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[Spanish] - La lista de Schindler
Quien salva la vida de un hombre salva al mundo entero. La novela que inspiró la película de Steven Spielberg. Él era Oskar Schindler. Un empresario alemán, miembro del partido nazi, que, con osadía e ingenio, se convirtió en un héroe en medio del horror de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En este gran hito de la literatura sobre el Holocausto, Thomas Keneally recrea magistralmente sus peligrosas proezas y cómo utilizó su fortuna para comprar una fábrica cerca de un campo de concentración y así salvar la vida de más de 1.300 judíos. La crítica ha dicho... «Una asombrosa historia... en este caso la verdad es mucho más poderosa que cualquier producto de la imaginación.» Newsweek «Un relato extraordinario.» The New York Review of Books «Una magnífica narración sobre la grandeza del alma humana.» Los Angeles Times Book Review
Thomas Keneally (Author), Antonio Martínez Asensio, Eugenio Barona (Narrator)
Two men, two dreams, two new towns on the plains, and a railroad that will determine whether the towns—one black, one white—live or die. Will Crump has survived the Civil War, Red Cloud’s War, and the loss of his love, but the search for peace still eludes him. From Colorado, famed Texas Ranger Charlie Goodnight lures Will to Texas, where he finds new love, but can love between a sharpshooter and a Quaker survive? Will has a chance to join in founding a new town, and risks everything—his savings, his family, and his life—but it will all be for nothing if the new railroad passes them by. Luther has escaped slavery in Kentucky through Albinia, Will’s sister, only to find prejudice rearing its ugly head in Indiana. When the Black Codes are passed, he’s forced to leave and begin a new odyssey. Where can he and his family go to be truly free? Can they start a town owned by blacks, run by blacks, with no one to answer to? Their success depends on the almighty railroad and overcoming bigotry to prove their town deserves the chance to thrive. Will’s eldest sister, Julia, and her husband, Hiram, are watching the demise of their steamboat business and jump into railroads, but there’s a long black shadow in the form of Jay Gould, the robber baron who ruthlessly swallows any business he considers competition. Can Julia fight the rules against women in business, dodge Gould, and hold her marriage together? The Founding tells the little-known story of the Exodusters and Nicodemus, the black town on the plains of Kansas, and the parallel story of Will’s founding of Lubbock, Texas, against the background of railroad expansion in America. A family reunited, new love discovered, the quest for freedom, the rise of two towns. In the end, can they reach Across the Great Divide? The Founding is the exciting conclusion to the series.
Michael L. Ross (Author), Joshua Young (Narrator)
'Language gave to me the body I knew was mine and brought into existence so many possibilities for what my gender can be.' Across these twenty fresh and boldly intimate stories, Erin Riley writes about the things that matter most: family, heartbreak, humanity, justice and swimming, and the messy, hard graft of becoming one's authentic self. In weaving together their everyday while questioning society and its structures, Erin gifts us stories that double as a manifesto on how to disrupt and reinvent narrative, identity, love and community. Life is complicated, messy and - when small risks are taken - even exhilarating. In Erin's hands we fall in love, get curious and become exasperated with (and sometimes charmed by) the people in their life, emerging with new perspectives on how to be in the world. Social worker and counsellor Erin Riley is a recipient of Penguin Random House Australia's 2021 Write It fellowship program, which aspires to find, nurture and develop unpublished writers across all genres, with a focus on underrepresented sections of our community.
Erin Riley (Author), Erin Riley (Narrator)
Inspired and inspiring, What The Dogs Tell Me opens a new chapter in human-dog relationships. Dog-whisperer, poetry-shouter. Rose Lesniak has written a one-of-a-kind book from a one-of-a-kind poet. What The Dogs Tell Me is poetry that is gentle and loving, with a witty syntax and eyes that look at you awaiting a response. Then again, there's a lot of barking and rowdiness and sadness too, as her 2 Wheatons, Martha and Joey, move through her life and pass away. This is an interspecie Book of Advice you'd be wise to heed. And you'll find a paw print on every page just to show that the co-author is present too. This is a treasure for dog lovers who want to know what's going on inside that furry head. Read Rose's book and expand your conversation with your 4-legged friends!
