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Armonia Blu: Un'irresistibile 'seconda opportunità' commedia romantica.
ARMONIA BLU Amy vola a Santorini per affrontare il suo ex. Cosa potrebbe mai andare storto? Una commedia romantica divertente e civettuola con dialoghi spiritosi e piena di sorprese. Amy è stanca di sabotare tutte le sue relazioni a causa di Ethan. Lui le ha spezzato il cuore anni prima, e lei l’ha lasciato andar via senza fargliela pagare. È ora di affrontarlo e di riscrivere il passato. Decisa a rimettere le cose a posto, vola con le sue amiche verso i cieli azzurri di Santorini per realizzare il suo piano, un piano che comincia a crollare non appena incrocia lo sguardo di Ethan. Ospiti inaspettati e un’idilliaca ambientazione romantica complicano ulteriormente i suoi progetti. Ha ragione a perseverare o rimescolare il passato si rivelerà un gioco pericoloso?
Mary Kelly (Author), Anna Gallarati (Narrator)
Alexa, how does one reverse a curse? Because Emma Lenford’s horrendously hapless luck has not improved since her last few brushes with the law enforcement of Wisconsin. Now, though, there’s an old guy in a hot tub and a possible pregnancy to deal with (though, please note, both are completely unrelated), among so many more misfortunes. Emma Lenford is truly the unluckiest 17 year old on the planet. She keeps her sense of humor, though, through this series of seriously ill-fated situations. Her life is basically a sit-com where one traumatic thing after another befalls her, and it's all out of her control. She's constantly kidnapped, held at gunpoint, and even arrested for things she honestly didn't even do. This second book in the series that keeps on giving will have you saying, literally, 'Uh, what the luck?' because Emma's circumstances are even crazier than they ever were before. I mean, you thought getting thrown up on in the trunk of a kidnapper's SUV was bad? Try getting thrown around by an actual tornado or, better yet, thrown into performing an actual exorcism on a child that's actually trying to kill you.
Kari Lynn M. (Author), Kari Lynn M. (Narrator)
The Twelve Jays of Christmas: A Meg Langslow Mystery
The cast of Donna Andrews’ New York Times bestselling Meg Langslow mystery series is back for an unforgettable holiday story in The Twelve Jays of Christmas. Meg's brother Rob and his fiancé Delaney have been engaged for some time now. In fear of their mothers’ propensity for over-the-top celebrations, they decide to throw a party just before Christmas and then elope. When a blizzard traps their guests inside, the two mothers find out about the planned elopement and start trying to pull together the kind of over-the-top event the couple was trying to avoid in the first place. To make matters worse, a murder is afoot. Will Meg manage to help the snowbound would-be eloping couple thwart their mothers' grandiose wedding plans AND solve a murder among the assembled friends and relatives? A Macmillan Audio production from Minotaur Books
Donna Andrews (Author), Bernadette Dunne (Narrator)
POP QUIZ True or False: Bellissimo Resort and Casino Super Spy Davis Way Cole, her partner, Fantasy Erb, and a trivia queen named Mango Matisse are kidnapped. The answer is true. Stuffed in the storage compartment of a motorhome, the women are abducted from a golf course and abandoned on a ravaged barrier island somewhere in the Gulf. Fill in the blank: Did the kidnapper get it wrong? Did he kidnap Davis thinking she was ? The correct answer is Bianca Sanders, wife of Bellissimo Casino owner Richard Sanders. Yes or No: Everyone in Biloxi, Mississippi is searching for them. The answer is yes. And no. When the story goes viral, not only is everyone in Biloxi trying to find them, everyone in the Deep South and beyond goes on the lookout for the missing women. Bonus Question: When help finally arrives, will Davis learn he's no help at all? The answer is in Double Wide.
