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Decameron: A BBC Radio drama adaptation of the Renaissance classic
Terry Jones introduces ten choice Florentine Fancies dramatisations, adapted from Giovanni Boccaccio's classic human comedy by the BBC Monty Python star and medieval historian Terry Jones presents ten BBC Radio dramatisations of tales from Giovanni Boccaccio's humane and comic masterpiece. Composed in the early 1350s, in the wake of the Black Death, The Decameron comprises 100 short stories from all over the world, reset by Boccaccio among the flourishing merchant classes of Renaissance Italy. Their universal themes - love, sex, religion, fate, morality - resonate with us to this day, and their witty, satirical, bawdy voice sounds utterly modern. Beautifully realised in vivid, vernacular prose, they have become a bedrock of our storytelling tradition, mined ever since by authors from Chaucer to Shakespeare, Keats, Molière and Thomas Mann. The scene is the onset of the Black Death, Italy and a group of seven young women and three young men escape to the countryside, to shelter in a secluded villa just outside Florence in order to escape the Plague, there they tell each other tales from all over the world. These ten radio retellings are performed by a stellar cast, including John Finnemore, Ingrid Oliver, Geoffrey Streatfeild, Lydia Leonard, Tim McInnerny, Samuel Barnett, Neil Pearson, Louise Brealey, and Tameka Empson. Cast and credits Saint Ciappelletto Ciappelletto - Colin McFarlane Musciatto - Sam Dale Holy Friar - Michael Bertenshaw The Burgundians - Monty d'Inverno & Paul Heath Doctor - Ian Conningham Federigo and His Falcon Federigo degli Alberighi - John Finnemore Monna - Ingrid Oliver Elena - Carrie Quinlan Beppo - Shaun Mason Niccolo - Adam Thomas Wright How Elena Blew Hot and Cold Elena - Lydia Leonard Violante - Elaine Claxton Rinieri - Cyril Nri Pyrrhus - Paul Heath How to Get It Off Your Chest Zeppa - Ian Conningham Mrs Zeppa - Hannah Genesius Spinelloccio - Shaun Mason Mrs Spinelloccio - Bettrys Jones Narrator - Jude Akuwudike Kind Hearts and Bayonets Mithridanes - Samuel Barnett Nathan - Sam Dale Beggarmaid - Bettrys Jones The Sweetest Young Man in Perugia Pietro - Tim McInnerny Madam - Hannah Genesius Pandara - Jane Slavin Masetto - Monty d'Inverno Ercolano - David Acton The Wager Musciatto - Michael Bertenshaw Ambrogiuolo - Geoffrey Streatfield Bernabo - Paul Ritter Zinevra - Louise Brealey Sultan - Jude Akuwudike Captain - Shaun Mason A Job for the Boys Masetto - Neil Pearson Sister Donna - Tameka Empson Sister Lisa - Rhiannon Neads Hildegard - Jane Slavin Nuto - Sam Dale Steward - Michael Bertenshaw Love Lies Sleeping Silvestra - Laura Molyneux Beppo - Rudi Dharmalingam Giovanni - Joseph Drake Mother - Jane Slavin Rinaldo - David Acton A Quiet Night in Naples Andreuccio - Gunnar Cauthery Filomena - Roslyn Hill Scarabone - Shaun Mason Neighbour - David Acton Ludo - Paul Heath Bruno - Ian Conningham Sister Lisa - Elaine Claxton Sister Donna - Hannah Genesius First broadcast BBC Radio 3, 1-12 December 2014 Written by Giovanni Boccaccio Adapted by Robin Brooks Music arranged and performed by Robert Hollingworth and Paula Chateauneuf Translations by Silvia Reseghetti Script consultant: Guyda Armstrong Produced and directed by Jonquil Panting © 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Giovanni Boccaccio (Author), Colin Mcfarlane, Full Cast, John Finnemore, Louise Brealey, Neil Pearson, Paul Ritter, Samuel Barnett, Tameka Empson, Terry Jones, Tim Mcinnerny (Narrator)
“No one is contented in this world, I believe. There is always something left to desire, and the last thing longed for always seems the most necessary to happiness.” Known as the queen of bestsellers, Corelli’s career began with A Romance of Two Worlds, which addressed the contemporary debate between creationism and evolution. The debut novel even developed a cult following of its own, garnering a group of devotees to her passage regarding “The Electric Principle of Christianity” that they believed was born of her own supernatural experiences (a belief from which she did not try to dissuade them). In A Romance of Two Worlds, a young musician in England who has been suffering from depression and a nervous ailment goes on holiday in order to recuperate. While abroad, she meets an Italian artist, Cellini, who gives her a special draught for relaxation. The young woman has divine visions under the influence of the strange potion which she longs to have again. Cellini takes her to Dr. Casimir, also known as Heliobas, for further treatment of her nervous disposition. The doctor describes himself as an “electric physician,” and with his help she is able to experience more visions, as well as some relief from her anxiety. With each vision she learns more about religion and the destiny of mankind, but it is not enough. She is always yearning to learn more, to be closer to the divine.
