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The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Apocalypse
It’s the apocalypse—now what? Prepare for the end of civilization with the help of the world’s bestselling survival guide series and learn how to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. The doomsday clock is seconds from midnight. Extinction-level dangers draw closer with every tick. But fear not! Here is an indispensable guide to preparing for and surviving the ultimate in worst-case scenarios, with humor to lighten the load. You can’t panic if you’re laughing. Dozens of survival experts provide step-by-step instructions on how to pack a Go Bag in thirty minutes, how to make your bunker feel like home, how to survive an alien invasion, how to defeat a robot uprising, how to survive the next pandemic, how to fend off a hostile clan, how to eat insects and rodents, how to rebuild a utopian society, and many more tips for the end of the world as we know it.
David Borgenicht, Joshua Piven (Author), L.J. Ganser (Narrator)
الكتاب جاء فى 20 فصلًا، وكل فصل منها يتناول موضوعًا معينًا فى حياة الأزواج وكيف تتعامل فيه الزوجات بناء على ما تم تلقينه لها من نصائح وتعليمات وأوامر مسبقة. يدور الكتاب بالكامل وعبر فصوله عن معاناة الأزواج مع زوجاتهم والمشاكل 'المتشابهة' التى يشكو منها كل زوج على وجه الأرض، وردود الأفعال 'المتطابقة' لكل الستات فى المواقف المتشابهة، وكأن هناك 'سوفت وير' واحد لجميع الزوجات يحكم تصرفاتهم وردة أفعالهم، أو أن هناك دستورا سريا تقوم جميع الزوجات فى العالم باتباع قواعده بحذافيرها. يبرز الكتاب فكرة وجود أول زوجة على وجه الأرض والمسماة بـ 'ست الستات' والتى تصوغ نصائحها للأجيال القادمة من الزوجات.. النصائح خاصة بالتعامل مع الزوج فى مختلف المواقف، والشوبنج، والطبخ وشغل البيت والرجيم والرغى وجلسات النميمة والسوشيال ميديا والأسئلة المحرجة وطرق النكد المختلفة التى تنتهجها مع زوجها وغيرها من النصائح والتعليمات التى غالبا لا تحيد عنها أى زوجة، وعلى رأسها عدم الإجابة عندما يسألها الزوج عما يضايقها وتكون إجابتها الموحدة هى 'مفيش'، وقد صيغت هذه النصائح كلها فى كتاب سرى وتم حفظه فى مكان لا يعلمه إلا ست الستات وأعوانها، لكن الكاتب استطاع بطريقة ما الحصول على نسخة منه وقام بنقل ما جاء فيه للقراء. متن الكتاب مقدم على لسان ست الستات ويستهدف الزوجات بينما الهامش يتكلم فيه الكاتب معلقا عما جاء فى المتن مستهدفا الرجال.
د.تامر أحمد (Author), شيزان (Narrator)
[German] - Durchs irre Germanistan: Notizen aus der Ampel-Republik: Moralisch Weltspitze, klimabewus
Man kratzt sich am Kopf. War Deutschland nicht eben noch das beliebteste Land der Welt, beneideter Exportweltmeister und begehrter Investitionsstandort mit einer funktionierenden Verwaltung und bestens ausgebildeten Fachkräften? Der Dreiklang aus Demokratie, Marktwirtschaft und einer Arbeitsdisziplin, die im Rest der Welt zugleich gefürchtet und belächelt wird, hat den Ruf 'Made in Germany' zum Weltkulturerbe gemacht. Trotz aller Krisen galten die 16 Merkel-Jahre als goldene Epoche von Wachstum und pragmatischer Staatsführung im Zeichen der Raute. Ruhe war oberste Bürgerpflicht. Motto: 'Wir schaffen das.' Der Rest wurde mit Geld ruhiggestellt oder als 'rechtspopulistisch' abgestempelt. Knapp zwei Jahre später zeigt sich jedoch das wahre Erbe der Ex-Kanzlerin, die das Land in einen nachhaltigen Dämmerzustand versetzt hat: Die Realität schlägt mit Macht zurück, ob bei der verteidigungsunfähigen Bundeswehr oder der verfehlten Energiepolitik, ob in Sachen Flüchtlingskrise, Migration und Integration, Digitalisierung, Bildung oder Wohnungsbau. Im Land fehlt es buchstäblich an allem, besonders die tragende Mitte der Gesellschaft ist betroffen: Krankenschwestern und Pflegekräfte, Lehrer und Sozialarbeiter, Busfahrer, Handwerker, Polizeibeamte, Feuerwehrleute und Soldaten, also alle systemrelevanten Berufe. Zugleich strömen Hunderttausende Migranten ins Land, die