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Meet Cat. He thinks everything has its price. You can pay in gold, or you pay in steel. And for the right price, even the entire Sphere of Worlds can be bought. Ever the merchant, he pays in souls, freeing the Goddess of Darkness in the astral fortress of Pandorum and becoming the archnemesis of the most powerful alliance in all of Sphere. Even as an enormous bounty is placed on his head with hunters trailing his every move, he never wavers. His patron, the God of Shadows, sends Cat to the twilight world of the Hole to find the third of the seven Keys. There, the merchant will have to traverse the dangerous waters of an underground ocean to reach the Isle of Madness, proving once again to be worthy of divine favor.
Roman Prokofiev (Author), David Bendena (Narrator)
When Naomi Woodward's doctor recommended her for a clinical trial, it seemed like the answer to her prayers. She was finally able to get her gender confirmation surgery and the surgery was a resounding success. She finally looked and felt like the woman she always knew she was. Her new face and new body finally helped her work up the nerve to ask out Anika, the beautiful nurse that lived across the hall. To her delight Anika said yes, but when they are attacked during their date, Naomi quickly discovers that the experimental procedure she went through had some unexpected side effects, and that when Anika told her things with her family were complicated, she really should have listened. Now, armed with superpowers she barely understands, a snarky artificial intelligence in her head, and allies that include a Superhero, a Dragon, and the literal Devil, she has to keep Anika safe from the archangel who's out to kill her while they work desperately to prevent a second civil war in heaven.
Molly J. Bragg (Author), Jennifer Pickens (Narrator)
Arabella and The Gunpowder Plotters
Arabella Twigg is an ordinary girl living with her extraordinary family. She loves her Gran, but tries to avoid her brother, who is always trying to get her into trouble. One day, when Arabella looks for some clothes in the cupboard under the stairs, she finds Stuart Whynniard in hiding, who tells her that his father's house is rented out to a group of Englishmen who are planning to blow up the Houses of Parliament. The lead conspirator is Guido (Guy) Fawkes, who has the dangerous job of lighting the fuses to the gunpowder.
Sue Huband (Author), John Delino Ziegler Jr. (Narrator)
[German] - Utopia 10 - Doomsday
Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Sternensystem wird die Odyssee völlig unerwartet und ohne vorherige Provokation angegriffen. Selbst mit einem Sprung in den transdimensionalen Raum können sie den technologisch haushoch überlegenen Gegner nicht abschütteln. Der einzige Ausweg, die der Besatzung der Odyssee bleibt, ist eine Verzweiflungstat. Und tatsächlich, der Trick gelingt. Aber die Freude über die gelungene Flucht ist nur kurz, denn kurz zuvor konnte ihr Feind auf den Bordcomputer des Schiffs zugreifen und so von einem lohnenswerten Ziel erfahren – der Erde. Sofort ist klar, dass selbst mit Hilfe der Begabten, die Erde keine Chance gegen diesen brutalen Angreifer hätte. Noch während man verzweifelt nach einem Ausweg sucht, stößt die Odyssee auf eine weitere Rasse im All. Ist von diesen Fremden womöglich Hilfe zu erwarten?
Marcus Meisenberg (Author), Various (Narrator)
[German] - SHONISAURUS (Seahunters 1): SciFi-Horror-Thriller
John Seton, ein gealterter britischer Seemann, jagt Seeungeheuer. Als er den Auftrag eines exklusiven Yachtclubs in Südostasien annimmt, rechnet er nicht mit Problemen. Immerhin ist es nur eine Bestie. Aber schnell müssen John und seine Crew feststellen, dass sie in großen Schwierigkeiten stecken. Ein uralter Schrecken der Tiefe ist wiedererwacht - und auf Rache aus.
William Meikle (Author), André Hupfer (Narrator)
Gareth and his sworn man, Hatherle, delve into the lair of a Necromancer who has been terrorizing the surrounding territory, seeking the reward on his head. But trips, traps, puzzles, and the dead themselves serve as the Necromancer’s guards, making this the most dangerous mission Gareth has ever taken on.