Marie Corelli (Author), Gabrielle De Cuir (Narrator)
WAS, WENN DER MENSCH NICHT DIE KRONE DER SCHÖPFUNG IST? Neunundsiebzig Menschen haben unter dem Bahnhofsgebäude in Stuttgart die zweite Pandemie und später das atomare Inferno überlebt. Im Bunker S21. Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure, Ärzte, Künstler - die geistige und kreative Elite der einstigen Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie deren Nachkommen. Unter ihnen Colja und Nora, die sich viele Jahre nach der globalen Katastrophe an die Oberfläche und auf den Weg nach Berlin begeben. Was sie finden, ist nicht der Planet, den sie zu kennen glauben. Die herrschende Zivilisation wurde längst von einer neuen Spezies übernommen, die den letzten Menschen nach dem Leben trachtet ... Inspiriert von: 'Der Planet der Affen' (Original: La Planète des singes) von Pierre Boulle
Mari März (Author), Juliane Hempel (Narrator)
A Christmas Carol: In Prose, A Ghost Story of Christmas
Charles Dickens' classic morality tale for Christmastide, first published in 1843. Elderly miser Ebenezer Scrooge receives an unexpected visit from a series of otherworldly advisors... Narrated by Robin Reads.
Charles Dickens (Author), Robin Reads (Narrator)
Mary Elizabeth Braddon: Lady Audley’s Secret & more: A BBC Radio 4 Gothic Drama Collection
Three classic stories from the 'Queen of Sensation Fiction' - plus bonus documentary Mary Elizabeth Braddon was one of the most important and influential female novelists of the 19th Century, and the founder (alongside Wilkie Collins) of the popular 'sensation fiction' genre. This collection features her best-known novel, Lady Audley's Secret, a thrilling tale of bigamy, murder and arson that outraged Victorian society on its first release - and was an instant bestseller. Also included are two atmospheric short stories and an edition of Sensational Women exploring her life and work. Lady Audley's Secret - Lucy Graham gains all the wealth she desires through her marriage to the devoted Sir Michael Audley. But her newfound security is threatened when young lawyer Robert Audley sets out to uncover the truth about her hidden past. Hattie Morahan, Charlotte Emmerson, Alex Wyndham and Sam Dale star in this electrifying dramatisation. The Cold Embrace - When Josef, a handsome young German artist, betrays his delicate fiancée, her vengeance is eerily appropriate... This chilling adaptation of Mary Elizabeth Braddon's ghostly story stars Stephanie Turner, Jonathan Firth and Alison Pettitt. Samuel Lowgood's Revenge - An impoverished clerk discovers that his rival in love has defrauded their employer. But what should he do with this knowledge? Barbara Flynn reads Braddon's 1861 tale of jealousy and retribution. Sensational Women: Mary Braddon - Sarah Dunant takes a look at the notorious sensation author, who was condemned for rotting the moral fibre of a whole generation of young women. First published 1860 ('The Cold Embrace'), 1861 ('Samuel Lowgood's Revenge'), 1862 (Lady Audley's Secret) Cast and credits Written by Mary Elizabeth Braddon Lady Audley's Secret Mary Braddon - Hattie Morahan Lucy, Lady Audley - Charlotte Emmerson Sir Michael Audley - Sam Dale Phoebe Marks - Lizzy Watts Luke Marks - Benjamin Askew Robert Audley - Alex Wyndham George Talboys - Joseph Kloska Alicia Audley - Perdita Weeks Lieutenant Maldon - Jonathan Tafler Mr Dawson/Landlord - Paul Rider Mrs Vincent - Charlotte West-Oram Tonks - Deborah McAndrew Dramatised by Theresa Heskins Directed by Julie Beckett and Fiona Kelcher First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 20 April-1 May 2009 The Cold Embrace Mary Braddon - Stephanie Turner Josef - Jonathan Firth Gertrude - Alison Pettitt Father - John Hartley Postmaster - Ioan Meredith Passenger - Hugh Dickson Woman - Carolyn Jones Fisherman - Chris Pavlo Parisienne - Tracy-Ann Oberman Dramatised by Christopher Hawes Produced by Marion Nancarrow