keinen neuen Wirtschaftsboom ausgelöst haben, sondern in der Mehrheit lange arbeitslos sind und von Sozialleistungen leben. Währenddessen sorgt die Rente mit 63 dafür, dass Hunderttausende Fachkräfte vorzeitig in Pension gehen. Ein Irrsinn, der nur mit Humor zu nehmen ist. Leider gehört auch Humor zur Mangelware in der Ampel-Republik, denn Ironie passt nicht zur woken, politisch korrekten, achtsamen, diversen und nachhaltigen Gesellschaft, die niemanden zurücklassen will und eben deshalb nicht vorwärtskommt. Doch die Autoren wollen keine schlechte Stimmung verbreiten. Im Gegenteil. Sie beobachten, protokollieren und resümieren mit viel Humor und Liebe zum Detail, was in diesem merkwürdigen Land vorgeht und viele Zeitgenossen ratlos oder wütend zurücklässt: einen größenwahnsinnigen Moralismus, realitätsferne Illusionen, strukturell schlechte Laune und Angst vor der Freiheit, dazu eine Vollkasko-Mentalität und eine Apokalypse-versessene Wohlstandsverwahrlosung mit einer kräftigen Portion Geschichtsvergessenheit, die sich als 'Lehre aus der Geschichte' tarnt. Inhalt: Einleitung Kapitel 01 - Schöne Illusionen oder Die Realitätsblindheit der Bullerbü-Republik An Tagen wie diesen … Jeder will »wertgeschätzt« werden – aber wofür eigentlich? Frau Bas wünscht sich was Herr Habeck vertritt deutsche Interessen Was der Tagesschau wirklich wichtig ist . Dr. Montgomery und die Tyrannei der Ungeimpften Herr Lauterbach – Gesundheitsminister der Herzen . Politik, kinderleicht serviert Mühldorf: Keine Befüllung durch Unbefugte Herr Schuster ruft eine Bildungsoffensive aus . Henrike will es wissen Schöne neue Bullerbü-Welt Frau Wissler: Frieden schaffen ohne Hausaufgaben Gedöns war früher – heute ist Zusammenhalt! Frau Geywitz und die ländlichen Regionen Nackte Brüste sieht man besser Herr Steinmeier und die Märchen aus 1001 Nacht Mehr Mut zum Weniger! El Hotzo – die Stimme der Antifa Vorbild Deutschland! KAPITEL 02 Moralismus als neue Gratis-Tugend - die gute Absicht zählt Der Aktivismus – ein neues Berufsbild Der Fluch der blauen Kaffeetasse Frau Käßmann hat zu allem eine Meinung Söder, Sex & Circumstances Vielfalt – das neue Mantra einer Ersatzreligion Tierrechte: Menschlichkeit kennt keine Grenzen Herr Bangel erklärt sich für schuldig Was heißt hier Heimat? Ostermarsch forever: Der deutsche Pazifismus lebt! Nie wieder Bücherverbrennung? Warum nicht? Frau Faeser und das große Glück Sauberes Olympia – made by Faeser Wieso eigentlich arbeiten?
Henryk M. Broder, Mohr (Author), Matthias Ernst Holzmann (Narrator)
Procrastinate: Put It Off Yet Again, Maybe Do Some More Laundry, and Put the 'PRO' in Procrastinate
'Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.' – Mark Twain Feeling overwhelmed by the 'Just Do It!' and 'Get It Done!' mindset? Is your secret whisper more like, 'What if I just don't do it?' Then this book is for you! What you'll discover in this book: - Learn to feel good about not getting it done–ever! - Discover Passive Income Strategies based on the Procrastination Movement (see 'To Do Lists') - Create new calendars that (finally!) have days like 'Someday' and 'Never' - And so much more! Finally a book that rewards laundry, binge watching, and really getting those shower tiles to sparkle. Let's put the PRO in procrastinate! Grab your copy tomorrow! Seriously, what's the rush? It'll be there the next day, too. See, you're learning already! Become a PRO Procrastinator tomorrow! Author's Note: This is Book #1 in the 'Impossible Series: A Parody of S(h)elf Help.' It's a humorous play on the 'Repossible' Series (a 14-book collection of personal transformation) as a result of the 'Book in a Weekend' challenge which uses Improv Comedy techniques to take the book you really want to write and to first … write the opposite book.
