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Run Your Best Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle
Run Your Best Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: Run for Life and and Your First Marathon This bundle is a comprehensive guide to running, designed to help readers of all levels achieve their running goals and lead a healthier lifestyle. The bundle includes audiobooks that cover a range of topics, from the basics of running to more advanced techniques for improving performance and running your first marathon. You will learn about the benefits of running, the principles of good running form, and how to create a training plan. You will also gain insight into the challenges of running a marathon, and practical tips for preparing for and running their first race. This 2 in 1 bundle includes the following audiobooks: 1. Run for Life: An Essential Guide to the Art of Running. Learn the Techniques for Optimal Performance so You Can Run Like a Pro 2. Your First Marathon: An Essential Guide to Running Your First Marathon. Get All the Help You Need to Help You Cross the Finish Line Whether you are a beginner looking to get started, or an experienced runner seeking to improve your technique and performance, this book bundle has something for you so download your copy of this bundle today!
Connor Keys, Dennis Samuels (Author), Shafi (Narrator)
Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery: Applying the Principles of Polyvagal Theory for Self-Discovery
Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery bridges the path of healing between the psyche and the body by walking you through the sacred practice of yoga so you can release the burdens of trauma from your body and mind. Grounded within the principles of polyvagal theory, affective neuroscience, and trauma-informed care, this book will help you gain a better understanding of how our brains and bodies respond to stress and trauma and offer a self-led healing journey toward feeling more empowered, grounded, clearheaded, inspired, and at ease. With her innately compassionate and gentle guidance, Dr. Arielle Schwartz introduces you to the power of the yogic philosophy and offers a variety of accessible yoga poses and breathing practices that will allow you to: nourish your nervous system; reconnect with your body; ground yourself in the present moment; release unresolved patterns of fight, flight, freeze, or faint; widen your ability to tolerate emotional discomfort; develop a felt sense of resilience; anchor yourself in self-love; reclaim connection with and trust in your body; and create a personalized yoga practice for your own self-care.
Arielle Schwartz Phd Cctp-11 E-Ryt, E-RYT CCTP-11 Arielle Schwartz, Phd, E-Ryt Cctp-11 Arielle Schwartz, Phd (Author), Petrea Burchard (Narrator)
Personal Fitness Trainer Career Planning Audio Book Bundle: 3 in 1 Career Development Plan Box Set
End Money Worries! Personal Fitness Trainer Career Planning Audio Book Bundle Career Planning Audio Book Bundle Discover... * What a Personal Fitness Trainer does * How to Become a Personal Fitness Trainer * What is the salary of a Personal Fitness Trainer * What is the Personal Fitness Trainer Work Environment like * What is the future Job outlook for a Personal Fitness Trainer * how long does it take to become a Personal Fitness Trainer * How to Prepare for Your Job Interview * Tips the pros use to Ace their Job Interview * You'll be confident with the best answers for the toughest job interview questions The knowledge & ability to change your life all for less than the cost of 1 movie ticket! If you are ready to get started & want the knowledge, help & motivation to change your life now!... How to start a YouTube Channel & Make Money Discover... * Why YouTube is Essential for Business Marketing * Creating a YouTube Marketing Strategy *Creating Engaging Video Content *Optimizing Your YouTube Channel *Monetizing your YouTube Channel *Measuring your YouTube Marketing Success *YouTube Shorts Video & Channel Promotion So take advantage of this chance for a lifetime passive income stream from YouTube! Goal Setting Mastery: A Action Plan to Achieving Your Dreams Now you you can take advantage of this goal setting audio book & discover how to achieve success in all aspects of your life: * Understanding the Power of Goal Setting * How to set meaningful goals using the SMART Method * Creating a Action Plan * Reviewing & adjusting your Goals * Using Goal Setting in all areas of Your life So Don't wait. You'll wait your life away...
Brian Mahoney (Author), Brian Mahoney, Katie Johnson (Narrator)
Läuft schon! - How to run - eine Anleitung von der unsportlichsten Joggerin der Welt (Ungekürzte Aut
Keine Ausreden mehr: In diesem Hörbuch bringt Bestsellerautorin Nicole Staudinger auch Sportmuffel in Bewegung. Das Laufhörbuch ohne Laufplan - aber mit umso mehr Spaß! 'Mein erster Lauf-Versuch scheiterte kläglich. Nach nur siebzehn Sekunden. Mehr war als etwas moppelnde Sport-Newcomerin einfach nicht drin. Heute laufe ich drei bis fünf Mal pro Woche - jeweils zwischen fünf und achtzehn Kilometer. Am Stück. Und das seit mehreren Jahren. Wie es zu diesem Weltwunder kommen konnte, was es dafür gebraucht hat (und was nicht), davon erzähle ich in diesem Hörbuch. Denn: Wenn ich das schaffe, schaffen Sie es auch!' - Die perfekte Motivation für alle, die endlich in Bewegung kommen wollen - Freude am Laufen - ganz ohne Druck und Plan - Scheiter heiter: Warum alles besser klappt, wenn wir es nicht ganz so ernst nehmen Lange Zeit stand für Nicole Staudinger fest: Sport ist Mord. Doch um nach ihrer Brustkrebserkrankung wieder zurückzufinden in ein gesundes und bewegliches Leben - und um ein paar Pfunde zu verlieren - begann die Schlagfertigkeitsqueen zu laufen. Und hörte nicht mehr auf: Mittlerweile hat sie ihren ersten Halbmarathon erfolgreich geschafft. Wie es ihr gelang, ihren inneren Schweinehund zu überwinden und Freude am Laufen zu finden, davon erzählt sie gewohnt humorvoll und mit viel Selbstironie. Motivation pur für alle, die mehr Bewegung in ihr Leben holen möchten - ganz ohne Perfektionsdruck.
