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[Spanish] - Francisco el papa del pueblo
El trece de marzo de 2013 quedará en la historia de la Iglesia católica. El cónclave del Vaticano eligió, como representante de Dios en la tierra, a un jesuita latinoamericano, el arzobispo de Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. El papa Francisco, desde el primer momento, mostró aires de cambio y discontinuidad en la curia romana. Con su estilo fresco y sencillo, austero, sereno y carismático, el nuevo sumo pontífice está llamado a marcar un antes y un después en la Iglesia. Pero, ¿Quién es el argentino al que los cardenales han ido a buscar al 'fin del mundo'? ¿Quién es Jorge Bergoglio, y cuál es su pasado, que lo llevó a convertirse en Francisco? 'Francisco: el papa del pueblo' es un audiolibro documental que busca responder estas y otras preguntas. Con un estilo ameno y directo, a través de sólidas narraciones e interpretaciones, efectos de sonido y música original, sirve de referencia para aquellos que quieran recordar para siempre este momento histórico: una luz de esperanza en los tiempos que corren.
Curva Ediciones Creativas (Author), Staff Audiolibros Colección (Narrator)
Reckless Yes: Exchanging Worldly Ease for God's Eternal Adventure
What kind of Reckless Yes would you embrace if you knew for certain your yes could change the eternal destiny of people all around you? We're all on the brink of eternity-what are you waiting for? Humans live an average of 26,703 days on planet earth, but we will live an infinite number of days in our chosen eternal destination. Many of our earthly days are marked with the ups and downs of joy and pain, sometimes leaving us to wonder if there could be purpose in our hardships. After a shocking diagnosis in 2007 sent her life in an unexpected direction, Johnna Hensley had a decision to make. Though she had walked with God for nearly two decades, she had to choose whether she would follow His leading on a strenuous journey to find the narrow gate that leads to eternal life; or would she take the easy, wide path offered by the temporal world? As she chose to say yes to selfless love, through God's guidance, she discovered this was the first of many forks in life's road that would ultimately lead her to a life full of adventure, surprises, and sometimes, even hardships. Inspiring and encouraging, this true story of one family's journey is intertwined with relevant teaching of who God is and why we can trust Him in the midst of life's chaos. Through relatable storytelling, wit, and wisdom, readers will be challenged to shift their perspective toward God's eternal adventure.
Johnna Hensley (Author), Johnna Hensley (Narrator)
[German] - Know your Season: entdecke & lebe deine heutige Berufung
Jung, talentiert und immer voller Tatendrang: Ronja Aselmann fühlt sich zu Großem berufen. Bis sie trotz prognostizierter Kinderlosigkeit ungeplant schwanger wird. Doch ihr Wunderkind kommt schwerkrank zur Welt und wird intensive Pflege brauchen. Mit einem Mal rückt alles, wozu Ronja glaubte, 'berufen zu sein', in scheinbar unerreichbare Ferne. In dieser herausfordernden Situation beginnt die junge Mama ganz neu über das Thema Berufung nachzudenken, bis sie erkennt, dass Gott sie genau jetzt in genau diese Aufgabe berufen hat ... Mit diesem Buch lädt Ronja dazu ein, Gottes konkreten Ruf für jeden Lebensabschnitt zu entdecken und herauszufinden, was im Hier und Heute dran ist. Sie teilt wertvolle geistliche Erkenntnisse, verwoben in ihre eigene, berührende Lebensgeschichte. Ein Buch, das gleichermaßen berührt wie herausfordert - zu einem Leben in konsequenter Nachfolge, was auch immer das gerade jetzt bedeuten mag.