Bradley Charbonneau, Michael Tertes (Author), Bradley Charbonneau, Michael Tertes (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2010: Series 70, 71 and 72 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show
Sandi Toksvig hosts these three sensational series of 'the finest topical panel game known to radio' For over 40 years, The News Quiz has been scrutinising the headlines to give us its unique, sardonic take on the stories that are making a splash. In these 25 episodes, we raid the archives from 2010 to rediscover the highs, lows and mediums of that action-packed year. Sandi Toksvig is in the chair once more, attempting to corral panellists including Micky Flanagan, Armando Iannucci, Fred MacAulay, Milton Jones, Gyles Brandreth, Bridget Christie, Will Smith, Ava Vidal and Danielle Ward. Together, they probe topics including Sarah Palin's Fox News gig; Greece's precarious economy; the eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull; the Commonwealth Games, Australia's Next Top Model, the General Election and the Conservative/LibDem coalition government - as well as the battling Milliband brothers and fibbing toddlers. Plus, newsreaders Carolyn Brown, Harriet Cass, Corrie Corfield, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, Rory Morrison and Neil Sleat light up each episode with the funny stories, misprints and typos sent in by listeners. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig Chair's script written by Stephen Carlin, Lucy Clarke, Rhodri Crooks, Gareth Gwynn, Simon Littlefield, John-Luke Roberts and James Sherwood With additional material by Jack Bernhardt, Carl Carter, Nathon Caton, Hannah George, Ivo Graham, Elliot Howe, Jon Hunter, Nadia Kamil, Lee Kern, James Kettle, Benjamin Partridge, John Robins, Dale Shaw, Russell Thompson, Andy Wolton and Mike Wozniak Produced by Sam Bryant and Victoria Lloyd A BBC Studios Production Series 70 featuring: Susan Calman, Jack Dee, Micky Flanagan, John Gordillo, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Milton Jones, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, Victoria Mather, Sue Perkins, Carrie Quinlan, Will Smith, Ava Vidal, Danielle Ward, Francis Wheen Series 71 featuring: Susan Calman, Jack Dee, Andy Hamilton, Armando Iannucci, Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, David Mitchell, Sue Perkins, Hugo Rifkind, Will Smith, Mark Steel, Ava Vidal, Danielle Ward, Francis Wheen Series 72 featuring: Gyles Brandreth, Rory Bremner, Susan Calman, Bridget Christie, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, Sue Perkins, Will Smith, Mark Steel, Ava Vidal, Francis Wheen News items read by Carolyn Brown, Harriet Cass, Corrie Corfield, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, Rory Morrison and Neil Sleat First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 8 January-26 February 2010 (Series 70), 16 April-11 June 2010 (Series 71), 24 September-12 November 2010 (Series 72) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.
Tbd (Author), Armando Iannucci, Bridget Christie, Fred Macaulay, Gyles Brandreth, Micky Flanagan, Milton Jones, Sandi Toksvig, Various (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2009: Series 67, 68 and 69 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show
Three series of the satirical radio panel show chaired by Sandi Toksvig Ever since 1977, The News Quiz has been finding the hilarity in the headlines and providing witty commentary on stories big and small. In these 25 episodes from 2009, the inimitable Sandi Toksvig is in the hot seat, presiding over an all-star panel of journalists and comedians. Bringing their A-game to the show are regulars including Jeremy Hardy, Andy Hamilton, Mark Steel, Francis Wheen, Sue Perkins and Carrie Quinlan, as well as relative newcomers such as Chris Addison, Phill Jupitus, Rory Bremner, Robin Ince and David Mitchell. Each episode brings a fresh crop of news for the team to get their teeth into, and among the topics under discussion are Barack Obama's first 100 days, MP's expenses, Twitter's shakedown of super-injunctions, North Korea's nuclear ambitions, the Iraq inquiry and the perils of drunken trampolining. Rounding off the proceedings are newsreaders Harriet Cass, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, Corrie Corfield, Neil Sleat, Carolyn Brown and Rory Morrison, with a selection of classic comic cuttings sent in by listeners. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig Chair's script written by Stephen Carlin, Lucy Clarke, Rhodri Crooks, Jon Hunter, Simon Littlefield, Suk Pannu, James Sherwood and Danielle Ward With additional material by Nathon Caton, Matt Charlton, Steve Day, Gary Delaney, Miriam Elia, Gareth Gwynn, Elliot Howe, James Kettle, Benjamin Partridge, Dale Phillips, Dominic Philpott, Rory Stamp, John-Luke Roberts and Holly Walsh Produced by Victoria Llloyd, Katie Tyrrell and Ed Morrish A BBC Studios Production Series 67 featuring: Chris Addison, Clive Anderson, Dave Gorman, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Laurence Howarth, Shappi Khorsandi, Phill Jupitus, Fred MacAulay, David Mitchell, Sue Perkins, Carrie Quinlan, Mark Steel, Danielle Ward, Francis Wheen Series 68 featuring: Rory Bremner, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Robin Ince, Phill Jupitus, Josie Long, Fred MacAulay, Sue Perkins, Steve Punt, Carrie Quinlan, Hugo Rifkind, Mark Steel, Danielle Ward, Francis Wheen, Andy Zaltzman Series 69 featuring: Rory Bremner, Simon Evans, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Robin Ince, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, David Mitchell, Andy Parsons, Sue Perkins, Carrie Quinlan, Hugo Rifkind, Paul Sinha, Mark Steel, Holly Walsh, Danielle Ward, Francis Wheen News items read by Harriet Cass, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, Corrie Corfield, Neil Sleat, Carolyn Brown and Rory Morrison First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 9 January-27 February 2009 (Series 67), 1 May-19 June 2009 (Series 68), 25 September-20 November 2009 (Series 69) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.
Tbd (Author), Andy Hamilton, Carrie Quinlan, David Mitchell, Jeremy Hardy, Mark Steel, Rory Bremner, Sandi Toksvig, Sue Perkins, Various (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2011: Series 73, 74 and 75 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show
Three more series of the satirical radio panel show chaired by Sandi Toksvig Sandi Toksvig, 'probably the funniest person in the English-speaking world' (The Guardian), is our host for these 25 episodes of the perennially popular comedy news quiz, first broadcast between New Year's Eve 2010 and 4 November 2011. Joining her to poke fun at stories big and small are a panel of illustrious players including Roisin Conaty, Dominic Lawson, Richard Herring, Tom Wrigglesworth, Henning Wehn, Imran Yusuf, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Laura Solon, Sarah Millican and Paul Sinha. Among the headlines grabbing their attention are Sky Sport's own goal, bankers' bonuses, shrinking clinks, cohabitee's rights, iPhone's tracking abilitites, celebrity gagging orders, Wikileaks whistleblowing, the Higgs-Boson particle, internet dating scams and Mary Portas' charity shop challenge - plus David Cameron's KGB recruitment attempt and Theresa May's cat spat. Giving us a round-up of the comic cuttings sent in by listeners are newsreaders Carolyn Brown, Harriet Cass, Corrie Corfield, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, Rory Morrison and Neil Sleat. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig Chair's script written by Carl Carter, Lucy Clarke, Rhodri Crooks, Gareth Gwynn, Jane Lamacraft, Simon Littlefield, John-Luke Roberts and Danielle Ward Produced by Victoria Lloyd, Sam Bryant, Katie Tyrrell and Lyndsay Fenner A BBC Studios Production Series 73 featuring: Jo Brand, Susan Calman, Roisin Conaty, Justin Edwards, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Dominic Holland, Phill Jupitus, Miles Jupp, Andrew Lawrence, Fred MacAulay, Sue Perkins, Carrie Quinlan, Hugo Rifkind, Paul Sinha, Mark Steel, Henning Wehn, Danielle Ward, Francis Wheen, Imran Yusuf Series 74 featuring: Rory Bremner, Susan Calman, Bridget Christie, Jack Dee, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Richard Herring, Armando Iannucci, Miles Jupp, Russell Kane, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Sarah Millican, Matthew Parris, Hugo Rifkind, Will Smith, Mark Steel Series 75 featuring: Marcus Brigstocke, Susan Calman, Bridget Christie, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Phill Jupitus, Dominic Lawson, Fred MacAulay, Sarah Millican, Bob Mills, Matthew Parris, Hugo Rifkind, Paul Sinha, Laura Solon, Tom Wrigglesworth News items read by Carolyn Brown, Harriet Cass, Corrie Corfield, Peter Donaldson, Charlotte Green, Rory Morrison and Neil Sleat First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 31 December 2010-25 February 2011 (Series 73), 15 April-3 June 2011 (Series 74), 9 September-4 November 2011 (Series 75) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.