Rose Lesniak (Author), Rose Lesniak (Narrator)
Black Tax: Burden ... or Ubuntu?
The real significance of this book lies in the fact that it tells us more about the everyday life of black South Africans. It delves into the essence of black family life and the secret anguish of family members who often battle to cope. – Niq Mhlongo A secret torment for some, a proud responsibility for others, ‘black tax’ is a daily reality for thousands of black South Africans. In this thought-provoking and moving anthology, a provocative range of voices share their deeply personal stories. With the majority of black South Africans still living in poverty today, many black middle-class households are connected to working-class or jobless homes. Some believe supporting family members is an undeniable part of African culture and question whether it should even be labelled as a kind of tax. Others point to the financial pressure it places on black students and professionals, who, as a consequence, struggle to build their own wealth. Many feel they are taking over what is essentially a government responsibility. The contributions also investigate the historical roots of black tax, the concept of the black family and the black middle class. In giving voice to so many different perspectives, Black Tax hopes to start a dialogue on this widespread social phenomenon.
Niq Mhlongo (ed.) (Author), Chumisa Cosa, Mark Mwaba, Neo Mbabama, Nolifundiso Jamndu, Peggy Tunyiswa, Sello Sebotsane, Sk Tsubane, Tshamano Sebe (Narrator)
There's a book written for every one of us... Carl may be 72 years old, but he's young at heart. Every night he goes door-to-door delivering books by hand to his loyal customers. He knows their every desire and preference, carefully selecting the perfect story for each person. One evening as he makes his rounds, nine-year-old Schascha appears. Loud and precocious, she insists on accompanying him - and even tries to teach him a thing or two about books. When Carl's job at the bookstore is threatened, will the old man and the girl in the yellow raincoat be able to restore Carl's way of life, and return the joy of reading to his little European town? THE DOOR-TO-DOOR BOOKSTORE is a heart-warming tale of the value of friendship, the magic of reading, and the power of books to unite us all.
Carsten Henn (Author), Raphael Corkhill (Narrator)
In Other Words, Leadership: How a Young Mother's Weekly Letters to Her Governor Helped Both Women Br
"A remarkable story of work, worry, art, faith, community, life, and hope. An instant classic." - Heather Cox Richardson 'A heartfelt and moving story . . . Just as important, it's also a well-timed lesson in civics.' - Richard Russo, author of Empire Falls Two unforgettable women from opposite poles of power in Maine forge an uplifting bond through good, old-fashioned letter writing that helps them navigate the COVID crisis Both women bring civility, grace, wit, and wisdom to the challenge of protecting those who depend on them - in other words, leadership This trip to the "Vacationland" of Maine - where the state motto is I Lead - offers an inspiring tale of civility and purpose, of doing the right thing and not just surviving, but prevailing. The first woman to serve as governor of Maine, Janet Mills, had been in office a year when COVID-19 reached the United States. The recently-widowed 72-year-old wrote in her journal there is "no playbook for a pandemic" as she imposed unprecedented restrictions on her state. When early support for the governor's response curdled to rampant opposition, a young mother named Ashirah Knapp sent a letter of support from a remote homestead in the woods of Maine. Ashirah's handwritten dispatch detailed how the public health emergency was upending her family's life and livelihood, and she promised to keep writing "every week until we are through this time" to remind the governor how many Mainers supported her despite the disruption. Ashirah's letters, with their simple wisdom and striking penmanship, stood out in a flood of correspondence Governor Mills was receiving that ranged in tone from appreciative to furious. They helped keep her grounded as she made wrenching, often unpopular choices. Shannon A. Mullen weaves from these two women's letters and the governor's journal, which were never intended for publication, an intimate and compelling true story that is a celebration of civility and compassion in the face of rancor and of resolve in the face of adversity.