Gretchen Archer (Author), Amber Benson (Narrator)
Gertrude, Gumshoe: S'more Murder: a cozy mystery
Gertrude is back! After being thrown in the clink for private investigating without a license, she's fled the state to go where her talents will be more appreciated: South Dakota. She has big plans to set up shop, but an injury halts her journey shortly after crossing The Sunshine State's state line. She and Calvin are forced to hole up in a struggling campground, and when Gertrude finds the body of the campground owner, she is certain the man has been murdered. She is the only one who is certain of this. Can she convince the sheriff that there's been a crime? Can she convince the good people of South Dakota that she is a talented investigator they should want to keep around? (Gertrude in South Dakota is a continuation of the Gertrude, Gumshoe Cozy Mystery Series.)
Robin Merrill (Author), Darlene Allen (Narrator)
Vappu Helander valloittaa Norjan - Purevalla huumorilla ryyditetty sarja jatkuu Vappu Helander on jättänyt television ajankohtaistoimituksen taakseen ja aloittaa uuden työn lehdistöneuvoksena Suomen Oslon-suurlähetystössä. Syksy on koittanut ja hänellä on työsuhdeasunto trendikaupunginosassa sekä tornadonpunainen tuliterä Beetle. Suorapuheinen Vappu ei kuitenkaan sopeudu aivan saumattomasti diplomaattietiketteihin, ja hänen avantouintitaipumuksensa saavat norjalaiset pitämään häntä hulluna. Toisaalta on norjalaisillakin omat omituisuutensa. Joitain ihan tutustumisen arvoisia miehiäkin Vapun tielle sentään osuu, jopa Ruijan rannoilla asti. Puhtaalta pöydältä on älykkäällä huumorilla maustettu romaani uuden aloittamisesta, suurlähetystöelämästä ja omituisista norjalaisista. Se on toinen osa omapäisestä ja sanavalmiista Vappu Helanderista kertovassa sarjassa. Regina Rask on kirjailija ja pitkän linjan toimittaja YLE:llä. Nykyisin hän työskentelee Puoli Seitsemän -ohjelmassa. Häneltä on ilmestynyt kaikkiaan seitsemän romaania ja yksi tietokirja. Puolisonsa diplomaattiuran vuoksi Rask on asunut myös useita vuosia ulkomailla.
Regina Rask (Author), Hanna Gibson (Narrator)
Vappu irrottautuu oravanpyörästä ja nauttii maaseudun idyllistä - purevan hauskan sarjan päätösosa Vappu Helander jättää työpaikkansa Oslon lähetystössä ja palaa pieneen kotikaupunkiinsa Järvelään pitääkseen huolta auto-onnettomuuteen joutuneista vanhemmistaan. Kesän koittaessa potilaat vaikuttavat jo varsin tervehtyneiltä, mutta Vappu päättää jättäytyä oravanpyörästä vielä hetkeksi. Järvelässä hänellä on rantasauna, kirjasto ja pikkukaupungin mielenkiintoiset kuviot, joihin sotkeentua. Mielen kuohunnalta ei voida kuitenkaan välttyä, kun ex-miesystävän menestysdekkarin uhri muistuttaa hälyttävän paljon Vappua itseään. Regina Raskin kuivakka huumori hurmaa sanavalmiista Vappu Helanderista kertovan sarjan kolmannessa osassa. Regina Rask on kirjailija ja pitkän linjan toimittaja YLE:llä. Nykyisin hän on toimittajana Puoli Seitsemän -ohjelmassa. Häneltä on ilmestynyt kaikkiaan seitsemän romaania ja yksi tietokirja.
