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Brought to you by Penguin. When talented young writer Nathan Zuckerman makes his pilgrimage to sit at the feet of his hero, the reclusive master of American Literature, E. I. Lonoff, he soon finds himself enmeshed in the great Jewish writer's domestic life, with all its complexity, artifice and drive for artistic truth. As Nathan sits in breathlessly awkward conversation with his idol, a glimpse of a dark-haired beauty through a closing doorway leaves him reeling. He soon learns that the entrancing vision is Amy Bellette, but her position in the Lonoff household - student? mistress? - remains tantalisingly unclear. Over a disturbed and confusing dinner, Nathan gleans snippets of Amy's haunting Jewish background, and begins to draw his own fantastical conclusions... ©2016 Philip Roth (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Philip Roth (Author), Malcolm Hillgartner (Narrator)
The Memory of Animals: From the Costa Novel Award-winning author of Unsettled Ground
Brought to you by Penguin. From the Costa-Winning, Women's Prize-shortlisted author of Unsettled Ground: a gripping, haunting novel about memory, love and survival, for readers of Never Let me Go and Leave the World Behind Neffy is a young woman running away from grief and guilt and the one big mistake that has derailed her career. When she answers the call to volunteer in a controlled vaccine trial, it offers her a way to pay off her many debts and, perhaps, to make up for the past. But when the London streets below her window fall silent, and all external communications cease, only Neffy and four other volunteers remain in the unit. With food running out, and a growing sense that the strangers she is with may be holding back secrets, Neffy has questions that no-one can answer. Does safety lie inside or beyond the unit? And who, or what is out there? While she weighs up her choices, she is introduced to a pioneering and controversial technology which allows her to revisit memories from her life before: a childhood divided between her enigmatic mother and her father in his small hotel in Greece. Intoxicated by the freedom of the past and the chance to reunite with those she loves, she increasingly turns away from her perilous present. But in this new world where survival rests on the bonds between strangers, is she jeopardising any chance of a future? The Memory of Animals is a taut and emotionally charged novel about freedom and captivity, survival and sacrifice and whether you can save anyone before you save yourself. ©2023 Claire Fuller (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Claire Fuller (Author), Genevieve Gaunt (Narrator)
With this, his bestselling and most critically acclaimed collection ever, Ellison celebrates four decades of brilliant, outrageous writing. The award-winning novella Mefisto in Onyx is the centerpiece of an irreverent and wildly imaginative book that the San Diego Union-Tribune called 'electrifying … Ellison is back, as unsettling as ever.'
Harlan Ellison (Author), Cindy Kay, Luis Moreno (Narrator)
"This impressively bleak vision of the near future is as grotesquely amusing as it is grim." ― Publishers Weekly STARRED REVIEW "A gripping tour-de-force torn from tomorrow's headlines." ― David Demchuk, author of Red X and The Bone Mother "A bold dystopian novel that captivates with its dread and depth. The Marigold is unhinged literary horror that goes right to the source of decay." ― Iain Reid, award-winning author of I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Foe, and We Spread In a near-future Toronto buffeted by environmental chaos and unfettered development, an unsettling new lifeform begins to grow beneath the surface, feeding off the past The Marigold, a gleaming Toronto condo tower, sits a half-empty promise: a stack of scuffed rental suites and undelivered amenities that crumbles around its residents as a mysterious sludge spreads slowly through it. Public health inspector Cathy Jin investigates this toxic mold as it infests the city's infrastructure, rotting it from within, while Sam "Soda" Dalipagic stumbles on a dangerous cache of data while cruising the streets in his Camry, waiting for his next rideshare alert. On the outskirts of downtown, 13-year-old Henrietta Brakes chases a friend deep underground after he's snatched into a sinkhole by a creature from below. All the while, construction of the city's newest luxury tower, Marigold II, has stalled. Stanley Marigold, the struggling son of the legendary developer behind this project, decides he must tap into a hidden reserve of old power to make his dream a reality―one with a human cost. Weaving together disparate storylines and tapping into the realms of body horror, urban dystopia, and ecofiction, The Marigold explores the precarity of community and the fragile designs that bind us together.
Andrew F. Sullivan (Author), Sean Patrick Hopkins (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Un incidente con unos broches: Máximo Gorki
Máximo Gorki fue uno de los escritores rusos más destacados del periodo soviético. Este es uno de sus cuentos más ilustres: 'Un incidente con unos broches'.
Máximo Gorki (Author), Juan Miguel Sanchez Toné (Narrator)
Unter Freunden - Erzählungen (Ungekürzte Lesung)
'Diese Geschichten erzählen von den elementaren Kräften menschlicher Existenz. Von Einsamkeit. Von Liebe. Von Verlust. Von Tod. Von Sehnsucht. Von Verzicht und Verlangen.' Amos Oz In seinem neuen Buch kehrt Amos Oz zu der Zeit zurück, die ihn am meisten inspiriert hat: seine Kibbuz-Jahre. Im fiktiven Kibbuz Ikhat zeichnen die Erzählungen Porträts von Frauen und Männern, die ihren ganz eigenen Träumen und ihrem eigenen Schmerz nachhängen, immer im Schatten des großen Traums vom Kollektiv. Geschichten, die von der Einsamkeit in einer Gesellschaft erzählen, in der kein Raum für Einsamkeit war.
