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St. Ignatius Loyola: The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyola
This account of the life of St. Ignatius, dictated by himself to Father Gonzalez, is a most valuable record of the great Founder of the Society of Jesus. It, more than any other work, gives an insight into the spiritual life of St. Ignatius. Few works in ascetical literature, except the writings of St. Teresa and St. Augustine, impart such a knowledge of the soul.The saint in his narrative always refers to himself in the third person, and this mode of speech has here been retained. Many persons who have neither the time, nor, perhaps, the inclination, to read larger works, will read, we trust, with pleasure and profit this autobiography. Ignatius, as he lay wounded in his brother's house, read the lives of the saints to while away the time. Touched by grace, he cried, 'What St. Francis and St. Dominic have done, that, by God's grace, I will do.' May this little book, in like manner, inspire its readers with the desire of imitating St. Ignatius. This autobiography is a valuable key for the understanding of his Spiritual Exercises. It was kept in the archives for about 150 years
St. Ignatius Loyola (Author), Philip Chenevert (Narrator)
Maeve Rising: Coming Out Trans in Corporate America
When Maeve DuVally came out as a transgender woman while working as a corporate communications manager at Goldman Sachs, she knew she couldn't do it quietly. DuVally intimately documents her struggle to be herself in this environment, initially keeping her identity a secret with wardrobe changes in the lobby bathroom after work. Eventually she declares herself and, to her surprise, Goldman Sachs embraces the effort. Surgery follows. When DuVally finally takes those first steps on heels through the corridors of this institution on the way to her first meeting as a woman, the listener cheers. A New York Times story helped her realize she could become a role model for other transgender people and branded Goldman Sachs as a model for corporations assisting their transitioning employees. Before she found her courage, DuVally's life was mired in depression and unconscious struggle. Raised in an Irish Catholic family with a sadistic pathologist father, her upbringing dropped her into an adulthood plagued by alcoholism. At Goldman Sachs, she ascends to a top communications position before her drinking begins to encroach upon her work. Finally, DuVally hits bottom, becoming sober after a lifetime in and out of AA and rehab. Clear at last, she begins to understand the source of her lifelong struggle and takes the bold step to become the woman she is now.
Maeve Duvally (Author), Nicky Endres (Narrator)
The Old Gays’ Guide to the Good Life
‘I’ve fallen in love with this fabulous foursome … They are a phenomenon!’ Drew Barrymore From @theoldgays, the internet’s most beloved foursome, a book of inspirational stories and aspirational advice for living life at the fullest. The Old Gays have taken TikTok by storm with their viral videos, by turns outrageous and hilarious, fashionable and fierce. But as four gay men, aged from 67 to 80, Mick, Jessay, Robert, and Bill have lived through decades of momentous change and they’ve got stories that take more than three minutes to tell. They grew up in the closet, experienced Stonewall, lived large during the gay sexual revolution, lost friends during the AIDS crisis, dealt with their own HIV+ diagnoses, and saw gay marriage became legal. Between them, they’ve been through it all – divorce, depression, bankruptcy, near-death experiences. And then there’s the dinner parties, the nudism, the professional bodybuilding, the orgies and the matter of church. These are the tales – sometimes scandalous, sometimes profound, sometimes heart-breaking – that only an older gay man can tell. Their Guide to the Good Life is a celebration of lives lived to the fullest, and the art of getting old without getting bored. Whether it’s ageing, coming out, losing everything, starting over, finding happiness or just injecting a little more fun into proceedings, it’s good to know someone’s been there before, and they’re more than happy to give their best, bawdiest, most hard-won advice.
