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[German] - Tanz am Abgrund - Zum Selbsthass erzogen – meine Jugend an der Ballettschule
Ein leidenschaftlicher Kampf um Selbstbehauptung.Als Marie von der renommierten Berliner Ballettschule angenommen wird, ist sie überglücklich; das Sportinternat gilt als Kaderschmiede für junge Talente und auch sie strebt eine tänzerische Laufbahn an. Doch der Alltag ist ganz anders als erhofft und die Lehrer gängeln ihre Schützlinge von früh bis spät, insbesondere das Gewicht ist ein brisantes Dauerthema. Marie steht den gnadenlosen Drill bis zum Abschluss durch, droht aber schließlich an dem Erlebten zu zerbrechen. Will sie das vermeiden, muss sie für sich einstehen ...-
Marie Sophie Budek (Author), Carolin-Therese Wolff (Narrator)
[German] - Gebranntes Kind sucht das Feuer (Ungekürzte Lesung)
'Das Mädchen hatte schon immer gewusst, dass etwas mit ihm nicht stimmte.' Cordelia, unehelich geboren, ist eine 'Dreivierteljüdin', ihre Mutter eine berühmte Schriftstellerin und glühende Katholikin. Im entscheidenden Moment schützt diese nicht ihre Tochter, sondern rettet sich selbst. Mit 14 Jahren wird Cordelia Edvardson nach Auschwitz deportiert. Ihr Roman ist die schmerzhafte Annäherung an den Verrat durch die eigene Mutter, die tastende Suche nach einer Identität, der Versuch, dem Grauen der Vergangenheit ungeschützt ins Gesicht zu sehen.
Cordelia Edvardson (Author), Nina Kunzendorf (Narrator)
[German] - Damenopfer (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Moskau, 1923. Larissa Reissner hat als sowjetische Gesandte in Kabul strategische Pläne entdeckt, die das Britische Empire stürzen könnten. In der flirrenden Hauptstadt, wo man die Welt neu denkt und aus den Angeln heben will, sucht sie nach dem Verfasser, einem Deutschen namens Niedermayer. Denn der Sieg der Freiheit ist Reissners Lebenssinn, die junge Schriftstellerin und Revolutionärin wird als Wundertochter ihrer Epoche gefeiert. Aus illustrer Familie, lernte sie schon als Kind Lenin kennen, sie kämpfte als Politkommissarin der Wolgaflottille; Pasternak und Trotzki bewundern sie. Von Moskau bricht Reissner auf nach Berlin - zu ihrer größten Mission: Sie soll ein geheimes Bündnis zwischen der Sowjetunion und dem deutschen Militär vermitteln, verkörpert durch General Tuchatschewski, den 'roten Napoleon', und jenen schillernden Ritter von Niedermayer. Doch Larissa verfolgt ihre eigenen Ziele. Zwischen ihr und den beiden Männern entspinnt sich ein Beziehungsgeflecht, das enorme Sprengkraft hat - in amouröser wie politischer Hinsicht. Ein außergewöhnlicher Roman, in dem Ho Chi Minh ebenso zu Wort kommt wie die Lordsiegelbewahrer des britischen Weltreichs oder die Dichterfürstin Anna Achmatowa - Steffen Kopetzky fängt das Leben der Larissa Reissner ein, die nichts weniger als die Welt verändern wollte.
