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Shakespeare wrote Much Ado About Nothing towards the middle of his career, sometime between 1598 and 1599. It was first published in quarto in 1600 and later collected into Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies in 1623. The earliest recorded performance of Much Ado About Nothing was performed for the newly-married Princess Elizabeth and Frederick the Fifth, Elector Palatine in 1613. Shakespeare's sources of inspiration for this play can be found in Italian culture and popular texts published in the sixteenth century. Gossip involving lovers deceived into believing each other false was often spread throughout Northern Italy. Works like Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando Furioso and Edmund Spencer's Fearie Queene also feature tricked lovers like Claudio and Hero. Besides these similarities, the idea of tricking a couple like Benedick and Beatrice into falling in love was an original and unusual idea at the time. The play focuses on two couples: upon the noblemen's return to Messina, Claudio and Hero quickly fall in love and wish to marry in a week; on the contrary, Benedick and Beatrice resume their verbal war, exchanging insults with each other. To pass the time prior to the marriage a plot to trick Benedick and Beatrice into falling in love has been set in motion. Unbeknownst to both our couples, a fouler plot to crush the love and happiness between Hero and Claudio has also begun to unfold.
William Shakespeare (Author), Susan Bones, Zacharias Prewett (Narrator)
Um dos livros mais polêmicos e impactantes de Nietzsche, O Anticristo traz uma crítica avassaladora aos princípios da fé cristã, considerada por ele como decadente e negadora da vida. Filósofo ateu, Nietzsche vinha elaborando pareceres controversos ao cristianismo ao longo de toda a sua vida filosófica. Nesta obra, ele os apresentou de uma forma incomum e nitidamente feroz, antes de se entregar à total loucura, poucos anos depois. Mais do que qualquer outro filósofo, Nietzsche desafia o leitor a questionar suas próprias crenças ao mesmo tempo em que apresenta uma nova perspectiva acerca das principais questões existenciais
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Author), Francisco Carlos (Narrator)
Bade Ghar ki Beti is a classically acclaimed short story by legendary storyteller Munshi Premchand. The author tells us here about the various problems faced in a joint family and how they are overcome through love and mutual understanding.
Munshi Premchand (Author), Nidhi Bisht (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Crepúsculo dos Ídolos
O Crepúsculo dos Ídolos é uma obra filosófica provocativa e ousada escrita pelo renomado pensador alemão Friedrich Nietzsche. Neste livro, Nietzsche mergulha de forma incisiva na crítica às ideias e valores estabelecidos da sociedade de sua época, questionando e desafiando conceitos como moralidade, religião, cultura e filosofia. Com sua escrita perspicaz e contundente, Nietzsche desafia as convenções e convicções arraigadas, lançando uma luz intensa sobre os ídolos e preconceitos que moldam a sociedade. Ele convida o leitor a questionar as bases sobre as quais muitos valores e crenças são fundamentados, levando-o a refletir sobre a natureza da existência humana, a liberdade individual e o significado da vida. Em O Crepúsculo dos Ídolos, Nietzsche apresenta uma série de ensaios que abordam temas como a moralidade convencional, a crítica à filosofia tradicional, a análise da religião e suas influências sobre a sociedade, além de explorar conceitos como a vontade de poder e a busca pela superação dos limites humanos.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Author), Francisco Carlos (Narrator)
[Chinese] - 呼啸山庄: 奠定英国文学史上地位的“奇特小说”
内容简介: 吉卜赛弃儿希斯克利夫被呼啸山庄的主人恩肖先生收养后,与其女凯瑟琳相互爱慕,并且反抗其子亨得利的专横暴虐。凯瑟琳因为和希斯克利夫社会地位的悬殊以及自己的虚荣心,接受了画眉山庄的主人埃德加的求婚。希斯克利夫愤而出走,三年后致富回乡,发现凯瑟琳已嫁埃德加,便对夺走他爱情与幸福的人进行残酷的报复,通过赌博夺走了亨得利的家财,使其儿子哈里顿成为奴仆,还故意娶了埃德加的妹妹伊莎贝拉进行迫害。希斯克利夫的复仇虽然成功了,但他并未从中获得幸福。 作者简介: 艾米莉•勃朗特,英国小说家、诗人,著名的“勃朗特三姐妹”之一。三十岁时即英年早逝,被誉为天才女作家。她的长篇小说《呼啸山庄》,自问世后就被认为是“奇特的小说”和“奥秘莫测”的“怪书”,这部作品奠定了她在英国文学史以及世界文学史上的地位。
(英)艾米莉·勃朗特 著 (Author), 先读 (Narrator)
内容简介: 《骆驼祥子》是老舍的代表作,以北平(今北京)一个人力车夫祥子的行踪为线索,以二十年代末期的北京市民生活为背景,以人力车夫祥子的坎坷、悲惨的生活遭遇为主要情节,深刻揭露了旧中国的黑暗,控诉了统治阶级对劳动者的剥削、压迫,表达了作者对劳动人民的深切同情,向人们展示军阀混战、黑暗统治下的北京底层贫苦市民生活于痛苦深渊中的图景。 作者简介: 老舍(1899-1966),原名舒庆春,北京人,中国现代小说家、戏剧家,老舍一生勤勉,著述颇丰,被誉为“人民艺术家”主要作品有:长篇小说《骆驼祥子》《四室同堂》《二马》《猫城记》;中篇小说《月牙儿》、《我这一辈子》;短篇小说集《赶集》《樱海集》《蛤藻集》
Noel Streatfeild: Ballet Shoes & more: A BBC Radio 4 Children’s Drama Collection
