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Pauli Murray's Revolutionary Life
Inspiring and timely, Pauli Murray's Revolutionary Life is the riveting story of an African American woman, born in 1910, who blazed through the barriers of race and gender decades before the Civil Rights and Women's Movements. Pauli Murray fearlessly rode freight trains dressed as a boy during the Great Depression and befriended First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt before embarking on a pioneering life of social activism, legal scholarship, and many firsts. In 1944, Pauli graduated first in her class at Howard University; in 1965, she was the first Black woman to earn a doctorate in law from Yale University; in 1966, she was a founder of NOW, the first National Organization for Women; and in 1977, Pauli was the first Black woman to be ordained as an Episcopal priest. Pauli never faced a barrier she couldn't smash through, and her life as a feminist, civil rights lawyer, poet, author, activist, and priest paved the way for all to live a life of equality and purpose.
Simki Kuznick (Author), Sara Ghebremichael (Narrator)
'12 Years a Slave' is the harrowing, true account of a free Black man living in New York during the early 1800's who is kidnaped, transported to Louisiana and forced to work and live as a slave for over a decade. Written by the man who experienced these horrors - Solomon Northup - this book is a powerful and disturbing first-hand account of what it was like to live under the lash and chronicles the torments Northup endured in attempting to escape his captors and return home to his family in New York. Northup's book was an immediate sensation when it was first published and was often singled out by the abolitionist movement as a foundational document in the argument to end the dehumanizing and morally bankrupt practice of human slavery in America. In 2013, it was the basis for the award-winning film of the same name. '12 Years a Slave' is presented here in its original and unabridged format.
Solomon Northup (Author), Amir Abdullah (Narrator)
City on Fire: A Boyhood in Aligarh
'An intimate new memoir about growing up amid everyday communalism' - The Hindu Zeyad Masroor Khan was four years old when he realized that an innocent act of clicking a switch near a window overlooking the street could trigger a riot. As the distant thud of a crowd grew closer and calls for murder rent the air, he got his first taste of growing up in Upar Kot, a Muslim ghetto in Aligarh. Khan's world was far-removed from the Aligarh of popular imagination-of poets, tehzeeb and the intellectual corridors of the Aligarh Muslim University. His was a city where serpentine lanes simmered with violence, homes fervently prayed to dispel the omnipresent fear of a family member turning up dead, and the soft breeze that blew over crowded terraces carried rumours of a bloodthirsty mob on the prowl. In his coming-of-age memoir, Khan writes, with searing honesty and raw power, about the undercurrents of religious violence and the ensuing 'othering' that followed him everywhere he went: from his schooldays in Aligarh, when hopping over to the lending library to the 'Hindu' part of town to find his favourite comic book or lighting candles with neighbours on Diwali was fraught with tension; through his years as a college student in Delhi, where being denied apartments because of his name was the norm; to ultimately becoming a journalist documenting history of his country as it happened. City on Fire is a rare, visceral portrait of how everyday violence and hate become a part of our lives and consciousness; a society where name and clothes mark out a person as the 'other'. It is as much an incisive examination of religion and violence, imagined histories and fractured realities, grief and love in today's India, as it is a paean to the hope of continued unity, to an idea of India
Zeyad Masroor Khan (Author), Adwait Karambelkar (Narrator)
Now, having told my story, I feel that a huge burden has been lifted. My secrets are now in the open and I believe that no girl or woman in the world should have such dark secrets hiding in her heart. I want to encourage all women who are or have suffered the indignation of abuse to break free of the silence, live their lives with joy and look for ways to lift up others as well. Together, we can give voice to the voiceless, all over the world.