Steffen Kopetzky (Author), Julian Horeyseck (Narrator)
Scientists: The Wright Brothers, Michael Faraday, and George Stephenson
This book contains three biographies: The Wright Brothers - Orville and Wilbur Wright were 2 American air travel leaders who are commonly credited with developing, structure, and flying the world's first effective motor-driven plane. On December seventeenth, 1903, four miles (6 kilometers) south of Cat Hawk, North Carolina, they made the first regulated, supported flight of a powered, heavier-than-air airplane with the Wright Leaflet. The brothers were also the first to develop airplane controls, leading the way for fixed-wing powered flight. Michael Faraday - Michael Faraday was born in Newington Butts, Surrey, on September twenty-second, 1791. (which is now part of the London District of Southwark). He originated from a bad home. His dad, James, was a Christian who came from the Glasite sect. At the time of the winter season of 1790, James Faraday moved his marriage partner and 2 kids from Outhgill, Westmorland, where he had been an apprentice to the town blacksmith. In the fall of that year, Michael was born. Michael Faraday, the 3rd of 4 kids, needed to inform himself after getting just a primary school education. George Stephenson - George Stephenson was a British civil and mechanical engineer who lived from June the 9th 1781 to August the 12th 1848. Stephenson, called the 'Dad of Railways,' was regarded by Victorians as a great example of exertion and a desire to enhance. Samuel Smiles, a self-help supporter, applauded his achievements in particular. The four feet eight +12 inches (1.435 m) basic gauge used by the majority of the world's trains is based upon his chosen rail gauge, at times described as 'Stephenson gauge.'
Kelly Mass (Author), Chris Newman (Narrator)
Stories: the faith journey of a housewife who happens to be nonverbal quadriplegic
From faith’s birth to its refining through disease, this poetically illustrated memoir details one woman’s journey of growth. Pulscher’s writings stand testament that each individual, regardless of limitations, can make a meaningful contribution to the world through daring to share their stories.
Laura Jean Pulscher (Author), Wendy Anderson (Narrator)
Memoirs of an American who spent the majority of over twenty years in Russia at the highest levels. Described by one literary critic as 'Jack Kerouac narrating the adventures of Thomas Pynchon's character, Tyrone Slothrop, only in Russia,' Sovok' takes you on a front-row view of the transition from Soviet Union to liberated Russia and her return back to today's tyranny. McKinney describes his interactions for over twenty years with dissidents, billionaires, mob bosses, presidents, bureaucrats, and political leaders, while he constantly breaks laws and bends rules, as mostly do the people he works with. By declaring himself a liar, the author prods the reader to question everyone and everything. Through personal stories, one of Sovok's central themes is that a network of loyal and moral friends can circumvent the strictest government regulations and defeat criminal syndicates. Sovok falls into one or a dozen categories of book. The one category it is not is ordinary.
Kevin Hollis Mckinney (Author), Jason Maniccia (Narrator)
Somersaults: Through the Keyhole
There are somersaults and there are somersaults. Physically … no big deal. Lots of people can do them. This book is about the other kind of somersaults – through life. In this case, from a little girl plunked into the mid-fifties in socialist Czechoslovakia to a rebel at school with beliefs twisted and turned by social storms. Then in 1968, her family lives through morphing into socialism with a human face, the consequent invasion of the Warsaw Pact armies, and ultimately, the Russian occupation. And eventually, for many ordinary people, the reality of the so-called Velvet Revolution of 1989. When the girl grows into a young woman, she fights with traditions and old thinking. Plenty of humour, the discovery of limits, many sides of the same coin, the power of friendship, stepping into worlds of taboo, and challenging one’s own fear – every somersault has consequences. Intimate, funny, honest. If you enjoyed this audiobook, try listening to the sequel: Czech Mate
Mira Mack (Author), Robin Howatt Shrock, Robin Shrock (Narrator)
Limp Forward: A Memoir of Disability, Perseverance, and Success
'A vibrant story of a brilliant and industrious woman.' — Kirkus Reviews 'An inspirational book that drives home the importance of perseverance, love, and the beauty that can come from being differently abled.' — Readers' Favorite (5 star) 'A tale of perseverance, an inspiration for all. Look back to understand your roots, & look forward to unleash your potential' — Reedsy (5 star) 'A compelling narrative that invites readers into a whirlwind of emotions, from joy and pain to exhilaration and determination, all underscored by Meyers' strategic ingenuity.' - Library Titan (5 star) From being a little girl in a village in China with polio to a tech executive at Apple, Libo Cao Meyers has had quite a journey in life—a journey steeped in rich family legacy and powered by determination, growth, and love. Over the years and the miles, she’s embraced her differences and has allowed no one—including herself—to set limitations on what she’s able to accomplish. But just because she’s been successful doesn’t mean it’s been easy. Not by a long shot. Along the way, Libo has overcome challenges as an immigrant in a new country, a person with a disability, a mother, and a woman in the male-dominated world of technology. In Limp Forward, Libo boldly shares her story—both the hard and the beautiful—so that you may feel seen, be reminded of your inherent value, and find the strength you need to face your own challenges in life. Every journey is unique, but Libo’s experiences contain insight that connects us all. Limp Forward is a captivating, unbridled exploration of the truths that guide us and shows what is possible when we pursue our full potential.