Tbd (Author), Dominic Lawson, Laura Solon, Paul Sinha, Richard Herring, Roisin Conaty, Sandi Toksvig, Sarah Millican, Tom Wrigglesworth, Various (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2012: Series 76, 77 and 78 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show
Sandi Toksvig chairs the satirical radio panel show in this trio of series from 2012 2012 was full of historic milestones - London hosted the Olympics, the Queen celebrated her Diamond Jubilee, and The News Quiz marked its 35th anniversary. Sandi Toksvig is in the chair for these three series, as the team debate these and other top stories of the year. Series 76 spans the 2011 Christmas period, and sees the show getting festive with a seasonal edition and a panto special, Oh No It Isn't... The News Quiz. Co-written by John Finnemore, it features a host of guest stars including Michael Buerk, Barry Cryer, Nicholas Parsons and Kirsty Young. With normal service resumed in the New Year, the panel take on headlines including HS2, Fred Goodwin's shredded reputation, gender equality in the boardroom, the Paralympics, Cameron's cabinet reshuffle, Nick Clegg's tuition fees apology, the Edinburgh Agreement on the Scottish referendum - and Hurricane Sandy. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig Produced by Victoria Lloyd, Lyndsay Fenner, Sam Bryant and Ben Walker A BBC Studios Production Oh No It Isn't... The News Quiz written by Kevin Baker and John Finnemore Produced by Victoria Lloyd and Lyndsay Fenner Series 76 featuring: Tom Allen, Susan Calman, Roisin Conaty, John Finnemore, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, Bob Mills, Simon Munnery, Sue Perkins, Steve Punt, Hugo Rifkind, Alexei Sayle, Mark Steel, Rick Wakeman Oh No It Isn't... The News Quiz featuring: Adjoa Andoh, Roger Bolton, Michael Buerk, Susan Calman, Barry Cryer, John Finnemore, Peter Gibbs, Jeremy Hardy, Andy Hamilton, Fred MacAulay, Gerard McDermott, Nicholas Parsons, Libby Purves, Eric Robson, Graham Seed, Tom Sutcliffe, Peter White, Matthew Wilson, Kirsty Young Series 77 featuring: Rory Bremner, Ed Byrne, Susan Calman, Jo Caulfield, Bridget Christie, Roisin Conaty, Matt Forde, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Miles Jupp, Shappi Khorsandi, Andy Hamilton, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Bob Mills, Justin Moorhouse, Hugo Rifkind, Mark Steel, Rick Wakeman, Francis Wheen Series 78 featuring: Susan Calman, Roisin Conaty, Kevin Day, Michael Deacon, Nick Doody, Justin Edwards, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Andy Hamilton, Phill Jupitus, Lloyd Langford, Fred MacAulay, Francesca Martinez, Sarah Millican, Bob Mills, Hugo Rifkind, Francis Wheen, Cal Wilson First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 23 December 2011-10 February 2012 (Series 76), 6 April-1 June 2012 (Series 77), 7 September-2 November 2012 (Series 78) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd
Tbd (Author), Barry Cryer, Kirsty Young, Michael Buerk, Nicholas Parsons, Sandi Toksvig, Various (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2013: Series 79, 80, 81 and 82 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show
Sandi Toksvig is in the chair for this sparkling quartet of series from 2013 Hosted once again by the incomparable Sandi Toksvig, these four series of the satirical radio panel game take us through all the big stories of 2013, the year of Obama's inaugaration, Margaret Thatcher's funeral, Prince George's birth and Andy Murray's first Wimbledon win. Series 79 features a 'Best of 2012' compilation show and 'The News Now Quiz Show', hosted by Rory Bremner, which sees Sandi and fellow News Quizzer Jeremy Hardy take on The Now Show's Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis in the ultimate topical smackdown. And the specials don't stop there: Series 81 also includes an Edinburgh edition, recorded at the Fringe Festival. Among the topics under discussion in these four series are undercover policemen, filibusting senators, private prisons, Kim Jong-un, British culture vultures, the roll-out of universal credit, and David Dimbleby's tattoo. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig The News Now Quiz Show hosted by Rory Bremner Produced by Lyndsay Fenner, Martha Owen, Sam Bryant and Sam Michell A BBC Studios Production Series 79 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Jo Brand, Katy Brand, Susan Calman, Roisin Conaty, Nick Doody, Daniel Finkelstein, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, Francesca Martinez, Bob Mills, Sue Perkins, Susan Rae, Hugo Rifkind, Mark Steel, Francis Wheen The News Now Quiz Show featuring: Hugh Dennis, Jeremy Hardy, Steve Punt, Sandi Toksvig Series 80 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Katy Brand, Ed Byrne, Susan Calman, Bridget Christie, Roisin Conaty, Daniel Finkelstein, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Bob Mills, Justin Moorhouse, Hugo Rifkind, Francis Wheen Series 81 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Susan Calman, Nathan Caton, Roisin Conaty, Jason Cook, Justin Edwards, Matt Forde, Jeremy Hardy, Miles Jupp, Katy Brand, Julia Hartley-Brewer, Fred MacAulay, Francesca Martinez, Andrew Maxwell, Bob Mills, Justin Moorhouse, Vicki Pepperdine, Jon Richardson, Hugo Rifkind Series 82 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Katy Brand, Susan Calman, Grace Dent, Justin Edwards, Rebecca Front, Jeremy Hardy, Rufus Hound, Miles Jupp, Phill Jupitus, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Bob Mills, Greg Proops, Hugo Rifkind News items read by Carolyn Brown, Corrie Corfield, Harriet Cass, Kathy Clugston, Susan Rae, Neil Sleat and Zeb Soanes First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 21 December 2012-8 February 2013 (Series 79), 12 April-10 May 2013 (Series 80), 28 June-9 August 2013 (Series 81), 8 November-20 December 2013 (Series 82) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.
Tbd (Author), Hugh Dennis, Jeremy Hardy, Rory Bremner, Sandi Toksvig, Steve Punt, Various (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2014: Series 83, 84 and 85 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy panel show
Three fantastic series of the satirical radio panel game from 2014 In these 26 episodes, we turn the clock back to 2014 - the year when Scotland said 'no' to independence, Ukrainians ousted their pro-Russia president in the Maidan Revolution, and the European Space Agency's Philae probe made its historic first landing on a comet. Sandi Toksvig is in the chair for every show bar one, in which Susan Calman steps in as temporary host. Subjects on the table for the team include NHS pay, a badger crash, commuter train standards, Russian activities in Crimea, dietary health scares, passport delays and black cab strikes. Giving us the skinny on these and many other stories are panellists including Kevin Day, David Mitchell, Romesh Ranganathan, Jo Brand, Angela Barnes, Sarah Millican, Lucy Porter, Paul Sinha and Tom Wrigglesworth - as well as Olympic gold medallist Duncan Goodhew, who joins the team for a 'Sport Relief' special. Bringing a touch of class to the cuttings are newsreaders Kathy Clugston, Corrie Corfield, Susan Rae, Neil Sleat, Zeb Soanes and - making her debut appearance - Diana Speed. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig Series 83, Episode 9 chaired by Susan Calman Chair's script written by Jack Bernhardt, James Bugg, Lucy Clarke, Rhodri Crooks, Gareth Gwynn, Jon Hunter, Simon Littlefield, Tom Neenan, Benjamin Partridge, John-Luke Roberts and Andy Wolton Produced by Lyndsay Fenner, Katie Tyrrell and Sam Michell A BBC Studios Production Series 83 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Katy Brand, Susan Calman, Kevin Day, Duncan Goodhew, Jeremy Hardy, Elis James, Phill Jupitus, Miles Jupp, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Bob Mills, David Mitchell, Justin Moorhouse, Sara Pascoe, Lucy Porter, Romesh Ranganathan, Hugo Rifkind, Paul Sinha, Mark Steel, Holly Walsh, Tom Wrigglesworth Series 84 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Susan Calman, Rebecca Front, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Elis James, Fred MacAulay, Bob Mills, David Mitchell, Justin Moorhouse, Sara Pascoe, Lucy Porter, Romesh Ranganathan, Hugo Rifkind, Katherine Ryan, Holly Walsh Series 85 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Angela Barnes, Jo Brand, Susan Calman, Rebecca Front, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Camilla Long, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Sarah Millican, Bob Mills, Sara Pascoe, Lucy Porter, Romesh Ranganathan, Hugo Rifkind, John Robins, Mark Steel, Holly Walsh News items read by Kathy Clugston, Corrie Corfield, Susan Rae, Neil Sleat, Zeb Soanes and Diana Speed First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 14 February-11 April 2014 (Series 83), 6 June-25 July 2014 (Series 84), 24 October-19 December 2014 (Series 85) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.