Michael Kingswood (Author), Michael Kingswood (Narrator)
Brought to you by Penguin. FROM THE THREE-TIME NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF FATES AND FURIES AND MATRIX Part of a loose trilogy based on the end of empire, The Vaster Wilds is the story of a young girl who is servant to a minister and his young mistress, and in charge of their young daughter Bess. On an epic voyage across the Atlantic, ship-wrecked, far from home and fighting for survival, the protagonist of Lauren Groff's extraordinary new novel must endure but also find meaning in the journey. Praise for MATRIX: 'Lush, gripping and ferocious' MADELINE MILLER 'Full of passion, wisdom and magic' SARAH WATERS 'Gorgeous, sensual, addictive' SARA COLLINS ©2023 Lauren Groff (P)2023 Penguin Books Ltd
Lauren Groff (Author), January Lavoy (Narrator)
Testament: The new Ancient-Egyptian epic from the bestselling Master of Adventure, Wilbur Smith
Global bestselling author of River God and The New Kingdom, Wilbur Smith, returns with the next epic book in his brand-new Ancient Egyptian series. FROM THE RUINS OF BATTLE A HERO MUST RISE FOR THE GLORY OF EGYPT Years of Hyksos rule have seen the plunder of once-mighty Egypt. Though the two kingdoms have now been reunited by the armies of the true Pharaoh, his position is perilous, his rule under threat from those who seek to take advantage of the turmoil created by the overthrow of the Hyksos. Desperate to keep Egypt united, Taita the Magus summons his protégé, Piay, to solve a millennia-old riddle which has the power to secure Egypt's future forever. But in the tumult of war, an evil has thrived. Malevolent followers of Seth, the god of chaos, are determined to claim this power and usher in a new age of darkness. The fate of Egypt is at stake. Can Piay prevent their land falling into the hands of those who would see its ruin?
Mark Chadbourn, Wilbur Smith (Author), Mark Meadows (Narrator)
A brand-new space fantasy novel from master world-builder Valerie Valdes! A refugee with a secret, a dangerous foe, and a road trip that could either save a planet or start a war. Where peace is lost, may we find it. Five years ago, Kelana Gardavros lost everything in the war against the Pale empire. Now Kel Garda is just another refugee living on the edge of an isolated star system. No one knows she was once a member of an Order whose military arm was disbanded and scattered across the galaxy. And no one knows that if her enemies found her, they might destroy the entire world to get rid of her. Where peace is broken, may we mend it. Kel’s past intrudes in the form of a long-dormant Pale war machine, suddenly reactivated. If the massive automaton isn’t stopped, at best it will carve a swath of devastation that displaces thousands of people. At worst, it will kill every sentient creature on the planet. Where we go, may peace follow. When two strangers offer to deactivate the machine for a price, Kel and a young friend agree to serve as their guides. The journey through swamps infested with predators and bandits is bad enough, but can they survive more nefarious dangers along the way? And will Kel’s fear of revealing her secrets doom the very people she’s trying to protect? Where we fall, may peace rise.
Valerie Valdes (Author), Rebecca Mozo (Narrator)
Moby-Dick or, the Whale (Unabridged)
Moby-Dick or, the Whale by Herman Melville - is an 1851 novel by American writer Herman Melville. The book is the sailor Ishmael's narrative of the maniacal quest of Ahab, captain of the whaling ship Pequod, for vengeance against Moby Dick, the giant white sperm whale that bit off his leg on the ship's previous voyage. A contribution to the literature of the American Renaissance, Moby-Dick was published to mixed reviews, was a commercial failure, and was out of print at the time of the author's death in 1891. Its reputation as a Great American Novel was established only in the 20th century, after the 1919 centennial of its author's birth. William Faulkner said he wished he had written the book himself, and D. H. Lawrence called it 'one of the strangest and most wonderful books in the world' and 'the greatest book of the sea ever written'. Its opening sentence, 'Call me Ishmael', is among world literature's most famous. Plot Ishmael travels in December from Manhattan Island to New Bedford, Massachusetts, with plans to sign up for a whaling voyage. The inn where he arrives is overcrowded, so he must share a bed with the tattooed cannibal Polynesian Queequeg, a harpooneer whose father was king of the