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[Spanish] - La mula y el buey: Un cuento de navidad
'La mula y el buey' es un conmovedor cuento navideño de Benito Pérez Galdós en el que el autor juega con el contraste entre la felicidad de esas fechas, sobre todo para los más pequeños, y el dolor de una familia por la pérdida de su pequeña hija. Una historia triste pero impregnada de ilusión y esperanza cristianas que nos propone acercarnos a quienes viven la Navidad desde la pérdida y la ausencia. El autor combina también con maestría y originalidad un realismo naturalista con elementos sobrenaturales y fantásticos. 'La mula y el buey' es un cuento de Navidad y, a la vez, mucho más que un cuento de Navidad. Diseño de portada: David Rubiales 'La mula y el buey' is a touching Christmas story by Benito Pérez Galdós in which the author plays with the contrast between the happiness of these dates, especially for the little ones, and the pain of a family for the loss of their little daughter. A sad story but impregnated with Christian illusion and hope that proposes us to approach those who live Christmas from the loss and absence. The author also combines with mastery and originality a naturalistic realism with supernatural and fantastic elements. 'La mula y el buey' is a Christmas tale and, at the same time, much more than a Christmas tale. Cover art design: David Rubiales
Benito Pérez Galdós (Author), Rafael Baena Zapatero (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El viejo del Paseo de los Ingleses
'El viejo del paseo de los ingleses' es una emotiva novela breve de Vicente Blasco Ibáñez que cuenta, a su vez, muchas historias. Con la capacidad del autor para describir ambientes y caracteres, asistimos a una historia de amor, a la vida de la alta sociedad europea de principios del siglo XX, a la desaparición de la Rusia zarista con todos sus excesos e injusticias, a los primeros años de la revolución bolchevique, y a los ecos que todo ello tiene en las orillas del Mediterráneo, en la Costa Azul. A través de Fedor Ipatief, un personaje frívolo y tierno al que la historia ha dejado varado como un verdadero fósil de épocas pasadas, la narración nos deja melancólico testimonio, con una cierta ironía, de un mundo que quizá no nos resulte tan extraño, y de las vidas de muchas personas tan anónimas como reales, que encuentran su eco en la ficción de Blasco Ibáñez. Diseño de portada: David Rubiales Suárez. 'El viejo del paseo de los ingleses' is an emotional short novel by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez with many stories inside. With the author's ability to describe environments and characters, we witness a love story, the life of European high society in the early twentieth century, the demise of Tsarist Russia with all its excesses and injustices, the early years of the Bolshevik revolution, and the echoes that all this has on the shores of the Mediterranean, on the Côte d'Azur. Through Fedor Ipatief, a frivolous and tender character whom history has left stranded as a true fossil of past times, the narration leaves us a melancholic testimony, with a certain irony, of a world that perhaps is not so alien to us, and of the lives of many people as anonymous as they are real, who find their echo in Blasco Ibáñez's fiction. Cover art design: David Rubiales Suárez.
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (Author), Rafael Baena Zapatero (Narrator)
Perfecting the New England American Accent
Embark on a journey to master the distinct New England American accent with our specialized audio course, tailored for actors seeking authenticity in their performances. This course offers an in-depth exploration of the unique phonetic characteristics, intonation patterns, and other nuances that define this iconic American dialect. The course includes practical exercises, focusing on vowel shifts and the distinctive rhythm and melody of the New England speech pattern. The course includes authentic speech examples from multiple sources and time periods, allowing you to hear and practice the accent in realistic scenarios. Our course is designed for ease of use. Whether you're preparing for a specific role or expanding your acting repertoire, this course offers the tools and guidance to authentically embody the New England American accent. Join us and transform your accent skills with confidence and precision.
Stephanie Lam (Author), Robert Davis (Narrator)
[German] - Der Kreuzzug der Kinder
Köln im Jahre des Herrn 1212. Eine Schar von Kindern bricht in das Gelobte Land auf, um die Heilige Stadt Jerusalem von den Ungläubigen zu befreien - ohne Waffen, nur mit Gottes Hilfe. Ihr Anführer: Nikolaus, ein selbst noch jugendlicher Prediger aus Köln. Wird die waghalsige Mission gelingen? Autor Andreas Galk bettet eine fiktive Romanhandlung in die inzwischen historisch belegten Ereignisse ein und schildert so ebenso plastisch wie drastisch die Geschehnisse dieser dunklen Episode aus dem Mittelalter.
