermögen: Wie Bildschirme uns ablenken und unser
Die Wirkung von Bildschirmkonsum auf unser Leistungsvermögen - Wie Bildschirme uns ablenken und unsere Leistung senken Vielfach täglich ziehen Bildschirme unseren Blick auf sich. Und so nehmen wir vieles auf, was uns ablenkt, beeinflusst oder gar manipuliert. Auch unsere Kinder sind diesen Einflüssen ausgesetzt. Aber im Gegensatz zu uns stehen sie der starken Wirkung von dem, was über Bildschirme an uns herangetragen wird unwissend und schutzlos gegenüber. Wenn wir Veränderungen in der Gesellschaft erkennen und verstehen lernen wollen, und wenn wir Kindern helfen wollen, konstruktiv mit Bildschirmen leben zu lernen, so müssen wir über diese technischen Errungenschaften und ihre Wirkung Bescheid wissen. Dieses Büchlein versucht, einen Überblick zu geben und zu helfen. Sicherlich ist es einfacher und angenehmer, seine Zeit auf Social Media zu verbringen, Serien zu schauen oder irgendwelche Videoclips zu streamen, statt Bücher wie dieses hier zu lesen. Aber während Bildschirmkonsum zu Passivität und Trägheit führt, kann über die Lektüre der Bücher von «Die Wirkung von…» zu Selbstwirksamkeit, Persönlichkeitsentfaltung und Lebensfreude gefunden werden. Ob die Anstrengung auf sich genommen werden soll, entscheidet jeder selbst. Der Verlag versucht lediglich mit entsprechender Literatur zu unterstützen. Wer Geschmack an der Art gefunden hat, wie unbedeutende Alltagsthemen wirkungsvoll thematisiert werden können, der findet in dieser Serie noch weitere bedeutende Themenbereiche: - Die Wirkung von Angst auf unser Leben – Was Angst alles behindert und verunmöglicht - Die Wirkung von Lärm auf unser Wohlbefinden – Wie Lärm uns beunruhigt und uns Kraft raubt - Die Wirkung von Musik auf unsere Selbstwahrnehmung – Wie Musik uns zentriert und beruhigt - Die Wirkung von Bildschirmkonsum auf unser Leistungsvermögen – Wie Bildschirme uns ablenken und unsere Leistung senken - Die Wirkung von Sport und Bewegung auf unsere Ausgeglichenheit – Was Sport bewirkt und wann er nützt - Die Wirkung von Mode auf unsere Selbstachtung – Wie Mode uns beeinflusst und fremdbestimmt - Die Wirkung von Gewohnheit auf unsere Lebensführung – Was Gewohnheiten uns geben - und was sie uns nehmen - Die Wirkung von Wasser auf unsere Gesundheit – Wie Wasser nicht nur unseren Durst stillt - Die Wirkung von guter Luft auf unseren Körper – Wie frische Luft uns beflügelt - Die Wirkung von Reisen auf unsere Konzentration – Wie Reisen und Pendeln uns müde machenAlle Bücher sind erhältlich als Taschenbuch und E-Book auf Als Hörbuch sind sie auf den verschiedenen Plattformen wie Google, Weltbild, Storytel, Thalia, Kobo, Bookrix und vielen anderen erhältlich.
Michael Von Känel (Author), Michael Von Känel (Narrator)
Este audiolibro transformador te sumergirá en un viaje hacia la toma de decisiones efectiva y segura, brindándote las herramientas para superar obstáculos y aprovechar al máximo tus habilidades. Adéntrate en temas fascinantes, como la importancia de seguir tu intuición en lugar de dejarte llevar por la impulsividad, y cómo mantener una mente sana para tomar decisiones acertadas. Aprende a enfrentar el rechazo y convertir un 'no' en un 'sí', además de descubrir el secreto para persistir en tus objetivos de manera inteligente. Con 'Piensa Decididamente', te darás cuenta de que no existen decisiones incorrectas, sino oportunidades de aprendizaje y crecimiento. A lo largo de este audiolibro, descubrirás cómo convertir cada 'no' en combustible para llegar más lejos en tu vida personal y profesional. No esperes más para desbloquear tu potencial y dar un paso decisivo hacia el éxito. ¡Empieza a escuchar 'Piensa Decididamente' hoy y toma las riendas de tu destino!