Amos Oz (Author), Christian Brückner (Narrator)
Im Winter 1959/60 gibt Shmuel Ash sein Studium auf und zieht in das Haus eines behinderten alten Mannes in Jerusalem als dessen Helfer und Begleiter. Hier begegnet ihm die verführerische, unnahbare Atalja Abrabanel. Neugier und Lust packen ihn, aber sie warnt ihn, sich in sie zu verlieben. Nach und nach gelingt es ihm, ihr Geheimnis zu enthüllen, das sie mit Gershom Wald, dem schroffen alten Mann, teilt, das die beiden auf unheilsame Weise eng miteinander verbindet und das Haus zu einem Gefängnis werden lässt. Amoz Oz hat einen Liebesroman geschrieben und zu gleich ein Buch über Israel und das geteilte Jerusalem - eine Geschichte seines Landes mit seinen Hoffnungen und seiner Verzweiflung.
Amos Oz (Author), Christian Brückner (Narrator)
La Metamorfosis de Franz Kafka es una obra literaria que ha sido ampliamente estudiada y analizada desde su publicación en 1915. Esta novela corta cuenta la historia de Gregorio Samsa, un vendedor que se despierta un día convertido en un insecto gigante. A lo largo de la historia, se puede observar el cambio que experimenta Gregorio en su relación con su familia y su entorno, que lo rechaza y lo trata como un monstruo. La narrativa es muy descriptiva y detallada, lo que permite al lector imaginarse la situación que vive el protagonista y sentir su angustia y soledad. Uno de los aspectos más destacados de esta obra es su capacidad para generar múltiples interpretaciones y lecturas, desde una crítica social a la alienación y la incomunicación, hasta una reflexión sobre la identidad y la existencia humana. Además, la prosa de Kafka es excepcionalmente poética y melancólica, creando un ambiente opresivo que refleja el estado emocional del personaje. En definitiva, La Metamorfosis es una obra de gran valor literario que invita al lector a reflexionar sobre temas universales como la soledad, la identidad y la aceptación. Una obra que sin duda merece ser leída y analizada con detenimiento. Narrado en Español Latino Neutro.
Franz Kafka (Author), Arnulfo De La Fuente (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. London, 1978. Yamaye, a woman in her 20s unsure of who she is, but with dreams of being a DJ and MC. Yamaye lives for the weekend, when she can go raving with her friends at The Crypt, an underground club in the industrial town on the outskirts of London where she was born and raised. Everything changes when she falls deeply in love with Moose: he offers the chance of freedom and change. When their relationship is cut brutally short, Yamaye goes on a dramatic journey of transformation that takes her first to Bristol, where she gets caught up in a criminal gang, and then to Jamaica, where past and present collide with devastating consequences. © Jacqueline Crooks 2023 (P) Penguin Audio 2023
Jacqueline Crooks (Author), Leonie Elliott (Narrator)
There are two sides to every love story… One of ‘the best books to look forward to in 2023’ COSMOPOLITAN ‘A poignant debut which marks Krystle Zara Appiah out as one of Britain’s best new young writers’ HARPER’S BAZAAR ‘A beautiful, emotional rollercoaster’ LIZZIE DAMILOLA BLACKBURN, author of Yinka, where is your huzband? ‘Both tender and powerful’ LOUISE O’NEILL ‘Beautiful and gripping… unforgettable’ EMILIA HART Teenagers Efe and Sam first meet in London in the 1990s. Years later the best friends are married. Their love story couldn’t seem more perfect. But Sam wants to start a family. Efe wants to be free from children to focus on her dreams. When an unplanned pregnancy forces them to confront their differences, Efe and Sam must discover if what they really want is still each other… A poignant, heart-breaking debut about a British-Ghanaian marriage in crisis, Rootless is a story of friendship, family, societal obligation and motherhood. But above all, it’s a story of love. ‘An open and honest exploration of the rediscovery of love, motherhood, and the choices we make and sacrifice’ GAL-DEM ‘Highly relatable… your heart will miss a beat’ HUFFPOST UK ‘Brave, insightful and heart-breaking’ RACHEL EDWARDS ‘Efe’s tragic story will stay with readers long after they finish turning pages’ DONNA FREITAS, author of The Nine Lives of Rose Napolitano ‘Tender, intimate and unflinching’ EMYLIA HALL ‘A deeply felt novel… full of romance as well as terrible grief. Rootless enthralled me from the start’ ILANA MASAD, author of All My Mother’s Lovers
Krystle Zara Appiah (Author), Clifford Samuel, Diana Yekinni (Narrator)