Andreas Galk (Author), Aennie Jung, Albrecht Hoffmann, Andrea Jolly, Andrea Küstermann, Andreas Galk, Britta Noras, Emily Sichwart, Eva Galk, Frank Hangen, Johannes Jähnig, Klara Lange, Lisa-Marie Lehr, Lucia Gürster, Lynda Palitzsch, Malou Galk, Malte Janßen, Martin Petersen-Krause, Merle Krause, Nele Dierken, Nele Galk, Sabine Herresbach, Udo Jolly, Wiebke Bierwag, Yvonne Radtke (Narrator)
Love On A Checklist: A Lesbian Short Story
Kelsey Peterson has one goal. To talk to Olivia Pritchard, the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. There’s only one problem with the plan! Kelsey is useless with women. So useless, in fact, that she tends to cause accidental bodily harm to herself when in the vicinity of an attractive female. Take her first meeting with Olivia, for example. Kelsey’s face meeting a pole because she was staring. Is she a lost cause? Well, Kelsey doesn’t think so. All she needs is a step-by-step method to reach her goals. Then she should be able to have at least a conversation with Olivia, right? As with all well-planned ideas, it goes to pot almost immediately. Still, Kelsey is nothing but persistent and positive. All she has to do is follow her checklist. Easy peasy!
Alyson Root (Author), Katrina Michaels (Narrator)
Artaban and the Quest for the King (Dramatized)
Upon his return home from the battlefields of Europe in 1918, Col Blackwood, a UK Army infantry officer, is reunited with his family on Christmas Eve after nearly four years away. In the midst of telling his children a bedtime story, we learn of Artaban, a Magi priest, and the fourth wise man to present gifts to the newborn King. As a result of dissension among his fellow Magians, Artaban has no other choice but to embark on this journey alone. Though his quest is fraught with challenges along the way that test his courage and stir his compassion, his faith never wavers. Artaban and the Quest for the King is based upon the 1895 novella 'The Story of the Other Wise Man' by Henry Van Dyke. Jason Markiewitz adapted the story and developed the script used in this production. This dramatization is performed by a full cast of international, award-winning voice actors and is surrounded by majestic sounds and cinematic music. More importantly, this story is suitable for all ages and is a heartwarming story of family, hope, perseverance, faith, and love. Artaban and the Quest for the King is a Markiewitz Audioworks Production.
Henry Van Dyke, Jason Markiewitz (Author), Alicia Hansen, Bethany Baldwin, Brian Jeffords, Caleb Bressler, Charlie Everly, Glenn Hascall, Jason Lasky, Jason Markiewitz, Jonathan Cooke, Justin Ali, Martin Beadle, Nate Begle, Rachel Pulliam, Rainey Mangan, Richard Gibson, Sharon Grunwald, Trina Deuhart (Narrator)
[Spanish] - Teitán el Soberbio
En 'Teitán el Soberbio', publicado por primera vez en 1895, Nilo María Fabra se adelanta en más de 50 años a la distopía totalitaria del '1984' de George Orwell, y nos presenta una humanidad dominada por el miedo, en la que un tirano, Teitán el Soberbio, reina sobre todo el planeta apoyado en la tecnología al servicio de la detección y la represión de cualquier disidencia. Cualquier expresión de desacuerdo, rebeldía, crítica o desafección es inmediatamente detectada y castigada. Es tal el control que se pretende ejercer sobre la población que el cuento plantea la posibilidad de cruzar la última frontera a fin de controlar no solo lo que dicen las personas en la intimidad, sino también lo que piensan. Situada en el Siglo 100, el breve relato de Nilo María Fabra, una joya de la ciencia ficción política y de anticipación del Siglo XIX, nos alerta sobre el lado oscuro del progreso tecnológico y sobre el impacto que éste puede tener sobre nuestra libertad y la sociedad en su conjunto. Diseño de portada, David Rubiales. In 'Teitan the Superb', first published in 1895, Nilo Maria Fabra anticipates by more than 50 years the totalitarian dystopia of George Orwell's '1984', and presents us with a humanity dominated by fear, in which a tyrant, Teitan the Superb, reigns over the entire planet supported by technology at the service of detection and repression of any dissidence, immediately detected and punished. Such is the control that is intended to be exercised over the population that the story raises the possibility of crossing the final frontier in order to control not only what people say in privacy, but also what they think. Set in the 100th century, Nilo María Fabra's short story, a jewel of 19th century political and anticipation science fiction, alerts us to the dark side of technological progress and the impact it can have on our freedom and society as a whole. Cover art design: David Rubiales.