Ronja Aselmann (Author), Julia Schulz (Narrator)
[German] - Du bist der Weg: Manifestiere dir dein Traumleben mit dem Gesetz der Annahme nach Neville
Alles über das Manifestieren in einem Buch: 'Du bist der Weg' (2. Auflage) führt dich mit dem Gesetz der Annahme nach Neville Goddard Schritt-für-Schritt zu deiner Wunscherfüllung! Ich freue mich, dass du hierher gefunden hast, denn etwas in dir wünscht sich MEHR vom Leben - mehr Liebe, mehr Glück, mehr Erfüllung. Doch solange diese Dinge für dich nur ein Wunsch bleiben, wirst du deinen Träumen für immer hinterherrennen. Was du brauchst, um deinen Wunsch erfüllen zu können, sind bewährte Techniken zum Manifestieren. Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, warum es Menschen gibt, bei denen alles zu Gold wird, was sie anfassen, während andere ständig vom Pech verfolgt werden? Wenn du dich zur ersten Kategorie zählst: Glückwunsch! Du bist schon ziemlich gut dabei, eine bewusste Manifestation hervorzurufen. In diesem Fall helfen dir die Techniken in diesem Buch, damit du dir (noch) größere Wünsche erfüllen kannst. Häufig sieht es aber eher so aus: Du mühst dich ab und legst dich unfassbar ins Zeug, um deine Ziele zu erreichen. Doch immer dann, wenn es scheinbar bergauf geht, kommt die nächste Niederlage, das nächste Hindernis, der nächste Rückschlag. Du bist zwei Schritte gelaufen und wurdest drei zurückgeschleudert. Als ich an diesem Punkt war, dachte ich: Es gibt so viele Berichte von Menschen, die das schier Unmögliche möglich gemacht haben, allein dadurch das sie richtig manifestieren konnten. Warum klappt es dann nicht bei mir? Was mache ich falsch? Warum darf ICH nicht glücklich werden? Doch genau das ist die falsche Denkweise! Ich erinnerte mich an einige Momente aus meinem Leben, in denen ich mir so verzweifelt etwas gewünscht hatte und es dann tatsächlich auch passiert war. Vollkommen unbewusst hatte ich damals meine Wunscherfüllung manifestiert - sogar eine verflossene Jugendliebe!
Fabio Mantegna (Author), Konrad Lindemann (Narrator)
The Wholesome Doctrine of the Gospel: Faith and Love in the Writings of William Perkins
'The Wholesome Doctrine of the Gospel' familiarizes readers with one of England's most influential theologians, William Perkins. In the opening biographical sketch, Andrew S. Ballitch and J. Stephen Yuille give an overview of Pekins's life, theology, and piety. Then, in thirty-two excerpts, readers learn about the relationship between faith and love from Perkins himself as he explains the foundational 'grounds of doctrine to be believed and grounds of doctrine to be practiced.' Rather than treating theology as a subject for mere academic debate, Perkins calls for true Christian devotion that moves beyond intellectual assent to heartfelt dedication to Christ.
Andrew Ballitch, J. Stephen Yuille (Author), Jonathan St. John (Narrator)
A Man Who Knew How to Forgive: Incidents from the Life of St. Josemaría Escrivá
Forgiving is no easy task: in fact, it may be the most difficult endeavor one can undertake. St. Josemaría Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei, said, “I didn’t need to learn how to forgive, because God has taught me how to love.” Still, even this saint struggled with the trying task of forgiving. This collection of anecdotes from his life explores his experiences in offering and accepting forgiveness. Life as a priest in the midst of the violent Spanish Civil War offered St. Josemaría countless opportunities to practice forgiveness. Owing to an attitude of prayer, mortification, and total confidence in God, he was as immediate and resolute in forgiving in dramatic situations as he was in the ordinary circumstances of everyday life. He knew when a situation necessitated silence, and was always prompt in offering an apology when he found himself in the wrong. Readers will find themselves equally amazed and humbled by the gentle charity that contributed to Josemaría’s sainthood. In addition to anecdotes from St. Josemaría Escrivá's life, this powerful introduction to forgiveness includes a biography of St. Josemaría, an explanation of the message of Opus Dei, excerpts from Pope John Paul II at the canonization of St. Josemaría and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI) at the beatification of Josemaría Escrivá, as well as resources for further information in print and online.
Francesc Faus (Author), Michael V. Shannon (Narrator)
CALLED TO SWIM: What if God Asked You to Swim the English Channel
In a lesson that would change his life, Greg Mockett taught his Elder’s Quorum that God guarantees miraculous power to help them do hard things, but only when they are aligned with His will for them. Greg knew this principle was true—for everyone who hadn’t spent thirty-five years as an addict, out of line with God’s will. Compelled in recovery to turn his life and will over to God, Greg obeys when the Spirit commands him to swim the English Channel. Along this improbable and seemingly senseless journey, Greg faces discouraging challenges—yet another business failure, strained relationships, and health crises that prevent months of training just before his channel attempt—each confirming what he already knows deep in his heart: He is unworthy of God’s love. For anyone who has ever felt God does not, or cannot love them, for anyone who has ever wondered ‘What on Earth is God thinking?’ or for anyone who simply loves to witness the miracles God works to rescue a soul, this inspiring true story is for you.
Gregory P Mockett (Author), Gregory P Mockett (Narrator)
Focus on the Moment and Trust in God's Love
The introduction, and the first couple chapters, give the reader a background for why and how the idea for writing this book came about. They also indicate that God can speak to us when, where, and how He chooses. The book is designed to help the reader to recognize that responding to the grace of each moment of the day as they receive it, can be a life changing experience. It is also meant to emphasize that the first condition to that response is the BELIEF in God’s love, and the second condition is a willingness to put COMPLETE TRUST in a loving God. Then, and only then, can a person “focus on the moment”, do their best, a trust the God will do the rest. The concluding chapters illustrate how I have tried to live this phrase, and how others, including a couple saints have given us examples to follow. The last chapter shows how one man was able to “focus on each moment” and complete a masterpiece which illustrates how God can complete His work in our life if we respond to His grace.