Bill Lyons, Jessay Martin, Mick Peterson, Robert Reeves (Author), Bill Lyons, Jessay Martin, Mick Peterson, Robert Reeves (Narrator)
The Fine Red Line: Stories from the Watch Room
Step into the extraordinary world of firefighting and emergency response, where the fine red line between life and death is faced daily with unwavering courage and dedication. In this riveting collection of real-life stories, the author, drawing from over 50 years of firefighting and fire administration experience, offers a captivating glimpse into the exhilarating and perilous existence of those who put their lives on the line for our safety. While most of us enjoy the comfort of routine, these brave souls confront unpredictable outcomes on a regular basis. From heart-stopping emergency responses to the profound wisdom shared in the firehouse watch room, and the camaraderie found around the kitchen table, you will be transported to a world that only they know. These stories are filled with miracles and tragedies, some of which could have been prevented. Each shift is a quest to ensure that 'Everyone Goes Home,' safe and sound. The sacrifices made by Firefighters, EMS, and Public Safety Personnel are immeasurable, as they answer our distress calls on the darkest days of our lives. This audio book not only pays homage to those who selflessly stand behind the brave men and women in uniform but also offers profound gratitude to all firefighters and public safety personnel who undergo rigorous training and make unimaginable sacrifices to protect us and our loved ones from ever crossing THE FINE RED LINE. As you listen to these stories, you will gain a newfound appreciation for the families that support these heroes and the emotional toll they endure. These stories are a tribute to their resilience and strength as they navigate a life intricately entwined with the Fine Red Line. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and forever changed by these accounts that delve into the heart and soul of those who exemplify bravery, compassion, and the unyielding spirit to safeguard others from the brink of disaster, on THE FINE RED LINE.
Tom Olshanski (Author), Rich Palmer (Narrator)
A desperate mother must grapple with impossible choices as her young son becomes too dangerous to live at home, but is only growing bigger, stronger, and more violent while in treatment. When Keri and her husband adopt Devon, he has concerning behaviors, but she's confident all he needs is the love of a forever family. Devon's hidden history of early childhood trauma quickly takes center stage when Devon throws screaming fits, yanks his bedroom door off its hinges, chases his classmates with a knife, and pushes his younger brother down the stairs and viciously karate-chops him in the throat. When Devon is admitted to a psychiatric residential treatment facility at age 10 and is diagnosed with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), Keri is faced with an impossible choice -- Devon is too dangerous to live at home, but he's not getting better in treatment. Keri must race against time to find help for Devon and keep her other children safe, as he grows bigger, stronger, and more violent. Based on a shocking true story, this reads-like-a-novel memoir exposes the dysfunctions of the child welfare and mental health systems and how they fail kids with RAD and their families. 2022 IndieReader Discovery Award Winner 16th National Indie Excellence Award Winner 11th Annual Kindle Book Award Winner 2022 Wishing Shelf Award Finalist
Keri Williams (Author), Cindy Piller (Narrator)
[German] - Into the Fire: Berichte aus Krisengebieten
Enno Lenze war auf dem Weg nach Butscha, als dieser Ort noch nicht als Synonym für russische Kriegsver brechen galt. Er berichtet von der Front aus der Ukraine, vom Kampf gegen den IS in der Autonomen Region Kurdistan, von der Herrschaft der Taliban in Afghanistan, von Tränengasangriffen auf Studenten in Hongkong. Waffenmessen in Paris und Dubai sind ebenso sein Thema wie der versuchte Sturm des Bundestags durch Reichsbürger. Enno Lenze ist der Betreiber des Berlin Story Geschichtsbunkers mit der Dokumentation 'Hitler – wie konnte es geschehen'. Darüber hinaus veröffentlicht er regelmäßig Berichte über seine Reisen in Kriegs- und Krisen regionen in den Berlin Story News. Dort schildert er seine Erlebnisse und Erfahrungen – ungeschönt und keinem Auftraggeber verpflichtet, verantwortlich nur seinen Lesern und sich selbst. Das Foto auf dem Cover zeigt ihn auf der Schnellstraße Richtung Butscha am 2. April 2022, dem Tag, an dem die russische Armee die Schlacht um Kyiv verloren hatte und abzog. 'Wir kommen vorbei an zerstörten Brücken, sehen durchsiebte zivile Wagen. Manche durchlöchert wie ein Nudelsieb. Hinter den Autos die ersten Leichen. Dann ein Rettungswagen, durchlöchert von Munition und Schrapnellen. In den Autos die Leichen von Männern, Frauen, Kindern. Ein Lada steht entgegen der Fahrtrichtung auf der Straße, dahinter ein Körper. Ein Mensch, der hinter dem Wagen Schutz gesucht hatte, erschossen und dann überrollt wurde. Ich sehe hundert Kilometer russische Kriegsverbrechen.' 'Dass er einfach so losgefahren war, weil er mit eigenen Augen sehen wollte, was tat sächlich in der Ukraine passiert, brachte Enno den großen Respekt auch der amerikanischen Kollegen ein. 'Who is this Enno guy?!', fragten sie mich. Ja, who is he? Wer ist er und warum macht er das, was er tut?' - Paul Ronzheimer
Enno Lenze (Author), Hagen Winterfels (Narrator)
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
An American professor, lecturer and writer Dale Carnegie wrote: 'If you want to have an excellent advice how to treat people, control yourself and improve your own qualities, you should read The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, one of the most fascinating stories of the life.' According to what Franklin wrote in The Autobiography, he developed and tried to implement into the life a plan of the moral perfection achievement and extermination of bad habits, based on developing skills in 13, described by him, goodnesses.