First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 26 June 1997 Samuel Lowgood's Revenge Read by Barbara Flynn Produced by Rebecca Nicholson First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 18 November 1998 Sensational Women: Mary Braddon Presented by Sarah Dunant Extracts read by Sally Beauman Produced by Lore Windemuth First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 30 October 1996 © 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2022 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Mary Elizabeth Braddon (Author), Alison Pettitt, Charlotte Emmerson, Full Cast, Hattie Morahan, Jonathan Firth, Perdita Weeks, Sam Dale, Stephanie Turner, Tracy-Ann Oberman (Narrator)
Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus
The classic horror novel brought to life. Victor Frankenstein has an idea. An idea that can change the world, and the path of humanity as we know it. And one night, in a secluded upper story laboratory, he executes the idea, and brings life into that which was previously inanimate. Little does he know the cost that this one act of altruism will cost him, his family, and his love.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (Author), Mike Cuellar (Narrator)
Gulli Danda: MyStoryGenie Hindi Audiobook 2: The Tip-cat Buddies
Gulli Danda is the story of the annals of time that reverberates in our deep consciousness, where both joy and sadness of the bygone days nurture our memories of the time spent well and its association. Humans outgrow their past, but that past remains rooted in their psyche and keeps drawing them back into its fold as their hearts try to reclaim the magical touch of the moments well past. In this story, legendary litterateur Munshi Premchand, with his characteristic empathetic writing skill, weaves together two yesteryear friends from distinctly differing socio-economic backgrounds. The story unfolds like a thought experiment as it probes the bonding of the two primitive hearts through the filter of social status and class standing in the present. Need we say this literary gem is a collector's souvenir as a testament to a prolific writer's contribution to Hindi literature? Discover many more such Hindi & Bengali audio stories by typing mystorygenie in the search bar without leaving any space between the different English alphabets.
Munshi Premchand (Author), Omprakash Yadav (Narrator)
Dios emperador de Dune (Las crónicas de Dune 4)
Dios emperador de Dune es la cuarta entrega de la fascinante saga de ciencia ficción de Frank Herbert. Esta cuarta entrega de la saga «Dune» centra su trama en la figura mesiánica de Leto Atreides II (hijo de Paul Atreides, héroe cuya estirpe hunde sus raíces en la legendaria casa griega de los Atridas) y nos lleva, a través de diversos dilemas éticos, a comprender los mitos que necesita la humanidad y a los héroes que los encarnan. El futuro, en el mundo de Dune, pertenece solo a los que son capaces de pensar por sí mismos. Esta saga apasionante plantea por primera vez de forma completa, racional y convincente todo un mundo absolutamente diferente del nuestro. Sus referencias a los problemas ecológicos, el poder de las drogas y la fuerza de los mitos la han convertido en una obra de culto para millones de lectores en todo el mundo.
Frank Herbert (Author), Daniel García (Narrator)
A small collection of short ghost stories, penned by Charles Dickens, narrated here by Michael Ward. 'The Haunted House' When the narrator witnesses a dreary house in rural England, he is soon told the place is deeply haunted. But is it really? 'The Trial for Murder' Haunted by visions of a murdered man, the narrator is called to Jury duty, and see's in the dock, the man accused of his murder... 'The Signalman' The narrator strikes up a friendship with a local railway signalman, who confides in him that he is haunted by a mysterious spectre, what can it all mean? Narrated by Michael Ward.