Telile Yoseph (Author), Janet Dean, Telile Yoseph (Narrator)
Szczera opowieść o życiu po zrzuceniu sutanny. „Odnaleziony ksiądz”, nowa książka autora bestsellera „Zniknięty ksiądz”, jest intymną opowieścią nie tylko o odchodzeniu od Kościoła, który zawiódł nadzieje młodego księdza, ale też o konfrontacji byłego duchownego z nowym, świeckim życiem. Czy uda się nie tylko zbudować rodzinę, ale też ją utrzymać, jeśli twoim zawodem jest „ksiądz”? Jak po rozbracie z Kościołem urządzić sobie relacje z ludźmi i Bogiem? Jak być jak najbardziej ziemskim ojcem? Marcin Adamiec niezwykle szczerze, bezpretensjonalnym językiem i ze swadą opowiada o swoim życiu w świecie kleru i poza nim. O utracie złudzeń, ale też o odnalezieniu sensu w życiu, którego musiał się nauczyć na nowo. „Cud narodzin – ciągle nie wierzę, że to piszę! – jest najpoważniejszym złamaniem ślubów kościelnych, jakie ksiądz składa w dniu święceń. Na wszystko inne biskup przymknie oko. Nawet jeśli ktoś molestował dziecko, czeka go jeszcze proces, w trakcie którego wiele się może zdarzyć. Jednakże ksiądz mający dziecko to już zupełnie inna sprawa. I chociaż bycie rodzicem jest jednym z największych darów, jakie można otrzymać od życia, to w oczach biskupa i Kościoła jest owocem przestępstwa. I co za dziwaczny paradoks: wszystko inne biskup jest gotów przebaczyć, ale miłości i nowego życia nie. Małżeństwo, bycie rodzicem, odważne, szczere życie przestępstwem? Miłość do drugiego człowieka takim samym przestępstwem jak pedofilia?”. „Ktoś mi nawet powiedział, że każdy ksiądz powinien mieć żonę i dzieci. I że wstyd to byłby wtedy, gdybym teraz siedział na plebanii i udawał, że to nie moja sprawa”. Marcin Adamiec
Marcin Adamiec (Author), Adam Bauman (Narrator)
'Black on Madison Avenue' tells the shocking truth about one of the most un-diverse white-collar professions in America. 'Black on Madison Avenue' tells the explosive stories that Madison Avenue doesn't want you to read. 'Black on Madison Avenue' reveals the incredible experiences of a Black man who has spent 40+ years on Madison Avenue at some of the advertising industry's most prestigious agencies andgives readers a rare glimpse of what it's like to be one of the very, very few Black professionals in the advertising agency business. Advertising decides what America wants. And yet, for an industry that professes to be the vanguard of creativity, popular culture and forward thinking, advertising is one of the most un-diverse white-collar professions in America. Surprisingly, despite all of its public gestures of 'wokeness', Madison Avenue would like to keep it that way. 'Black on Madison Avenue' explains how - and why - the author landed on Madison Avenue, and shares some of his incredible adventures over the past 40+ years. Yes, adventures. Have you ever gotten into a shouting match with a Venezuelan Army general in the middle of a military coup? He has. He kidnapped advertising legend Jim Jordan, insulted high-ranking Chinese government officials at a formal dinner and launched the first multicultural marketing holding company. Mark Robinson was the co-founder of Spike/DDB, along with filmmaker Spike Lee and has stories no one else could tell. Robinson's stories include Bill Cosby, Mike Tyson, Vanessa Williams, Usher, Oprah, Zsa Zsa Gabor, James Brown and Notorious B.I.G. 'I have given my entire adult professional life to this business. Advertising is not just what I do. It is a part of who I am. I am Black on Madison Avenue.'
Mark S. Robinson (Author), James Jones (Narrator)
[Tamil] - Sathiya Sodhanai Part 2
(The Story of my Experiments with Truth) என்பது மோகன்தாசு கரம்சந்த் காந்தி எழுதிய அவருடைய வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்று நூல் ஆகும். தன்னுடைய வாழ்வு முழுவதும் ஓர் ஆய்வாளனின் ஆய்வுப் பயணம் போல எனக் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கும் காந்தி தன் வாழ்க்கையை ஒரு திறந்த புத்தகம் என்றும் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கிறார். தம் வாழ்வின் மறக்க இயலாத பகுதிகளைச் சமூகத்திற்கு ஞாபகப்படுத்த வேண்டிய பாடங்களாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். அவை யாவும் சத்தியத்திற்கு ஏற்பட்ட சோதனைகள் என்பது அவர் எண்ணம். அதனால் இந்நூலுக்கு சத்தியசோதனை என்று அவர் பெயர் வழங்கியுள்ளார்.
Mohandas Gandhi (Author), Deepika Arun (Narrator)
[Tamil] - Sathiya Sodhanai Part 1
(The Story of my Experiments with Truth) என்பது மோகன்தாசு கரம்சந்த் காந்தி எழுதிய அவருடைய வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்று நூல் ஆகும். தன்னுடைய வாழ்வு முழுவதும் ஓர் ஆய்வாளனின் ஆய்வுப் பயணம் போல எனக் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கும் காந்தி தன் வாழ்க்கையை ஒரு திறந்த புத்தகம் என்றும் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கிறார். தம் வாழ்வின் மறக்க இயலாத பகுதிகளைச் சமூகத்திற்கு ஞாபகப்படுத்த வேண்டிய பாடங்களாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். அவை யாவும் சத்தியத்திற்கு ஏற்பட்ட சோதனைகள் என்பது அவர் எண்ணம். அதனால் இந்நூலுக்கு சத்தியசோதனை என்று அவர் பெயர் வழங்கியுள்ளார்.
