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This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. After the events of First Magic, Alex Fry (Beams) heads out to a small town in West Texas to train under Rubberman's mentor, one of the first ever superheroes. Beams finds his mentor's training a bit unusual, but he expects nothing interesting to happen while out there. When aliens suddenly start abducting cows from local ranches, however, Beams finds himself thrown into a web of intrigue, government agents, and secrets related to the origin of Rubberman himself. And unless Beams is able to find out what the aliens want quickly, he won't be able to stop their sinister plan.
Lucas Flint (Author), Digital Voice Morgan G (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. When a superhero serial killer comes to Golden City with the intent of killing Rubberman, Alex Fry (Beams) and his boss desperately try to track him down before he kills them. And when it turns out that the killer is Rubberman's ex-wife seeking revenge against him, Beams finds himself facing dark magic unlike anything he has face before. But when a legendary retired superhero shows up and offers to help Beams capture the killer, Beams thinks they might just defeat the serial killer after all. Yet things are not as simple as they seem, because the retired superhero seems to have ulterior motives for helping Beams, and if Beams doesn't uncover them quickly, both he and Rubberman will die.
Lucas Flint (Author), Digital Voice Morgan G (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. With war raging in the streets between superheroes and vigilantes, Alex Fry (Beams) strives to not only survive the war, but also end it before the superpowered battles completely demolish his city. In addition, Beams must decide how much longer he will continue to work for his boss and his future in the superhero business in general. But all of that fades into the background when Beam's worst enemy blackmails him. She offers him a simple choice: Kill Rubberman, his boss, in a week, or have his identity made public and his family killed by her minions. Now Beams must find a way to stop this mad woman while keeping his family, job, and employer safe. But with Beams' enemies closing in on all sides, this may be the end of the road for the young hero, whose decisions will impact not merely his own fate, but the destiny of everyone he loves and cares about as well.
Lucas Flint (Author), Digital Voice Morgan G (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. A field trip to the beach quickly turns into a nightmare when cyborgs attack Bait, Switch, and their classmates. The nightmare becomes even worse when two new and dangerous supervillains kidnap Switch under the orders of their master, a mysterious man known as the Collector whose true goals are an enigma. To rescue Switch, Bait must seek the aid of his supervillain father, Tsunami, who will be able to help him locate the Collector. But Tsunami has plans of his own and Bait is not sure he can trust him, yet he must if he is to save his sister. But even if Bait saves Switch, he may be unable to stop the Collector's real plans.
Lucas Flint (Author), Digital Voice Morgan G (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. When their favorite teacher almost assassinates the President of the United States before their eyes, Bait and Switch think that life can't get any worse. That is, until they learn that their supervillain father has led the most successful prison break in American history and formed an army of supervillains out of the various prison escapees who broke out with him. His target: Bait and Switch themselves, whose powers he intends to use for world domination. Now Bait and Switch must defeat their father and his supervillain army one last time before he gets them. But with the leaders of the world's largest superhero organization also trying to silence them, Bait and Switch may be at the end of their line.
Lucas Flint (Author), Digital Voice Morgan G (Narrator)
作品简介: 民国初期,旷世奇宝“碧玉蟾”重现江湖,江湖豪客,绿林枭雄、各地军阀都盯上了“碧玉蟾”。日本间谍川岛浪速组建日本浪人“满蒙决死团”,伺机夺取“碧玉蟾”。江奇侠燕飞天聚集关东英雄豪杰保护国宝“碧玉蟾”。中华民族的精英与日本浪人展开了殊死的绝杀。九一八事变后,日本间谍、苏联间谍、英国间谍为了争夺“碧玉蟾”,在白山黑水间展开厮杀。燕飞天游身于各国间谍间,施展自己的智慧和卓绝的武功,保护“碧玉蟾”。关东三寨举起抗日义勇军大旗与日军绝杀。熊天彪带领关东三寨儿郎在***领导下成立抗联独立大队。山寨走出的苦孩子耿飞历练成国际间谍,游身与日本女间谍、国民党女间谍、各国间谍间。这里有民族情结与不同种族的绝恋。熊天彪的抗联独立大队全部战死在白山黑水间。 一部关东大地上、白山黑水间,中华儿女十四年抗击日本侵略者的英雄史诗,一部中华儿女在波澜壮阔的抗日烽火中,浴血奋战、惊心动魄的历史长卷。 作者简介: 苗雨新,男,1947年12月生于辽宁省灯塔市罗大台镇立沿村,1965年进入军工企业。1971年迁入三线军工厂。1986年进入公安系统工作1990年经商。2013年供职航空材料科研单位始终能做到精忠报国献身国防。酷爱武术,钟情文学青年时萌生作家梦,坚持学而不倦,笔耕不辍。
作品简介: “鹰巢”是巴萨尔穴居之地,也是“巴萨尔集团”的神经中枢。巴萨尔带领集团从事非法勾当,但同时也是许多弱小平民的保护神,深得人们爱戴。巴萨尔父亲文革中被害,他的成长 历尽沧桑 。改革开放后,巴萨尔下海经商,当他蓄积的木材被大木材商田成祖借助官场势力强行剥夺,巴萨尔开始报复,使其整个团伙彻底覆灭;当他有了巨额资产积累,决定进入高速公路建设市场和汽车销售与配件供应市场,又同崔风景、赵子强两个黑恶势力团伙展开了激烈的市场博弈,几乎死于非命;为创建太阳山野生动物 森林公园 ,他又受到滨海市新任市长的立案调查,于是,万千里市长乘坐的直升机被炸成了碎片……在这里我们看见官场的政较量、商场的利益 黑幕 、人与人之间的爱恨情仇、黑恶势力团伙之间的殊死较力,充满了惊险与变数、 阴谋 与算计、 欺诈 与 杀戮 。 本书是一本中国当代长篇小说。人称“中国版《教父》”的《鹰巢》,第二部继续揭秘黑恶势力团伙之间相互较力的幕后真相,续写了巴萨尔的黑幕人生。本书不但写出了“资本的力量”,而且努力揭示资本背后的血型和残忍。 作者简介: 阮金思,笔名:再呆,菩提圣树,自由撰稿人。做过知青,铁路工人。黑龙江作协会员,中国铁路作协会员,凤凰网签约作家,《现代人物网》特约撰稿人。发表长篇小说《鹰巢》,《鹰巢2》,《名模之死》,《飞地之狐》,散文集《鸿爪处处》。
Outbound Flight: Star Wars Legends
