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Get ready to be swept away on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery and transformation! The Last American Geek is a captivating, hilarious, coming-of-age story about a young outcast who is tired of his miserable life. The geek is unattractive, friendless, bullied, is filled with frustration and social anxiety, and has no chance of finding quality romance. But rather than accept his predicament and settle for a lifetime of misery, he flips the switch in the most unusual ways only the most ingenious, unique, cunning and determined geek could conjure up! Follow the geek's journey as he battles bullies, makes friends, finds quality romance, and discovers the joys of a vibrant social life. You will find yourself cheering for the geek underdog throughout the entire book while you witness his transformation. You will also be inspired to take charge of your own life, overcome all obstacles in your path, and find true happiness! This based on a true story, young adult novel, was written by a former geek and is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt like an outsider or struggled to fit in. If you want to read the most exciting, coming of age, young adult, contemporary fiction books ever written, as well as laugh and remember this classic for the rest of your life, then buy The Last American Geek today!
Justin R. Routt (Author), Justin R. Routt (Narrator)
[Norwegian Bokmål] - Miss Susie med de magiske solbrillene får gjester på julaften
Dette er den sjuende historien i serien om Miss Susie med de magiske solbrillene. Miss Susie er den mest bedårende katten i hele universet. Det synes hun i hvert fall selv, selv om dem hun møter på sin vei, ikke alltid er enige. Faktisk synes de fleste at hun er spenna gæren. I denne historien forteller hun om den verste julaften i sitt liv hvor alt går galt. Hennes menneske har invitert gjester, og det er alle dem hun har blitt uvenner med i løpet av året. Til slutt blir Miss Susie nødt til å bruke all sin list for å få kastet dem ut av huset sitt.
Anne-Lene Bleken (Author), Anne-Lene Bleken (Narrator)
As fortune would have it, you have just stumbled across an off-the-leash, unbridled small compendium of outrageous stories called “Instant Ancestors.” Thanks to the lop-sided imagination of author Russell Shuler, you’ll meet a cast of characters, complete with a fabulous portrait (and subtle story clues contained therein), caught in every conceivable slant of shenanigan and predicament. Stick your toe in, and you’ll experience “the long hard stare” of Cletus McHaggis as he faces off with the “devastating beauty” of twins Ismerelda and Desdomena, circling one another in an ancient game of “dupe and roll.” You’ll follow the conjurings of Gloriah Jellylooloo, the “Memory Catalyst,” who brings cinema to events thought to be long buried and those yet to occur. Observe Smabdolem Ik as he encounters a troop of dwarf strippers with a dark side. And try to stay abreast with the show-stopping ideas of exotic fan dancer Izzy Ibrahim and her creative partner (and son) Shelley. All this flabbergastery, and more, is now available between the covers of “Instant Ancestors.” The Genesis of Instant Ancestors It’s been said many times that you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your relatives. I believed that to be true until, not long ago, I came across a shoe box crammed with family portraits taken roughly a hundred years ago in a favorite antique store. The stall proprietor included an index card with the scribbled broadside: “Instant Ancestors!” It went on to say that with these pictures, you could conjure up a long-lost relative from God knows where famous for such and such, and no one would be wiser. To be truthful, the idea appealed to my lop-sided, passionate sense of humor, so I bought the box of photographs and began imagining the personal chronicles of these precious folks who had been relegated to the dustbin of history.
Russell Shuler (Author), Russell Shuler (Narrator)
One of the first noted American authors to be highly acclaimed in Europe during his life time, Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 – November 28, 1859) wrote numerous short stories, biographies, histories, and tales of his travels. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,' first published in 1820, is variously regarded as a Gothic tale and a modern folk story about the early history of the United States of America. The story is most famous for the strange encounter between a superstitious schoolmaster named Ichabod Crane and the ghost of the Headless Horseman, said to be a Hessian soldier who lost his head to a cannon ball during the Revolutionary War. He is believed to be always in search of his head. Many of Irving's works have inspired adaptations to the stage and film. It was Irving who affixed the nickname 'Gotham' — an Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'Goat's Town' — to New York City. The spirited narration is by Oscar nominated an Emmy Award Winning Special Makeup Effects Artist, Edward E. French.
Washington Irving (Author), Esq. Edward E. French (Narrator)
Finding Jimmy Moran: Codicil to The Claire Trilogy
Who is Jimmy Moran? It starts with a lucky penny. Then a muse who bestows a mystical gift. Or maybe a curse? Family, friends, and fights abound as Jimmy breaks the law, looks for love in all the wrong places and experiences loss that transforms him. A mischievous Bronx boy becomes a man in his search for the love of his life. This is the coming-of-age story of the character we meet in the Claire Trilogy, who becomes a mob lawyer, Claire the mule's best friend, and the leader of the motley crew of magical misfits.
