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You are in the capital city of Ireland. Like any city there are problems. Your job is to find Irish solutions to Irish problems. Your team includes your beautiful Russian assistant Alice and the dangerous ex-army ranger, called the PMC, who has a slightly scrambled brain. Your customers include gangsters, police, business men, politicians and tailors each with a unique problem. Each chapter is a short story but characters remain and develop as the book progresses.
Thomas Kennedy (Author), Steven Miller (Narrator)
God Luv Us: An Achim Jeffers Novel
Achim Jeffers faces his most challenging mission yet. He’s a black man caught in a deadly vice. One misstep, and hard prison time will be in his future. His sworn adversaries in the FBI are in utter panic. They are begging Achim, a Counter-Racist hitman, to provide them with his expert assistance. The FBI has good reason to be so frightful. A twisted European assassin has been hired to take out a high value target in the United States. Infamous for his brutality and White Supremacist fervor, this faceless assassin is simply known as “The Tarpon”. Everything about the man and his deadly methods, are clouded in mystery. “The Tarpon” is intent on spilling blood in New Orleans. His goal is to serve the black citizens of the city, death on a cold plate. Aware of “The Tarpon’s” cruelty, yet weary of the FBI’s true intentions, Achim is forced to take a big risk in order to protect the Black Community he loves so much. He begrudgingly joins forces with the FBI and enters a global race to stop the crazed racist before he completes his grisly task. Join the manhunt and experience the intense combat as Achim Jeffers and The Tarpon trade blows, in this sequel to Josiah Starr's underground hit novel “War of The Heart”.
Josiah Starr (Author), Jason C. Johnson Sr. (Narrator)
Люк Уоррен посвятил жизнь изучению волков. Он писал о них, изучал их привычки и поведение и даже два года прожил в волчьей стае. Во многих смыслах он разбирается в поведении волков лучше, чем в отношениях внутри собственной семьи. В конце концов его жена уходит от него, а восемнадцатилетний сын Эдвард после жуткой ссоры с отцом уезжает из страны. Но все меняется, когда приходит известие, что Люк тяжело пострадал в автомобильной аварии и его жизнь висит на волоске. Эдвард возвращается домой. Им с младшей сестрой Карой придется вместе решать судьбу отца и ответить на множество вопросов. Какие тайны хранили друг от друга Эдвард с сестрой? Какие скрытые мотивы побуждают их позволить отцу умереть... или попытаться сохранить ему жизнь? Чего бы хотел сам Люк? Как члены семьи могут принять такое решение перед лицом вины, или горя, или того и другого вместе? И что наиболее важно, насколько они забыли непреложное правило волчьей стаи: все ее члены нуждаются друг в друге, а выживание порой требует жертв. «Одинокий волк» — это незабываемая история о семейных тайнах, любви и расставании. Роман издается в новом переводе.
джоди пиколт (Author), алла човжик (Narrator)
[German] - Ludwig Tieck: Der gestiefelte Kater: Eine Komödie nach dem Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm
Was würden wir von einem Theaterstück aus dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert erwarten, das ein beliebtes Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm als Grundlage hat? Solides Entertainment bestenfalls. Doch hier ist alles anders. Tieck verwebt mehrere Ebenen miteinander, er lässt die Zuschauer, die er ins Stück bereits integriert hat, mit den Schauspielern interagieren, bis man das Gefühl bekommt, man sei im Kino und sehe einen der verschachtelten Filme von Christopher Nolan. Das alles ist bei allem Durcheinander, das herrscht, so kunstvoll und vor allem lustig, das man vor Herrn Tieck den Hut ziehen möchte!