Benjamin Franklin (Author), Stacey Patterson (Narrator)
This story is true and remains dedicated to impacting the needs and lives of individuals in society: all the topics are real, whereas it's main purpose is to raise awareness of ongoing issues, yet present encouraging messages. Inspired by the life, work and values of Artist/Composer, Producer, Leader & Friend: Gregory Kemmis. This is the first literary work written by Gregory W. Kemmis, an acclaimed artist. He specializes in media production, and his previous experiences include a plethora of original works and performances within the music industry. During the most recent decade to date, he rapidly grew within his career, expanding his knowledge and applied skills to include creating independent documentaries or episodic series. Intentionally covering on some of the most pressing issues, to educate and spark awareness about experience, adaptation and controversial topics still at large presently, Kemmis has taken this goal to another level when considering the writings contained within 'The One By One Documentaries.' It should also be noted that this literary work is a collection of what once was an episodic series made for television broadcasts but was never actually distributed to the public. Although this remains the case regarding the television series, Kemmis has changed direction to avail the opportunity to publish this series in book form. It was critical to him that the events contained within 'The One By One Documentaries' be heard and spoken to worldwide readers as generations continue to adapt to life and culture. He composes this book as the first of what should remain important compilations towards sufficiently leading a way towards past silencing rights to express ourselves.
Gregory Kemmis (Author), Gregory Kemmis (Narrator)
Flame and Fortune: How the Fire Service (almost) Killed Me
Rick Bucher had a normal enough childhood, but his life has been extraordinary since. An adventure sports athlete, racer and instructor, Rick served as a firefighter/paramedic/rescue tech in Scottsdale, Arizona for 27 years. He answered over 16,000 calls for service. After narrowly surviving a rock climbing accident, motorcycle wreck and a suicide attempt, he went on to receive treatment for PTSD and is now working to increase awareness of mental health issues in the public safety arena. He also went on to find his biological family after decades of unanswered questions about who he was and where he came from. Eliminating the stigma of stepping forward for help and providing support for those who do is his new passion and he tours the country following opportunities to share his story, speaking to groups and spreading a message of hope, resilience and unity in the face of trauma. His story is a remarkable tale of redemption and a reminder of the power of the human spirit. 302 pages.