Nicole Staudinger (Author), Nicole Staudinger (Narrator)
Strength Training for Seniors: The Ultimate Home Workout Program with Simple Exercises for Improving
Looking for some motivation to get your exercise routine back on track? Wondering if you’re too old to have a fit, strong body? Or do you worry that your muscles might be “too worn out” or “too fragile” for the kind of workouts you’d like to do? If so, then keep listening… This audiobook will motivate you to get in the best shape of your life, regardless of age. Don’t worry if you’re just starting out; we’ve covered that. If you’ve been active in fitness and strength training before – but it’s been years – we’ll get you back on track. After all, strength is one of your best friends as you age, determining whether you can safely enjoy the activities you love. This remarkable book will start you on the path to an amazing senior life! You will: - Improve your balance - Ignite a metabolism that keeps going and going and going… - Learn how to safely approach strengthening exercises - Gain flexibility - Improve your ability to do chores and maintain independence - Amaze your family with your newfound fitness and vigor - Understand how your body works – and what keeps it from being at its optimal levels - Leave behind any notion of being “too old” to be fit - Explore nutritional avenues to cellular fitness - Safely improve flexibility, balance, cardio, and strength This audiobook provides advice, strategies, and exercise descriptions in an easy-to-understand, straightforward way – all with your age and safety in mind. Let this helpful and supportive guide lead you to a strong, balanced, healthy senior life! Good listening, and good luck in your journey to strength and independence in these wonderful golden years!
Scott Hamrick (Author), Ivan Busenius (Narrator)
Gnar Country: Growing Old, Staying Rad
The New York Times bestselling author and human performance expert tests his knowledge and theories on his own aging body in a quest to become an expert skier at age fifty-three. Gnar: adjective, short for “gnarly,” def: any environment or situation that is high in perceived risk and high in actual risk. Country: noun, def: any defined territory, landscape or terrain, fictitious or real. Cutting-edge discoveries in embodied cognition, flow science, and network neuroscience have revolutionized how we think about peak performance aging. On paper, these discoveries should allow older athletes to progress in supposedly “impossible” activities like park skiing (think: jumps and tricks.) To see if theory worked in practice, Kotler conducted his own ass-on-the-line experiment in applied neuroscience and later-in-life skill acquisition: He tried to teach an old dog some new tricks. Recently, top pros have been performing well past a previously considered prime: World-class athletes such as Kelly Slater, the greatest surfer of all time, is winning competitions in his fifties; Tom Brady can beat players half his age. But what about the rest of us? Steven Kotler has been studying human performance for thirty years, and taught hundreds of thousands of people at all skill levels, age groups, and walks of life, how to achieve peak performance. Could his own advice work for him? Gnar Country is the chronicle of his experience pushing his own aging body past preconceived limits. It’s a book about goals and grit and progression. It’s an antidote for weariness that is inspiring, practical, and, often hilarious. It is about growing old and staying rad. It’s a feverish reading experience that makes you put down the book, get out there, and move. Whether hurtling down a mountain side, running your first 10K race, or taking your career to new heights, Kotler challenges us to test ourselves, surpass our limits, and achieve our own impossible, whatever it might be. Part personal journey, part science experiment, part how-to guide, Kotler takes us on his punk rock, high-velocity joy-ride for a better life in spite—and often in defiance of—the perceived limitations of the aging human body. Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.
Steven Kotler (Author), James Patrick Cronin (Narrator)
Barefoot Britain: A Running Adventure Like No Other
Step into an adventure that set the country alight. Anna McNuff had never run a mile without shoes on before. And yet, one British summer, she set off to run a (very) wiggly route from the Shetland Islands to London – on a mission to cover the distance of 100 marathons… in bare feet. Fuelled by a desire to push mind and body to the limit (and to drink tea, and eat biscuits), she zigzagged over rugged coastlines, through small villages, across windswept moors, along golden sandy beaches and even down the odd picturesque A-road. As the journey gathered pace, she was joined by thousands of other runners and soon learned that, even though she was (usually) the only one in bare feet, this was far from a solo journey. Barefoot Britain is warm-hearted, funny and painfully honest – featuring remote islands, big cities, kind strangers and setbacks-a-plenty. It’s a story which reveals the messy reality of taking on a crazy idea and, above all, shows how one person’s will to dig deep and carry on can encourage others to do the same.