Libo Meyers (Author), Libo Meyers (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El desorden de mi locura
En este libro describo en primera persona la experiencia personal con la depresión y la ansiedad. Describo los puntos que me han hecho llegar a este extremo, el proceso de búsqueda de ayuda profesional en un sistema de atención médica que a veces no pone las cosas tan fáciles como se debería, y todo aquello que me ha hecho avanzar y mejorar. Con esto busco que otras personas con este tipo de problemáticas puedan ver que estos casos existen, que se puede salir adelante y que no están solos, tratando de empatizar con nuestra situación y tender una mano amiga para el avance en este duro proceso. Al mismo tiempo, dar visibilidad y tratar de romper ciertos tabús ligados a este tema.
Eduard Cubero Liarte (Author), Lucia I.A. (Narrator)
Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers
Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers by Charles Bradlaugh: Charles Bradlaugh's 'Ancient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers' is a collection of biographical sketches and essays that celebrate the lives and ideas of prominent freethinkers throughout history. As an ardent advocate for secularism and freethought, Bradlaugh aims to promote rationalism, skepticism, and intellectual inquiry. The book features influential figures like Voltaire, Thomas Paine, and Giordano Bruno, shedding light on their contributions to science, philosophy, and the advancement of human knowledge. Bradlaugh, a prominent British atheist, political activist, and writer, was a leading advocate for secularism and freethought. As a passionate proponent of free speech and social reform, Bradlaugh wrote extensively on topics related to atheism, politics, and social justice, challenging prevailing religious and societal norms.
Charles Bradlaugh (Author), Geoffrey Giuliano, The Arc (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Frederick Douglass (resumo)
'Não há um único homem sob a abóbada celeste que não saiba que a escravidão é errada para si mesmo.' - Frederick Douglass 'Frederick Douglass é um dos homens cuja trajetória pode ser classificada como uma das mais impressionantes da história mundial. É importante ressaltar que Douglass não é apenas um personagem cuja relevância se reduz à história dos Estados Unidos. Trata-se de um homem cujas ideias e ações possibilitaram uma maior compreensão do mundo em que hoje vivemos e que deixou relatos que nos permitem assistir a como funcionavam as sociedades escravocratas. Na Autobiografia aprendemos, por meio de seu olhar, de que modo as sociedades construídas sobre o trabalho escravo firmaram, a exemplo do que ocorreu no Brasil, um pacto de todos contra os escravizados, pacto este que está na composição das instituições jurídicas, das instituições políticas e na vida cotidiana.' - Da Apresentação, de Silvio Almeida'
Arthur Schopenhauer (Author), Cido Tavares (Narrator)
[Arabic] - ملخص كتاب أنا ملالا: ناضلت دفاعا عن حق التعليم وحاولت طالبان قتلي
على أعتاب الخامسة عشر عاما، تعرضت 'ملالا' لهجوم إرهابي، في طريق عودتها إلى البيت بعد المدرسة على متن حافلة نقل عام، كاد الحادث يقضي على حياتها، ولكن لماذا وقعت هذه الحادثة؟ بالتأكيد أنت تعرف اسم ملالا ولكن هل تعرف حقًّا حكايتها كاملة؟
كريستينا لامب (Author), Sahla Books (Narrator)
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