Full-cast dramatisations of three of Noel Streatfeild's classic children's books Rising to fame with her 1936 novel Ballet Shoes, Noel Streatfeild soon became one of the most popular authors of her day. She was one of the first winners of the Carnegie Medal and was awarded an OBE in 1983. She died in 1986, but her stories continue to captivate children today. Included here are three of her very best - Ballet Shoes, The Growing Summer and When the Siren Wailed. Ballet Shoes - Adopted by Great Uncle Matthew on his archaeological expeditions, Pauline, Petrova and Posy Fossil grow up as sisters, and vow to make their name famous. When they enrol at the Children's Academy of Dancing, the Fossil girls share a future of a dazzling life onstage, where their dreams and fears will soon come true.... Rosemary Leach, Alexandra Mathie, Victoria Shalet and Lucy Curtis star in this delightful dramatisation. The Growing Summer - It is 1965, and the young Gareth children's lives are about to change for ever. When their father falls dangerously ill, they are sent to Ireland to stay with their eccentric Great-Aunt Dymphna for the summer. There, in her crumbling mansion on the west coast, they face dangers and adventures they could never have imagined... Starring Ann Rye, Holly Grainger, Will Haigh, Emily Fleeshman and Paul Herriott. When the Siren Wailed - When World War Two breaks out, Laura, Andy and Tim Clark are evacuated to the countryside. Brought up in poverty, they find a happy, comfortable home with the Colonel - but then tragedy occurs, and the children decide to run away back to London. Caught up in an air raid, can they make their way through the blackouts and bombed-out streets to find their mother? Narrated by Wendy Richard, this gripping, moving adventure story stars Norman Bird, John Church, Nicholas Courtney and Keeley Hawes. Text copyright © Noel Streatfield 1936 (Ballet Shoes), 1966 (The Growing Summer), 1974 (When the Siren Wailed) Copyright © Beneficiaries of Noel Streatfeild 1986 Cast and credits Written by Noel Streatfeild Ballet Shoes With Rosemary Leach, John Ringham, Alexandra Mathie, Victoria Shalet, Lucy Curtis, Lia Williams, Charles Edwards, Abigail Thaw, Alison Skilbeck, Olivia Breeze, Max Digby, Jonathan Dryden Taylor and Miriam Berry Adapted by Ellen Dryden Directed by Don Taylor First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 27-31 Dec 1999 The Growing Summer With Ann Rye, Holly Grainger, Will Haigh, Emily Fleeshman, Paul Herriott, James Caplin, Catherine Keane, Vincent Patrick Dramatised by Julie Wilkinson Directed by Sue Sutton Mayo First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 9 Aug 2000 When the Siren Wailed Narrated by Wendy Richard With Norman Bird, John Church, Nicholas Gatt, David Goudge, Keeley Hawes, Joan Matheson, Marc Murphy, Judy Parkin, Christopher Scott, Joan Walker, Melinda Walker, Howard Ward, Nicholas Courtney, Malcolm Hebden and Eva Stuart Dramatised by Richard Pinner Produced by Mary Kalemkarian Researcher: Lis Roberts First broadcast BBC Radio 4, 15 Jan-19 Mar 1989 © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Noel Streatfeild (Author), Abigail Thaw, Ann Rye, Charles Edwards, Emily Fleeshman, Full Cast, Holliday Grainger, Joan Matheson, Keeley Hawes, Lia Williams, Malcolm Hebden, Nicholas Courtney, Norman Bird, Rosemary Leach, Victoria Shalet, Wendy Richard (Narrator)
'1984' by George Orwell is a dystopian novel that was published in 1949. The story is set in Airstrip One (formerly known as Great Britain), a province of the superstate Oceania in a world of perpetual war, government surveillance, and manipulation of truth. The novel follows the life of Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of the Party who becomes disillusioned with the oppressive regime led by the enigmatic figure known as Big Brother.
George Orwell (Author), Jason Smith (Narrator)
A gothic melodrama full of subtle impression and epigram, which tells a story about moral corruption. The Picture of Dorian Gray touches on many of Wilde's recurring themes, such as the nature and spirit of art, aestheticism and the dangers inherent to it.
Oscar Wilde (Author), Paul Gibson (Narrator)
'A Crystal Age' is a speculative fiction novel that explores a utopian society set in a distant future. The protagonist, a man from the 19th century, stumbles upon this idealistic civilization where people live in harmony with nature, devoid of the conflicts and societal issues of his own time. The novel reflects Hudson's views on the industrialized society of his era and presents an alternative vision of a more enlightened and harmonious world.
W. H. Hudson (Author), Jason Smith (Narrator)
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