Gene P Neral (Author), Chip Loop (Narrator)
In this book, we see what God is able to do with a yielded vessel in such a short time. It spotlights an ex-Muslim’s supernatural journey in her two and half years of walking with Christ. It takes the reader on a journey of adventures into partnership with God... Alignment with God cannot be overemphasized in these fickle days and times. Hence everyone deserves a copy of this book as it opens the reader up to dimensions in God not often spoken about – exposing the reader to their place of dominion in God... For more details, comments or questions, Kindly send an email to:
Toyin Bello (Author), Chinemerem Nancy Uduma (Narrator)
THE PREDATOR written by PAT E. ROBINSON As a survivor of gut-wrenching inescapable domestic violence, Robinson has courageously stepped up to share her story in her book. She details the raw abusive, threatening actions and her distraught hopeless emotions that readers cannot help but feel alongside as she tells her story; many that may be relatable to readers. She had encountered violence in her own childhood but became emotionally resilient and fearless, until her life turned into a struggle when she met a man with a fatal attraction for her. Robinson was kidnapped, chained, beaten, sexually abused and controlled by this man’s remorseless evil nature. She was – desperate - broken - a woman who knew she would not be rescued after she found his arsenal of illegal weapons. Robinson encourages abuse victims to know that even in her darkest times, she learned what her faith in God could do for her. In fact, she credits her survival through the power of God’s love. While God encouraged Robinson to author her true story, she also received an encouraging word from best-selling novelist, Anna Quindlen. When asked about writing this book, Robinson said, “I wrote of my incredible personal experiences of the love of God with his restoration, that gave me peace, love, faith, and a hope and desire to help other victims.” Praise the Lord for giving me strength, courage, and patience to heal my hurt. And for His presence so near that showered me with His love and taught me to have faith in Him. I am so amazed with the Love of God and what He brought me through. Have faith, He will do it for you!
Pat E. Robinson (Author), Danielle Farrell (Narrator)
More Than I Imagined: What a Black Man Discovered About the White Mother He Never Knew
An award-winning journalist tells the story of his quest to reconcile with his white mother and the family he'd never met-and how faith brought them all together. "A compelling and courageous journey that bears witness to the realities of systemic racism, the complexity of identity within that system, and the possibilities of reconciliation."-Robin DiAngelo, New York Times bestselling author of White Fragility John Blake grew up in a notorious Black neighborhood in inner-city Baltimore that became the setting for the HBO series The Wire. There he became a self-described "closeted biracial person," hostile toward white people while hiding the truth of his mother's race. The son of a Black man and a white woman who met when interracial marriage was still illegal, Blake knew this much about his mother: She vanished from his life not long after his birth, and her family rejected him because of his race. But at the age of seventeen, Blake had a surprise encounter that uncovered a disturbing family secret. This launched him on a quest to reconcile with his white family. His search centered on two questions: "Where is my mother?" and "Where do I belong?" More Than I Imagined is Blake's propulsive true story about how he answered those questions with the help of an interracial church, a loving caregiver's sacrifice, and an inexplicable childhood encounter that taught him the importance of forgiveness. Blake covered some of the biggest stories about race in America for twenty-five years before realizing that "facts don't change people, relationships do." He owes this discovery to "radical integration," which was the only way forward for him and his family-and is the only way forward for America as a multiracial democracy. More Than I Imagined is a hopeful story for our difficult times.
John Blake (Author), John Blake (Narrator)
Testimony: Inside the Evangelical Movement That Failed a Generation
Jon Ward's life is divided in half: two decades inside the evangelical Christian bubble and two decades outside of it. In Testimony, Ward tells the engaging story of his upbringing in, and eventual break from, an influential evangelical church in the 1980s and 1990s. Ward sheds light on the evangelical movement's troubling political and cultural dimensions, tracing the ways in which the Jesus People movement was seduced by materialism and other factors to become politically captive rather than prophetic. A respected journalist, Ward asks uncomfortable but necessary questions, calling those inside and outside conservative Christian circles to embrace truth, complexity, and nuance. He recounts his growing alarm and grief over the last several years as evangelical conservatives attacked truth, rejected personal character, and embraced authoritarianism and conspiracism. He shares his search for a faith that embodies the values he was taught as a child. Ward's experience and reflections will resonate with many listeners who grew up in the evangelical movement as well as all those who have an interest in the health of the church and its impact on American life.
Jon Ward (Author), Jon Ward (Narrator)
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