Charles Dickens (Author), Michael Ward (Narrator)
El hòbbit: o viatge d’anada i tornada
Acompanya en Bilbo Saquet en una aventura plena de màgia, criatures fantàstiques i un anell misteriós... Situada l'any 2941 de la Tercera Edat del Sol, la història del hòbbit Bilbo arrenca amb la recerca d´un tresor. Fins ara la vida del protagonista ha estat molt tranquil·la i rutinària, però tot canvia quan el mag Gàndalf el recluta perquè sigui el tretzè membre de la companyia de Thorin, una colla de nans originaris d'Èrebor, d'un quant temps ençà a l'exili des que una bèstia temible els va foragitar de casa seva. És així, doncs, com en Bilbo es troba de cop i volta amb la que serà la seva gran aventura i emprèn un llarg viatge cap a terres ignotes amb l'objectiu d'ajudar els nans a recuperar allò que és seu. Pel camí, coneixerà criatures meravelloses i espantoses alhora, i fins i tot ensopegarà amb un anell màgic... N'han dit: «Una obra mestra impecable». The Times «Tots aquells, joves i grans, que apreciïn una bona història d’aventures, exquisidament explicada, portaran El hòbbit al cor». The New York Times Book Review «Rellegir El hòbbit ha sigut tota una revelació. Abans només el veia com un entrant del gran festí que és El senyor dels anells. Ara m'he adonat tot ell és un àpat perfectament equilibrat, d'aquells que et deixen ben satisfet i no pas atipat». The New Yorker «Aquesta és una aventura per a tota la vida. No us decebrà. Estar a l'altura d'El senyor dels anells no és gens fàcil, però aquest llibre ho aconsegueix». The Guardian «El hòbbit ha de ser llegit com una distracció, però no és sobrer que hi sapiguem veure la llavor guardada a les fosques en un cotó humit de la qual creixerà una mongetera literària gegantina, descomunal. En Frodo, el drac, Gòl·lum, els nans, Gàndalf..., l’existència de l’anell... Tot és a punt d’esclatar». Francesc Parcerisas, el traductor, a Vilaweb
J.R.R. Tolkien (Author), Jordi Boixaderas (Narrator)
The People That Time Forgot is a direct sequel to The Land That Time Forgot and continues the lost world saga begun in the earlier story. After discovering Bowen Tyler's manuscript in a thermos flask off the coast of Greenland, his family immediately fund and mount a rescue operation to succour the lost hero. However; Whilst in the process of scouting the island by aeroplane, Tom Billings, Bowen's best friend, is beset by Pterodactyls and crashes. Finding himself lost in this land that time forgot, Tom rescues a lost primitive girl and together the two travel north, in search of her village, all the while under attack from deadly creatures, and the cruel peoples of the island. Narrated by Michael Ward.
Edgar Rice Burroughs (Author), Michael Ward (Narrator)
The Tempest is a play by English playwright William Shakespeare, probably written in 1610-1611, and thought to be one of the last plays that Shakespeare wrote alone. After the first scene, which takes place on a ship at sea during a tempest, the rest of the story is set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero, a complex and contradictory character, lives with his daughter Miranda, and his two servants: Caliban, a savage monster figure, and Ariel, an airy spirit. The play contains music and songs that evoke the spirit of enchantment on the island. It explores many themes, including magic, betrayal, revenge, and family. In Act IV, a wedding masque serves as a play-within-a-play, and contributes spectacle, allegory, and elevated language. Although The Tempest is listed in the First Folio as the first of Shakespeare's comedies, it deals with both tragic and comic themes, and modern criticism has created a category of romance for this and others of Shakespeare's late plays. The Tempest has been put to varied interpretations, from those that see it as a fable of art and creation, with Prospero representing Shakespeare, and Prospero's renunciation of magic signaling Shakespeare's farewell to the stage, to interpretations that consider it an allegory of Europeans colonizing foreign lands.
William Shakespeare (Author), Susan Bones, Zacharias Prewett (Narrator)
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