Rick Bucher (Author), Rick Bucher (Narrator)
[German] - Alles gut? Das meiste schon! - Meine Eltern, diese gemeine Krankheit und ich (Ungekürzt)
Wenn die Eltern krank werden - und sich das eigene Leben verändert Die schlichte Frage 'Alles gut?' ist mittlerweile eine der beliebtesten Begrüßungsformeln - aber was bitte soll man darauf antworten? Marco Schreyl kann sich an eine Zeit erinnern, in der überhaupt nicht alles gut war, in der ihn die Sorge um seine Mutter fast erdrückte, ihm aber nichts anderes übrigblieb, als trotzdem zu funktionieren und in die Kamera zu lächeln. Im Sommer 2015 stand es fest: Marcos Mutter hat Chorea Huntington, eine erbliche Erkrankung des Gehirns, die in Demenz mündet und zwangsläufig zum Tod führt. Auch vor der Diagnose war klar, dass etwas nicht stimmte; dass seine Mutter schon eine Weile nicht mehr die Person war, die er geliebt und die immer eine große Rolle in seinem Leben gespielt hatte. Der Versuch, sich diese Nähe zu erhalten, für seine Mutter da zu sein, würde ihn in den nächsten Jahren an seine Grenzen bringen. Nach und nach macht die Krankheit jedes Kümmern, jede Kommunikation unmöglich - und wie vor ihm schon sein Vater muss auch Marco einsehen, dass er nur verlieren kann. Dass er sich selbst schützen muss, auf eine konsequente und brutale Art: indem er sich zurückzieht. Marcos Mutter stirbt 2021, und für Marco beginnt die eigene Auseinandersetzung mit den Jahren der Krankheit. Und mit den Jahren davor. Er erinnert sich an seine Jugend in Thüringen und Urlaube an der Ostsee, an seine Eltern als junge, energiegeladene Menschen, die Großes vorhatten im Leben. Daran, wie die junge Familie die Wende erlebt, wie er selbst aufbricht, in die Öffentlichkeit und in die Medien - wo er Jahre später auf die Frage 'Alles gut?' nur so antworten kann: 'Alles nicht, aber das meiste schon!'
Marco Schreyl (Author), Marco Schreyl (Narrator)
Soldier On: A Woman's Memoir of Resilience and Hope
Soldier On is a true story about what it means to become a woman, and how the heat of hardships can forge strong character and lead to a purposeful life. The daughter of an Auschwitz survivor, author Bracha Horovitz spent her childhood surrounded by people who worked fervently to establish the fledgling nation of Israel after its 1948 independence. Inspired by their resilience and fortitude, Bracha set her heart on living a life that would honor her family, her community, and her heritage. At eighteen, Bracha joined the Israel Defense Forces. Alongside other female soldiers, she parachuted from planes, marched through hot deserts, and learned to shoot machine guns. Intense military training taught her that women, too, can be fierce fighters. Then, while serving at IDF headquarters among Israel’s top military leaders, she was selected to participate in the Miss Israel beauty pageant. For her, the experience raised new questions about the meaning of womanhood and her purpose in life. In a beautiful love story, Bracha married an honorable, entrepreneurial man. The two of them seemed to have it all—lucrative careers, a happy marriage, and a small family. Invited to work in the US, they struggled to maintain their Israeli identity while adapting to cross-cultural life. And then . . . tragedy struck. Hardship suddenly became a permanent aspect of Bracha’s everyday existence. Written with elegant prose and profound insights for our lives, Soldier On is the story of how one woman and her family discovered how they could, with courage and perseverance, transform suffering into a beautiful life. In an era that is brimming with anxiety and despair, this book reminds us that no amount of suffering can destroy hope and love.
Bracha Horovitz (Author), Alex Picard (Narrator)
GOD IN THE MEANTIME: A Story of Trusting God's Voice and Embracing His Timing
Friday the 13th was the last time she felt fully in control of all her limbs. At 1 a.m. on Saturday, her world as she had known it ended... She was fully awake and trying not to freak out at the thought of something foreign travelling up into her body to roam around inside her brain… Is there really a purpose to all this pain? She asked “Where is GOD when I'm suffering during the agonizingly long wait?” In this moving, revealing, and witty book Batchelor affirms that GOD is much smarter than we are. HIS timing is perfect. And HIS heart is totally loving. Delivered in lively, thoughtful and revealing prose. it is hard to miss Batchelor's faith statement and the truth of her loving FATHER who, in HIS infinite wisdom sometimes withholds in order to richly bless. She was caught with no way out than to confess what she believed GOD had told her… THIS IS A MUST-READ, LIFE-TRANSFORMING BOOK!
Diane Batchelor (Author), Diane Batchelor, Jon Williams (Narrator)
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