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Jules rend visite à son père, Denis, un vieux punk imprévisible, afin de lui remettre une énigmatique petite boîte. Après un silence de dix ans, leurs retrouvailles s’orchestrent autour d’un spaghetti bien arrosé. Mais Denis veut dicter les règles du jeu et la tension monte, dévoilant les raisons de ce huis clos qui vire bientôt au cauchemar. Portée par les chansons de The Cure, parmi les flaques d’urine et les débris de la télévision, Jules mettra le point final à ce crescendo de violence qui la révélera tantôt victime, tantôt bourreau. Entre cruauté et nostalgie, Les pénitences ressuscite l’enfance de deux fillettes sous la coupe d’un adulte dangereux aux lois arbitraires. Ce thriller à la prose fiévreuse, où le détail inquiétant et la menace imminente pulsent dans la lueur lavande des enregistrements VHS, montre les ramifications mentales, émotives et sexuelles des relations abusives et de la pauvreté. ℗ Studio Bulldog 2023
Alex Viens (Author), Karelle Tremblay (Narrator)
Let us learn english language: Let us learn english language
If you you know conjugation and you would like to deepen it ; this ebook is fit you in term of knowing primary uxiliary verbs and modal auxiliary Verbs. Concerning to primary auxiliary verbs ; you can learn three primary auxiliary verbs and how to use them in different sentences such as : • To be • To have • To do Furthermore ; you can learn how these three primary auxiliary verbs can be used in diverse sentences. You can discover other primary auxiliary verbs that are usually in english language. In this book ; you can see how tenses can be used with precised time words : For example : • I am a president tomorrow • James hosts us after tomorrow You can discover how precised time words are used in the sentence to build the « near future » such as : Today, soon, as long as, in july… For example : • I am coming to school in the afternoon • Nextweek, they are going to host guests • When I end my work ; we are doing the assignments Thereafter, you can learn how tenses like simple present, present continuous can be linked to passive voice in order to build near future. For example : • I am greeted tommorrow by Miriam • French is being spoken by his friend tomorrow Moreover, you can discover the usage of modal auxiliary verbs with its synonyms hereafter : CAN : To be able to, to be capable of MUST : to have to, to be obliged to, to be to, need to MAY : to be permitted to, to be allowed to, to be enabled to, to be authorized to, to be afforded to. In this book, we provide the discrepancy between modal auxiliary verbs and primary auxiliary verbs that you have to discover in the chapter one of this boook. In the chapter two of this book, we have linked tenses with some synonyms of modal auxiliary verbs to build the passive voices. For examples : • We are told to go abroad by the the ministry of education • English will ibe explained to us by Alexis • A black woman has been seen by kakule and them • Etc…
Balebi Alexis, Sr. (Author), Shaina (Narrator)
Balladen i Mekka er første bind i en serie om hvordan samfundet og kulturen former livet for Aalborg-drengen, Henrik Bertelsen, der rives med af globaliseringen og den velstandsbølge, som rammer Danmark efter 2. verdenskrig. Handlingen foregår i tidsrummet juli til december 1979. Henrik sidder i et godt solidt job som fuldmægtig i arbejdsministeriet. Ved siden af underviser han på Danmarks Forvaltningshøjskole og på Københavns Universitet. Holder han næsen i sporet ligger karrieren snorlige foran ham. Men det gør han ikke. Ud af det blå dukker der en mulighed op for at komme med i et hospitalsprojekt i Saudi-Arabien. Han griber chancen, og så ruller lavinen. Projektet griber om sig og kræver mere og mere tid. Samtidigt etablerer Henrik bofællesskab i Nordsjælland og skal sammen med sin hustru, engelske Samantha, til Indonesien for at adoptere et barn. Forblændet af muligheden for eventyr får Henrik ikke forholdt sig til de langsigtede konsekvenser af projektet i Saudi-Arabien, og langsomt men sikkert fanger bordet. Samantha vil under ingen omstændigheder flytte til et arabisk land, og hans egne planer går da heller ikke i den retning. Midt i virakken får Henrik tilbudt et særdeles vellønnet job i et stort amerikansk computerfirma.