Nilo María Fabra (Author), Rafael Baena Zapatero (Narrator)
[Spanish] - La Media Noche: Visión estelar de un momento de guerra
'La Media Noche' es una breve novela de ramón María del Valle-Inclán que describe con crudeza, pero en párrafos que alcanzan una gran belleza, la postura del autor sobre la Primera Guerra Mundial y sobre la guerra en general. Dicho conflicto también tuvo un campo de batalla literario en el que Vallé-Inclán toma un evidente partido por Francia y sus aliados. Inspirada en su experiencia visitando los escenarios de la conflagración, 'La Media Noche' es una obra experimental y ambiciosa, desgarradora y seductora al mismo tiempo, que pretende aprehender y transmitir una visión de conjunto sobre el gran teatro de la guerra que se desarrollaba en cientos de kilómetros de frente destruyendo las vidas de tantos y tantos inocentes. Y es que la mirada del autor, por comprometida y maniquea que resulte en algunas de sus páginas, es profundamente empática con las víctimas del conflicto, lleven uniforme o no. Diseño de portada: David Rubiales Suárez. 'La Media Noche' is a short novel by Ramón María del Valle-Inclán that describes with crudeness, but in paragraphs that reach a great beauty, the author's position on the First World War and on the war in general. This conflict also had a literary battlefield in which Vallé-Inclán takes an obvious side with France and its allies. Inspired by his experience visiting the battlefront, 'La Media Noche' is an experimental and ambitious work, heartbreaking and seductive at the same time, which aims to apprehend and transmit an overall view of the great theater of war that unfolded over hundreds of miles of front lines, destroying the lives of so many innocent people. The author's gaze, however compromised and manichean it may seem in some of its pages, is deeply empathetic with the victims of the conflict, whether they wear uniforms or not. Cover art design: David Rubiales Suárez.
Ramón María Del Valle-Inclán (Author), Rafael Baena Zapatero (Narrator)
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Rough, raw, and riveting, Saleem Little's first novel is a gritty portrayal of survival in an urban setting, where working the GAME (or dealing drugs) becomes the only way to escape stifling, racist-driven poverty. To most Americans, the GAME exists in a fantasy world, a violent world either glamorized by hip hop music or demonized by data and government statistics. Saleem Little illuminates it as a realm inhabited by real families and real children, a world where harsh choices determine outcomes for life or death. Marquise Jackson inherits the responsibility of caring for his mother and brother when his father is killed in a hail of bullets. As Mar navigates the world of drug dealers, street sharks, and other players in the GAME, he discovers that his intelligence and caution make him an excellent competitor. Although the rewards are great, this tournament of wits is a dangerous sport, and the stakes are high. Saleem Little creates a surprise ending that twists and turns as Marquise and Lexi discover the fatal price for playing the GAME. (Get In, Get Out) is a high-speed train that carries the reader on a non-stop journey filled with sex, drugs, and violence. In that sense, it is dynamic and action-packed. The story, however, becomes more compelling when the reader discovers Marquise Jackson's deep desire to live a NORMAL life: a life where his children can grow up safely, where his little brother can go to college, where his mother can open her own shop and earn a living, where his family can gather for a Thanksgiving dinner like any other family in America. Saleem Little creates a world where the language of the street reveals an undeniable aspect of American culture, a reality that many Americans try to ignore. The irrefutable fact that a tremendous proportion of young African American men are incarcerated proves Little's point that playing the GAME is sometimes the only option to escape street-level poverty. -Suza Lambert Bowser Productions, LLC
Saleem Little (Author), Digital Voice Marcus G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - A secreto agravio, secreta venganza