Regina Rask (Author), Hanna Gibson (Narrator)
Год из жизни двух жителей бухты Щепки-Матильды, где всего-то три дома, — девятилетнего Трилле, который и рассказывает нам эту историю, и его соседки и одноклассницы Лены — вмещает немыслимо много событий и приключений: забавных, трогательных, опасных... Идиллическое житье-бытье на норвежском хуторе нарушается — но не разрушается — драматическими событиями. Но дружба, конечно же, оказывается сильнее! Впервые книга вышла на русском языке в 2007 году, и с тех пор стала совершенно точно современной классикой детской литературы — ее советуют читать детям и родителям, включают в школьную программу, по ней ставят спектакли, а саму Марию Парр называют новой Астрид Линдгрен. Теперь 'Вафельное сердце' вышло и в формате аудиокниги! Читает произведение телеведущий, актёр театра и кино, щоумен - несравненный Михаил Шац.
мария парр (Author), михаил шац (Narrator)
Neu-Hamburgerin Lena steht ihr erstes Weihnachten weit ab von ihrer Familie bevor. Zum Glück hat sie in kürzester Zeit Freundinnen gefunden - und sogar einen Mann hat sie schon getroffen. Hendrik ist das totale Gegenteil von Lenas Ex. Er ist spontan, anziehend und ein bisschen verwegen. Doch als Lena ihn eines Abends zufällig beobachtet, ist sie sich nicht sicher, ob er für ihren Geschmack nicht doch zu geheimnisvoll ist. Ihre Neugier lässt ihr aber keine andere Wahl... Was steckt hinter seinem verdächtigen Verhalten? Für Lena steht fest: Sie muss ihm nach. Vielleicht erwischt sie ihn ja - auf frischer Tat. Mit 'Auf frischer Tat' bekommt ihr einen kurzen Krimi mit Witz und Charme. Geht mit Lena auf die Pirsch. Vielleicht kommt ihr ja zusammen mit ihr hinter Hendriks Geheimnis.
Nini Linnet (Author), Linda Sasse (Narrator)
You did WHAT?: Secrets, Confessions & Outrageous Stories from Real Life
'I was living with a nasty boyfriend who complained I didn't put enough pepper in his egg sandwich. So I dried out some hamster poop and chopped it into tiny pieces. He said it was delicious. Revenge is sweet!' Have you ever wondered what other people get up to when they think no one's looking? Do you have a mortifying secret of your own you've never dared share? Whatever scandalous incidents lie hidden in your past, don't worry: this wonderful collection of funny, sexy, hair-raising and heart-warming confessions will reassure you that you're by no means alone. These confessions have all been curated by bestselling author and digital creator Tova Leigh, who explains just why we should stop being ashamed of our secrets, and instead have the courage to make ourselves vulnerable, speak out and connect. In this ultimate page-turner, there are parenting confessions, sex confessions, workplace confessions, revenge confessions ... not forgetting the all-important bodily fluids confessions! You need never feel embarrassed by your own slip-ups and misdemeanours again. 'So I was married for nine years and after the divorce, when I was ready to sleep with other men, I signed up on Tinder. After a few dates I was thinking ... why do I give it for free, when men will pay for it? So I became an escort! I did it for about five months and I must say I had the best time ever ... made a lot of money and met some really nice interesting people.'
Tova Leigh (Author), Elise Roth, Ella May, Matt Mckinlay, Natalie Pela (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. Features an exclusive interview between author Richard Osman and narrator Lesley Manville. THE SECOND NOVEL IN THE RECORD-BREAKING, MILLION-COPY BESTSELLING THURSDAY MURDER CLUB SERIES BY RICHARD OSMAN It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can The Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them? What people are saying about THE THURSDAY MURDER CLUB: 'A warm, wise and witty warning never to underestimate the elderly' VAL MCDERMID 'So smart and funny. Deplorably good' IAN RANKIN 'Smart, compassionate, warm, moving and so VERY funny' MARIAN KEYES 'Thrilling, moving, laugh-out-loud funny' MARK BILLINGHAM 'Pure escapism' GUARDIAN 'Funny, clever and achingly British' ADAM KAY 'As gripping as it is funny' EVENING STANDARD © Richard Osman 2021 (P) Penguin Audio 2021
Richard Osman (Author), Lesley Manville (Narrator)
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