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Everybody Come Alive: A Memoir in Essays
A dazzling memoir that explores what it means to become fully alive and holy when we embrace the silenced stories we've inherited-from the creator of Black Coffee with White Friends. "Marcie Alvis Walker writes with an honesty that is both dauntless and compassionate."-Cole Arthur Riley, author of This Here Flesh In her debut book, Everybody Come Alive, Marcie Alvis Walker invites readers into a deeply intimate and illuminating memoir comprising lyrical essays and remembrances of being a curious child of the seventies and eighties, raised under the critical and watchful eye of Jim Crow matriarchs who struggled to integrate their lives and remain whole. While swimming in rivers of racial trauma and racial reckoning, Alvis Walker explores her earliest memories-of abandonment and erasure, of her mother's mental illness and incarceration, and of her ongoing struggles with perfectionism and body dysmorphia-in hopes of leaving a healed and whole legacy for her own child. Nostalgic but unflinching, candid yet tender, Everybody Come Alive is an invitation to be vulnerable along with the author as she unravels all the beauty and terror of God, race, and gender's imprint on her life. This is a coming-of-age journey touching on the bittersweet pain and joy of what it takes to become a person who embraces being Black, a woman, and holy in America. Alvis Walker's unforgettable writing challenges readers to not only see and hold her story as being fully human, but also to see and hold their own stories too.
Marcie Alvis Walker (Author), Marcie Alvis Walker (Narrator)
This new and revised edition of poems about the men and women of the North features the most loved ballads by Robert Service, and is narrated by Michael Puttonen. While living in Whitehorse, Robert Service wrote The Cremation of Sam McGee, and other well-known poems. He wrote and published into his mid-eighties. He was quoted as saying, I just go for a walk and come back with a poem in my pocket. Gaiety, humor, nostalgia, and pathos fill every page, along with the genuine Service ring of virility which has made his verse loved throughout the English reading world.
Harriett Shlossberg, Robert Service (Author), Mike Puttonen (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Siete ensayos sobre la peste
La primera historia cultural de la peste: un recorrido erudito y reflexivo por epidemias y pandemias en la literatura y las artes, de la mano de Carlos Gamerro, uno de los novelistas y ensayistas más prestigiosos de la actualidad. Uno de los propósitos de estos ensayos sobre la peste es entendernos mejor: la vivencia de las epidemias y pandemias acompañó a la humanidad desde siempre; conocer su expresión en la literatura y las artes sirve para tener una imagen más acabada de nosotros mismos. El recorrido por la historia de las epidemias y pandemias en la literatura y las artes -desde la Ilíada hasta las películas de muertos vivos- que Carlos Gamerro propone en este libro interpela persistente nuestros tiempo y experiencia contemporáneos. Aquí se exploran orígenes e ideas, fantasías y decisiones políticas derivadas de la consideración de la peste como castigo divino, daño de brujas, guerra o conspiración. Al mismo tiempo se releen las condiciones de posibilidad del surgimiento del Diario del año de la peste de Daniel Defoe, la influencia de la costumbre de usar a la peste como metáfora de otras calamidades, como la guerra y la ocupación en La peste de Albert Camus, o los goces prohibidos que habilita en el Decamerón de Boccaccio, Muerte en Venecia o El amor en los tiempos del cólera. Fruto de una de las voces más potentes y originales en la novela y el ensayo argentinos contemporáneos, esta obra exquisita por lo erudita e iluminadora por lo reflexiva y original se erige en verdadera historia cultural de la peste, y en ese gesto deja ver su vocación de clásico.
Carlos Gamerro (Author), Tomás Cortés (Narrator)
‘An exquisitely-written, generous, funny, thoughtful book about the everyday joys of being alive. I love it.’ Dolly Alderton ‘J. B. Priestley is one of our literary icons of the 20th Century and it is time that we all became re-acquainted with his genius.’ Dame Judi Dench ‘My apology, my little bit of penitence, for having grumbled so much, for having darkened the breakfast table, almost ruined the lunch, nearly silence the dinner party, for all the fretting and chafing, grousing and croaking, for the old glum look and the thrust-out lower lip. So my long-suffering kinsfolk, my patient friends, may a glimmer of that delight which has so often possessed me, but perhaps too frequently in secret, now reach you from these pages.’ There are times when there doesn’t seem much to smile about. And for those times, there is this book. J. B Priestley’s 1949 classic teaches us that joy may be found in even the simplest things, and that we all have the capacity to appreciate them. Delight comprises a series of short essays, all focussing on a single simple pleasure, from reading detective stories in bed to smoking a pipe in the bath; from ‘Cosy planning’ to the earliest summer mornings; and from mineral water in the bedrooms of foreign hotels to the smell of bacon in the morning. Combining poignant memories of his childhood with glimpses of his interior world, panoramas of life abroad with thoughts about writing, music, theatre – some strictly personal, some universal –this highly readable book bursts with humour and literary flare on every page.