Tbd (Author), Angela Barnes, David Mitchell, Jo Brand, Lucy Porter, Paul Sinha, Romesh Ranganathan, Sandi Toksvig, Sarah Millican, Susan Calman, Tom Wrigglesworth, Various (Narrator)
The News Quiz 2015: Sandi Toksvig's Final Shows: Series 86 and 87 of the topical BBC Radio 4 comedy
Sandi Toksvig is at the helm for two final series of the satirical radio panel game After nine years, 28 series and over 220 episodes in the hot seat, Sandi Toksvig stepped down from The News Quiz at the end of Series 87. These two superlative series are her last hurrah - and our last chance to enjoy her unique blend of wit, warmth and intelligence, as she leads the panel in a whimsical review of the headlines. Jeremy Hardy and Susan Calman both take a turn in the chair, but for 12 of these 14 episodes, Sandi is at the helm as they take a wry look at the news in all its larger-than-life glory. Topics on the agenda include the threat of a 'Grexit', the re-internment of Richard III, MPs' salaries the dangers of skinny jeans, head transplants, French food waste and middle-class bees... Slogging it out to come up with the funniest jokes on these disparate subjects are players including Craig Ainsley, Elis James, Samira Ahmed, Fred MacAulay, Romesh Ranganathan, Susan Calman, BJ Novak, Sara Pascoe, Phill Jupitus and Helen Zaltzman. Reading out the amusing misprints, typos and innuendos sent in by listeners are Corrie Corfield, Kathy Clugston, Susan Rae, Neil Sleat, Zeb Soanes and Diana Speed. Production credits Chaired by Sandi Toksvig Series 86, Episode 5 chaired by Jeremy Hardy Series 86, Episode 7 chaired by Susan Calman Chair's script written by Jack Bernhardt, James Bugg, Lucy Clarke, Max Davis, Jon Hunter, Gabby Hutchinson Crouch, James Kettle, Simon Littlefield, Tom Neenan, John-Luke Roberts and Andy Wolton With additional material by Ed Amsden, Liam Byrne, Sarah Campbell, Tom Coles, Ben Harris, Daniel Hooper, Jenny Laville, Robin Morgan, Keiron Nicholson and Matilda Wnek Produced by Richard Morris and Lyndsay Fenner A BBC Studios Production Series 86 featuring: Craig Ainsley, Samira Ahmed, Susan Calman, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Elis James, Phill Jupitus, Sam Leith, Camilla Long, Fred MacAulay, Andrew Maxwell, Bob Mills, BJ Novak, Sara Pascoe, Romesh Ranganathan, Hugo Rifkind, Mark Steel, Holly Walsh Series 87 featuring: Samira Ahmed, Susan Calman, Rebecca Front, Andy Hamilton, Jeremy Hardy, Elis James, Miles Jupp, Phill Jupitus, Fred MacAulay, Bob Mills, Justin Moorhouse, Lucy Porter, Hugo Rifkind, Mark Steel, Holly Walsh, Francis Wheen, Helen Zaltzman News items read by Corrie Corfield, Kathy Clugston, Susan Rae, Neil Sleat, Zeb Soanes and Diana Speed First broadcast on BBC Radio 4, 20 February-3 April 2015 (Series 86), 15 May-26 June 2015 (Series 85) © 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P) 2023 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.
Tbd (Author), Elis James, Fred Macaulay, Jeremy Hardy, Phill Jupitus, Romesh Ranganathan, Sandi Toksvig, Susan Calman, Various (Narrator)
CYNIC, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Written over three decades as a series of instalments for magazines and newspapers, The Devil’s Dictionary is a charmingly eccentric satirical dictionary that tackles all aspects of life with caustic humour and cutting observation. Few are safe as Bierce targets everything from politics (‘A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage’), marriage (‘A household consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves, making in all, two’) and religion (‘A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable’) to lawyers (‘One skilled in circumvention of the law’). This audiobook edition contains over 1,000 entries, combining the complete first edition published in 1911 with definitions attributed to Bierce’s earlier ‘Demon’s Dictionary’ column.
Ambrose Bierce (Author), Robert G Slade (Narrator)
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