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Maximizing Success in Every Tick: Mastering the Art of Productivity and Prosperity
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. In 'Maximizing Success in Every Tick: Mastering the Art of Productivity and Prosperity,' discover the transformative power of time management. Uncover the secrets to setting priorities, overcoming procrastination, and implementing time-saving strategies. From entrepreneurial endeavors to personal growth, delve into effective planning, efficient communication, and the financial implications of time. This guide is your roadmap to unlocking the currency of success—time—offering practical insights to elevate your productivity and achieve lasting prosperity. Time is your greatest asset; learn to harness its potential and maximize success in every tick.
Ranjot Singh Chahal (Author), Digital Voice Praveen G (Narrator)
INVESTING FOR FREEDOM: Building wealth one house at a time
An easy to follow guide that will help you to create REAL income through real estate investing! Create a passive income through investing in real estate. Learn how to find properties with good longterm possibilites. Learn to negotiate and make sure that every deal you make is a good one. Learn about how to rehab a property, how to deal with tenants and how to maximize your return on investment. Learn how to create passive invome and then keep that money coming for years! This book contains all the tools and technique you need to be a successful rental property investor! Read stories about real life deals, see the numbers of real life deals and learn everything you need to know about how to buy your first rental property!
Lars Dyrendahl (Author), Jeremy Brown (Narrator)
[German] - Die Bibel der Investition in Mietimmobilien: Das Standardwerk, um intelligent zu investie
Dieses Hörbuch wird von einer digitalen Stimme erzählt. Suchen Sie eine umfassende Ausbildung in der Investition in Mietimmobilien? Sie haben eine Kreditfähigkeit und möchten mit einer strukturierten Strategie in den Mietwohnungsbau einsteigen? Wenn Sie Ihre finanzielle Freiheit mithilfe von Mietimmobilien aufbauen möchten, ist dieses Buch genau das Richtige für Sie und hilft Ihnen beim Aufbau Ihrer persönlichen Strategie. An wen richtet sich dieses Buch? Der typische Leser dieses Buches kennt die Grundbegriffe des Immobiliengeschäfts. Was er wirklich will, ist zu verstehen, wie man auf intelligente Weise in Mietimmobilien investiert und dabei überdurchschnittlich gut abschneidet. Dazu muss man etwas anders machen als der Durchschnitt. Was werden Sie in diesem Buch lernen? In diesem Buch erfahren Sie auf möglichst umfassende und zusammenfassende Weise : - Die optimale Art und Weise, im aktuellen Umfeld in Immobilien zu investieren (anders als die Papa-Methoden, zu denen die Volksweisheit oft rät), und zwar sowohl in die nackte als auch in die möblierte Vermietung. - Die wichtigsten Begriffe, die man kennen sollte, insbesondere diejenigen, auf die intelligente Mietimmobilieninvestoren Wert legen und die 'allzu amateurhafte' Investoren oft vergessen: Cashflow, Arbeiten, Gelassenheit... - Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die richtige Methode, wenn es an der Zeit ist, zu handeln und zur Praxis überzugehen. Jetzt liegt es an Ihnen, Ihr Leben zu verändern! LERNEN SIE JETZT, HANDELN SIE MORGEN UND ERNTEN SIE JEDEN TAG.
Aleksi Giorgi (Author), Digitale Stimme Gabriela G (Narrator)
The Economics of Life: A Guide to Personal Economics and Happiness
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Here is a simple book, a simple guide, primarily addressed to simple folks – non-economists. The book is also addressed to professional economists, economic advisors to governments and the economic science academics and researchers. The author firmly believes that economics ought to be a personal science, not just a theoretical science, urging the economists to integrate their economic science and public policy with the personal economics pursued by the non-economists. At the same time, he urges the non-economist community to understand the economic essentials and develop our own economics. The goal is to live a happy life, no matter what our economic condition is. We ought not to permit professional economics at the macro level and money to dominate our personal lives, our goals, and our economic wellbeing. The book is a guide to developing personal economics for personal lives, where we do not suffer from lack of understanding of money-driven economics and be able to take personal economic decisions for individual happiness, at any stage in life. The book will give everyone a framework to develop their own economics and derive happiness by taking the right economic decisions not dictated by money alone or by governments and regulators and public policy makers. Happy journey through the economic prison to economic freedom. And economic wellbeing.
D C Anjaria (Author), Digital Voice Archie G (Narrator)
[Spanish] - El Poder del Ahorro: Claves para una Vida Económica Exitosa
Este audiolibro está narrado por una voz digital. 'El Poder del Ahorro: Claves para una Vida Económica Exitosa' es una guía indispensable para aquellos que desean tomar el control de sus finanzas y construir un futuro financiero sólido. Desde establecer metas financieras hasta aprender estrategias para aumentar los ingresos y reducir gastos, este libro ofrece consejos prácticos y estrategias efectivas para el ahorro y la inversión inteligente. Con un enfoque en la planificación a largo plazo y el manejo de deudas, este libro es una herramienta esencial para alcanzar la estabilidad financiera y una vida económica exitosa.