J. B. Priestley (Author), Sean Baker (Narrator)
Russian History Through the Ages: Early History and the Creation of Russia
Finally! Your Gateway into Russia's Extraordinary Past. Prepare to embark on a captivating journey through the pages of 'Russian History Through the Ages: Early History and the Creation of Russia'. This is the first book in our Captivating Russian History series. It invites you to explore the remarkable origins of a nation that would go on to play a defining role in world history. Delve into the mysterious world of ancient Rus, a land where Slavic tribes, Varangian traders, and fierce Khazars clashed, ultimately giving birth to the first foundations of Russian statehood. You'll learn how the legendary Rurik, a Varangian chieftain, established a dynasty that would endure for centuries. You'll see how the adoption of Christianity under Prince Vladimir the Great transformed Russian society, shaping its art, architecture, and identity. This book tells the story of Russia's birth, a tale of struggle, conquest, and ingenuity. This comprehensive account brings the distant past to life, painting a vivid picture of a time when heroes and legends walked the earth. Whether you're a history buff or simply curious about Russia's rich cultural heritage, this book is the perfect introduction to a captivating historical tapestry. Don't miss your chance to embark on an unforgettable adventure through Russia's fascinating early history. Order your copy today, and let your journey into the heart of Russia's past begin.
History Retold (Author), Henry Andersen (Narrator)
My Enemy's Tears: The Witch of Northampton
She was real. She was rich and beautiful. She was tried as a witch in 1675--and survived. Based on the lives of Mary Bliss Parsons and Sarah Lyman Bridgeman, My Enemy's Tears: The Witch of Northampton, takes us back to life in the Puritan settlements along the Connectict River, a terrifying wilderness full of warring natives, natural wonders and disasters--portents of God's anger or a witch's meddling curse. Mary and Sarah grow up amid Puritan superstition and piety, busy with their household chores, one imagining a life different from her mother's and the other eager to marry and bear sons. They spend their married lives in the villages of Springfield and Northampton, where a youthful disagreement festers into a reason to hate and then to fear. As the years pass, one accuses the other of murder by witchcraft, prompting a trial before the Court of Assistants in Boston--17 years before the infamous Salem Witch Trials. This fictional account of a true story describes two lives in conflict--one cursed and one blessed--and the transcendent power of forgiveness
Karen Vorbeck Williams (Author), Louise Barrett (Narrator)
Als kind wil Idriss een meisje zijn. Dat zou alles oplossen, volgens hem. Hij zou jurken kunnen dragen, en hoge hakken. En hij zou gewoon verliefd mogen zijn op jongens. Elke avond bidt hij tot god om genezing. Elke morgen is alles nog altijd zoals het was. Op 20-jarige leeftijd trekt hij de deur achter zich dicht en stapt hij een nieuwe wereld in. Weg van huis, weg van God. Op zoek naar zichzelf.
Jaouad Alloul (Author), Jaouad Alloul (Narrator)
Leaders in the Making: The Crucibles of Change-Makers in HR: The Crucibles of Change-Makers in HR
Leaders in the Making includes in-depth interviews of thirty HR leaders, drawn from public as well as private sectors. These life stories provide highlights of their early childhood, education and career over the years, and touch upon the inflexion points in these leaders’ lives, their major influences and the lessons they learnt to become who they are. The authors provide an analysis of these thirty stories to establish a pattern of the life journeys, competencies and values these leaders displayed.The book has excellent lessons for parents, heads of schools and colleges, teachers, managers, HR leaders, CXOs and CEOs. It also includes self-help tools to assess competencies, values and the careers of readers so that they can plan for self-development.