On an epic voyage far beyond the Republic, the Jedi will confront their most extraordinary enemy-and test the limits of honor and sacrifice against their most devastating challenge. The Clone Wars have yet to erupt when Jedi Master Jorus C'baoth petitions the Senate for support of a singularly ambitious undertaking: the dream of Outbound Flight. Six Jedi Masters, twelve Jedi Knights, and fifty thousand men, women, and children will embark-aboard a gargantuan vessel, equipped for years of travel-on a mission to contact intelligent life and colonize undiscovered worlds beyond the known galaxy. Unknown to the famed Jedi Master, the launch of the mission is secretly being orchestrated by an unlikely ally: the evil Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who has his own reasons for wanting Outbound Flight to move forward. Yet Darth Sidious is not the mission's most dangerous challenge. Once underway, the starship crosses paths at the edge of Unknown Space with the forces of the alien Chiss Ascendancy and a brilliant mastermind named Thrawn. Even Jedi knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, aboard Outbound Flight with his young Padawan student Anakin Skywalker, cannot help to avert disaster. What begins as a peaceful Jedi mission is violently transformed into an all-out war for survival against staggering odds-and the most diabolical of adversaries.
Timothy Zahn (Author), Marc Thompson (Narrator)
Survivor's Quest: Star Wars Legends
The specter of the menacing Grand Admiral Thrawn looms over Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker as they embark on a journey to recover an important piece of Jedi history. Sometimes it seems a Jedi's work is never done, and Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker know this only too well. Despite the bond they share in the Force, the Jedi Master and his wife are still learning the ropes of being a couple after three years of marriage-and struggling to find time together between the constant demands of duty. But all that will change when they're united on an unexpected mission: They must pool their exceptional skills to combat an insidious enemy and salvage a part of Jedi history. Whatever may await, the Skywalkers will not face it alone. Joining them on the strange and solemn journey are an officer of the post-Palpatine Empire escorted by a detachment of Imperial stormtroopers; a party of diplomats from a gentle alien species that reveres the fallen Jedi for saving them from bloodthirsty conquerors; and a New Republic ambassador who harbors his own mysterious agenda. Soon enough, suspicion, secrecy, and an unknown saboteur run rampant aboard the isolated ship. But the gravest danger lies within the derelict walls of Outbound Flight, buried for half a century on a desolate planetoid. As the marooned hulk yields up stunning revelations and unexpected terrors to its visitors, Luke and Mara find all that they stand for-and their very existence-brutally challenged. The ultimate test will be surviving the deathtrap carefully laid by foes who are legendary for their ruthlessness, and determined to complete the job Thrawn began: exterminating the Jedi.
Timothy Zahn (Author), Marc Thompson (Narrator)
When Earth is plagued by an epidemic of fear, ancient prophecy says only Thor can stop the monstrous threat of the Serpent, but without help from Loki, Thor is certain to fail. Aided by a handmaiden from Hel and a demon puppy, Loki must risk everything to find redemption—or doom himself for eternity. Either way, a Nightmare lies in wait hoping to rule the world, and Loki will have to risk everything on his craziest scheme of all! Meanwhile, new gods threaten to disrupt the status quo, throwing everything out of balance. Loki must act as a responsible ambassador, but will the nine worlds end in Surtur’s fire? In this brand-new prose novel inspired by the epic comic series by Kieron Gillen, young Loki must cross the realms to reclaim his own story, outwit ancient enemies, struggle to do the right thing, and avoid falling in love.
Katherine Locke, Marvel (Author), Elliot Fitzpatrick (Narrator)
A MOTHER'S WRATH KNOWS NO BOUNDS Watching my friends die was hard. Getting blown up right after was even worse. But that's nothing compared to waking up to the mother I never knew and finding out she's a monster far worse than anything I've faced so far. Now, not only is she trying to set me up with every eligible demon between here and Hades, but she's busy plotting the demise of my best friend Gary-setting us up on a collision course for a battle to the death. All I want is to escape her clutches and get back to my life, but with a supernatural war brewing that might not be possible. To make matters worse, it looks like my dad has turned into a bomb-wielding madman. With everything going to hell, all I can do is keep fighting the good fight . . . and hope this is one case where the apple falls far from the tree.
R.E. Carr, Rick Gualtieri (Author), Andrea Emmes (Narrator)
1970s AUSTRALIA... When the world is thrown into a downward spiral of chaos, four very different people from the darkness will fight their way across the vastness of the great southern land. Men turn to countrymen, who have now become enemies. Each man must look within in order to overcome their worst nightmares; or worse, to become them... The nightmare is not of the man who stands to face them, but from he who resides deep within... Lives are twisted and men search the depths within for whatever they can find to survive. 'An Australian instant classic... Visionary and reflective of a time of futuristic darkness the genre deserves... Great first book for this new author.' Gavin, Indie Book reviewer
Matthew Cirson (Author), Les Horovitz (Narrator)
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