Amanpreet Kaur (Author), Voz Digital Laura G (Narrator)
Money Management for the Faithful
Bridging the gap between our faith and our finances can often be a challenging endeavor. Without understanding the gospel principles that lead us to prosperity and success, we can find ourselves on the wrong path, seeking easy money, making bad investments, and falling into debt. In Money Management for the Faithful, author Scott Carter shows us how to use our understanding of the Lord's teachings to enhance our financial well-being and alleviate our financial woes. Open the door to financial success, align your wealth with your beliefs, and embrace a future of abundance guided by divine principles. This book will help readers: • Understand Heavenly Father's plan for them when charting their financial goals • Plan to participate in the Law of Tithing, and see the blessings that come from doing so • Teach children how to manage their own finances • Embody the aspects of provident living to ensure their prosperity • Utilize their finances to enhance their eternal marriage • Discipline themselves to manage their time, and ensure they do not fall behind on debt payments. The Lord wishes to see all of his children prosper, and Scott Carter teaches us how to recognize his presence in our lives as we plan for our financial futures. We need not look at our finances with fear, but with faith.
Scott Carter (Author), Scott Carter (Narrator)
609 Letters Templates & Credit Repair Secrets
Ready to conquer bad credit and embrace financial freedom? Dive into '609 Letters Templates & Credit Repair Secrets,' your ultimate companion for a beginner-friendly, US-focused approach to credit repair.This comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step approach for beginners focused on the US territory, aiming to increase credit scores beyond +800 through legal 609 loopholes.
Bradley Caulfield (Author), Jim Rising (Narrator)
Credit Repair Secrets Workbook: Build Your Credit Line And Revolve Cards Debts Using The Dispute Let
Unlock Financial Stability with the Ultimate Credit Repair Workbook!Are financial stability and a respectable credit line your goals? If your current credit report is holding you back, fear not! The 'Credit Repair Secrets Workbook' is your comprehensive guide to turning your financial situation around. Key Features:
Bradley Caulfield (Author), Jim Rising (Narrator)
'Embark on a journey of financial transformation with 'Dollars Want Me' by Henry Harrison Brown. This audiobook reveals timeless principles on the relationship between individuals and wealth. Brown challenges conventional notions, asserting that money is a force eager to circulate and flow toward those who understand its nature. Uncover the keys to unlocking abundance, transforming your mindset towards prosperity, and manifesting the financial well-being you desire. 'Dollars Want Me' serves as a practical guide for anyone seeking a harmonious and prosperous relationship with money.'
Henry Harrison Brown (Author), Ruth Cardy (Narrator)
Retirement Planning for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Savings, Maximizing Income, and
This audiobook is narrated by a digital voice. Are you ready to take the first step towards a secure and fulfilling retirement but unsure where to begin? 'Retirement Planning for Beginners' is essential for anyone standing at the threshold of their golden years, seeking a clear and confident path forward. This book is tailored for beginners who want to understand the fundamentals of retirement planning without getting lost in a maze of financial jargon. Whether you're in your twenties and just starting to save or in your fifties with retirement on the horizon, this book will equip you with the knowledge and tools to prepare effectively. Inside 'Retirement Planning for Beginners,' you'll discover how to: - Set realistic retirement goals and create a timeline that works for you. - Navigate the world of retirement accounts, from IRAs to employer-sponsored plans. - Invest wisely with an eye on risk, diversification, and long-term growth. - Maximize your Social Security benefits and integrate them with other income sources. - Plan for taxes, healthcare, and estate considerations to protect your wealth. With 'Retirement Planning for Beginners,' you'll gain the confidence to make informed decisions that pave the way for a stable and enjoyable retirement. Don't leave your future to chance—start building the foundation for your dream retirement today. Take action now and secure your copy of 'Retirement Planning for Beginners.' Your future self will thank you!
Calvin Boswell (Author), Digital Voice Mike G (Narrator)
William Synesius, entrepreneur et investisseur accompli, t'ouvre les portes de son succès. De salarié frustré à la possession de plus de 50 biens immobiliers, il partage ses stratégies infaillibles pour investir judicieusement aux Antilles et en France hexagonale. Au-delà de l’immobilier, ce livre te dévoile comment sécuriser l'avenir de tes proches en investissant dans la pierre, créer une retraite solide, et améliorer tes conditions de vie. L'argent, cet outil puissant, devient le moyen de réaliser tes rêves et d'atteindre l'indépendance financière. Découvre l'histoire inspirante de l'auteur, un écorché vif qui a surmonté l'adversité pour devenir libre financièrement. Ces 20 euros investis dans ce livre seront les plus rentables de ta vie, surtout si tu es un salarié en quête de sécurité financière et de sens à ta vie. Rejoins notre communauté LYANNAJ et ensemble, nous serons plus forts pour atteindre nos objectifs financiers. Saisis cette opportunité unique, ouvre le livre, et explore les possibilités infinies qui t'attendent. L'indépendance financière est à portée de main. Ansanm nou pli fò. Will.
William Synesius (Author), Meily Chen (Narrator)
Your Journey to Financial Freedom: A Step-by-Step Guide to Achieving Wealth and Happiness
Podcaster Jamila Souffrant shows how to skyrocket your savings, blast through debt and ultimately accelerate your unique and truly epic journey to financial freedom and independence Our fast-paced world prioritizes the productive busybody-financial security alwaysseems to rule over the insatiable hankering for a Friday night splurge. However, Jamila Souffrant argues that you can in fact spend and save responsibly, all while enjoying that extra side of guacamole. As a wife, mother of three and first-generation Jamaican immigrant, Jamila knows all too well the struggles of saving for tomorrow while spending liberally today. Her voice resonates with the dynamic and diverse population of everyday people who long to break free from smart-spending rules and money-saving ultimatums that reek of joylessness. Now, in her first book, Jamila offers her seasoned expertise in Your Journey to Financial Freedom, providing readers with the resources they need to not only save for cake but eat it, too.
Jamila Souffrant (Author), Jamila Souffrant (Narrator)
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