Ludwig Tieck (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
[Portuguese] - Lendas Caninas: Volume II
As LENDAS estão de volta nessa sequência ainda mais emocionante e excitante. Marquito, Sany, Amy, Lisa e muitos outros condutores de agility ao lado de seus cães Flecha, Maximus, X, Fire irão competir em busca do título nacional. E a briga não ficará apenas entre eles porque novas duplas estão chegando. As emoções não ficarão apenas dentro das pistas, fora delas Marquito ainda precisará lidar com seus dramas familiares, seu relacionamento mal resolvido com Amy e a abertura de seu novo centro de treinamento com os alunos trajando o famoso uniforme verde-limão. As disputas ainda serão levadas para fora das fronteiras, quando os competidores viajarão para a Holanda para disputar o Campeonato Mundial de Agility.
Marco Magiolo (Author), Marco Magiolo (Narrator)
Between 2 worlds: The Life of An Immigrant
What's the life of an immigrant like? A nomad in the middle of nowhere with an unknown future and unfamiliar faces lurking everywhere. That's the life that the Author of Between 2 Worlds, Birol Bahadir, had to endure as he grew up in a foreign land full of uncertainties. Born in a Turkish family but raised in an unknown land in Germany, Birol succumbed to western influence that halted his growth and put a question mark on his identity. Between 2 Worlds takes you through the life of an immigrant living a life of despair entrenched with a feeling of alienation. It's a heart-touching story that provides the readers with a glimpse of an immigrant surviving in western countries. It's Bahadir's tale of survival, living through the dungeons of Islamophobia and hate. This book provides an in-depth view of the life of an immigrant juggling the dilemma of identity. This book is for everyone living away from their homeland to make a fortune in a foreign land. It's a biography/memoir that will urge you to find a connection with Birol's life. Drift into a journey with this heart touching story that takes you through moments Birol faced while living as a Turkish Muslim immigrant and trying to find his true identity. Feelings of alienation and pangs of isolation afflict every immigrant family living in a foreign land, persisting incessantly in the initial days. Facing discrimination and hatred because of being termed a 'refugee' often takes away the will to survive. But, there's a feeling that keeps you going, forcing you to push your limitations with every challenge that comes your way. Perhaps, that's what drove Birol forward. This book epitomizes immigrants' difficulties and problems like Birol, who eventually come out of it stronger than before. It is a beautiful memoir and a real life story penned by a once broken and battered Birol, who finally stood up to the occasion and overcame challenges bravely, excelling to his maximum potential.
Birol Bahadir (Author), Jon Goehring (Narrator)
A Doll's House - A Play in Three Acts (Unabridged)
A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen is a three-act play written by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. It premiered at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, Denmark, on 21 December 1879, having been published earlier that month. The play is set in a Norwegian town circa 1879. Synopsis: The play opens at Christmas time as Nora Helmer enters her home carrying many packages. Nora's husband Torvald is working in his study when she arrives. He playfully rebukes her for spending so much money on Christmas gifts, calling her his 'little squirrel.' He teases her about how the previous year she had spent weeks making gifts and ornaments by hand because money was scarce. This year Torvald is due a promotion at the bank where he works, so Nora feels that they can let themselves go a little. The maid announces two visitors: Mrs. Kristine Linde, an old friend of Nora's, who has come seeking employment; and Dr. Rank, a close friend of the family, who is let into the study. Kristine has had a difficult few years, ever since her husband died leaving her with no money or children. Nora says that things have not been easy for them either: Torvald became sick, and they had to travel to Italy so he could recover. Kristine explains that when her mother was ill she had to take care of her brothers, but now that they are grown she feels her life is 'unspeakably empty.' Nora promises to talk to Torvald about finding her a job. Kristine gently tells Nora that she is like a child. Nora is offended, so she tells her that she got money from 'some admirer' so they could travel to Italy to improve Torvald's health.