Hans Peter Bech (Author), Hans Peter Bech (Narrator)
[German] - Raketenmann: Pfusch - Die Hörspielreihe
'Raketenmann' ist die 3. Folge der Hörspielreihe 'Pfusch' Die Folge ist mit allen Details erstaunlich nahe an der Realität, die die Hörspielmacher überraschend aktuell abgebildet haben: Erwin stolpert im Umkleideraum des Fitnessstudios über hochbrisante Rüstungspapiere eines ortsbekannten Unternehmens. Mitten drin und dabei sein Freund und Hacker Erwin. Ramberts Neugier bringt ihm neue Bekannte, einen heißen Flirt mit der Firmenerbin und die Welt an den Rand des 3. Weltkriegs. Nichts darunter und leider trotz des satirischen Krimiformats kein bisschen übertrieben.
Egbert Friedl, Gerald Arp (Author), Boris Keil, Dagmar Bittner, Egbert Friedl, Eric Obst, Eva Brandstetter, Gerald Arp, Karsten Kunde, Kim Gjarmati, Verena Schmidt (Narrator)
Classroom of the Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 1
The cutthroat school drama light novels that inspired an anime! Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom--if they can win, barter, or save enough points to work their way up the ranks! Ayanokoji Kiyotaka has landed at the bottom in the scorned Class D, where he meets Horikita Suzune, who's determined to rise up the ladder to Class A. Can they beat the system in a school where cutthroat competition is the name of the game?
Syougo Kinugasa, Tomoseshunsaku (Author), Eddy Lee (Narrator)
Fürst Macbeth, von seiner Frau angestachelt, erschlägt König Duncan, um selbst den Thron von Schottland zu besteigen. Er verstrickt sich in sein Schicksal und versucht, durch blutige Tyrannei seine Position zu sichern. Ein beispielloses Spektakel von Machtgier, Verführung und Mord. Macbeth ist Shakespeares kürzeste, konzentrierteste und eingängigste Tragödie.
William Shakespeare (Author), André Beyer, Christoph Piasecki, Christoph Walter, Claudia Urbschat-Mingues, Constanze Buttmann, Detlef Tams, Heike Werntgen, Henrike Tönnes, Joschi Hajek, Katja Keßler, Marc Schülert, Marco Rosenberg, Marcus Off, Mariano Skroce, Markus Haase, Matthias Deutelmoser, Omid-Paul Eftekhari, Philip Bösand, Ron Kliehm, Sandra Schwittau, Sara Wegner, Stephanie Preis, Thomas Plum, Toni Michael Sattler, Vincent Fallow, Werner Wilkening (Narrator)
Together with The Tempest, A Midsummer Night’s Dream is one of Shakespeare’s most magical plays. One night, two parties creep from Athens into the surrounding forest. One party includes sweethearts Lysander and Hermia, fleeing from Athenian law and the disapproval of Hermia’s father to get married. In pursuit is Demetrius, the suitor of Hermia favored by her father, and the doleful Helena, formerly affianced to Demetrius. Six tradesman (the “rude mechanicals”) make up the other party. They hope to present a play at the upcoming nuptials of Theseus, Duke of Athens, and are seeking a private place for rehearsal. Surveying these disparate interlopers are the forest fairies, whose King Oberon and Queen Titania are engaged in a ferocious marital dispute. A magical love potion throws all into disarray. Attachments are disrupted, new ones are formed—but finally, conjugal harmony is established between lovers. In the last act the “rude mechanicals” win their chance to present their clumsy dramatic piece to the amusement and satisfaction of the aristocratic audience.
William Shakespeare (Author), A Full Cast, Blaise Doran, Claudia Anglade, Emma Faye, Gary D. Macfadden, Gary MacFadden, Gary Macfadden, Kendra Murray, Linda Barrans, Mark Crowle-Groves, Marty Krz, PJ Morgan, Pj Morgan, Tom Saer, a full cast (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El último Morisco: Los pueblos que desconocen su historia están condenados a repetirla.