fictional island of Rokovoko. The next morning, Ishmael and Queequeg attend Father Mapple's sermon on Jonah, then head for Nantucket. Ishmael signs up with the Quaker ship-owners Bildad and Peleg for a voyage on their whaler Pequod. Peleg describes Captain Ahab: 'He's a grand, ungodly, god-like man' who nevertheless 'has his humanities'. They hire Queequeg the following morning. A man named Elijah prophesies a dire fate should Ishmael and Queequeg join Ahab. While provisions are loaded, shadowy figures board the ship. On a cold Christmas Day, the Pequod leaves the harbor. Ishmael discusses cetology (the zoological classification and natural history of the whale), and describes the crew members. The chief mate is 30-year-old Starbuck, a Nantucket Quaker with a realist mentality, whose harpooneer is Queequeg; second mate is Stubb, from Cape Cod, happy-go-lucky and cheerful, whose harpooneer is Tashtego, a proud, pure-blooded Indian from Gay Head; and the third mate is Flask, also from Martha's Vineyard, short, stout, whose harpooneer is Daggoo, a tall African, now a resident of Nantucket. When Ahab finally appears on the quarterdeck, he announces he is out for revenge on the white whale which took one leg from the knee down and left him with a prosthesis fashioned from a whale's jawbone. Ahab will give the first man to sight Moby Dick a doubloon, a gold coin, which he nails to the mast. Starbuck objects that he has not come for vengeance but for profit. Ahab's purpose exercises a mysterious spell on Ishmael: 'Ahab's quenchless feud seemed mine'. Instead of rounding Cape Horn, Ahab heads for the equatorial Pacific Ocean via southern Africa.
Herman Melville (Author), Stewart Wills (Narrator)
Menace from Vega: Why would strangers abduct an insane girl from a psychiatric ward? Jim Lawrence fo
The beautiful girl lying naked and curled in a fetal position on the padded floor was a genius. Or rather had been before suddenly going crazy and then catatonic 3 years before. Jim Lawrence, the chief psychiatrist was responsible for her care and it is understandable that he was upset when five strange, dark men arrived at midnight, pointing guns at him and insisting they be brought to her room. He became even more upset when it was clear that they meant to abduct her by force. Trying to protect his ward, he ends up on another planet and involved in a galaxy wide war to the death. Definitely not another ho-hum day at the hospital!! Lots of excitement and derring-do in this tale complete with our hero managing to save the entire galaxy from domination by an evil empire !. Only Silverberg and Garrett could whip up so much action in so short a story so give it a listen.
Randall Garrett, Robert Silverberg (Author), Phil Chenevert (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Alas de sangre (The Fourth Wing)
Un dragón sin su jinete es una tragedia. Un jinete sin su dragón está muerto. —Artículo uno, sección uno del Código de jinetes de dragones Violet Sorrengail creía que a sus veinte años se uniría al Cuadrante de los Escribas para vivir una vida tranquila, estudiando sus amados libros y las historias antiguas que tanto le fascinan. Sin embargo, por órdenes de su madre, la temida comandante general, Violet debe unirse a los miles de candidatos que luchan por formar parte de la élite de Navarre: los jinetes de dragones. Cuando eres más pequeña y frágil que los demás tu vida corre peligro, porque los dragones no se vinculan con humanos débiles; de hecho, los incineran. Sumado a esto, con más jinetes que dragones disponibles, buena parte de los candidatos mataría a Violet con tal de mejorar sus probabilidades de éxito; otros, como el despiadado Xaden Riorson, el líder de ala más poderoso del Cuadrante, la asesinarían simplemente por ser la hija de la comandante general. Para sobrevivir, necesitará aprovechar al máximo todo su ingenio. Día tras día, la guerra que se libra al exterior del Colegio se torna más letal, las defensas del reino se debilitan y los muertos aumentan. Por si fuera poco, Violet sospecha que los líderes de Navarre esconden un terrible secreto. Amistad, rivalidad y pasión... en el Colegio de Guerra de Basgiath todos tienen una agenda oculta y saben que una vez adentro solo hay dos posibilidades: graduarse o morir. «¡El libro de fantasía más adictivo que he leído en una década!».—Tracy Wolff, autora bestseller del New York Times
Rebecca Yarros (Author), Diego Longstaff, María Carolina Yarusi, María Carolina Yarussi (Narrator)
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