El premio nobel de ciencia Santiago Ramón y Cajal nos dejó algunos cuentos en los que confluyen sus pasiones por la ciencia y la literatura. En 'A secreto agravio, secreta venganza', además de una original historia de venganza y celos, encontramos el retrato psicológico interesantísimo de un científico de éxito en el campo de la microbiología. Con indudable talento literario, el autor juega con las lindes del conocimiento de principios del siglo XX, y todo en su relato es capacidad de observación, imaginación, prospectiva y deseo de reflexionar sobre las obsesiones de los hombres que, brillando por sus contribuciones a la ciencia, no dejan de ser seres humanos con su buena dosis de miseria, inseguridades, y debilidades. Un relato sorprendente y divertido que nos acerca a una figura interesantísima, pues Santiago Ramón y Cajal es, como prueba esta obra, un hombre por descubrir. Diseño de portada: David Rubiales Suárez Nobel Prize winner Santiago Ramón y Cajal left us some stories in which his passions for science and literature converge. In 'A secreto agravio, secreta venganza', in addition to an original story of revenge and jealousy, we find a very interesting psychological portrait of a successful scientist in the field of microbiology. With undoubted literary talent, the author plays with the boundaries of knowledge in the early twentieth century, and everything in his story is a capacity for observation, imagination, foresight and desire to reflect on the obsessions of men who, while shining for their contributions to science, are still human beings with their fair share of misery, insecurities and weaknesses. A surprising and amusing story that brings us closer to a very interesting figure, for Santiago Ramón y Cajal is, as this work proves, a man to be discovered. Covert art design: David Rubiales Suárez
Santiago Ramón Y Cajal (Author), Rafael Baena Zapatero (Narrator)
El premio nobel de ciencia Santiago Ramón y Cajal nos dejó algunos cuentos en los que confluyen sus pasiones por la ciencia y la literatura. En 'La casa maldita' nos cuenta la historia de un médico que regresa a España después de haber hecho fortuna en América pero que, por una desgracia, debe empezar de cero para poder casarse con el amor de su vida. Para ello, pone sus ojos en una prometedora propiedad de la vecindad que, sin embargo, sus paisanos consideran objeto de una terrible maldición. Es entonces cuando la ciencia pone todo su arsenal al servicio del progreso y en contra de la superstición. Con indudable talento literario, el autor propone un debate entre la razón y las viejas creencias con el que denuncia las resistencias al progreso y al conocimiento que enfrentó en su vida. Con gran imaginación, el relato es divertido y sugerente. Un relato sorprendente que nos acerca a una figura interesantísima, pues Santiago Ramón y Cajal es, como prueba esta obra, un hombre por descubrir. Diseño de portada: David Rubiales Suárez Nobel Prize winner Santiago Ramón y Cajal left us some stories in which his passions for science and literature converge. In 'La casa maldita' he tells us the story of a doctor who returns to Spain after having made his fortune in America but who, due to a misfortune, must start from scratch in order to marry the love of his life. To do so, he sets his eyes on a promising property in the neighborhood that, however, his countrymen consider to be cursed. Then, science puts all its arsenal at the service of progress and against superstition. With undoubted literary talent and originality, the author plays with a debate between reason and old beliefs, denouncing the resistance to progress and knowledge that he faced in his life. A surprising story that brings us closer to a very interesting figure, since Santiago Ramón y Cajal is, as this work proves, a man to be discovered. Covert art design: David Rubiales Suárez
Santiago Ramón Y Cajal (Author), Rafael Baena Zapatero (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - A Morte de Ivan Ilitch
Sem dúvida uma das mais belas novelas de Tolstói, A Morte de Ivan Ilitch desperta as mais profundas reflexões a respeito da morte e, consequentemente, da vida. Ao se deparar com a brutal sombra da morte e a consciência do fim, o protagonista, em meio à sua agonia, começa a se questionar sobre a validade de suas atitudes e o sentido da existência. Publicada pela primeira vez em 1886, trata-se de uma narrativa brilhante e que traz uma visão moral que transcende as barreiras do tempo. Esta edição conta com tradução direta do original russo.
Leon Tolstói (Author), Ronney Thiago (Narrator)
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