Tom Mccaffrey (Author), Joe Barrett (Narrator)
Auggie the Dragon: Who Lives on Gramma Sue's Roof by Professor Sue-C
Auggie the Dragon began with inspiration resulting from a conversation between three-year-old Ciera and her eccentric Gramma Sue. Gramma Sue's heater went on, and the rest will become literary legend! Auggie came to life through Ciera's vision. The resulting saga follows Auggie and Gramma Sue on heartrending adventures, filled with whimsical accounts, and life lessons, all narrated by the voice of a f ive-year-old Ciera. The twists and turns of this narrative for all ages fills the heart with anticipation and Joy as Gramma Sue and Auggie overcome obstacles in assuring Auggie's acceptance in a world often unwelcoming to those who are distinct.
Professor Sue-C (Author), Millie N Shipe (Narrator)
Involuntarily Vegan: My Life with a Grumpy Herbivore
Emilia only wants one thing: to forget the betrayal and lies of her ex-boyfriend and start over in Munich. But this turns out to be difficult when she moves in with passionate animal rights activist Lorena, who not only throws out all animal products, but also never misses an opportunity to lecture Emilia. However, the chaos only gets better when neighbor Flo comes into play, Lorena takes in a new furry flatmate without asking, and Emilia finds out that it wasn’t her ex-boyfriend who lied to her all those months ago . . .
Laura Dessner (Author), Ana Osorio (Narrator)
Hotel Zum verunglückten Bergsteiger
Eigentlich möchte Polizeiinspektor Glebski nur Urlaub machen. Wären da nicht die anderen Gäste, die im verschneiten Hotel 'Zum verunglückten Bergsteiger' ihre Zimmer bezogen haben. Vom Zauberkünstler über den betrunkenen Millionär und das verrückte Physikgenie zum hochintelligenten Bernhardiner – die ersehnte Ruhe ist schwer zu finden. Schließlich ist da auch noch der Geist des verunglückten Bergsteigers selbst, der angeblich des Nachts das Hotel heimsucht. Als dann auch noch eine Lawine den einzigen Zugang zum Tal verschüttet und ein rätselhafter Mord geschieht, muss Glebski ermitteln. Und des Rätsels Lösung liegt weit jenseits seiner Vorstellungskraft: Die Mafia? Außerirdische? Zombies? Bald scheint nichts mehr ausgeschlossen… Die Strugatzki-Brüder (Picknick am Wegesrand/STALKER) auf den Spuren Agatha Christies – wenn die Großmeister der Science Fiction eine Satire auf den klassischen Kriminalroman schreiben, dann kann das Ergebnis nur außergewöhnlich werden. Skurril, witzig und überraschend: Willkommen im Hotel 'Zum verunglückten Bergsteiger'!
Arkadi Strugatzki, Boris Strugatzki (Author), Simon Elias (Narrator)
Takes of the Peacemaker is a series following a magic female's adventures. Ann and Matt's stories are where it all started. Two views on the same story.
Ashley-Lynn Hall (Author), Briana Varga (Narrator)
'A perfect example of bizarro fiction...every line is littered with wild and imaginative ideas.' – Fangoria Magazine Brothers Divey and Reynold Crunk are two traveling breakfast burrito salesmen trying to make a living in the post-apocalyptic world of Planet Japan. After discovering a mutilated robot corpse in the middle of the desert, Divey mysteriously transforms into something abominable, setting a bizarre series of events into motion. Reynold follows his brother into the dark underworld of Tokyo, where there are no rules and old video game accessories are used as real weapons. Please consult a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms while reading: convulsions, eye or muscle twitching, altered vision, involuntary movements, disorientation, or loss of awareness.
William Pauley Iii (Author), Connor Brannigan (Narrator)
Eine Geschichte über Freundschaft, Zusammenhalt und das gute Gefühl, anderen zu helfen - voller Herzenswärme und Humor. Ein marodes Kinderheim steht am existentiellen Abgrund. Es bleiben sechs Monate Zeit für die Renovierung, doch statt des nötigen Kleingelds gibt es nur Schwierigkeiten. Die Hoffnung auf Rettung lastet auf Schultern, die unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten: einem wohnungslosen Handwerker mit Feder im Haar, einem Ritter aus dem Seniorenheim, einer Prinzessin in Designerjeans und einem Straßenkind mit grünen Haaren und frecher Klappe. Wird es ihnen gelingen, das Zuhause der Kinder zu retten?
Gerd Schäfer, Sina Land (Author), Ina Arnold (Narrator)
The story is of a young rabbit who seeks adventure beyond his immediate surroundings. His search for fun taking him to America, where he meets all kind of other animals who lead bizarre lifestyles and where lurks the treachery of man. This leads Howther to take a grown-up stance against evil-doing, putting him at the forefront of danger among both, animals and man alike until he finally conquers all. It is a tale of growing up in a dangerous world.
Richard Cliff (Author), Steven Miller (Narrator)
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