Por el autor de La delicadeza y Charlotte, ganador del Premio Renaudot ydel Goncourt des Lycéens entre muchos otros, una singular e imprescindible biografía de John Lennon. UNA DE LAS 30 MEJORES BIOGRAFÍAS SEGÚN ELLE «Es la mayor historiade amor del siglo XX... Puede leerse como un antídoto a la falta de compromiso del ser humano.» David Foenkinos Con una asombrosa investigación a su espalda, y su peculiar sentido del humor, Foenkinos escribe una biografía única, con un Lennon que cuenta en primera persona su infancia, la compleja relación con sus padres, su primer matrimonio, la tormentosa historia de los Beatles, su amor con Yoko Ono y su filosofía de vida. Las palabras e ideas de quien decidió que el mejor modo de conseguir una reacción política era recibir a la prensa sin moverse de su cama cobran, en esta época de crisis, una inusitada actualidad. Críticas: «Una nueva dimensión literaria para un personajes que desborda también los límites de la ficción.» David Morán, ABC Cultural «Lennon retrata el ambiente de una época de grandes esperanzas y dudas existenciales...Una novela que revela tanto a su protagonista como a su autor, lo que la torna aún más conmovedora.» Le Monde «Foenkinos, como Gavalda, como Barbery, consigue ofrecer al lector un poco de oxígeno, de optimismo, en tiempos especialmente sombríos, cargados de preocupación por lo material y donde urge un cambio de valores.» Emma Rodríguez, El Mundo «La primera biografía escrita sobre el genio por una autor de renombre. Una obra para proyectar, esta vez en nuestras mentes, un mundo mejor.» Elle «El escritor [...] se apropia en Lennon de la voz del mito con una verosimilitud pasmosa.» Rolling Stone «Una novela con mucho de biografía o, si lo prefieren, una biografía contada comosi fuera una novela... Foenkinos consigue que Lennon suene a Lennon. Toda una proeza.» Antonio Fontana, ABC Cultural «Muy divertida... Un libro que, gracias a una mirada profunda, llega al corazón de la historia y a la mente del hombre de gafas redondas más famoso que Jesucristo... Foenkinos combina brillantemente erudición, imaginación y estilo.» Le Huffington Post «Un verdadero hallazgo. Con su pluma elegante y delicada, Foenkinos nos da una visión completa de Lennon y alcanza, con este tributo, un gran éxito.» Stéphane Focheux, «Un gran libro... En algunas escenas nos olvidamos del estilo refinado de este escritor de éxito para sumergirnos en el universo del rock y de los Beatles. Una biografía muy original que todo lector seguro devorará.» Diane Elisabeth Poirier, «Elsentido del humor de la estrella está presente, así como su sensibilidad. Una obra maestra.» Julie Locatelli, Muteen
David Foenkinos (Author), David Carrillo (Narrator)
Cursed Bread: Longlisted for the Women’s Prize
Brought to you by Penguin. From the Booker-nominated author of The Water Cure and Blue Ticket comes a chilling new feminist fable, based on the true story of an unsolved historical mystery... If you eat the bread, you'll die, he said. The statement made no sense, but it filled me with an electric dread. Elodie is the baker's wife. A plain, unremarkable person, largely ignored by her husband and everyone else, she burns with the secret hunger to be extraordinary, to be desired, to be seen. One day a charismatic new couple appear in town - the ambassador and his sharp-toothed wife, Violet - and Elodie quickly falls under their spell. All summer long she stalks them through the shining streets: inviting herself into their home, trying to decipher their coded conversations, longing to possess them at any cost. Meanwhile, beneath the tranquil surface of daily life, strange things are happening. Six horses are found dead in a sun-drenched field, laid out neatly on the ground like an offering. Widows see their lost husbands walking up the river in the night, coming back to claim them. A teenage boy throws himself into the bonfire at the midsummer feast. A dark intoxication is spreading through the town, and when Elodie finally understands her role in it, it will be too late to stop. Audacious and mesmerising, Cursed Bread is a fevered confession, an entry into memory's hall of mirrors, a fable of obsession and transformation. Sophie Mackintosh spins a darkly gleaming tale of a town gripped by hysteria, envy like poison in the blood, and desire that burns and consumes. Praise for Sophie Mackintosh: 'Be sure to read everything Sophie Mackintosh writes' Deborah Levy on Blue Ticket 'An extraordinary debut - otherworldly, luminous, precise' Guardian on The Water Cure 'Dreamlike, tense, compelling, with a pitch-perfect ending' The New York Times on Blue Ticket 'An unsettling dark fantasy... It lingers long after the final page' Daily Telegraph on The Water Cure 'Blue Ticket will worm its way under your skin and haunt your dreams' Red ©2023 Sophie Mackintosh (P)2023 Penguin Audio
Sophie Mackintosh (Author), Genevieve Gaunt (Narrator)
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