Shannon A. Mullen (Author), Shannon A. Mullen, TBD (Narrator)
black girl, no magic: essays and reflections on living whilst black
'This book is a glowing achievement by one of the best essayists of her generation' Charlie Brinkhurst-Cuff ‘Witty, fresh and full of life’ Liv Little Kimberly McIntosh has lived a full life, with a loving family, messy friendships, mind-expanding travel and all-night parties. She’s also spent that life wondering why such opportunities aren’t always available to people who look like her. Stemming from years of social policy research and campaign work, this essay collection brings together all that Kimberly has learned; whether that’s dismantling the myth of social mobility for those who toe the line, to understanding why her teenage Facebook posts are quite so cringe. In it, she uses her own experiences to reveal how systematic injustice impacts us all, from the pressure of nuclear families, to enduring toxic friendships, to how painful it can be to watch Love Island. Perfect for fans of Slay In Your Lane, Trick Mirror, and Bad Feminist, this dazzling debut collection brilliantly melds the personal and political to not only tell the story of a life, but what that life might teach us.
Kimberly Mcintosh (Author), Kimberly Mcintosh (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El loro de Flaubert
Un despliegue de gran audacia técnica y elegante virtuosismo, al servicio de una amenísima trama en la que se alterna la ficción con hechos reales muy imaginativamente ordenados. Un libro que ha tenido un extraordinario éxito, tanto en Inglaterra como en Estados Unidos, y no sólo de crítica, sino también de ventas, lo cual resulta algo insólito teniendo en cuenta su carácter descaradamente literario. Esta novela no trata sólo del loro que aparecía en Un coeur simple, sino también de ferrocarriles y de osos; de Francia y de Inglaterra; de la vida y del arte; del sexo y de la muerte; de George Sand y de Louise Colet; de los (odiados) estudiosos de la obra de Flaubert y de las virtudes del lector «aficionado». Y todo ello de la pluma de un enigmático narrador, el doctor Braithwaite (un apasionado de Flaubert que llega a escribir su propio sottisier basado en el Dictionnaire des idées reçues), cuya vida y secretos nos son progresivamente desvelados. El loro de Flaubert ha provocado un auténtico alud de críticas entusiastas. Ante el embarras du choix nos limitamos a reproducir los comentarios de una serie de escritores lo suficientemente conocidos como para no precisar mayores explicaciones: «Un logro deslumbrante. Tan notablemente inventivo como audaz» (Walter Abish). «Delicioso y enriquecedor. ¡Un libro para irse con él de parranda!» (Joseph Heller) «Una novela intrincadamente deliciosa» (Graham Greene). «Alimento inacabable para la mente, hermosamente escrito. Un tour de force» (Germaine Greer). «Una joya: una novela literaria que no se avergüenza de serlo y tampoco de ser legible y extraordinariamente entretenida. ¡Bravo!» (John Irving) «El loro de Flaubert, c'est moi!» (Fran Lebowitz).