Henrik Ibsen (Author), Alana Jordan, Anna Simon, David Muncaster, Elizabeth Klett, Jordan Schneider, Miranda Stinson (Narrator)
Der liebe Augustin: Die Geschichte eines leichten Lebens remastered
Um den Bodensee herum ist der 1777 in Mittenwald geborene Augustin Sumser eine Legende. Nach der Flucht aus dem Priesterseminar geht er bei einem Geigenbauer in Mittenwald - und bei den Frauen - in die Lehre. Dieser Lehrzeit verdankt er auch seine Leidenschaft: Nach einer Liebesnacht schenkt ihm eine englische Lady als Andenken eine Spieldose, und der Zauber dieses Instruments lässt ihn auch während seiner unerwarteten diplomatischen Karriere nicht mehr los. Horst Wolfram Geißler erzählt die amüsante und abenteuerliche Lebensgeschichte des 'Lieben Augustin' vor dem Hintergrund der napoleonischen Kriege auf eine so leichte und dennoch fesselnde Art, dass man den Spieldosenbauer und Lebenskünstler gerne selbst kennen gelernt hätte.
Horst Wolfram Geißler (Author), Mike Maas (Narrator)
Whether in portraiture or in caricature, the world of the great Australian poet and short story writer, Henry Lawson, is filled with people to make you laugh and cry and experience every other emotion in between, and no more so than in this definitive collection of the Australian bard’s most enduring short stories. From The Bush Undertaker to The Driver’s Wife, the reader will live the adventure of late nineteenth century Australia and, at the same time, come to understand the ways of modern Australia. The humor and the pathos are both universal and timeless. The greatest hero and villain of these collected short stories remain and always will remain Henry Lawson’s Australia, a place of squatters, speilers, stragglers, swaggies, selectors, and a land of plenty of fortune and misfortune to go around. Henry Lawson (1867 –1922) was an Australian writer and bush poet. Along with his contemporary Banjo Paterson, Lawson is among the best-known Australian poets and fiction writers of the colonial period and is often called Australia's 'greatest short story writer.'
Henry Lawson (Author), Joe Jeney (Narrator)
The Rising of the Shield Hero Volume 05
Naofumi is off to the Cal Mira islands, where he plans to continue leveling up. Soon after arriving he meets a mysterious young man named l'Arc Berg. But how will this curious new character impact Naofumi's adventures? Surrounded by mystery and intrigue, Glass makes her second appearance. Aneko Yusagi's epic fantasy continues in volume 5!
Aneko Yusagi (Author), Matthew Bridges (Narrator)
If you're starting a thousand mile journey with a single step, you better make sure you're wearing comfy shoes. Abby Archer's life has rarely been better. As a newlywed, she and Steve have things just as she wants them. But when a big surprise leaves Abby confused, can she trust Steve to do things the way she needs them handled? Amanda Brooks' business had a rocky start, but she and Mandy are more energized than ever. Eddy's back too, and they're trying to navigate a new way forward. Work and love are both shaping up nicely when disaster strikes. Can the new presence in town wreck all their plans, or will Amanda square her shoulders and persevere? Donna has finally accepted her feelings for Will, and she's enjoying her job too. But working far from home has its own share of difficulties, and eventually her current job will end. When the retreat is built, will Donna find that tiny Manila is big enough to fulfill all her dreams? Return to Birch Creek to see how your favorite friends are navigating career, family life, and love with a little bit of laughter.
B. E. Baker (Author), Gail Shalan, Jennifer Jill Araya, Marni Penning (Narrator)
[German] - William Shakespeare: Die große Dramen Hörbuch Box: Zehn Komödien und Tragödien. Ungekürzt
Eine wahrhaft gigantische Shakespeare-Box präsentiert sich hier, mit den wohl berühmtesten Komödien und Tragödien des weltberühmten Autoren! Mit dabei in ungekürzter Darbietung: Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung, Romeo und Julia, Ein Sommernachtstraum, Viel Lärm um nichts, Wie es euch gefällt, Hamlet, Othello, König Lear, Macbeth, Der Sturm.
William Shakespeare (Author), Jürgen Fritsche (Narrator)
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