Mohandas Gandhi (Author), Deepika Arun (Narrator)
[Tamil] - Sathiya Sodhanai Part 5
சத்திய சோதனை (The Story of my Experiments with Truth) என்பது மோகன்தாசு கரம்சந்த் காந்தி எழுதிய அவருடைய வாழ்க்கை வரலாற்று நூல் ஆகும். தன்னுடைய வாழ்வு முழுவதும் ஓர் ஆய்வாளனின் ஆய்வுப் பயணம் போல எனக் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கும் காந்தி தன் வாழ்க்கையை ஒரு திறந்த புத்தகம் என்றும் குறிப்பிட்டிருக்கிறார். தம் வாழ்வின் மறக்க இயலாத பகுதிகளைச் சமூகத்திற்கு ஞாபகப்படுத்த வேண்டிய பாடங்களாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார். அவை யாவும் சத்தியத்திற்கு ஏற்பட்ட சோதனைகள் என்பது அவர் எண்ணம். அதனால் இந்நூலுக்கு சத்தியசோதனை என்று அவர் பெயர் வழங்கியுள்ளார்.
Mohandas Gandhi (Author), Deepika Arun (Narrator)
[Romanian] - Fii util: 7 reguli de viață
7 reguli la îndemâna oricui, pe care să le urmezi pentru a-ți realiza adevăratul scop în viață – puse laolaltă de Arnold Schwarzenegger din propria sa călătorie de permanentă reinventare și de realizări extraordinare. Cel mai mare culturist din lume. Cel mai bine plătit star de cinema. Liderul celei de-a șasea economii la nivel mondial. Faptul că toate reprezintă una și aceeași persoană poate părea o glumă, dar nu este. Acesta este Arnold Schwarzenegger. Iar lucrurile nu s-au desfășurat la întâmplare. Succesul extraordinar al lui Arnold s-a petrecut în cadrul unui proces. A fost rezultatul unei viziuni clare, al planificării atente, al muncii asidue, al comunicării directe, al rezolvării reziliente a problemelor, al curiozității și minții deschise, și al unui angajament de a da ceva înapoi. Toate acestea, călăuzite de lecția de viață primită de la tatăl lui, mai presus de orice: fii util! Cucerind fiecare tărâm pe care a pășit, Arnold a păstrat mereu îndemnul tatălui în sufletul său. Cu o voce unică și onestă, puternică și directă, cartea Fii util. 7 reguli de viață își poartă cititorul într-o călătorie inspirațională printre instrumentele folosite de autor într-o viață plină de semnificație. Arnold ne arată cum să le folosim pentru a ne construi acel viitor plin de satisfacții la care visăm.
Arnold Schwarzanegger (Author), Alex Potocean (Narrator)
[German] - Lovelights - Benjamin und Jane
Manchmal muss man über den Horizont hinausblicken, um die Dinge zu sehen, auf die man seit Langem vergeblich gewartet hat. Benjamin Foster ist Ende 30, trockener Alkoholiker und sehr zurückgezogen. Sein einziger Kontakt ist seine erwachsene Patentochter Crystal – aber ausgerechnet diese familiäre Bindung gerät ins Wanken, nachdem Benjamin erneut einen schweren Rückfall erleidet. Als er daraufhin den Job wechselt, lernt er eine geheimnisvolle Kollegin kennen, die seine Gefühle vollkommen ins Schleudern bringt. Jane ist nicht nur etliche Jahre jünger als Benjamin, sie ist auch sehr schüchtern und reserviert. Benjamin weiß, dass er sich in Jane verliebt hat, aber sie scheint unerreichbar zu sein. Als sie sich trotz aller Schwierigkeiten anfreunden, gewinnt Benjamin neuen Mut und Stärke. Er will um sie kämpfen – aber das scheint mit jedem Schritt schwieriger zu werden, denn Jane hat Geheimnisse, die Benjamin nicht kennt und die ihm gefährlich werden könnten... Eine packende Liebesgeschichte der ganz besonderen Art über zwei Menschen, die versuchen, in einer hoffnungslosen Welt ihren gemeinsamen Weg zu finden.
Elias J. Connor, Sweetie Willow (Author), Tobi Von Meintobi.De (Narrator)
She Called Me Woman: Nigeria's Queer Women Speak
“We put together this collection of twenty-five narratives to correct the invisibility, the confusion, the caricaturising and the writing out of queer women from history.” This stirring and intimate collection brings together 25 captivating narratives to paint a vivid portrait of what it means to be a queer Nigerian woman. Covering an array of experiences - the joy and excitement of first love, the agony of lost love and betrayal, the sometimes-fraught relationship between sexuality and spirituality, addiction and suicide, childhood games and laughter - She Called Me Woman sheds light on how Nigerian queer women, despite their differences, attempt to build a life together in a climate of fear. Through first-hand accounts, She Called Me Woman challenges us to rethink what it means to be a Nigerian ‘woman’, negotiating relationships, money, sexuality and freedom, identifying outside the gender binary, and the difficulties of achieving hopes and dreams under the constraints of societal expectations and legal terrorism. These beautifully told stories of resistance and resilience reveal the realities of a community that refuses to be invisible any longer.
Azeenarh Mohammed, Chitra Nagarajen, Rafeeat Aliyu (Author), Carol Nuga, Christel Mutombo, TBD (Narrator)
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