Anna Mcnuff (Author), Anna Mcnuff (Narrator)
Yoga Mythology: 64 Asanas & Their Stories
Deepen Your Yoga Experience with the Origin Stories of sixty-four Common Asanas Explore the stories from Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain mythology that nurtured the idea of yoga and shaped the development of its most iconic asanas. Learn how svana-asana (dog pose) is connected to Shiva, bhujanga-asana (cobra pose) was inspired by shape-shifting beings who live below the earth, and much more. Many practitioners are unaware of yoga's underlying philosophy, symbols, and rituals because modern teachers often emphasize the physical over the mental and spiritual components. Yoga Mythology brings this overlooked wisdom to light by recounting the lore behind more than sixty asanas, drawing attention to an Indic worldview based on the concepts of eternity, rebirth, liberation, and empathy. This book makes it easy and enjoyable to connect with yogic principles and expand the mental and spiritual aspects of your practice.
Devdutt Pattanaik (Author), Neil Shah (Narrator)
American Goldfinch and Other Bird Songs: Nature Sounds for Study and Meditation
This binaural audio recording features the American Goldfinch birdsong recorded in its natural habitat in Iowa’s Yellow River State Forest near a delicate babbling river stream together with other birds, insects, and ground creatures. Other birdsongs include: Song Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, Mourning Dove, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drumming, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Blue Jay, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Northern Cardinal. The American Goldfinch is a small passerine bird native to North America, making it a key species in the local avifauna. It is considered to be an important pollinator, being a major seed disperser given its preference for feeding on weed and thistle seeds. American Goldfinch birdsong consists of bright melodious chirps, often delivered in flight and coinciding with each undulation
Greg Cetus (Author), American Goldfinch (Narrator)
Common Yellowthroat and Other Bird Songs: Nature Sounds for Mindfulness and Reflection
The Common Yellowthroat is a small warbler of the migratory species with an extensive range, occurring throughout North America and Central America down to northern South America. The male has distinctive yellow underparts, with a black mask above the eyes and throat, while the female has a plainer greenish-olive back and yellowish underparts. The Common Yellowthroat often perches atop a tall stalk to rap out his distinctive song, wichity-wichity-wichity. This binaural audio recording features the Common Yellowthroat birdsong recorded in its natural habitat in Iowa’s Yellow River State Forest near a delicate babbling river stream together with other birds, insects, and ground creatures. Other birdsongs include: Blue Jay, Song Sparrow, Wood Thrush, Red-bellied Woodpecker, White-breasted Nuthatch with Northern Cardinal and Mourning Dove in background.
Greg Cetus (Author), Common Yellowthroat (Narrator)
White-breasted Nuthatch and Other Bird Songs: Ambient Audio for Holistic Living
The White-breasted Nuthatch is a diminutive passerine bird, widely distributed across the United States, Canada, and parts of Mexico. The White-breasted Nuthatch may spend much of its time industriously carrying seeds away to hide them in crevices. Its nasal calls are typical and familiar sounds of winter mornings in deciduous woods over much of North America. This binaural audio recording features the White-breasted Nuthatch birdsong recorded in its natural habitat in Iowa’s Yellow River State Forest near a delicate babbling river stream together with other birds, insects, and ground creatures. Other birdsongs include: Yellow Warbler, Song Sparrow, Eastern Phoebe with Blue Jay, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker drumming in background.
Greg Cetus (Author), White-Breasted Nuthatch (Narrator)
Meditations for Health and Healing: The Power of Positive Affirmations, Self-Hypnosis, Mindfulness f
Is your goal to improve your awareness and health via meditation and you're interested in a script to follow? If so, please read on... Do you find yourself frequently overwhelmed by anxiety? Lack of resolve? Disorders of sleep, like insomnia? Do you worry a lot, instead? If you experience sleeplessness on a regular basis, this audiobook can help you combat such issues by providing you with soothing, bedtime listening. Guided Self-Healing Meditations reveals: A stress-relieving meditation script to help you unwind and relax. Worry-free meditation is the finest method available. Simple meditation methods that actually work to strengthen your resolve. To avoid exhaustion and drainedness, just follow this script. Plus a whole lot more. The tested advice is simple to implement. You can achieve success with meditation even if you've never tried it before by following the calming instructions provided.
Ryan Keating (Author), Benjamin James (Narrator)
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