Alarmado por el avance otomano en el Mediterráneo y las osadas acciones de los corsarios berberiscos en las costas españolas, el rey Felipe II proclama en 1567 una Pragmática Sanción que prohíbe a los «cristianos nuevos» utilizar la lengua árabe y suprime sus costumbres. Esa decisión provoca la rebelión de las Alpujarras, una contienda fratricida que acabó con las vidas de decenas de miles de personas y causó la esclavitud y el destierro de muchas más. Centrándose en la historia de Khalíl y Dídac, dos jóvenes cuyas vidas se ven zarandeadas por el vendaval de la guerra, El último morisco recrea con singular viveza el universo español de mediados del siglo XVI, poblado con personajes, despreciables unos y heroicos otros, familias rotas y cadáveres de inocentes, a medio enterrar en cunetas nevadas. Entre tanto sufrimiento, el lector encontrará retazos de amor y, quizás, un rayo de esperanza. UNA NOVELA QUE RESCATA DEL OLVIDO EL DRAMA DE LOS MORISCOS GRANADINOS
Diego Ramos (Author), Antonio Abenojar (Narrator)
[German] - Salz und Schokolade: Der Geschmack von Freiheit - Die Halloren-Saga, Band 1 (ungekürzt)
Die Tochter eines Schokoladenfabrikanten und ein junger Salzwirker zwischen Aufbruch und Hoffnung Halle an der Saale, 1950: Als Tochter des Schokoladenfabrikanten Friedrich Mendel wuchs Irene mit dem Duft von Schokolade auf und es gab für sie nichts Schöneres, als ihren Vater zu beobachten, wie er Pralinen anfertigt. Doch seit dem Krieg ist alles anders. Irenes Bruder ist in russischer Kriegsgefangenschaft und ihre Mutter hat sich in ihre eigene Welt zurückgezogen. Salz und Schokolade: Gibt es ein verführerisches Zusammenspiel? Irene verliebt sich in den jungen Salzwirker Paul, einen waschechten Halloren. Doch ihre Eltern sehen die Verbindung kritisch und tun alles, um die jungen Leute auseinanderzubringen. Mit der Machtübernahme der SED gerät das Familienunternehmen in Gefahr und Irene wird vor eine unmögliche Wahl gestellt: Schokolade oder Liebe? Die mitreißende und dramatische Geschichte der ältesten Schokoladenfabrik Deutschlands
Amelia Martin (Author), Simone Ritscher (Narrator)
Little America The Terrance Young Story: Lisa King
Welcome to Little America Avon Park, a small town located within Highlands County, FL. Where violence, hustling and scheming are an everyday occurrence and there is a very thin line between loyalty, envy and jealousy. Terrance Young is a self-made entrepreneur, who has been involved in the street life since he was a jit. For the past nine months he has been devising a plan to transition into the corporate world. He has the perfect strategy to exit the game while setting his crew and their families up for life. As he attempts to bring his plan into fruition, all hell breaks loose, bodies are dropping left and right, assumptions are being made, loyalty and trust have been broken, and plots to take down his crew are in motion, leaving everyone he loves in jeopardy.
Joseph Johnson (Author), Denise Wallace. (Narrator)
'In the Kingdom of Fife, in the days of long ago, there lived an old man and his wife. The old man was a douce, quiet body, but the old woman was lightsome and flighty, and some of the neighbours were wont to look at her askance, and whisper to each other that they sorely feared that she was a Witch.' Elizabeth W. Grierson tells the tale of the famous witches of Fife, and what happens when one's husband gets a little too curious... This short story is one of a compilation from Grierson's 'The Scottish Fairy Book', first published in 1910, and is read by Stephanie MacGaraidh.
Elizabeth W. Grierson (Author), Stephanie Macgaraidh (Narrator)
A baby is born in 1666, the year of 'Fire Horse' according to Japanese tradition, at the House of Metzengerstein in an area between Royal Hungary and the territory inhabited by Transylvanian Saxons. Frederick von Metzengerstein is nurtured by his dependable servant Bela after the Baroness passes away shortly after giving birth to him. The youngster lives a pleasant life for many years until his ailing father Baron Gotfrid is forced to negotiate the future of the region with his mortal rival Baron Willhelm von Berlifitzing. Frederick experiences a nightmare inside that castle, which haunts him for years until his father's passing, at which point the young master assumes ultimate power at the age of 17. During the celebratory ceremonies for the transition of power, Baron Berlifizing dies as a result of a fire that started in the House of Berlifitzing at their stables. By some strange coincidence, that same night, a black stallion, a proper wild beast, is captured by the guards close to the Metzengerstein property. The boy falls in love with the gorgeous animal at first sight, which alteres his fate and mental state. The secret that was eating him alive since he was an infant needs to be revealed sooner than later... The new version of this Edgar Allan Poe tale follows closely the events in the original, with countless added historic elements and details, not mentioned by Poe, but still in his spirit. It can speak to the modern reader or draw in new audience to the works of the great author and poet, since it is now 'dirtier', sadder, more dramatic, and feels extremely realistic. The bonus features in this book are directly tied to the narrative, and the graphics will provide a glimpse into the worlds that the stories describe.
Edgar Allan Poe, Filip Halo (Author), Filip Halo (Narrator)
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