Julian Barnes (Author), Pablo Adán (Narrator)
Une collection des discours les plus célèbres de Charles de Gaulle aux nations du monde. A collection of Charles de Gaulle's most famous speeches to the nations of the world. Chapitres / Chapters 1. Discours au Corps Diplomatique (Speech to the Diplomatic Corps) - Paris, le 22 janvier 1959 2. Discours au Capitole (Speech at the Capitol) - Rome, le 22 juin 1959 3. Discours aux Morts (Speech to the Fallen) - Madagascar, 8 juillet 1959 4. Discours sur L'Unité Africaine (Speech on African Unity) - Sénégal, 12 décembre 1959 5. Discours au Parlement Britannique (Speech to the British Parliament) - Londres, 7 avril 1960 6. Discours au Congrès (Speech to Congress) - Washington, 25 avril 1960 7. Discours au Bundestag (Speech to the Bundestag) - Bonn, le 4 septembre 1962 8. Conférence de Presse (Press Conference) - Paris, le 31 janvier 1964 9. Discours au peuple du Pérou (Speech to the People of Peru) - Lima, 25 septembre 1964 10. Discours à la Faculté de Droit (Speech to the Faculty of Law) - Buenos Aires, 5 octobre 1964 11. Discours sur le Balcon de Lénine (Speech on the Lenin Balcony) - Moscou, 30 juin 1966 12. Adresse de Télévision (Television Address) - Moscou, 30 juin 1966 13. Discours de Phnom-Penh (Speech of Phnom-Penh) - Phnom Penh, 1er septembre 1966 14. Discours au Vatican (Speech at the Vatican) - Discours au Vatican 15. Discours sur le Balcon de L'Hôtel de Ville (Speech on the City Hall Balcony) - Montréal, 24 juillet 1967 16. Adresse de Télévision (Television Address) - Varsovie, 11 septembre 1967 17. Adresse de Télévision (Television Address) - Paris, le 10 août 1967
Charles De Gaulle (Author), Charles De Gaulle (Narrator)
A collection of the most famous speeches of all time from political figures, such as Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King Jr and John F Kennedy. Chapters 1. Winston Churchill's First Radio Address as Prime Minister - 19 May 1940 (Part 1) 2. Winston Churchill's First Radio Address as Prime Minister - 19 May 1940 (Part 2) 3. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream - 28 August 1963 4. John F Kennedy's Inaugural Address - 20 January 1961 5. Richard M Nixon's Release of Watergate Tapes - 29 April 1974 6. Harry S Truman's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner - 29 March 1952 (Part 1) 7. Harry S Truman's Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner - 29 March 1952 (Part 2) 8. Franklin D Roosevelt's Declaration of War - 8 December 1941 (Part 1) 9. Franklin D Roosevelt's Declaration of War - 8 December 1941 (Part 2) 10. Robert F Kennedy's Democratic Convention - 27 August 1964 (Part 1) 11. Robert F Kennedy's Democratic Convention - 27 August 1964 (Part 2) 12. Franklin D Roosevelt's Christmas Eve Address - 24 December 1941 13. John F Kennedy's Ich bin ein Berliner - 26 June 1963 14. Richard M Nixon's Resignation Speech - 8 August 197 15. Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire - 8 March 1983 16. Ronald Reagan's Berlin Wall Speech - 12 June 1987 17. Douglas MacArthur's Farewell Address to Congress - 19 April 1951 (Part 1) 18. Douglas MacArthur's Farewell Address to Congress - 19 April 1951 (Part 2)
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon (Author), Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard M. Nixon (Narrator)
A collection of speeches and addresses from JFK's time in office - including his last ever speech, as well as the initial assassination report following his murder. Chapters 1. The Nixon-Kennedy Debate - 26 September 1960 2. Pre-Election Speech - 6 November 1960 3. Eve of Election Speech - 8 November 1960 4. Inaugural Speech - 20 January 1961 5. The Oath of Office - 20 January 1961 6. Alliance for Progress Speech - 6 August 1961 7. Berlin Wall Speech - 26 June 1962 8. U.S. Steel Speech - 12 April 1963 9. Speech on Labour - 3 September 1962 10. Speech on Birmingham Segregation - 13 May 1961 11. Nuclear Test Speech - 15 July 1963 12. Peace Corps Speech - 2 March 1962 13. Speech on Cuba - 23 October 1962 14. State of Union Address - 31 January 1961 15. U.N. Address - 26 September 1961 16. Houston Speech - 21 November 1963 17. Dallas Speech - 22 November 1963 18. Initial Report of Assassination - 22 November 1963
John F Kennedy (Author), John F Kennedy (Narrator)
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