Arvind Agrawal, T.V. Rao (Author), Advait Karambelkar, Adwait Karambelkar (Narrator)
Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic
‘A delightful compendium of the kind of facts you immediately want to share with anyone you encounter’ New York Times ‘An ebullient, irrepressible spirit invests this book. It is erudite and sprightly’Sunday Times From the creation of the first encyclopedia to Wikipedia, from ancient museums to modern kindergarten classes—here is award-winning writer Simon Winchester’s brilliant and all-encompassing look at how humans acquire, retain, and pass on information and data, and how technology continues to change our lives and our minds. With the advent of the internet, any topic we want to know about is instantly available with the touch of a smartphone button. With so much knowledge at our fingertips, what is there left for our brains to do? At a time when we seem to be stripping all value from the idea of knowing things – no need for maths, no need for map reading, no need for memorisation – are we risking our ability to think? As we empty our minds, will we one day be incapable of thoughtfulness? Addressing these questions, Simon Winchester explores how humans have attained, stored and disseminated knowledge. Examining such disciplines as education, journalism, encyclopedia creation, museum curation, photography and broadcasting, he looks at a whole range of knowledge diffusion – from the cuneiform writings of Babylon to the machine-made genius of artificial intelligence, by way of Gutenberg, Google and Wikipedia to the huge Victorian assemblage of the Mundaneum, the collection of everything ever known, currently stored in a damp basement in northern Belgium. Studded with strange and fascinating details, Knowing What We Know is a deep dive into learning and the human mind. Throughout this fascinating tour, Winchester forces us to ponder what rational humans are becoming. What good is all this knowledge if it leads to lack of thought? What is information without wisdom? Does René Descartes’ ‘Cogito, ergo sum’—'I think, therefore I am’, the foundation for human knowledge widely accepted since the Enlightenment—still hold? And what will the world be like if no one in it is wise?
Simon Winchester (Author), Simon Winchester (Narrator)
Origin Africa: Safaris in Deep Time
A major new look at how Africa’s geological history, climate, geography and biology resulted in the wonderful diversity of life found there. It is also the story of how it was the crucible for the evolution most extraordinary species on Earth – Homo sapiens. Africa has properties that ensure that most of human evolution could have occurred nowhere else. A greater diversity of mammal, bird and many other forms of life has forced more and more species to squeeze into narrower and narrower niches. Human complexity has evolved directly in response to this, the most complex of continents. On offer here is an intensely personal portrait of a continent bolstered by Jonathan Kingdon's own animal senses, the same excited set of senses he was born in Africa with. Senses that look, listen, scent and grasp at the mother-continent. Not just his personal motherland but the birthplace of all humanity.
Jonathan Kingdon (Author), Jonathan Kingdon (Narrator)
[German] - Die großen Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur
Die großen Klassiker der amerikanischen Literatur Mit Erzählungen von Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne und F. Scott Fitzgerald. gelesen von Dána M. Deverny, Werner Wilkening, Ingolf Kloss, u.a. -Herman Melville: Bartleby -Edgar Allan Poe: Das Manuskript in der Flasche -Nathaniel Hawthorne: Rappaccinis Tochter -Mark Twain: Die Eine-Million-Pfund-Note -Edgar Allan Poe: Hopp-Frosch -F. Scott Fitzgerald: Der Gast in Zimmer Neunzehn In der Weltliteratur haben amerikanische Autoren und ihre Werke schon immer einen besonderen Rang eingenommen. Berühmte Namen wie Melville, Fitzgerald, Twain, Poe - sie alle beeinflussten die Literaturgeschichte und wurden so zu den großen Legenden in der fantastischen Welt der Bücher. Wenn ihr aber wissen wollt, welche Klassiker der amerikanischen Weltliteratur wirklich anhörenswert sind, seid ihr hier genau richtig! Coverabbildung: Unter Verwendung einer Vectografie von Patriotic Wallpapers. Coverschrift gesetzt aus der Impact. Schlussmusik: produced by Jason Shaw on Audionautix is released under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Edgar Allan Poe, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Nathaniel Hawthorne (Author), Div., Dána M. Deverny, Ingolf Kloss, Werner Wilkening (Narrator)
Heavenly Poetry of Prophecy: Poems and activations from the Tree of Life, free of strife.
This collection of prophetic poems invites you to encounter the Tree of Life and find deep rest and refreshment at the center of the Gospel message. Through powerful declarations of grace and truth, Veronica McDonald inspires readers to embrace their worth and dignity and to let go of the hamster wheel of strife. These activations are yours for the taking - a well-watered space where you can thrive and release the beauty and power of Christ in you. Get ready to arise and release light as you embrace the mind of Christ and fly on the wings of grace.
Veronica Mcdonald (Author), Daniel Meyer (Narrator)
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