Juan David Arbeláez (Author), Daniel Jiménez (Narrator)
Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
Brought to you by Penguin. This is the ultimate manual for living better and longer. For all its successes, mainstream medicine has failed to make much progress against the diseases of ageing that kill most people: heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and type 2 diabetes. Too often, it intervenes with treatments too late, prolonging lifespan at the expense of quality of life. Dr Peter Attia, the world's top longevity expert who is featured on Chris Hemsworth's National Geographic documentary LIMITLESS, believes we must replace this outdated framework with a personalised, proactive strategy for longevity. This isn't 'biohacking,' it's science: a well-founded strategic approach to extending lifespan while improving our physical, cognitive and emotional health, making each decade better than the one before. With Outlive's practical advice and roadmap, you can plot a different path for your life, one that lets you outlive your genes to make each decade better than the one before. 'One of the most important books you'll ever read.' - Steven D. Levitt, New York Times bestselling author of Freakonomics ©2023 Peter Attia & Bill Gifford (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Bill Gifford, Peter Attia (Author), Peter Attia (Narrator)
[Arabic] - إسعافات أولية و استخدام مزيل الرجفان
الإسعافات الأولية للرعاية الصحية للإنعاش القلبي الرئوي هي مهارة أساسية وحيوية يمكن أن تنقذ حياة شخص ما. يشمل إعطاء الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي لإنقاذ حياة شخص ما أسلوبين و هما الضغط على الصدر، أي الضغط، وتوفير الأنفاس. يُتعامل مع الأطفال الذين اجتازوا سن البلوغ بإعطاء الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي للبالغين. يتطلب الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي للأطفال والرضع اعتبارات خاصة للإنعاش القلبي الرئوي. إذا كنت غير مدرب على الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي، فقم بإعطاء الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي «اليدوي فقط». عندما تعطي ضغطات مستمرة، يُعرف ذلك باسم الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي «اليدوي فقط». لتقديم الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي عالي الجودة، يجب أن تبدأ ضغطات الصدر عالية الجودة بسرعة، حيث تعتبر هذه أهم عامل في منح الشخص فرصة للتعافي. ضغط الصدر يدور الدم إلى الدماغ والقلب. يتم تسليم ضغطات الصدر عالية الجودة بمعدل يتراوح بين 100 إلى 120 نبضة في الدقيقة وبعمق يتراوح بين 2 إلى 2.4 بوصة (5 إلى 6 سم). يتم إنشاء والحفاظ على المحتوى التدريبي والتعليمي لنا من قبل الأطباء الممارسين، والالتزام بإرشادات لجنة الاتصال الدولية المعنية بالإنعاش (ILCOR) (2025-2020). يتيح لك هذا الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية معرفة قانون وأخلاقيات الرعاية الصحية. للإنعاش القلبي الرئوي للبالغين: - أولاً، تأكد من أن المشهد والمنطقة المحيطة بالشخص آمنة. - انقر على الشخص وتحدث بصوت عالٍ: «هل أنت بخير ؟» - اصرخ طلبا للمساعدة. استخدم هاتفًا خلويًا للاتصال بخدمات الإسعاف و الطوارىء الصحية 911، وأرسل أحد المارة للحصول على مزيل الرجفان الخارجي الآلي. - تحقق من تنفس الشخص. - إذا كان الشخص لا يستجيب أو يتنفس، أو يلهث فقط، فابدأ الإنعاش القلبي الرئوي. - امنح 30 ضغطًا بمعدل 100 إلى 120 نبضة في الدقيقة وبعمق يتراوح بين 2 إلى 2.4 بوصة (5 إلى 6 سم). دع الصدر يرتفع مرة أخرى قبل أن تبدأ الضغط التالي. - افتح مجرى الهواء وأعطي نفسين.
Dr. Karl Disque (Author), Amazon Polly (Narrator)
Brainhacker: Master Memory, Focus, Emotions, and More to Unleash the Genius Within
If you feel like your brain is 'glitching,' or working against you, know that you're not stuck with the brain biology gave you. An upgrade is possible. In Brainhacker, you'll learn how to 'rewire' your brain and boost its power. David Farrow, author of The Farrow Method, helps you get inside your own head and call the shots, with concrete exercises and tips to train your brain to work for you. These tricks can instantly boost your memory, improve your reading speed, help you push away pain, and form life-changing habits that actually last-with techniques as simple as a hand movement or a little bit of imagination. On average, we waste forty days of the year compensating for our bad memory. Many of us suffer from insomnia, stress, and chronic pain. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge surge in the already-huge number of people suffering from burnout and mental health problems. But all of this, from memory to ADHD symptoms to sleep problems, can be transformed with the simple hacks you'll find in this book. If you're ready to tap into the full power of your brain, Brainhacker is your all-in-one guide to hacking into your brain-and making it as powerful as it can be.
Dave Farrow (Author), Michael Butler Murray (Narrator)
Most Christians truly want to understand what Jesus would do, and we want to follow His example in any given situation: we want to love and honor our heavenly Father as Jesus did, we want to obey the Ten Commandments as He did, and we want to learn how to love other people as He did. But do we want to eat as Jesus ate? Jesus cared about the health of people. After all, many of his healing miracles are a testimony to that fact. In the What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook, Dr. Colbert combines excerpts from his bestseller, What Would Jesus Eat? with new research and data that will help you find balance in body, mind, and spirit. Join Dr. Colbert, a board-certified family practice doctor for more than 25 years and a board-certified practitioner through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine as he shares: - 90+ simple yet healthy recipes that anyone can make - Key takeaways at the end of each chapter that provide answers to frequently asked questions - Information about anxiety, autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, fatigue, food allergies, inflammation, insomnia, Lyme disease, memory loss, migraines, thyroid disease, and weight loss - Helpful advice to help you choose organic options and eat clean - Tips on freezing foods, baking pan suggestions based on cups/servings, and easy ingredient substitution suggestions If you want to live a healthier lifestyle that aligns with your faith, let the What Would Jesus Eat Cookbook be your guide along the way. With life-changing information designed to improve every aspect of your well-being, this isn't just a cookbook--it's a resource you'll turn to time and time again.
Don Colbert (Author), Diana Batarseh (Narrator)
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